
Chapter 88: Enemy or ally (5)

Consider reading my other work!Blood and sorrow: Rise of the mercenary king 


Neil's pov: 

As I lay on the ground, trying to catch my breath and gather my thoughts, I found myself gazing up at the sky, the clouds swirling in a strange, upturned pattern. For a moment, I couldn't make sense of what I was seeing, my mind clouded with confusion could discern the situation .


Then, it dawned on me. The world seemed to tilt and spin around me as I realized that I was the one who was upside down.


I scrambled to right myself, pushing against the ground with all my might as I fought to regain my bearings. With a determined effort, I managed to roll onto my side and then onto my hands and knees, my head swimming with dizziness and my limbs trembling with exhaustion.


As I stood there, panting and bruised, the realization washed over me like a cold wave crashing against the shore: I had lost. Despite my best efforts and determination, I had been outmatched, outmaneuvered, and outclassed by him.

It was a bitter pill to swallow, the taste of defeat lingering on my tongue like ash. I had known that Favian was strong, perhaps even stronger than me, but I had never imagined that the gap between us would be so vast.


He had toyed with me, his movements fluid and effortless, never once showing the full extent of his abilities.He did not fight as much as he played, his eyes did not move and act the way one would when trying to win, as much as it was that of a person judging another's ability. 

As I reflected on the fight, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of frustration and disappointment. I had pushed myself to the limit, and yet it had all been for naught.



As I lay on the ground, battered and bruised, I gazed up at Favian's face, searching for any hint of triumph or disdain in his expression. Instead, I found him tilting his head slightly, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. His eyes held a glint of something I couldn't quite decipher.

He muttered something under his breath, too soft for me to hear, but the sound of his voice sent a shiver down my spine. Slowly, almost casually, he began to walk toward me, his movements graceful and unhurried as if the whole stadium did not exist and there were was only me and him .


He is a strange man, his demeanor is like that of a child, laughing as he go on the search on something to amuse him, yet only a fool would be unable to see something different behind that facade.


Favian looked down at me, his gaze penetrating as he posed his question, his voice laced with a hint of condescension. "Why are you so eager to be recruited by a noble?" he asked, his tone almost mocking. "Do you enjoy begging for scraps like a dog?"

I bristled at his words, feeling a surge of defiance rise within me. "I have no choice," I retorted, my voice firm despite the pain coursing through my body. "I need the gold, and I need it fast. "

Favian brought his hand to his chin, his expression thoughtful as he considered my words. "How much do you need?" he inquired, his tone surprisingly earnest.


I hesitated, weighing my options carefully. Revealing the true purpose behind my urgent need for gold felt like baring my soul to a stranger, yet there was something about Favian's demeanor that hinted at a genuine willingness to help. "Twenty-two gold naroi," I finally confessed, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Twenty-two gold naroi," Favian echoed, his tone neutral but with a hint of curiosity. "And what do you need them for?"

His question caught me off guard, and for a moment, I hesitated to answer. Was he truly interested in helping, or was this just another test of my worthiness? "If I tell you," I countered, "will you actually give them to me?"

A faint smirk tugged at the corners of Favian's lips. "Maybe I am trying to see if you are worth the expenditure," he admitted, his tone casual as if discussing the purchase of a horse.

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before speaking again. "I have some expenses to pay," I began slowly, choosing my words carefully. "Medical expenses"

Favian regarded me intently, his sharp gaze seeming to pierce through the layers of my facade. "For you?" he inquired, studying my appearance with a discerning eye. "I think you are more than healthy..."

I shook my head, a pang of guilt twisting in my chest. "No, it's not for me," I clarified, "But for a family member."


Favian stayed silent for a moment, his gaze unwavering as he leaned in closer, his voice barely above a whisper. "What are you willing to do for that gold?Would you bark?for it " he asked, his words carrying a weight that seemed to hang in the air between us.

I met his gaze head-on, feeling a sense of determination rising within me. "What do you want me to do for it?" I countered, my voice steady despite the uncertainty swirling within me.

Favian regarded me with a thoughtful expression, his eyes searching mine for any sign of hesitation. "I want you to serve me," he replied finally, his tone firm but not unkind. "In exchange, I shall train you, look after you, and ensure that your family is taken care of."

I swallowed hard, the weight of his words settling heavily upon me. Serve him? The idea seemed daunting, but the promise of the gold was too enticing


"And what would serving you entail?" I asked, my voice betraying a hint of hope as it was proably the best I could get in such short time .


"It means being ready to give your life for me if the need arises, having your whole existence handed to my hands as it was a flower ready to be plucked..." he explained, his words carrying a solemn gravity. "But in return, I will ensure that you are well-trained, well-protected, and that your family wants for nothing."


I took a moment to consider his offer, weighing the potential risks against the rewards. The thought of serving someone else was unfamiliar territory for me, but the prospect of securing a better future for my family was too compelling to ignore. Was this not the reason for this whole mess? With a resolute nod, I met Favian's gaze once more. "I accept," I declared, the words carrying a sense of determination that surprised even me.


Favian's smile widened as he reached out, his hand firm yet reassuring as he lifted me up by the shoulder, a gesture that felt oddly comforting despite the circumstances. With a gentle pat on the back to brush off the dust, he instructed me to head to his lodgings and inform Rolf to provide me with the gold I needed.

"Go to my lodgings," he said, his voice steady and determined. "Tell Rolf to give you the gold you require. And remember, every afternoon, regardless of anything that may happen, you are to follow me."

I nodded, acknowledging his instructions with a sense of determination. Favian's gaze held mine as he continued, assuring me of his commitment to my training.

"I will make sure to train you appropriately," he promised, his tone sincere yet tinged with an air of authority. With that, he released his grip on my shoulder, ''And remember you are now mine , follow me and you will make career.Have the slightest thought of betraying me , and your family will pay the consequence , then you will follow. '' With that he gave me one last pat before walking back towards his seat, while taking the chainmail he had thrown away to cover himself.


We are back boys!

Allevatore_dicaprecreators' thoughts
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