
Vigilante Stand User

Ryujin Yoshikage finds himself in a weird space after where he fills out a form for his wishes

DioFan101 · Anime & Comics
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Figuring things out

-mc pov-

I feel nothing towards the previous owner, his memories came and went just like watching a movie. All I could say is R.I.P, I'll take extra care of this body thank you very much.

I just noticed I am sweating a lot, and my headache is worsening, my spider powers are awakening. I need to lay down and I don't wanna lay in this suspicious alley.

I imagine a gate opening leading to my sub-space and it works. I rush inside and lay down on the sofa completely ignoring my current state of hygiene.

-hours later-

I woke up feeling a lot and I mean a lot better, my arms were buffer, I was taller and my skin was less pale.

I walked to the bathroom, took a bath, threw away the disgusting clothes I was wearing, and I told the sub-space to bring me clothes from the closet, the clothes were teleported to the bathroom counter, it was a simple black shirt and black shorts. Since I own this sub-space I control everything and can add new things, meaning I could tell the sub-space to bring me something from inside and it will.

I sat at the table and told the sub-space to bring me food from the refrigerator. I ate my food which was chicken nuggets and a burger, with apple juice on the side.

After I finished, I went to the training room I created to test my powers.

'Let's test the world first.' I thought, "ZA WARUDO!" I shouted immediately after a tall humanoid thing appeared behind me.

The world is tall and has a very muscular build. It's mostly all yellow, some parts are gray. Has red eyes. It has green hearts on each of its kneecaps, another on its chin, one on its belt, and lastly one on its dic-… on its crotch. It wears small, simple twin diving cylinders on its back, and twin-ridged cables to the rear of its mask. Ridged straps running from the rear of its waist over both its shoulders to its front, its footwear bears curved, sharply-pointed toes.

It obediently stood behind me waiting for an order. I created an iron dummy and told the world to attack.

The world made a quick jab to the 'ribs' of the dummy and another with his other arm, it switched between a right hook and a left one.

It did this for a few seconds before the dummy was deformed.

I made a new one and told the world to barrage, it started barraging whilst shouting MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA.

After a while, I desummoned The world and tried to use Hamon but sadly it didn't work cuz my sub-space has no Sun.

I moved on to my Spider powers I created 100 feet tall wall and started climbing it took me a minute or so to reach the top then I climbed back down and reclimbed again.

I did that for around an hour just to get used to the climbing. Then the fun part came the swinging.

I created 5 buildings each 200,300,400,500, and 600 feet tall respectively. I did the iconic spider-man webbing shooting pose and started swinging but I failed miserably that shit was harder than it looked in the movies.

I failed a swing and hit the wall hard in a comical manner and fell to the ground.

Now I'm just laying on the ground in pain, I can't even move, "sub-space heal me please." A green aura surrounded me healing my broken back in seconds.

I got back up and started swinging again this went on for months till I could do it on instinct, but I also didn't forget to practice using my stand.

-5 months later-


"Can't believe I haven't left my sub-space for 5 whole months" said Ryujin whilst doing pull-ups. Ryujin can't really train too much since he's still technically a 5-year-old child.

Ryujin decided to finally see the sun again and start his Hamon training. He imagined the portal leading to the outside world he stepped out appearing in the same alley from 5 months ago.

Ryujin walked outta the alleyway to the public street people were stareing at him especially the ladies since his a cute child, but they ignored him seconds after.

He walked to a quiet place in the park and started mediating under the shade of a tree, he started to absorb sunlight whist doing the Hamon breathing.

-Izuku pov-

My name is Izuku Midoriya, I am 5 years old. I live with my loving mother, Inko Midoriya, last year when I was 4 I was unfortunately classified as quirkless ever since then people started bullying me even my best friend Kachan bullied me.

Today mother and I were walking around the park since today was her day off from work. From the corner of my eye I saw a kid that looked my age, he had golden blonde hair, pale skin, a simple red shirt and black shorts, in this weird sitting position eyes closed breathing in a weird rhythm.

I tug my mothers dress whilst pointing at the kid and ask "Mom, do you know what his doing and why his doing that weird breathing rhythm?"

Mother looked towards where I was pointing and saw the kid, with a thoughtful smile she answered "his mediating, it's used to clear the mind and calm down. I don't why his breathing that way though."

This got me curious so I walked over to him so I could ask why he was breathing in that weird rhythm.