
Vigar Celtigar - GOT

House Celtigar, a Valyrian noble house.........but useless, without good characters, powerless and totally ignored where it cannot even dominate a territory of idiot barbarians A merchant has the opportunity to reincarnate as the son of Ardrian Celtigar in AD 264, he gets 2 talents, but in exchange for the talents he gets a strange appearance

kingbastard1999 · TV
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end of valdocaso

At the end of the year 277, the entire kingdom panicked.

The king was taken prisoner by one of his lesser vassals, the idiot vassal lord with no plan or intelligence really thought that the way to avoid taxes was to kidnap the highest status figure on the continent.

"Son, you are 13 years old and I know your skill, you could easily become a knight" Ardrian

Ardrian is the same as all noble lords, he cares about honor and how people will see his home, but at just 10 years old, Vigar demonstrated the ability to earn money, for years Ardrian forgot the tradition of sending children as squires

"It is not necessary, I will stay and take care of the island in your absence during the battle, just stay behind the soldiers and leave the others in the front lines" Vigar

Vigar has no interest in being called lord, in his blood he has always preferred trade and hates to waste time, sees no point in spending months cleaning a warrior's armor until he has a sword on his shoulder and a title

Vigar is Celtigar's heir, and no one is going to change that, to be honest Vigar still has a bad name, due to his sinister appearance, many legends of why he doesn't leave the Isle of Claws spread, mainly from envious nobles of the recent celtigar wealth

A great form of marketing, the great shark with the sharp teeth is a really cool nickname

"Alright then, you have a great talent anyway, I will go now, I will take 800 soldiers into battle along with Tywin" Ardrian

Vigar was not worried, there will be no battle, just a siege of months until Ser Barristan Selmy saves the king

Ardrian left with his soldiers in the war galleys, towards the rendezvous with the army organized by Tywin


Vigar then started work, he plans to better organize the villages on the island

His mother, Mary Rosby, is a frail woman like almost everyone else in the Rosby family and spends her days in the castle's small gardens, so Vigar plans to renovate the castle and make the environment better

Construction of a sewer system started 2 years ago, where small tunnels connected to the sea were dug in order to provide clean water in one tunnel and send dirt in the other.

Simple pipes made from bamboo wood bought on the summer islands connected clean water to the castle, where small water fountains were made to serve as a bathing place, a wood-fired heating system in the basement was much better than drinking one. bath in a barrel

The bathrooms were renovated, instead of a hole in the floor, toilets were made in steel, wood and fabric, where they are easily sanitized.

Old walls were renovated with carved stones, paint is easy to produce, just squeeze some flowers and then add a sticky paste, in the end more windows were opened to improve air circulation in the castle

The castle of the claw is not the prettiest, the biggest and much less the safest, but without a doubt it is the most hygienic

Vigar's next reform is the villages, he will reposition the orphanages and brothels

These two locations are the biggest places for enemy spies, so they should stay away from the factories.

2 large orphanages have been built, they will be sponsored by Vigar himself to keep the children loyal to the family and to see if there is any talent, the orphanages are large made in stone

As for the brothels, Vigar simply bought a plot of land nearby and offered a plot of land in the right place, in addition he prohibited prostitutes from serving more than 5 clients a day, he doesn't want to see sexual diseases on his island.

Vigar has no interest in ending prostitution, even after kings and nobles cease to exist, 3 professions will never cease to exist, prostitutes, merchants and beggars

Simple dirt roads had already been made connecting all the villages on the island, but now it's time to lay stones and make the roads good for horses and carriages, the logistics must improve

While Vigar was working on the renovation of his island, Ardrian was already camping with Tywin's army in front of Valdocasus.


half a year has passed, King Aerys II was finally saved by Ser Barristan Selmy, the entire family of the idiot nobleman was killed

King Aerys II returned to kings landing, everyone thought the matter was over, but it didn't take long for people to start being burned, according to the king, to get rid of the traitors

Vigar doesn't mind, however, as Salladhor Saan secretly sent the "goods" at night and into the most secure and safest harbor of the Celtigars.

60 children between 6 and 8 years old of different ethnicities arrived on the island of Garra, most of them young girls.

In addition to training soldiers, Vigar will also train nurses, with different specialties, as he now wants reliable midwives, although Vigar was not a doctor, he has good sense and knows the basics and took a first-aid course at his school in his youth

Vigar plans to send some trained young women to Dragonstone and maintain Rhaella Targaryen's life, there must be an adult Targaryen or else Dorne will have a lot of power

Elia Martell as Queen Regent and Rhaella as Hand of the King, two women in positions of power will face a lot of opposition, but there is no better choice

House baratheon, House Stark, House Arryn and House Tully, 4 of the 7 big houses will be rebels, plus the Lannisters, at least for the first few years post-uprising, it's impossible to promote any of them on the small council

In the Reach only Olenna would be able to serve on the small council for Tyrell House, and Randyll

Tarly would be a great law master due to his personality

However with 2 women it will be difficult, with a third one there would be a new revolt, leaving only Dorne, Velaryon and Celtigar, Vigar will secretly mine the Velaryon house so that the master of ships is someone he knows

The power must be balanced and competent or else Vigar will have a lot of damage.

"Let Rhaella be the hand, after I'm older I'll take this position" Vigar
