
Stage Fighting

Kevin, André and Cat were walking down the stairs, chatting with each other before they all heard loud thudding coming from their left. Looking over, they saw that Tori was trying to angrily stuff a French horn into her locker.

"Tori!" André called out.

"What's up?" Asked Cat.

The group walked towards the girl, wondering why she was so angry at the instrument.

"I'm having a horn problem!" She told them, ceasing her efforts of trying to stuff the horn into her locker.

"Why do I have to play an instrument anyway?" She asked the three.

"Everyone at Hollywood Arts has to play an instrument." Cat told her.

"Okay, well, I sing. My throat is my instrument. I'm a throat player." She said, her hand touching her throat.

"Phrasing." Kevin said.

"Doesn't count." André told her.

"And it sounds kinda gross." Added Cat.

Tori paused for a second, thinking about what she said before realizing that they had a point.

"Why did you pick the French horn?" André asked.

"I don't know, I like French fries, French toast--"

Cat let out a sudden gasp before saying, "One time when I was eating French toast at a restaurant, I started laughing, and then I started choking. So the lady who ran the restaurant made me to leave."

Safe to say that no one knew what to say to that little story that Cat had just told them. They could only stare on in confusion before Cat excitedly said,

"So let's hear your horn!"

"Yeah, play that funky music, white girl." André told her.

"You know, I'm half Latina." Tori corrected him.

"Then hit it, muchacha!" He exclaimed.

Tori let out a short laugh before placing the horn on her mouth and trying to play it. What came out of the poor instrument was nothing but broken notes and disappointment.

Tori looked at the instrument before turning towards the three with a smile and saying,

"I think it's broken."

Cat nods, not knowing any better. André and Kevin looked at each other with blank faces before turning back towards Tori.

"Here, let me fix it." André said, going to grab the horn.

Tori handed it to him and André walked a few feet away before laying down some funky tunes. Cat excitedly stepped forward and clapped her hands as Tori let out a sigh.

"It's not broken!" Cat exclaimed towards Tori, who just responded by staring at her blankly.

Meanwhile, Kevin was just vibing along to the music.


Tori, having arrived early to her next class, decided opened the door to the theater and wait inside when she was met with the sight of an unknown person wailing on Jason.

The assailant punched Jason in the face multiple times before kicking him in the chest, sending him tumbling over a table that was behind him.

"Jason!" Tori worriedly shouted his name.

Jason crawled away, attempting to gain some distance, but his assailant rushed over to him before he could make any decent ground.

"Hey, hey, you guys!" Tori yelled out, but it wasn't heard by either of them.

The unknown attacker tried to get on top of Jason, only for Jason kick him off before he could.

"Leave him alone!"

Tori drop her bag to the ground and rushed towards the man attacking Jason. As she got close, she took a running jump onto his back and latched herself on tight.

"GET OFF HIM! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Tori yelled, not being shaken off.

"Tori!" Jason yelled out her name, trying to get her to stop.

"Get off me!" The attacker shouted out, not really being harmed, but he still wanted to get the girl off of him.

Just then, the rest of the class entered the theatre and saw what was going on.

"Who is this chick?!" The man shouted.

The teacher immediately rushed towards the two, trying to pry Tori off of the man. His attempts didn't seem to do anything until André, Kevin and Jason had to step in and help him.

"What are you doing?!" The teacher asked Tori, wondering why she was attacking the man.

"That guy was beating up Jason!" She told him.

"Oh, you poor thing." Jade mocked, coming out of nowhere.

Jason glared at Jade for a moment, still catching his breath from what just happened, before looking towards Tori and saying,

"We were just practicing."

"This is Russ." The teacher told her.

"I'm Russ!" Russ shouted.

The teacher put a hand on Russ' chest, trying to keep him calm. Meanwhile, Tori just looked very confused.

"He's a professional stuntman. I invited him here to teach the class about stage fighting." The teacher explained.

"And now, Tori says, "what's stage fighting?" Jade said, mocking Tori by having her voice sound like a knockoff Scooby-doo.

"I wasn't going to say that." Tori replied before grabbing André by the arm and asking, "What is it?"

"Fake fighting that looks real, like for a play or a movie." He answered.

"Oh." Tori muttered.

"I'm taking extra classes with him so I can help out for a play that Kevin's writing." Jason said, motioning towards his best friend.

"Well, it looked like he was hurting you." Tori said, looking at him with a worried look that melted his heart.

Jason looked down for a moment, feeling his face heat up before stretching his arms out towards Tori.

"Come on." He said, beckoning her over.

Tori went into his arms without any hesitation, wrapping her arms around his back.

"Trust me, if I was gonna lose a fight, it definitely wouldn't be to Russ." He said, rubbing her back.

"I'm right here!" Russ yelled out.

He was ignored.

"Ugh, please make it stop." Jade said, her face scrunching up in disgust at the two of them embracing.

"What's the matter, Jade? Does seeing a healthy relationship remind you of the pain filled mess that is yours?" Jason retorted, his face blank as he let go of Tori to face Jade.

In the heat of the moment, both Jason and Tori seemingly forgot the fact that they weren't even in a relationship to begin with.

"You wanna see pain?!" Jade yelled at him, getting ready to step up before being pulled back by Kevin.

"Really? Low blow, dude." Kevin told him.

"Yeah, well, so was the coffee." Jason said.

"You're never gonna let that shit go, are you?" Kevin asked.

"Considering that it happened over a month ago and I'm still bringing it up, it's a pretty safe assumption." Jason answered, looking at Kevin with a smartass smirk on his face.

"Goddamn petty motherf--"

Kevin grumbled underneath his breath as he pulled Jade with him towards their seats. Seeing them take their seats, Tori pulled Jason aside and asked,

"Why does she hate me?"

"You want an answer that's long and detailed or short and straight to the point?" Jason asked back.

"Detailed." She answered.

"Well, except for me and Kevin, Jade doesn't exactly like anyone. Matter of fact, I think her default opinion on new people instantly goes towards hate before they can even say a word." He said, getting a nod from Tori.

"So couple that with the fact that you were rubbing on Kevin's chest when she met you, she pretty much hates your guts." He added.

"But I don't even like Kevin!" She proclaimed in a hushed tone.

"Doesn't really matter to Jade. In her head, every girl on the face of the planet is trying to pounce on him when she isn't looking." Jason told her.

Tori let out a sigh and Jason went to go take his seat.

"Wait!" Tori exclaimed, dragging him back.

"You said that she hates everyone besides you and Kevin. It's obvious why she doesn't hate Kevin, but why doesn't she hate you?" She asked, hoping to get some insight.

"Honestly? I have no goddamn clue. Best guess is because I'm one of the only people in Hollywood Arts that isn't afraid of her." He answered with a shrug before walking to his seat.

Tori slumped her shoulders. That definitely wasn't going to help her in the slightest.


After everything was sorted out, the class was now seated and listening as Russ was teaching them about stage fighting. Cat had also volunteered to go up and be used to help him demonstrate the basics.

"Now, if I throw a punch at Cat, like this..."

Russ stepped back a little and swung his fist near Cat's face, causing her to gasp before quickly putting on a smile.

"It's easy to see that my fist didn't connect with her face." Russ said.

"Thank you." Cat said.

Russ looked at her confused before moving on.

"But if we stage it from a different angle..."

Ross stepped in front of Cat, moving her a bit so that it'll look more realistic.

"Then... like I showed you?" Russ asked, wanting to make sure Cat was ready.

She nodded and Russ turned towards the teacher.

"Sound effect, ready?" He asked.

"All set." The teacher said, pressing a button on his remote and turning on the machine that made the sound effects.

"To the audience or camera, it'll look like this."

Russ swung his fist at Cat's face, the new angle and added sound effect making it look as if he actually punched her.

"I'm okay, everyone!" Cat exclaimed happily, stepping out from behind Russ and showing everyone that she didn't get hit.

Russ raised Cat's hand in the air, getting some unenthusiastic applause from the class. The teacher, having gotten up from his seat, walked to the front of the class with a clipboard in his hands.

"All right, I'm gonna pair you guys up, and each team will work with Russ this week to prepare a fight scene." He told them, putting a hand on Russ' shoulder.

"I thought his name was Steve." André said.

"He does look like a Steve." Tori added.

This started a chain reaction of the class all agreeing that Russ looked like as if he should've been named Steve, which was not very happily received by the man in question.

"My name is Russ!" He shouted.

"Okay!" The teacher shouted, quieting down the class.

"And on Friday, you will all perform your fight scenes here in front of the class. Now, the pairs will be: Beck and Cat, André and Gwen, Darren and Jess, Kevin and Jason, Tori and Jade--"

"Tori and who?!" Tori asked fearfully.

Tori looked over towards Jade, getting an evil looking smile when Jade looked back at her. The bell rang and Tori quickly picked up her bag and walked towards the teacher.

"Uh, wait, I'm not comfortable with my partner." She told him.

"Just a sec." The teacher replied, turning around to talk to Russ.

As she was waiting, Jade came up from behind her and said, "Hey, partner." causing a shiver to run up Tori's back before turning to face her.

"I can't wait for our fight..."

Jade was going to turn around, but caught her "mistake" and corrected herself.


She left, Kevin following after her, leaving a even more afraid Tori standing there.



Tori Vega:

My life = in DANGER

Mood = Yikes 😦


"Status report!"

In the hallway, their were multiple students waiting for their chance to audition for a play, including Robbie. Robbie was pacing back and forth in a straight line as he rehearsed his lines for a play.

"Status report!" He repeated, turning towards Rex when he didn't continue on with his lines.

"Will you please read the next line?" He asked.

"I don't wanna help you rehearse." Rex told him.

"I made you oatmeal this morning!" Robbie exclaimed, wondering why Rex was being so difficult.

"I wanted a steak sandwich." Rex said sadly.

Robbie let out a sigh, trying to figure out a solution to this issue when a man came out and called the next two up to audition.

"Okay, auditioning next are Trina Vega and Robbie Shapiro."

"Ugh, no, no, no! The puppet guy?!" Trina exclaimed as soon as she heard who she was auditioning with.

"Excuse me?!" Exclaimed an offended Robbie.

"Could I please audition with someone else?" She asked the man, ignoring Robbie.

"You know, you could whisper that." Robbie told her.

"It's just an audition." The man told Trina before walking back.


Realizing that she had no choice, Trina looked at Robbie with a glare and let out a loud sigh. Robbie tried to walk closer to her and say that it wasn't that big of a deal, but she put a finger and stopped him.

"Leave the puppet." She told him.

Robbie looked towards Rex, not sure how to go about things.

"Hey, it's cool. Just set me down next to the hot blonde." Rex told him, looking over towards the blonde girl who was sitting on the floor next to the lockers.

Robbie gave Trina a disgruntled look before setting Rex down next to the blonde girl and walking with Trina to their audition.

"Wait up!" Robbie called out to her.

"Walk faster!" She shouted back.

"I'll walk faster..." Replied a scared Robbie.

The blonde girl, having been weirded out by the puppet boy, quickly flicked Rex's arm off of her leg and resumed trying to memorize her lines.

Having arrived, Trina and Robbie walked up on stage and waited for direction.

"All right. It's World War II, 1944. You're in a submarine, 1,700 feet down in the Atlantic Ocean, and you're probably going to die." The director said, sliding past that like it was normal.


Getting into character, both Trina and Robbie started to act out the scene that they had rehearsed.

"Oh, my God, Lieutenant, status report." Robbie said, pointing towards Trina, who has moved to the bottom of the stage.

"We've been hit on the port side, Captain. Our engines are failing." Trina informed him as she rushed up the stage.

"Torpedoes?" He asked.

"None left." She answered, shaking her head.

"Oy..." He groaned, looking off.

"How deep are we?" He asked.

"1,700 feet." She answered.

"We're gonna have to go deeper." He said.

"But we'll I'm-plode!" Trina exclaimed, mispronouncing the word "implode."

"Implode." The director told her.

"But we'll implode!" She repeated, correcting her mistake.

"Listen, I'd rather die down here than live up there, captured by the enemy." Robbie said.

"I don't know if you are brave... Or insane." Trina said to him.

She then started to cry, making Robbie grab her by the shoulders and shake her a bit.

"Hey, stop it. You're a soldier!" He told her.

"I am also a woman... who loves you..."

Trina grabbed Robbie by the face and planted a form kiss on his lips. It lasted for a few seconds before Trina pulled away, leaving a slack jawed Robbie.

"That... was fantastic!" Robbie exclaimed, confusing Trina.

"Uh, that's not your line." She told him after looking towards the director to see what his reaction was.

"What's... not... my line--"

"Actually, that was great, you guys." The director said, signaling that they didn't need to continue with their audition.

"Really? 'Cause if you thought I was great with him, just imagine me with a good actor." Trina said, walking down the stage and towards the director.

"Huh, I'll do that." The director said, nodding his head.

Trina nodded back excitedly before running towards her bag and getting ready to leave.

"Bring in the next two." The director said to man that called Robbie and Trina in.

Realizing that Robbie was still there, the director turned back and saw that he was still standing on the stage. Not moving at all.

"Robbie?" He called out.

"Scene." Robbie said before running towards his bag and leaving the room.


Tori Vega:

Lunch time. Salad with big lettuce. Still worried.

Mood = Buggin' 🤨


At lunch, Tori, Jason, André, Beck and Cat were all sitting with each other as they ate. Whilst they were all in the midst of a conversation, Tori was staring at Jade, unconsciously stabbing her fork into her salad.

"Look at her..." Tori said, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Who?" André asked.

"Jade! I guarantee you she's telling Kevin all about how she's gonna punch me when we do our scene." Tori replied.

"I wonder if mirrors work in outer space." Cat said randomly, getting looks from everyone before they continued on with the conversation.

"I mean, what am I gonna go if she really hits me?" Tori asked.

"Bleed." André said.

"Curl up into a ball." Beck added.

"Burst into tears." André finished.

"You guys, I'm serious." Tori told them both sadly.

"It's stage fighting. No one really hits anybody." André told her, trying to calm her down.

"Yeah, but accidents happen, and what if she makes an accident happen on purpose?" Tori asked, bringing up the possibility.

She then brought up her fork to eat her salad when she saw that there was way too much lettuce on her fork. Shaking it off, she let out a sigh before leaning on Jason, who wrapped an arm around her and rubbed her shoulder without even looking up from his food.

André and Beck looked at each other with smirks on their faces. Jason and Tori have been very touchy with each other lately, so much so that there's already a rumor floating around school that they're already dating. Which they have yet to ask Jason if it was true.

"You know that the word "mirror" has only six letters and half of them are "R"'s?" Cat asked, completely blown away by that.

Ignoring her, André asked Tori, "Haven't you and Jade been rehearsing?"

"Yeah, yesterday, after school, and this morning during study hall." She answered.

"And did she hit you for real?" André asked.

"No, 'cause she probably wants to wait and do it in front of the whole class to humiliate me." She responded.

"Well, if she does, she loses half a letter grade." He told her.

"Oh, great. So she gets an "A minus" and I get a broken eye and a black nose." Tori said, causing most of the table to look at her with confusion.

"I think you meant--"

"I know what I meant." Tori quickly cut André off, letting out a sigh.

"My dog has a black nose. It's so cute. It's like a baby meatball." Cat said, booping her own nose.

"Meatballs are brown." André told her.

"You're so mean to me!" Cat yelled at him, grabbing her phone, bag and soda before getting up from the table and storming off somewhere.

"You guys want her sandwich?" Tori asked the table.


"You already know."


André, Jason and Beck all agreed. André took a half of the sandwich off Cat's plate, splitting it in half and giving it to Beck. Tori did the same, giving one of her halves to Jason.

"Hey, baby sister." Trina greeted as she was walking by.

"Hey." Tori replied.

"Andy." Trina said as she looked towards André.

"André." He corrected for the hundredth time.

"Beck, Jason." She greeted flirtatiously, waving her individual fingers.

"Sup..." "Hey..." They both replied unenthusiastically.

"Wanna sit--"

Jason quickly covered Tori's mouth before she could extend such a ridiculous offer. Trina turned around, looking towards them with a curious expression.

"You say something?" She asked.




Jason, Beck and André all quickly replied, shaking their heads and acting as if they heard nothing. Trina shrugged and made her way towards another table. Seeing that it was safe, Jason removed his hand from Tori's mouth.

"What was that? Pfft! Pfft!" Tori said, trying to get her hair out of her mouth.

"Listen, don't ever invite Trina to our table when these two are sitting here." André warned, pointing towards Beck and Jason.

"What? Why not?" She asked.

"Because she's been trying to get with one of us since we started going here." Beck told her.

"Yeah, your sister won't take the hint... or blatant rejection for that matter..." Jason said.

Him and Beck have rejected Trina time and time again. If persistently stubborn had a poster child, it would be Trina. The girl simply won't quit. The only time that Jason or Beck had some sort of respite from her continuous attempts at flirting is when they were with someone. Which raised their opinion of Trina a little bit since she wasn't the type to try and go for someone else's guy, but dear lord they had to watch out whenever they were single.

Tori raised an eyebrow at what they said, but couldn't refute anything when she remembered that Trina would constantly interrupt her and Jason whenever he would go over to her house to help her study. Which was almost an everyday thing.

"Uh, I think your sister just spit milk in Robbie's face." Beck said, pointing to the table beside them.

Everyone looked over and saw that Robbie had milk all over his face.

"Why would she--"

"I try not to ask those questions." Tori said, already knowing what André was going to ask.


They all turned back towards Robbie and Trina, seeing that Robbie was holding a pants-less Rex in his arms.

"All right, who took off his pants?!" He shouted, not getting an answer from anyone.

He quickly grabbed a napkin off the table and used it to cover Rex's crotch before picking up his bag from the ground.

"I'll call you?" He said, rushing away to find Rex some pants.

"Yeah, don't!" Trina yelled at him as he left.


Jason was at his locker, putting away his books when he felt someone come up behind him. He turned around and found himself pinned to the wall by André and Beck.

"I'm flattered, but I'm not into threesomes." He said, closing his locker. "Or dudes for that matter."

He tried to walk away, but they didn't let him get very far. Looking around, they saw that Tori was at her locker, but she left a few seconds later to go to class.

"So what's the deal with you and Tori?" André asked now that the coast was clear.

"What do you mean?" Jason asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It just seems that you two have been really close lately." Beck said.

"And I saw her getting in your car yesterday. What's up with that?" André asked.

'The hell is this, an interrogation?' Jason thought as he looked at the two.

"So? I go over to her house and study with her sometimes. Big deal." Jason replied, rolling his eyes.

"And just what are you studying whilst you two are alone, hmm?" André asked, pacing back and forth.

"Theater History? Improv? Maybe you're showing her some of the things you learned from Russ..." Beck listed off his theories.

"Or maybe..."

André and Beck both pinned him against the lockers, their arms on either side of his head.

""Chemistry?"" They both asked at the same time.

"Did you two rehearse this?!" Jason asked, wondering what the hell was going on with them.

"We'll ask the questions here!" André exclaimed right in his face.

"I'm about to start swingin' if you don't take about five steps back." Jason warned them.

Hearing that, André and Beck immediately took a few steps back, giving Jason back his personal space.

"Now what the hell do you two want?" Jason asked, readjusting the his bag's strap on his shoulder.

"Are you and Tori dating?" Beck asked, getting right to the point.

"No?" Jason answered confused.

"For real?" André asked before looking towards Beck.

"Why would you think that we're dating?" Jason asked them.

"Because of how touchy you two been lately!" André exclaimed as if it was obvious.

"That, and there's this rumor going around that you and Tori have been dating." Beck added.

"Rumor? How long has that been going around?" Jason asked, rolling his eyes.

"About two weeks." André answered.

"The gossip in this school, I swear I'm gonna-- TWO WEEKS?!" Jason suddenly yelled out in shock. "This been going around for two weeks and none of you decided to tell me?!"

"I mean... we did just now..." André said, a hesitant smile on his face.

"Wait, if you two aren't dating, then what's with all the touchy... cutesy crap that you two been doing lately?" Beck asked.

"I... don't know." Jason said, looking away from the two.

"So let me get this straight..." Said Beck. "You've been going over to her house, spending time with her, having these little study dates--"

"They aren't da--"

"And you two still aren't together?" Beck finished, not really caring what Jason was going to say.

"No... we're not..." Jason replied, letting out a sigh.

"Do you want to be?" André asked.

"No, I act this way around her for shits and gig-- THE HELL DO YOU THINK?!" He exclaimed, looking at André like he was an idiot.

"Well, there's one way you could remedy that problem." Beck said, grabbing Jason's attention.

"And what's that?" Jason asked with a raised eyebrow.

Beck stepped up to Jason, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Quit being a bitch and ask her out." He told him.

Beck walked off, heading towards his class.

"What he said." André said before running off to go catch up with Beck.

Rolling his eyes, Jason slumped back onto the lockers, thinking that his friends may have had a point. Meanwhile, completely unaware of the brown-haired Latina who was listening in on the whole thing.


Tori Vega:

Time for stage fighting class. Should I ditch? I wish.

Mood = Freaked 😧


In class, Kevin walked in and took off his jacket, walking in between four tables that were positioned to make a rectangular shaped box.

"Not where I left you..." Kevin said, seeing a prop sword that was misplaced.

Seeing something over to his right, he looked and found an unknown hat laying on one of the tables. He reached out to grab it, only to be stopped by a prop sword pressing against his hand.

Kevin quickly turned to his right, finding Jason standing beside him and holding the sword up to his neck.

"You're the one they're hunting..." Kevin said, slowly backing away.

"The pirate..."

As he was backing away, Jason made sure to press forward, keeping his sword right in Kevin's face. Squinting his eyes, Jason Leaned forward and too a closer look at Kevin.

"You seem somewhat familiar, have I threatened you before?" He asked, his voice rugged whilst speaking in a British accent.

His question gets a round of chuckled from from the class, who was watching as they preformed.

"I make a point of avoiding familiarity with pirates." Kevin answered with a glare.

"Ah, well, then it would be a shame to put a black mark on your record. So if you'll excuse me"

Jason turned around to leave giving Kevin the opportunity to grab another prop sword from the table beside him. Hearing him grab it, Jason turned around and was met with a blade in front of his face.

Unafraid of the sword, Jason walked towards Kevin, making him back away.

"Do you think this wise, boy? Crossing blades with a pirate?" Jason asked.

Kevin face grew determined, holding the sword higher and holding his ground.

"You threatened Miss West." Kevin said.

Hearing her name, Jade smiled and watched with even more interest. Meanwhile Kevin let out a sigh of relief, knowing that if he said another girl's name he wouldn't hear the end of it.

Jason pressed his sword against Kevin's, sliding it down and back up before responding with, "Only a little."

The clashing of blades commenced with Jason taking the offensive and pushing Kevin back. Feeling his back hit the table, Kevin quickly swiped his sword lower, causing Jason to back away to avoid getting hit.

Smiling, Kevin started to push back Jason, stopping once he pushed him back into the other table. Pushing Kevin's sword away from him, Jason stepped towards Kevin.

"You know what you're doing, I'll give you that. Excellent form." Jason complimented, confusing Kevin for a moment.

They both stopped in the middle, waiting to see what the other did next.

"But how's your footwork? If I step here..."

Stepping towards the side, they started to clash whilst circling each other, pausing after only a few strikes.

"Very good. Now I step again."

Jason circled in the opposite direction this time, moving more quickly than the first. Now on opposite ends, Jason smirked at Kevin before giving one last strike and sheathing his sword.

"Ta." Jason bid farewell, walking away from Kevin.

Kevin gave a brief smile before realizing that he couldn't just let him leave. Kevin tossed his sword up, catching it like it was a football before throwing his sword towards Jason.

The sword wizzed past his face, almost hitting him in the back of the head. Jason rolled his eyes and let out a groan before walking back towards Kevin.

"That was a wonderful trick, except once again, you are between me and my way out."

Kevin saw that Jason was walking towards him and looked around at his surroundings, trying to find something to defend himself with.

"And now..."

Jason unsheathed his sword, pointing it towards Kevin.

"You have no weapon."

Kevin quickly turned around and grabbed the sword that was laying on the table when he first walked in, pointing it directly in Jason's face. Jason's head gave a little tilt to the side in a gesture that gave off a "fair enough" feeling.

Jason ran off to the side, jumping over the table on his right and turning back towards Kevin in a clash of swords. After a few seconds, Jason gained the upper hand as he flung Kevin's sword out of his hands using his own. But before he could finish him off, Kevin dove to the other side of the table and quickly picked up another sword that was lying on the ground.

Jason, seeing that he was armed once again, hopped atop the table and blocked a swipe from Kevin.

"Who makes all these?" Jason asked, looking around at all the swords that were just laying around the room.

Kevin gave a hard swipe, hopping atop the table to try and gain ground, but Jason hopped off before her could.

"I do!" Kevin replied, swiping at Jason, who blocked it.

"And I practice with them--"

Jason suddenly threw a random prop at Kevin's head, causing him to stop talking and dodge in the middle of his answer.

"Three hours a day!"

Jason quickly threw another prop, this time hopping on top of the table when Kevin dodged. Dodging a swipe, Kevin hopped to the ground and ducked a sword swipe that was aimed at his head.

"You need to find yourself a girl, mate." Jason told him, gaining another round of chuckles from the class.

Having enough, Kevin hopped on top of the table once again, forcing Jason to hop down on the opposite side. Not trying to lose the upper hand, Kevin quickly grabbed the sword that had been flung out of his hand before off the ground and was now dual wielding.

Overwhelmed, Jason had no choice but to force all of their blades towards the sky, resulting in a standstill.

"Or, perhaps the reason you practice three hours a day is that you already found one. And are otherwise incapable of wooing said strumpet." Jason said, his face becoming scrunched upon an idea coming to his mind.

"You're not a eunuch, are you?" He asked, looking down at Kevin's crotch for a moment.

"I practice three hours a day, so that when a meet a pirate... I can kill it!" Kevin exclaimed.

Jason let out a brief "Ah" before Kevin brought down his swords and swiped at his legs. Jason backed away, hitting the table at the back of the stage.

He quickly hopped on top of the table, immediately being followed up by Kevin. Despite having two swords, Kevin's lack of experience showed as Jason was still able to hold his own despite having to defend himself from two swords.

Striking Kevin's swords with a hard strike, Jason was able to quickly able to swipe one of his legs and send Kevin toppling down to the floor. Kevin quickly pushed himself up, only to pause when he found Jason aiming a Nerf gun at him.

"You cheated..." Kevin said.

"Pirate." Jason pointed out to the boy who had a surprised look on his face.

Hopping down, Jason tossed the gun to the side and held out a hand to his best friend. Kevin accepted and Jason quickly pulled him up. Looking towards the class, Kevin and Jason gave a bow and ended their scene.

The class gave them a big round of applause, all of them loving how fast paced the action was, as well as the light comedy.

"Nice works, guys." The teacher said, giving them both of them a nod.

They nodded back at him before turning around and collecting all the props that they've used during the scene. Russ also helped them out by taking down all the tables and putting them back behind the curtain.

"All right. Next up, we have Tori and Jade." The teacher said, pointing towards each of them.

The girls got up from their seats and made their way to the front of the class. As they made their way up, Jade took out a beanie and put it on her head while Tori gave Jason a freaked out look as they were about to walk past each other. Lightly grabbing her by the arm, Tori stopped as Jason leaned into her ear.

"Remember, if she does hit you, there's nothing stopping you from whacking her with the cane." He whispered to her as he handed her the wig and cane she was supposed to use for her scene.

Tori rolled her eyes at the suggestion, but couldn't help but think that it was a good backup plan for if Jade decided to hit her.

"Um, okay, for our scene, I'm gonna be playing an old lady who's walking home from a bingo game." Tori explained as she faced the class.

"And I play a brutal mugger." Jade added, emphasizing the word "brutal."

The emphasis cause a lot of people to look at her weirdly, even catching the attention of the teacher.

"Yes, a brutal mugger... who mugs me... without actually hurting me." Tori said, looking over to Jade, who didn't say anything as she took her place at over on the side of the stage.

"Okay, as always, be careful, and if anything goes wrong, just yell the safe word, which is... butternut." Russ told them.

Tori put her her wig, getting into character as she slouched a little bit and leaned onto her cane.

"Okay, guys, ready?" The teacher asked.

Jade crouched down, looking like a stereotypical mugger who was about to pounce on their next victim.


"BUTTERNUT!" Tori exclaimed before the teacher could even say the word "action."

"What?!" Exclaimed an already annoyed Jade.

The class looked confused, wondering why Tori had said the safe word before the scene even began. Meanwhile, Kevin and Jason could only feel sorry for the girl as they both knew Jade would most definitely going to try and pull something.

"Tori, what's the problem?" The teacher asked.

"I was testing the safe word. It works." She replied shakily.

Jade rolled her eyes and let out a sigh, already tired before the scene began.

"Okay, I'm ready..." Tori said, getting back into her old lady stance.

"And... Action!" The teacher shouted.

"Oh, I certainly did enjoy the bingo, although I do miss Bob Hope." Tori said in a old voice.

A few of the guys laughed at what she said. All of her friends included.

Jade quickly ran behind Tori, grabbing her by the shoulders before talking in a deep and rough voice.

"Give me your money!" She demanded.

"What?!" Tori exclaimed, sounding almost as if she was a parrot.

"I ain't playing! Give me your money and your watch!" Jade told the "old lady".

"Oh, wouldn't you rather have this?" Tori asked before taking a few steps and swinging her cane at Jade as she turned.

What the class didn't expect to happen was Jade dropping to the floor like a sack of potatoes as a loud thud sounded off from when Tori smacked her in the face with the cane.


They all sat up, wondering if this was apart of the scene or not.

"Butternut!" Jade shouted, gaining the worry of the entire class as she stood up.

Some people, mainly her friends, Russ and the teacher all rushed over to Jade to see if she was okay.

"Butternut!" Jade shouted again, grabbing the beanie off of head and throwing it on the floor.

As she turned around, everyone who went over to check on her saw that Jade had blood just beneath her eye.

"She's bleeding!" Cat exclaimed.

"Cut." The teacher said, causing Jason a bit of pause.

"You mean on her face or the scene?" He asked, wondering what he meant, but he didn't get a response.

"Let me see, let me see." Russ said, trying to take a look at Jade's face.

"Are you okay?" Kevin asked worriedly.

"No, Tori hit me in the face for real!" Jade shouted, looking over to Tori.

"No, I didn't!" Tori defended.

"Tell that to my bloody eye! OW!" Jade exclaimed, holding her eye in pain.

"All right, you better sit down." Russ told her.

"Somebody grab a chair." The teacher said.

"Yeah, quickly, get a chair." Russ added.

Tori looked around for the nearest chair, finding one that was directly behind Jade. She rushed over and grabbed the chair, placing it near Jade so she can sit.

"Here, here, here!" Tori said.

"Yeah, there we go. Just sit down." Russ said as he helped down lower herself onto the chair.

Jade sat on the chair and it broke beneath her, causing her to hit the floor.

"AUGH!" Jade groaned.

Everyone was shocked, mouths wide opened as they stared at the even more injured Jade.

"That was a breakaway chair!" Russ told Tori, making her feel even worse.

"Aw, butternut!" Tori exclaimed.


Most of the class were standing near Jade, looking on as Russ gave her an ice pack to put on her eye. The exceptions were André and Jason, who stood off to the side next to Tori.

"Why'd you hit Jade in the face with a cane?" Cat asked, suddenly walking over to the three.

"I didn't!" Tori shouted at her.

"Okay, I believe you! Don't hit me!" Cat exclaimed, holding out her hands in front of her.

Tori rolled her eyes before looking towards the two boys that have been standing beside her the whole time.

"Will you guys back me up here?" She asked.

"Okay, look, I'm sure Tori didn't mean to whack in the face with a cane." André said to Cat.

"Ugh, why does everyone think I hit her?" Tori asked.

"Well, we were watching you guys do a scene. You hit her across the face with your cane. She fell down. And now, her eye's all bloody." André explained to her.

"Well, that doesn't mean I hit her." Tori said, making Jason, André and Cat all look at each other in confusion.

"I kinda think it does." André told her.

Letting out a groan, Tori looked towards Jason.

"You believe me, right?" She asked him.

"Uh... I want to say yes... but I don't want to lie to you..." Jason trailed off, not really sure where to go from here.

Tori face turned even more upset before she decided to march over to Jade, who was now standing.

"Jade, you know I didn't hit you. I swung, but I missed." She said.

"Look, Tori... Ohh..."

Jade suddenly almost dropped to the floor, getting caught by everyone before she could.

"Hey, we gotta get her to the nurse." The teacher said.

"But I didn't hit her!" Tori told them, but it fell on deaf ears.

"Can someone call my mom?" Jade asked.

"I'll call your mom." Kevin said.

"She doesn't need her mom! Don't bother her mom!" Tori said, pointing at him.

"She just got hit in the face with a cane, I kinda got to." Kevin told her as her grabbed his and Jade's bag.

As everyone, even André and Jason, was about to go out and take Jade to the nurse, Jade turned around and faced Tori.

"And I thought we were just starting to be friends." Jade said in a despondent tone.

That made Jason stop right then and there. Her tone, along with the complete bullshit of a statement tipped him off immediately that she was lying.

"But-- I-I didn't--" Tori tried to get the words out, but gave up as she saw everyone leaving to go and bring Jade to the nurse.

Tori let out a groan and brought her arms down against her legs in frustration. Seeing everyone leave, Jason went over to Tori and lightly grabbed her arm to show her the he was still there.

While surprised that he stayed, Tori face immediately fell as she said, "I didn't hit her."

Jason wrapped an arm around her, giving her some comfort as she leaned into his shoulder.

"I know." He told her.

"I know I missed, I-- you know?" Tori asked, taking a second to comprehend what he just said.

"Mm-hmm." He hummed.

"But you said that you thought I did." She said to him, confused as to why he's switching up now.

"Yeah, at first I thought you did." He admitted.

"At first?" She asked.

""And I thought that we were just starting to be friends"." Jason said, mimicking Jade's voice. "I've known Jade for two years. She would rather choke on a pair of scissors than admit that she considers anyone a friend."

Tori raised an eyebrow at the description, but she has to admit that it was something that she could see Jade doing.

"So how do we prove that she's lying?" Tori asked.

"Well, threatening her is out. That's never ended well for anyone." He said, his face thoughtful.

Tori looked on in surprise at the fact that, despite throwing the option out the window, Jason's first thought was to threaten someone.

"We can't ask anyone else to help us out either since by tomorrow everyone in school will think that you actually whacked her with a cane." He added.

"Now I wish I whacked her for real..." Tori groaned, seeing the helpless situation she's in.


That evening, Trina was at home, laying on her couch while she talked to her friend over the phone and channel surfing the TV in the living room.

"No, no, I didn't get the role." She answered her friend, rolling her eyes.

"I don't know. Probably 'cause I'm too pretty to be on a submarine." She said.

"Yes, I am! Shut up!" She exclaimed, sitting upright on the couch.

The doorbell rang, forcing her to get up to go see who was at the front door.

"One sec." She told her friend.

Trina laid her phone face down on the couch before getting up and opening the front door, finding that it was Robbie.

"Hi!" He greeted with a little too much enthusiasm.

Robbie, as usual, holding Rex in one of his hands, but this time he also held a glass container that had plastic wrap around the top.

"Oh, my God." Trina said at the sight of him.

"Do you like stuffed cabbage?" He asked, holding out the glass container.

"My mom made this, and if you have a couple extra forks, I thought maybe--"

"I don't like you." Trina cut him off.

"Yeah, you can say that but I know how I felt. There is now way that you can kiss me like that and not feel the same--"

As he was giving her this long winded explanation of why he needed to be in a mental hospital, Trina grabbed the stuffed cabbage from Robbie's hands and closed the door on his face.

"So you're just gonna close the door?!" Asked Robbie before he heard the lock on the door turn.

"And lock it?!"

The lights to the front porch suddenly went off, shrouding him in darkness.

"And then turn off the porch light?!"


Tori Vega:

OMG - I just got called to the GUIDANCE COUNSELOR'S OFFICE. Whyyyyy?!?

Mood = Frustrated 😒


The next day, Tori walked into Lane's, the guidance counselor's, office. The office itself had a "natural vibe" as Lane would describe it, having more than a few plants strewn around. There was also a couch for the students to make themselves comfortable in whilst he gave them his guidance.

Lane, upon hearing the door, spun around in his chair that was hanging from the ceiling and saw that Tori had walked in.

"Oh, hey, Tori." He greeted her.

Tori didn't respond, both in part due to the fact that she was frustrated that she was frustrated that she had to go to the guidance counselor in the first place, and also because she found herself weirded out by everything in Lane's office.

"Have a seat." He said, motioning to the couch.

Tori let out a sigh and made her way to the couch.

"You look a little worried." Lane said as Tori sat down.

"Yeah, well, it's not fun getting called into the guidance counselor's office." She replied.

"You're not in trouble. I'm here to help you... with your violence issue." He said, looking away from Tori and twiddling with a highlighter that was in his hand.

"I'm not violent." Tori told him.

"I believe you." He said.

"Then why is he here?" She asked, looking towards the security guard, Derrick, who was standing over in the corner the entire time.

"Explain that." She said.

"Tori, I know that Jade probably isn't your favorite person." Lane said, changing the subject.

"So?" She asked.

"So in life, just because we may not like someone, that doesn't mean it's okay to beat 'em with a cane." Lane told her.

"I didn't." Exclaimed Tori.

Derrick quickly placed his hands on his belt, ready to take out his pepper spray if Tori grew violent.

"Oh, relax, Derrick!" She told him.

Lane motioned for Derrick to calm down. Derrick responded calmly, taking his hands away from the spray.

"I did not hit Jade with that cane." Tori told Lane.

"Then how do you explain her black eye?" He asked.

"Uh, I don't know..." Tori said.

She went to go reach in her bag to grab her water, and Derrick immediately reached for his pepper spray again.

"I'm just getting water." She told him, becoming increasingly frustrated with him.

Derrick calmed down and took his hands off the pepper spray... again.

"Listen, you were under a lot of stress and you were worried that Jade was gonna hit you, right?" Lane asked her.

"Well, yeah." Tori answered after taking a sip of water.

"So you were afraid. Your adrenaline was pumping, and maybe in the heat of the moment, you swung on Jade with that cane for real." Lane said, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation.

"Maybe..." Lane started.

"Maybe..." Derrick chimed in.

Tori and Lane both looked towards Derrick with tired expressions, wishing that he would stop interrupting. He held up his hands and took a step back, letting them get on with their counseling.

"I guess it's possible..." Tori said reluctantly.

"AH-HAH!" Exclaimed Derrick, pointing at Tori as if he had caught her in the act of something nefarious.

Tori and Lane flinched at the sudden outburst, and turned to look at the security guard.

"Derrick!" Lane admonished.

Derrick at least had the decency to look embarrassed at his reaction, putting his head down and looking at the floor. Lane let out a sigh and turned back to Tori.

"Now, don't you feel better admitting that you hit Jade?" He asked.

"If I say, yes, can I go?" She asked.

"Sure." He replied.

"Okay, fine, then yes." She said, quickly grabbing her bag and standing up from the couch.

Even if Tori was positive that she had missed with her cane, she had no way to prove it. So she just decided to accept whatever was going to happen and move on.

"Wait, aren't you gonna punish her?" Derrick asked.

"Derrick!" Tori yelled.

"Don't hit him!" Lane shouted, standing up and putting his hands out.

"I wasn't gonna-- Can you just tell me my punishment?" She asked, not having the energy to argue.

"Two weeks of detention." Lane told her.




"On Friday night, the middle school's doing a play here at the Black Box theatre. It ends with a big food fight scene." Lane told to her.

"So?" She asked, not seeing where he was going with this.

"So, you have to clean the theatre after the show. You know, scrape the food off the walls." He explained.

"I'd have said three weeks detention." Derrick gave his thoughts.

"Derrick!" Tori exclaimed, taking a step towards the man.

Derrick, once again, placed his hands on the pepper spray, ready to pull it out.

"I'll pull it." He warned her.

"I'll pull it." She told him.


"Damn, two weeks? Usually I would just get suspended for a couple of days for hitting someone." Jason said.

Jason and Tori were walking side by side to lunch, Tori telling him about what happened during her meeting with Lane.

"You've hit someone before?" She asked.

"Mostly Rex, but apparently the school takes it as "attempting to destroy another student's property." He said, using air quotes and a mocking tone of voice.

"Really?" Tori asked, finding it both funny and ridiculous.

"Mm-hmm. Anyway, I'm guessing that your detention starts today?" He asked.

"Yeah... look, I know we had plans after school, but--"

"Nah, it's cool. If you want, I could just hang around in the parking lot until you're let out." He suggested.

"Are you serious?" She asked, surprised that he would do that.

"Yeah, why not? It's only an hour. And I doubt Trina is gonna be willing to stick around  for an hour after school for two straight weeks." He replied with a shrug.

"Oh my God, you are amazing." She said, giving him a hug.

"I should start offering to give you rides more often..." Jason muttered.

Hearing him, Tori let out a laugh and pulled away. As they continued on their way towards lunch.


Outside, Jade and Kevin were sitting at a table, with Kevin massaging Jade's leg as she ate her salad... which he paid for.

"Remind me how your leg has anything to do with your black eye?" Kevin asked, unsure why he was doing this.

"I'm thirsty. Get me a coffee?" She asked, completely ignoring his question.

Rolling his eyes, Kevin got up from the table and went to go get Jade a coffee.


"Sugars! I know!" Kevin shouted back.

As he walked by, Jason and Tori looked on and figured out pretty quickly that Jade was milking Kevin's sympathy to make him do things for her.

"Should we tell him that she's faking?" Tori asked the boy next to her.

"Nah, he'll figure it out... eventually. Wanna go out to eat?" Jason asked, completely glossing over the fact that he essentially left his friend to be Jade's pack mule.

"Sure. What do you have in mind?" Tori asked as they walked back inside and headed towards the front of the school.

"You wanna check out that new froyo place that just opened up down the street?" He asked.

"Oh, I've been wanting to go there since they opened! What's it called again?" She asked.

"Slo-yo Fro-yo." He answered.

As they were left, Robbie was sitting at a table with Trina, desperately trying to convince her to go out with him. Which was not going well, to say the least.

"Come on. Go out with me on Saturday night." He pleaded.

"I've already got plans." Trina told him.

"Sunday night?"

"You make me sick."




Trina had enough, grabbing her bag and her lunch before getting up from the table.

"Uh-oh, she's getting up." Rex said.

Trina walked away, leaving Robbie by himself. He stood up, trying to call out to her, but she wasn't interested in the slightest.

"Trina, hey, wait, baby, ah..."

Robbie sat back down, looking sorry for himself as Cat came by and sat down at the table.

"What's the matter?" Cat asked.

"Trina's in denial." He told her.

"Ugh, you're still on that?" She asked, taking off her bag off her back and putting it on the floor.

"Trina love me." He said with a mouthful of food.

"It was a stage kiss! She was acting!" Cat told him.

"You didn't feel the kiss. A girl can't fake that kind of heat. I don't care she tells me a thousand times that it didn't mean anything bec--"

Cat cuts Robbie off by bringing him into a kiss. The kiss lasted a few seconds, but it was enough to leave Robbie stunned as Cat pulled away.

"See?" She said, grabbing a carrot off her tray and biting of a piece.

"I want you to meet my parents." Robbie said, causing Cat to almost choke on her carrot.

As this was happening, a few male students snuck up on a unsuspecting girl and poured a cup of ice down her shirt. The girl let out a sudden gasp before standing up and turning around to see who did it.

"You guys, you're so dead." She said, grabbing her drink from the table.

She took off the cap and threw it at the guy who dumped the ice down her shirt, but he suddenly moved out of the way and it ended up being dumped onto Jade instead.

Jade slowly stood up, about to murder the girl, when she touched her face and realized that the make-up she used for her fake black eye would start to run soon.

"Oh, my God, Jade... I'm so sorry, please don't destroy me socially, I didn't mean to--"

"Just forget it!" Jade told the girl, quickly grabbing her bag and running inside before anyone could see her make-up come off.

Holding her hand over her eye, Jade was speed walking through the hall trying to get to the bathroom when André spotted her. He quickly ran after her, wanting to ask her something.

"Oh hey, Jade!" He said, calling out to her.

"I can't talk." She said, trying to walk even faster.

André quickly ran out in front of her, trying to stop her. "Jade, wait up, wait up. Jade."

"WHAT?!" She yelled.

"Oh... what's wrong with your eye?" He asked, closely looking at her black eye.

"Tori hit me with a cane, remember?" She asked, covering up her face even more and looking away from André.

"Yeah, but... never seen a black eye... drip before." He said, bringing his hand up and touching her eye.

He looked at his finger and saw that it was the same color as Jade's eye.

"This is make-up." He said, looking at Jade, who was looking at everything but him.

"Tori never hit you, did she?" He asked.

"I--" Jade tried to give him a reasonable explanation, but she couldn't come up with anything.

"Fake black eye, fake blood." He said.

Jade let out a sigh and decided to stop the facade. "Look, you cannot tell anyone about this, especially Tori."

"I won't." He told her.

Jade started to back away, thinking that she got lucky when André started to scream out for Tori.


"Shut up!" Jade yelled as she started to run after André.

"Tori, where are you?!" André yelled out, running away from Jade while also trying to find Tori.

"André! Will you please stop?!" Jade shouted as she chased him to the top of the stairs.

"Has anyone seen Tori?!" André asked around

"Nobody bother Tori! False alarm! He ate a bad taco!" Jade yelled out, chasing André back down the stairs.


It was now Friday night, Jason had just finished dropping Tori off and was now sitting on the stairs, playing ONE on his phone as he waited for Tori to finish cleaning the theatre.

Hearing the front door, Jason turned to see Kevin and Jade walking in.

"What are you doing here?" Kevin asked.

"What are you two doing here?" Jason asked him back.

"I don't know. Jade just wanted me to drive her here for some reason." Kevin answered, motions towards his girlfriend, who said nothing.

"You?" Kevin asked, wanting to hear why Jason was here.

"I dropped Tori off about ten minutes ago. Now I'm waiting for her to finish cleaning so we can leave." He told him.

Kevin nodded his head before turning his attention to Jade, who had nudged him in the side.

"Hey, can you get me some froyo at the place that just opened up?" She asked sweetly.

"Sure. You want anything?" Kevin asked towards Jason.

"Two strawberries." He told him

He gave a nod and stepped back out outside to grab them their froyo.

"Still hasn't realized that you don't have the black eye anymore?" Jason asked Jade.

"Nope." She answered, walking off.

A few seconds went by before Kevin came back in.

"I don't see no froyo." Jason said, not even looking up from his phone.

"Where's Jade?" He asked.

"Don't know, don't care." Jason replied.

Rolling his eyes, Kevin said "Then, do you mind if I borrow your car? We came in Jade's and she has the keys with her. I'll be back in fifteen minutes tops."

Without saying a word, Jason tossed him the keys to his Camaro.

"Thanks, man." Kevin said as he got up from the ground and rushed out the door.

"Two strawberries!" Jason shouted, reminding his friend as he left.

Shaking his head, Jason went back on his phone and resumed playing ONE with some guys that he met online a few days ago. Seeing that it was his turn, Jason placed down a green reverse.

Since he didn't have a green or a reverse, his friend started to draw from the deck.

And draw he did.


Everyone in the group was laughing their asses off at their friend's misery, which came to a stop when he finally drew a red reverse and sent back to Jason.

Looking at his cards, Jason saw that he had another green reverse.

He knew what needed to be done.


His friend kept drawing, and drawing, and drawing... until eventually...






As Jason was having the time of his life, Tori was scraping away at the seemingly endless amount of food that was stuck to the walls of the theatre.

Derrick, who was the one supervising her, walked up behind her and leaned down. He looked at the food that  Tori was scraping off the wall and squinted his eyes at it.

"Is that mac 'n' cheese?" He asked.

"Who cares?!" Tori snapped.

Derrick slowly got up, muttering "Just wanted to know if it was mac 'n' cheese..." before sitting over at a table.

Feeling someone come up behind her again, Tori turned around and saw that it was Jade standing there. They looked at each other, waiting for the other to talk before Jade decided to go first.

"I don't get it." She said.

"What?" Tori asked, shrugging at what she meant.

"I know André told you that I faked everything. The blood, the black eye-- What is that, mac 'n' cheese?" She asked, cutting herself off as she couldn't help but wonder what it was Tori was scraping off the wall.

"Looks like it, right?" Derrick asked, not taking his eyes off his phone.

Tori gave Derrick a look, which he didn't see, before getting up from the ground and turning to Jade.

"Why are you here?" She asked.

"Why are you here? Why didn't you tell on me?" Jade asked her back.

"'Cause we both go to school here and it's not gonna be much fun for either one of us if we're fighting all the time." Tori told her before walking towards the other side of the theatre.

"So, you're just gonna let me get away with it?" Jade asked.

Tori looked at her for a brief second but didn't say anything, choosing instead to go back to scraping food off the wall.

"You took detention and a lower grade and your scraping crusty pudding off the wall on a Friday night, just so I won't get it trouble?" She asked, not believing that Tori did that for her.

"Pretty much." Tori said, nodding her head.

"Well, you can't be nice to me when I've been mean to you. That's not how it works!" Jade told her.

"Well, then, try being nice to me sometime. Maybe that'll work. Now, go play. I gotta scrape this onion dip off the wall." She said before taking a small wif of the dip.

"Or onion pus..." She said.

As Jade was walking out, she looked back at Tori scraping food off the wall and let out a sigh before dropping her bag on the floor and grabbing a towel, bucket, and scraper from one of the tables.

Walking towards where Tori was, Jade started scraping food off the pillar next to her. When Tori turned to look at what she was doing, Jade gave her a exaggerated smile before going back to her usual blank expression.

Tori didn't say anything as she went back to scraping her, but she appreciated the what Jade was doing.

Jade scraped for a few seconds before looking towards the back of the theatre and dropping her scraper into the bucket.

"This might be more fun with some tunes." She said as she walked over to the Theatre's sound system, tripping and falling onto the play button.

The theatre's speakers started blasting [The Queen of White Lies] and Tori opened her mouth in shock at what Jade was doing.

Jade started twirling the towel in her hand as she dance to the song. Tori, following Jade's lead, started to dance as she scraped food off the wall. Jade walked over and started to do the same.

Derrick himself was still on his phone, but he could be seen vibing to the music.

"Hey, D, come scrape with us. This is fun!" Tori invited her chaperone to join the party.

"All right." Derrick said after thinking about it for a second.

Putting his phone away, Derrick stood up walked over to the girls. Bending down, Derrick went to pick up a scraper off the ground, resulting in Tori giving him a hip bump as he was bending over.

He staggered a bit, looking at Tori before realizing it was all in good fun. He walked over to one of the pillars and started to scrape the food off while dancing just like the girls did.

"Here, try it with two!" Jade said, handing him her scraper.

Derrick grabbed the scraper, shrugging his shoulders before starting to scrape two separate pillars at the same time. He dropped it low, scraping as he went down.

The girls were dancing over at the table where they left their bags, realizing that Derrick was distracted and they could easily slip out of the theatre unseen.

Dropping their buckets, they carefully walked over to their bags and put them over their shoulder as they made sure that Derrick didn't see them. The chorus to the song hit and they both danced out of the theater.

Derrick was still dancing to the song, cleaning up the food before realizing what happened and turned to see that the girls were gone.


'What in the fu...'

Jason almost couldn't believe what he was seeing. Tori... and Jade... laughing... together... side by side...


"I've died... I laughed so hard that I suffocated and died... This is a hellscape..." He muttered.

"Hey!" Tori greeted him, her and Jade stopping at the foot of the stairs.

"Kevin back yet?" Jade asked.

"Nah, he should be back soon though. He had to take my car by the way." He told her.

"Why?" She asked.

"'Cause you left with the keys." He replied.

"Then why didn't he just come get them?" She asked.

"Because you left without telling either of us where you were going." He pointed out to her.


"Where'd her go anyway?" Tori asked.

"Slo-yo Fro-yo." Jade answered.

"Oh, I love that place!" Tori exclaimed.

Just as she said that, Kevin walked in holding four large cups of froyo. One vanilla, one chocolate, and two strawberry.

"Special delivery." He said, handing Jade her vanilla froyo.

"Hey Tori." Kevin greeted the girl.

"Hey, Kev." She said back.

Kevin walked up the stairs, handing Jason his two large cups of strawberry froyo.

"Thanks." He said to him, getting a nod.

"So are we set?" Kevin asked, wondering if they were gonna leave.

"Yeah." Jason stood up and walked down the stairs, holding out one of the cups of froyo to Tori.

"What's this?" She asked.

"Got it for ya. Well, he did, but technically it was my car that delivered it, so it still counts." Jason told her.

She laughed as she took the froyo, thinking that Jason was really sweet to get her one.

The group of friends walked outside and headed towards their respective cars, ready to go home.

"Later, guys." Kevin said his goodbyes as his arm wrapped around Jade's shoulders.

Jade just gave them a short nod, as her mouth was otherwise preoccupied with a spoonful of froyo.



Jason and Tori said, splitting apart from them and walking towards Jason's car. Jason paused for a second, causing Tori to look back at him.

"What's up?" She asked.

Jason held up a finger, signaling for her to give him a second. He took out his phone, going to his messages and finding "Kevin".

[U might wanna take a look at Jade's face]

Hitting send, Jason showed Tori the text message, getting a raised eyebrow as a response.

"Look at her face?" She asked.

"He still hasn't realized Jade has been faking the entire time." He told her.

"Really? But she's not even wearing the make-up anymore." She said.

"Hasn't noticed."

Jason held up his hand and started to countdown from five. Reaching zero, he pointed over to the other side of the parking lot.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?" They heard Kevin shout out.

"Now he's noticed."

Tori let out a laugh and they proceeded to walk to his car. Jason wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they were still smiling at what just happened.

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