
The cave

What the hell, this is a cave, why did the portal take us to a cave? I see Magnus leave the portal.

Magnus explains that this is the location of his laboratory and residence, he takes me to a room with a bed, a closet and a table, and explains that as of today, this is where I will sleep.

Magnus magically creates food and puts it on the desk, asks me to rest and sleep, because tomorrow he has to explain many things.

Magnus leaves the room ...

"Uff ... I'm finally alone, that old monster ..."

I still can not believe that this situation is happening ... Magnus will teach me magic ... Why that old monster decided to take me as an apprentice? ....

"I do not get it"

ahhhh ...

Well, Dante, let's think, what is the first thing I have to do? ...


Yes, let's eat first ... I still have the damn taste of the old woman's flesh ... shit! How could I feed on a human being? Surely Magnus is right and I am crazy ...

his little cannibal ... Magnus is crazier than me ... that old monster ...

What will the world of magicians be like? ... What is a magician? .... How will my future be? ... hahahaha Dante ... why do I keep asking silly questions?

simply my goal is to be powerful ... how to achieve it? ..... Really matters? ..... if Magnus asked me to hit puppies and kick kittens .....

kick kittens ... No! .... I like cats, hit dogs ... Yes! .....

let's see what's in this room ... wow ... there's a door, I think it's a bathroom ... I do not know when it was the last time I took a hot bath ...

Dante takes a shower and observes his naked body in a mirror ...

Wow !!! Why am I so handsome?

It must be illegal to be so attractive !! ....

I'm probably the most handsome 7-year-old boy in this universe!

shit! what nonsense I'm thinking, yes, it's obvious that I'm hallucinating ...

Should sleep....

At night, Dante has a dream about dragons ... magicians ... blood ..... And obviously mutant kittens !!! ....

the next morning ....

Magnus enters the room, walks to the bed and makes his face is a few inches from the face of his apprentice ... my little cannibal ... what do you dream? .... Dragons .... magic ..... human flesh ....


My apprentice, if he's crazy!


"Hey, let me sleep 50 more hours"

"My beautiful little cannibal ... if you do not get out of bed ... I'm going to ... let's say ... you will not use your butt just to shit ..."

Wtf! This old monster is sick!

"There are clothes in the closet, get dressed and follow the marks that are outside your door, you have 15 minutes"

"By the way, in the next few days you should be prepared at this moment, I hate that people do not arrive on time"

Magnus leaves the room.

That old monster, I did not know he has that kind of manias .....

let's see what kind of clothes are in the closet, black pants, black shirts, black coats, black boots ...

This magician has a great taste for clothes ..... just what I like .....

Dante dresses and leaves his room.

He told me to follow the marks .....

wow! What a great library ..... Where is Magnus? ... Let's see what he says ...

"Dante, I'm sure you have many questions, but there's something we have to do first ..."

Magnus pulls out a black scroll and red letters

"This is a life or death contract, it stipulates that I have an obligation to transmit my legacy, and that I can not kill you or harm you, it also stipulates that you must honor me as your master and not kill or harm me, but this contract also he has a rule, which indicates that if you do not become a lvl 1 magician, initial stage, in 30 years, I'll kill you ... and look for another apprentice ... "

"Do not disappoint me, my little cannibal ..."

"Sign the contract and we will begin your apprenticeship"

"Master Magnus, why do I have to become a magician in 30 years?"

"First sign the contract of life and death with your blood and I'll tell you"

Dante writes in the contract: Dante Stormbreaker

Magnus writes in the contract: Magnus Darkblood

The contract burns and the ashes enter the bodies of Dante and Magnus.

"Dante, you'll probably ask why I chose you as my successor ... you remind me ... when I was young ... you're a little crazy and you do not feel sorry for life ... those are the characteristics that any magician needs to reach the success ... also, because I only have 100 years left to live and if you do not become a magician in 30 years, I will still have time to look for 1 or 2 successors ... "

"Teacher, 100 years is a long time ... How old are you?"

hehehehehehehe .....

"Dante, 100 years is little time for magicians ... I'm old ... I'm very old, my little cannibal ..."

"But do not worry, Dante, when 90 years have passed I will try to perform a ritual in which I can turn myself into a zombie and extend my life for 1000 more years ... The problem with this ritual is that there is only 50% of success, and if I fail, I will die ... "

PD: I'm looking for a Spanish / English editor, if you want to be my editor leave a comment ..... :D

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