
Villain Across Worlds

- Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s) A person gets reincarnated into Remnant/RWBY with only his meta knowledge and good semblance ability to manipulate aura one problem though... His already bored what this world has and wants to leave so he'll become a villain on his path to become God and escape his world to bring despair and powers beyond that of his wildest dreams. For that he'll become a villain to do what he wants to escape and travel the multiverse to see how he sees fit no matter the cost or blood left in his wake. (Also it's Dark at times you have been warned.)

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 22: Merlot Industries

~Third POV~

Meanwhile, as the two are busy heading towards the remains of Merlot Industries Neo finally managed to meet Roman and other grunts working on the second phase of the plan.

Just as she happily walked her way up to Roman, he looked at her with a smirk as he began to talk to her familiarly welcome then confused as he motions his finger up in the end, "Ah. Hello, Neo, glad for you to make it here but aren't you supposed to be with against the creepy nasties above?"

At this, she changed her appearance using her semblance to change into Happy Man as Roman made an ahh sound and expression of understanding. He then sighs at this shaking his head about Jae and Penny, "Great… at least with those two around the Grimm won't bother much in this place. Although he should do something about the robot soon…"

Glancing at this Neo began to tilt her head in confusion as Roman began to explain to her what was happening behind the scenes in a serious tone, "Huh? Guess you haven't heard what happened after the docks. Old Irondick sent his dogs to deal with getting his little project back at all cost guess the kid should be more careful."

Neo expressed a surprised look while Roman nodded as well but then Neo began to reply using her scroll to say what she wanted to say, 'Really! But if it's that guy then I'm not as concerned he's used to taking care of rats. However, if it's those Atlas elites it could be problematic even for him.'

Nodding his head at this Roman returned his glance at the grunts as he began to reply to Neo in an uncaring tone to her, "But I guess that's what he gets if he bites too much from this android. For now, though we have our hides to save from that Cinder bitch."

Agreeing to that while Neo does have some friendly ties to Jae, she isn't loyal to him a friend perhaps an ally that is an exaggeration since her ally is Roman but a friend to Jae at the very least.

Equals perhaps but not surely ally as it was all in business but in a friendly manner. Although Neo does frown at the idea as she replies to Roman about him, 'True but then again though he has been fun to be around. And extremely competent help with few heists so he does have some worth?'

Roman merely glanced weirdly at Neo as he merely shrugs the idea as he responds to her in a somewhat surprised voice, "Well I'll be damn Neo. Didn't know you like the kid to care since when?"

Neo just shrugs as it's what she thought since Jae's been the other person to accept her next to Roman. Although she did enjoy his company to hang around with Roman ignores this as he began to talk to her in an uncaring tone as he spoke, "Maybe it's the fact you hang around with him as you are attached to him. But at least you're making friends at least although you are older than the guy. But how about we save our hides first before worrying about others first ok Neo?"

At this Neo can agree as she nodded her head. After all, they have their hides to worry about at the moment as they began to set up the second phase of the Cinder plan…

Elsewhere Jae and Penny began to search the place till they finally found the place they were looking for…

Merlot Industries…

Merlot Industries was a corporation that appeared in the video game RWBY: Grimm Eclipse, where it played a major role in the plot even though it has yet to be mentioned or appear in the series itself.

Merlot Industries was a research and development corporation that had its main facility in the ill-fated settlement of Mountain Glenn. It was founded by Doctor Merlot.

The corporation initially led research into artificial intelligence and genetics. However, they began experimenting on live Grimm, later going as far as attracting Grimm to Mountain Glenn to acquire additional specimens, with disastrous results.

The corporation lost its primary facility as well as many of its chief staff officers in the fall of Mountain Glenn. It was unable to recover from this blow, shutting down shortly after.

~Jae POV~

Man fighting the Grimm to get here was a pretty simple job with our semblances. Especially the <Sun Empowerment> making it easy to have superman powers. Even if it nerfs it's fucking strong as hell.

Shame I can't go all out using it here though since I don't want to destroy Mountain Glenn's former city. Also, for the chance to destroy this Merlot Industry building standing as I need to figure out more about this place recalling the events in my previous world.

I got this from what I remembered from the RWBY wiki and playing the game RWBY: Grimm Eclipse.

According to the game after the fall of Mountain Glenn many years later, Merlot Industries technology began reappearing in the Emerald Forest, where the security network was also mysteriously sabotaged. Large cages bearing the logo of the defunct corporation were also found in the area, which Peter Port speculated were intended for capturing live Grimm specimens.

To investigate, Team RWBY headed to the corporation's abandoned facility in Mountain Glenn, which was booby-trapped with a large bomb. The team also encountered mysterious mutant Creeps in the subterranean ruins of the city.

Further facilities were also found in Forever Fall forest, including a Grimm holding facility and a large dock where corporation ships load and offload their cargo. Upon investigation, Team RWBY encountered more mutant species of Grimm, including mutant Beowolves.

After accidentally stowing away on a cargo ship, Team RWBY learned that Doctor Merlot had survived the fall of Mountain Glenn, relocating to a remote island where he continued his research into Grimm, using a serum that caused mutations.

Team RWBY fought their way past Merlot's security androids and hordes of his mutants, eventually defeating an enormous mutant Death Stalker. Defeated, Merlot then destroyed his laboratory, apparently putting an end to Merlot Industries.

Remembering that people do explore the possibility of Grimm biology we have to capture and study it. But it's incredibly difficult to capture and keep Grimm in captivity and that study of Grimm has left scientists with more questions than answers where facilities are created as such and Merlot Industries is one such place.

Merlot Industries has had more success than others, but their research ultimately destroyed Mountain Glenn because of their crazy psycho founder Doctor Merlot.

The sole reason why I came after this place is to get my hands on getting cloned Silver Eyes from Ruby DNA samples, I got from her blood sample that she is unaware of how I got it using my <Telekinesis> semblance.

To be fair though she is too innocent and naïve to notice the small things at times, so it wasn't that hard to get a sample of her during a sparring match during Goodwitch combat class to get it when I face them.

Not that hard as I made sure to use it stealthily as possible because no one would notice her bleeding if I was a little rough and used <Telekinesis> to poke a hole in her just enough to take the small sample of blood in the process.

That was the easy part, but I didn't stop there as I also took a blood sample of Weiss Schnee with her family hereditary semblance… <Glyphs>. It was that simple to get their blood DNA unnoticed and since the doctor worked on genetically mutated Grimm that must mean that Doctor Merlot must be good at genetics.

One of the company's greatest inventions is Doctor Merlot's serum, a glowing green substance that was capable of creating mutant Grimm with highly enhanced strength and size, as well as brand new capabilities depending on the species.

When Creeps are exposed to the serum, they become explosive and will seek out enemies and detonate near them. Mutant Beowolves are capable of firing a line of spikes that erupt out through the ground as a ranged attack.

The most dangerous Grimm created by Merlot was a mutant Death Stalker which gained a variety of new attacks and was even capable of spawning another Grimm. Have to admit though it's crazy and brilliant at the same time.

But what's more surprising is the interesting fact is that remembering that according to RWBY: Combat Ready Doctor Merlot is also capable of creating Grimm hybrids. His methods of doing so are currently unknown….

I for one want to know how it was done and how it can be used on humans to grant them different abilities as well as he did for Grimm. Maybe the chance to create a new superhuman serum could be made as well.

Apart from the mutants, Merlot also created two variants of powerful combat androids, one armed with a spear or glaive-like weapon and the other armed with a machine gun and grenade launcher. These were used as security to defend Merlot's island.

Doctor Merlot has briefly mentioned androids capable of repairing equipment fast and efficiently. Other inventions include large cages intended for capturing live Grimm specimens and unspecified equipment for sabotaging anti-Grimm security networks and CCT towers which were used on two security networks in the Emerald Forest and three CCT towers found on Merlot's island.

Just the amount of technology just untapped by a mad man like him around creating and researching such targets to improve the Grimm race as well grant them new abilities in the process.

But at times like these though entering inside a heavily technological place like this it was worth it coming here after dealing with the crown getting such a versatile semblance. Especially since I would like how the idiots of those twins captured this guy semblance is busted at the time but kept a short lease till Jax felt he was done with him turned to Aura vessel to Gillian for their army.

The semblance is called <Technology> the user simply channels an electric current from his thoughts or body parts to activate it using aura to fuel it. This allows the user to manipulate technology or electricity in general as the previous guy memories were shown to command small flying drones, computers, or Bullheads.

But it's very energy-consuming using his aura to do it but once again not much of a concern for me. Hehehe… man from the way I am now I'm All for One but instead of a physical increase boost I get an aura boost instead.

Shame it can't increase my natural physical strength, but I guess the old fashion way it is. Maybe I should get a good doctor to find a way to improve my body to superhuman without my aura to boost my body in the process.

Hopefully, I don't get a massive ego boost from this.

For now, though it's time to get down to business as I motion towards Penny to follow me with a serious tone, "Penny make sure to use your <Fake> semblance to copy my own <Technology> semblance. We need to ensure this place doesn't lockdown and be prepared for the unsuspected."

She gave me a slight nod as I take it as a go sign.

Well, then Doctor Merlot here comes the Happy Man!


A/N: Now we finally get down to the doctor part as the MC knows his weakness and needs a perfect place to stay hidden for a while once everything goes to shit. He wants reassurance to hide for a while after volume 3 without dragging unwanted attention.