
Villain's Upsurge

"Death is beautiful. It is beyond any other form of pleasure. It is true art..." Raised by a family devoted to staying in the shadows, Leon was forced to become an insidious assassin devoid of any sympathy. Death would be his most trusted ally and the shadow his playing field. This path however, was not meant to be tread by him as killing in secret did not contain any beauty and charm. How could he kill someone when no one would be there to witness it? Life is so fragile. To give it a beautiful meaning, Leon always saw it as his destiny to end it with the most perfect of deaths, stirring up countless emotions in those who watch it unfold. He was no longer satisfied with being in the shadows but wanted to live in the light as an artist. Painting beautiful scenery with his weapons. To achieve what he sought, Leon crafted a legend with his comrades. They defeated evils, saved people and brought peace back to their world. Together with his 6 companions, he became a symbol for all mankind. A savior and a hero that the whole world could look up to. For many years, he worked hard to achieve the epitome of his work. His dream. When all things aligned, Leon began his beautiful massacre that would etch itself into the minds of the whole world. Killing his comrades and finally himself to perfect his masterpiece, he achieved what he was meant to fulfill. The ultimate tragedy and betrayal. The perfect death. However, fate had other plans for him as Leon did not get the salvation he hoped for. Instead, he found himself in the very place that initially ignited his ambitions. His first novel that he ever read; [Tribute to Death] ---------------------------------------------- Note that I'm a rare case of a perpetual motion machine that produces countless chapters with just a slight nudge (your support). No but for real, every kind of support, it doesn't matter how small, puts a smile on my face and encourages me to keep writing. Thanks in advance for every help and I hope you will have an awesome day and enjoy my story.

Marckaroni · Fantasy
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28 Chs

The Puppeteer and her Puppets

That is seriously messed up. And the worst thing is, I don't even know where she is so I can't even help her.

Isabella continued to stare into my eyes as though searching for answers. Telling her that I don't know is a weak excuse that no one would believe. The only other option I currently have is to stall time.

"Let us talk about that after this is over," I suggested.

There was a loud thud as Isabella suddenly thrusted her spear forward. Instinctively, I moved my head away just in time.

However, the tip of her weapon still managed to graze past my cheek, leaving a thin trail of blood

"So that you can recover and have the upper hand again? Noah, I assure you that I won't try anything funny after you tell me where she is so please just do it." Isabella pleaded.

"Or do you want this spear to accidentally slip a second time?" She threatened.

I remained silent, unsure of what to do. Isabella's words revealed the depth of her desperation and the extent of the situation.

Her sister must mean a lot to her but then why was she never mentioned in the novel?

As I looked at Isabella, I could see the pain and fear in her eyes. It was clear that she would do anything to find her sister.

A part of me wanted to sympathize with her but the truth is that she probably knows more about where her sister could possibly be than me.

"Noah, it would be a shame for the heir of the Hazecrest dukedom to get defeated like this. Just cooperate with me here and everything will turn out fine!"

I sighed heavily and rubbed my temples, trying to ease the headache that had been pounding inside my skull for the last few minutes.

"I understand your concern for your sister, Isabella. It isn't easy for me to immediately release her on such short notice. Give me a few days and I will bring her back." I said, hoping to appeal to her empathy.

Isabella's grip on her spear loosened slightly, and I could see the conflict in her eyes. She lowered her weapon and took a step back. "Fine. But you better keep your promise."

I nodded in agreement, relieved that Isabella had backed down. However, I knew that I had to find a way to locate her before Isabella's patience ran out.

With her out of the way, I decided to take a short rest and look around the battlefield. Chaos erupted everwhere as some small and other large fights broke out all over the place.

Some students were trying desperately to escape while others were simply being trampled upon by those pursuing them.

Class A was still holding strong even though there are getting ganged up on from every direction.

Still, they too had to sacrifice a few people as by now, only the main characters like Kayn, Onyx, or Roy were standing.

To be able to qualify for the top 10 and enter the Mana rift beneath the academy, I highly doubt that defeating Alexander was enough. I need someone stronger, perhaps even a member of Class B.

The first person that came to mind was Elara Starshaper, the leader of Class B.

Equipped with the unconventional ability to manipulating people through the help of strings, she easily claimed her spot as the number one of her class.

Her individual strength is not very high, almost pathetic even but give her a few puppets that were enticed by her sweet whispers and empty promises and she becomes a force to be reckoned with.

She is also quite beautiful and possesses a certain charm that makes her irresistible to men and women alike.

There is something about the way she carries herself — it seems as if nothing can go wrong when she is near.

Elara has an uncanny talent for manipulating the weak-willed and naive. Combined with the countless war strategies and tactics she learned, it is no wonder that she can keep our Class in check right now.

As I scouted the battlefield, I quickly noticed that she was surrounded by her whole Class. They formed a ring around her and seemed to be waiting for her command.

Using the other Classes as shields, they patiently awaited their moment to strike the moment we showed some sort of weakness.

Through this, Class B was able to quickly diminish enemy numbers whilst losing almost no one.

Although I am impressed at how well-organized her strategy is, it did seem somewhat flawed.

Everything is dependent on her vision, her control. Blindspots abound everywhere where her eyes cannot reach.

And as a former assassin, I know just how to exploit them.

Taking the long way around them, I successfully avoided her vigilant eyes. On the way, I took out some opponents that stood in my way.

Of course, I didn't miss the opportunity to make a small show and executed them in front of their comrades.

At last, I arrived at the edge of the battle lines. I watched intently as Elara issued orders to her followers. As expected, her voice alone commanded obedience and respect from everyone present.

"Now! Take these two!" She shouted, pointing towards two unfortunate members of Class A who were fighting against C-Class.

Instantly, several of her subordinates charged forward, surrounding the duo and attacking relentlessly. Strings abruptly changed the behavior of each of her classmates, causing confusion among her enemies.

What was a quick slash to the face could suddenly become a harmless feint or thrust. With the neverending misdirections, it was impossible for them to keep up.

Not wanting to waste the precious time they diverted Elara's attention, I seized the chance and made my move.

I leaped through the air, using one of her many classmates as a stepping stone. Strings attached to him vibrated violently, signaling my arrival.

It wasn't possible to any closer to her without alerting her. This is a flat arena with no hiding spots after all.

The air shuddered as I soared above the fray. My eyes met Elara's as she turned to look for the disturbance. Her expression instantly hardened into a frown.

Sword unsheathed and gravity at my aid, I descended upon her. The tip of my blade aimed at her throat, threatening to kill her right away.

A flash of surprise crossed her face as she stared into my eyes but that was soon replaced by a cold emotionless look.

Without any hesitation, she guided her strings to drag one of her unfortunate classmates in front of her to take the impact.

His previous frenzied expression gave way to shock as he screamed in agony, desperately trying to resist the strings.

Although him getting betrayed by Elara was tragic, I didn't care enough to spare him. Putting him out of his suffering, My sword cut deep into his flesh, almost severing him before the academy came to rescue.

Blood spurted forth in great quantity and sprayed across the ground below. It splattered onto my clothes and stained my skin red. Oddly enough, what Elara did, didn't worry her classmates in the least.

Do they not have any concern that they will be the next victim?

Without missing a beat, I lunged forth once more. Being completely surrounded by her minions put me under heavy pressure. I need to end this as quickly as possible.

My eyes darted around, analyzing the movements of her followers. They moved in unison, almost like a choreographed dance, each movement perfectly timed and executed.

They downright threw themselves at me without reservation. Their blades gleamed brightly, reflecting the light of the sun. With so many foes closing in all directions, it would be impossible to dodge them all.

As I was about to burst forward, I stopped midtrack, feeling my wounds dangerously close to opening again. That bastard Alexander had done a good job at wearing me down.

I could feel blood dripping from my nose and mouth. And although it stung terribly, I couldn't afford to let myself get distracted. Not here and not now.

A blade grazed past my neck as I parried yet another attack. Their relentless assault took up all my attention. Distracted by the lethal attacks, I didn't notice someone sneaking up behind me.

The reflection of the blade in the corner of my eyes alerted me of the incoming danger but it was already too late. Even after pushing my body to the limits, I wasn't quick enough to avoid the threat.

I braced myself for impact, already fearing that this will mark the end. But instead of the sharp pain, I felt nothing.

A short grunt escaped from the assailant as he fell to the ground next to me.

Standing next to him with a large claymore in his hand was none other than Kayn, smiling triumphantly at me.

"Now we are even." He said, wiping the blood off his longsword.