
Villain's Rise: Conquering all the Heroine's Friends First

[The Devil System is currently idle] [Waiting for conditions to fully activate...] [Calculating...] [...] [Progress Towards Activation: 99.99%] ... ... [Progress Towards Activation: 100%] [Initiating System Launch...] [Excecuting Order: 88123182831283821381381841284] ??? "Wait for me. Then, we can start again~" Oliver was a super genius student of the Ideal Human Project. Whilst he doesn't have the strength that other espers have, he has a different type of strength. Suddenly, he would find himself kicked out, thrown into the cold, harsh world, to be abused by all those around him. However, his life was far from over. As a human calculator and a master manipulator, he can control all of those around him. If there's one thing he understands best, it's how to make a girl fall in love with him. However, due to several oversights during the Ideal Human Project, he is left with only fragments of his memory. For he is only a fragment of his former self. But if there's one thing that runs in his blood, it's the ability to make any girl fall in love with him. He wields the powerful [Devil's Sword], given as part of his Devil System, which gains strength from intimate interactions. As he gains more and more power, will he finally find the secret that's been hidden from him all these years? Will he find the girls that started it all? This is the story of Oliver Ruth.

Haobo_Zhang ¡ Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
49 Chs

Find the Maiden's Weakness

[The Devil System is currently idle]

[Waiting for conditions to fully activate...]



[Progress Towards Activation: 27%]


"Do you really not know about Misery."

"I know you're talking about the number one esper, but what about him?"

"Did you know that he has a different type of Realiser?"

"What...? What do you mean a different type...?"

"Before the current Type-III Realisers, there were two other prototypes."

"I know that, but how can he possibly use one of the older variants?"

"He was the test subject for the first-ever Realiser."

She leaned forwards and looked into my eyes.

"But... how do you know all this?" she asked.

"Because I was the test subject for the second Realiser prototype."

All of a sudden, we were interrupted by a waiter who was holding a large tray with various different sauces and ice creams on it. He gently placed it in the middle of our table before telling us to enjoy our dessert.

I decided to end that line of conversation there.

I didn't want to reveal too much about myself either.

"Anyways, how'd you decide to join Spectrum-Judgement?"

"Um, I guess I just felt like it."

Ah, looks like I'm going to have to push this conversation.

"You do a really good job at being the leader."

"Do I?"

"Yeah, honestly, I could never do what you do."

"Eh, it's nothing really, I just talk and people listen."

"Ah, just the fact that you can say that means you're really someone impressive."

She twirled her hair around her finger. This was finally going somewhere. We were both enjoying our ice cream as we talked. The cold bitter taste in my mouth was better than expected, it was genuinely quite refreshing.

I decided to stay quiet for a little and see if she'd initiate a conversation.

There was a pretty uncomfortably long period of silence, but thankfully, she ended up breaking it.

"I was pretty surprised when you joined our regiment, are you a prodigy?'

"A prodigy? I wouldn't call myself that, in fact, I'm the opposite."

"What do you mean?"

I guess I'd just come out with it. Hopefully, it'll make her more inclined to open up to me.

"My esper powers are what you would call... dysfunctional."


"You've never seen my powers have you?"

"Now that I think about it, I haven't actually seen you use your abilities, what are they?"

"I guess you'll have to find out next time we fight together."


Now time to change the conversation.

"Are you happy?"


"With the dessert, of course."

"Ah, it was pretty good, although it's a bit early still."

Oh well.

I gestured for the waiter to come back over. He brought us a bill and the two of us made our way to the counter. I noticed that she was pulling out her wallet, seemingly with the intention of paying.

The headmaster didn't give me all of this funding for no reason.

I swiftly pulled out my phone and tapped it on the EFTPOS machine.

My action seemed to have caught her off-guard.

I guess society really has progressed.

"Come let's go, Aiko."

Somewhat timidly, she followed behind me once again. At the current pace, the date was going alright, but I needed to make more progress and fast. Luckily, I've got a few more tricks up my sleeve. Honestly, it felt a little weird leading a girl on like this just for the sake of a mission, but I've never really been someone to care about... morality.

The mall was starting to fill up with people since it was getting a little bit later into the day. I predicted that the lunch rush was about to occur in about an hour or two, so I'd need to get a move on.

As we continued to walk along, I noticed that Aiko was looking at something.

"I didn't know you were the type of girl to like plushies."

She didn't seem very interested in flowers, I guess this was where her interest lay. It seemed to be a somewhat cliche development but I needed to work with whatever I could get.

"Hey, what do you mean you didn't think that I was that type of girl!"

"Ah, never mind, you want to go inside and have a look."

"Um, no, I'm actually fine."


I had two choices here, the first was to drag her inside and the second was to listen to her. If I were any logical person, I'd pick the second option. However, I was on an irrational mission with nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her toward the store.

Her wrist was really soft, like a cloud. It felt unexpectedly fragile like I might break it if I pulled too hard. Seeing her as the soldier that she was, I completely forgot that in the end, she was a normal high school girl.

"Hey, what are you doi—"

I put my finger on her lips.

It was quite embarrassing but I had to show some initiative.

"Come on, is it that bad to show your soft side?"

Pulling her a little harder, I dragged her inside the store.

It was a very childishly-designed store, with a plethora of different plushies, from animals to cartoon characters, it was the quintessential toy store. She reluctantly walked around alongside me, having a look at the different soft toys on display.

"Come on, pick any one, it's on me."

"Are you sure...?"

"Think of it as a gift, don't worry."

She had a quick glance at the stuffed bear section. She still didn't seem to open herself up to me, hiding behind her persona. I tried to urge her but I decided to stop after seeing that she was starting to get uncomfortable. Instead, I just watched from the side as she decided on the plushie she wanted.

"I'll just take this one... I guess."

It was a small green turtle with a pretty standard face. I felt like she was somewhat copping out but there wasn't much I could do.

With that, I took it to the counter and paid for it.

"Here, it's yours."

"Thanks," she whispered in a quiet tone.

I passed her the little green plushie.