
Potential E SAbility

Gilbert only remembered a few things about his past life but he knew for sure that this world is strange.

He has already been living in this world for about 15 years.

And unlike his past world, many strange unscientific things exist in this world.

A lot of this world seems to be undiscovered, making a huge chunk of the planet remaining uncharted.

But in the Four continents that mankind has occupied, the strange things are already aplenty.

Man-eating monsters roamed the world like gigantic crocodiles, strange hairy snow giants, four-armed giant gorillas, and even the mythical-like dragons and island turtles.

And as for strange places; Fairy forests, floating islands, and mirage places are only a few examples of these.

This is a dream-like world that has limitless possibilities.

But that's not the end...

The strange things in this world don't just stop on the places and the monsters... the strange also applies to the people.

And that's what makes the discovery of this new world more exciting to him in the beginning.

In his past life, he admired those scenes in the movies and the games he had played.

Blood-boiling actions of fight scenes from many characters fighting each other using their ultimate abilities, quirks, superpowers or any other name you call the unique abilities they possessed.

When he was a child in his past, he had admired all of those, and God knows how much he has dreamt of having those abilities as his own and go outside the world with those eye-catching prowess.

Before he became a mediocre adult who was just wasting his life away on a normal job as a salaryman and adult responsibilities, he used to be a child full of childish dreams.

And this world seems to bring back his youthful self, the kid him who wondered what it was to live with such magical abilities. And that's because those Superpower-like things exist here!

Here in this world, he was an orphan who was kept in an orphanage ran by the hero association.

Hero potential.

In this land run by the hero association, your potential will decide your fate.

Those with potential will be trained and will be groomed under the umbrella of the association.

And those without potential will continue to live to become an ordinary person who will only be as good as support.

And he himself was 'lucky' that he had potential.

Or so it should've been.

Right now, he is lying on the platform bruised and beaten.

It happened in an instant.

He didn't know what happened.

First, there was a flash of light, and then the next thing he knew, he is lying on the floor beaten.

That was the difference between the chosen and the mediocre.

It seems even in those with potentials, there was an existing gap between each individual.

Him, with an E-class hero potential, and her with an A-class potential.

He looked above to see a woman grinning smugly.

Her head covered the sun as if a God looking down on a mortal.

A beautiful woman with blonde hair wrapped in a ponytail, with fierce eyes she was looking at him in mockery.

She was wearing a tight white suit visualizing her well-proportioned body.

And if it was on a normal occasion, he would most likely take time to enjoy the view above him, but right now he couldn't do so.

Was it humiliating?


He was just tired.

He tried his best, but it seems he could only be as good as it is.

He had trained more than anyone, he had studied more than anyone and even managed to place first on studies.


It seems his best just wasn't good enough. In the end, having the right kind of inborn talent or ability plays a huge part in everything.

"Trash" said the woman.

"..." He could only remain silent in response; he didn't have any excuse. That was just it, it was just as simple as that, he is 'trash'.

He knows that for sure, even in the combat last day without using abilities, he had been defeated by her. The difference last time was that he had just lasted for a few more minutes.

Not hearing any reply, the woman then turned around as she continued, "No matter how much a poodle tries it hardest, it won't be able to become a wolf..." She said it on a low voice akin to mutter but he still heard it clearly.

As her words echoed in his mind, the surroundings then become festive with noise.

"Winner! Class A! FlashJustice! Alicia Cross!"

"WOOOO!!!" "WOOH!!!"

The crowd around cheered drowning the whole place in noise.

He looked at her turned back

Her body looks fragile and soft, but in truth, it was hiding a great amount of power he couldn't reach.


[Alicia Cross]

[Age: 15]

[SAbility: Flash of Light ]

[Current State: Distressed, Regretful, Embarrassed]


He saw her status, with her name, age, ability, and current state.

That was his ability that he had awakened... to see status.

An ability unfit for someone aiming to be like the heroes in the Movies who are optimized for combat.

At first, he was somewhat excited about it, because it somewhat reminded him of the novels he had read in his past life.

A normal person suddenly seeing status, gaining the ability to level up and receive rewards from a mission given by some kind of alien system.

With the help of it, the protagonist would then slap the faces of those who were against him and be straight on the winning track.

Becoming stronger than everyone at an unimaginable speed, gaining the affection of countless beauties, spreading his seed from around the world. Becoming the number 1 winner in life.

Money, Fame, Power… He would have it all.

But at last, reality seems different.

Even in this dreamlike world.

The winners and losers would still be decided at birth.

Potential, it was all about potential.

And it was all decided at birth.

By the time a child was 10, he/she could undergo a series of tests in the Hero Association in order to know what Super Ability he/she had.

And he wasn't exempted on that test too. All orphans on the orphanages managed by the association are all required to be tested and being under the association, they had the privilege to be tested anytime they showed signs of awakening.

He had shown signs of being awakened when he was seven and was tested at the age of eight years old.

Because of the existence of the Super Abilities, some strange mutations could even be seen at birth.

Some children would be born with four hands, strange tails, and strange wings. There was even a case that the parents thought their child was missing, only to know that it was a child with a mutation that turns the child invisible permanently.

When it comes to a Super Ability or SAbility, depending on them, they would even nurture their owner's body.

Like Alicia Cross, for example, her ability Flash of Light, which is named by the association as Flashlight, has strengthened her body to some extent.

Potential A... As long as her ability continues to get stronger through experience and nurture, her body at the same time would also be strengthened.

For her, it is gaining additional strength, agility and together with other unknown enhancements.

With monsters roaming the world, the association made a guide for people and established what is known as classes for monsters.

Class E, D, C, B, A, and S.

The hero potential corresponds to the class of monsters they could tackle theoretically on their SAbility's maturity potential. And she was one of most gifted, awakening with a potential reaching A at the start, corresponding to a monster that could destroy a whole country alone.

And he was at potential E, where Potential E corresponds to a Class E monster which means a harmless one. It was just like adopting a hamster in his past world and calling it a monster.

So... in other words, his SAbility is equivalent to a hamster, a poodle could perhaps even defeat it, at least it could bite a human.


His ability which was named as 'State Checker' by the association was tested of having an initial energy level of E. With no fluctuation level, meaning there was almost no natural growth potential.

And his ability's physical enhancement was only turning his eyes red and making it in a glowing scarlet at night. The best it could do was scare people at night.

So, with this... even having a combat class is out of the window...

He could only be enrolled in a supporting class...

He already died once as a mediocre, and now it seems this time it would be the same.

'I'm tired'

He looked up at the blue sky above and closed his eyes.

Ignoring the noisy crowd and the medical personnel putting him on a stretcher.

He had decided to accept his fate.

Soothing himself that he was already experienced in being mediocre.

That that's what being an adult is, learning to accept reality and just dealing with your life as it is.

But he cannot lie to himself, the fact that he is thinking like this means that he is in truth frustrated.

A heart of contradiction.

As he drowned himself in surrender, a tiny part of him stubbornly refuses...


1500+ characters each chapter

MadKisacreators' thoughts