

"Okay, bye." One of Tori's friends said as she walked away with her boyfriend.

"Later." Tori replied.

Tori was sat at the table with most of her friends and her boyfriend right beside her, who was about to take a bite out of a turkey sandwich.

"So, what'd you think?" Tori asked Jason.

The boy stopped in the middle of his bite, looking towards Tori in confusion.

"What I think about what?" He asked.

"Trey and her boyfriend." She replied.

"Who?" He asked, completely lost as to who she was referring to.

"The two people that I was just talking to..." She said.

"Imma be honest, those two were boring as hell, so I just kinda tuned them out." He confessed, not at all ashamed of himself as he finally took the bite out of his sandwich.

"They were not boring! Right guys?" Tori asked, looking around the table for support.


Beck and André looked towards each other for a moment before going back to eating their lunch.

"Your friends are boring." Jade stated bluntly.

Tori looked offended by the statement, not believing that all of her friends thought that her other friends outside the group were boring.

"Oh, come on! Kevin?" She looked towards the boy who was known to be the most supportive of the group.

"Please don't make me lie..." Kevin said with a torn expression on his face.

Before Tori could respond to the hurtful revelation, Cat suddenly ran out and placed some sort of machine smacked dab right in the of the table. Everyone looked towards the machine and then Cat, who was smiling at them and waiting for one of them to ask what it is.

The group looked back towards the machine, unanimously agreeing that whatever it was wasn't worth whatever weird explanation Cat would give them and proceeded to go back to eating their lunch.

"Don't you guys wanna know what that is?" Cat asked, surprised that no one asked about her gadget.

"Is it a transporter from the future that can beam you to another table, 'cause if it is, what button do I push?" Jade asked, annoyed by Cat's antics.

Her question got a deep chuckle from Jason, which prompted his girlfriend to nudge him in the side.

"That's so hurtful." Cat said, a dejected making its way onto her face.

"You know, you don't always have to be mean all the time." Tori told Jade.

"See, Tori's interested in my device." Cat said.

"I'm really not." Tori told Cat, at least having the decency to look guilty about getting her hopes up.

Jason chuckled at Tori's reply before wrapping his right arm around her shoulders. Seeing this, Jade looked towards her boyfriend with a pointed stare, making him look towards her in confusion. She motioned towards the new couple and Kevin realized what she wanted. He wrapped his arm around her, making her smile and snuggle into the crook of his neck.

While these four were enjoying the moment, Cat was feeling quite the opposite as no one wanted to know about her new machine. Seeing this, André decided to brighten up the girl's mood by asking.

"Aw, come, little red, tell us about your doohickey." He said, giving her a one-arm hug.

"Okay, it's called the Snowbee." Cat said before leaning over to turn it on. "Watch."

The device started to spew out a mountain of fake snow all over the place, getting on everyone sitting on not just their table, but on others who were sitting on the nearby tables. Cat squeezed in delight while everyone else had mixed reactions.

Tori and Jason were mostly unfazed, just looking around with uninterested eyes before looking towards the machine with the same expressions.

Kevin and Beck basically had the same reaction, but they both squinted their eyes in an attempt to keep the fake snow out from accidentally falling in when they looked toward the sky.

André and Jade had the most lively response to the machine out of the group, trying to wave the fake snow away from them as much as they could as it continued to spew out.

Having enough, Jade stood up and turned off the machine.

"It makes pretend snow!" Cat said excitedly.

"I see that." André said, trying to wipe the fake snow off his sandwich.

"It's all over my tostada." Beck after trying to blow it off.

"And my pizza." Tori added.

"Well, do not eat it." Cat warned.

"Why...?" Jade asked, almost certain that the answer was going to be annoying.

"'Cause it says the fake snow is toxic and can cause abdominal bleeding." Cat said, picking up an instructional pamphlet that must've came with the device.

Everyone at the table looked at each other and then towards their lunches before they all simultaneously pushed their poisoned lunches toward the middle of the table.

"So what made you buy a machine that poisons people's lunches?" Tori asked.

Cat picked up a catalog from the table, wiping away the snow and showing the cover to her friends. The catalog had a picture of the sky advertising some sort of radio, with the words "Sky Store" in bold inside of a red box in the left hand corner.

"This catalog." Cat said.

"Sky Store?" Beck asked.

"Yeah. I went to visit my uncle and uncle this weekend in San Francisco, and they had these on the plane." She explained before opening the catalog and flipping through the pages. "It's like, filled with all kinds of cool stuff you can buy. Ooh, like this-- a tree face!"

Cat flipped the catalog back around and showed what looked like a tree with some sort of weird face hung over it.

"What if you don't have a tree?" Tori asked.

"It also works on bushes!" Cat said gleefully.

Jason raised an eyebrow and looked over towards Kevin, who responded with a shrug and a shake of his head.

"Unbelievable!" A familiar voice shouted, grabbing everyone's attention. Everyone turned and saw Robbie walking up to the table in huff.

"You guys have no idea how upset I am about--"

Robbie cut himself off as he looked at his surroundings and saw snow everywhere.

"It snowed? In Los Angeles?!" He exclaimed.

"I told you global warming was bogus." Rex said.

"Stop watching Fox News." Robbie told him.

"No. It's fair and balanced." Rex retorted.

"Dude." Tori chuckled.

"It's fake snow." Kevin told him.

"But you can eat it." Jade said, holding out a forkful of the poisonous snow towards Robbie.

Tori let out a sigh and rolled her eyes at Jade's action while Kevin looked at his girlfriend with disapproval.

"I don't wanna eat anything." Robbie said as he sat down next to Jason.

"You sure?" Jason asked, holding out another forkful of the snow.

Tori roll her eyes at her boyfriend before nudging him in the side, wanting him to knock it off.

"What are you all upset about?" André asked.

"This time?" Beck added, his face having a tired expression.

"Well, the seniors, the ones who run The Slap--"

"Dot com?" Cat asked

"No, dot gov." Robbie said in a mocking tone. "YES, DOT COM! They wanna cancel my blog."

"Why?" Jade asked before snapping her finger in faux realization. "Oh, wait, I don't care."

Tori sighed and looked towards Robbie, "Why?" She asked, genuinely wanting his to answer.

"'Cause it's boring." Rex answered. "Ha!"

"It is not bor--" Robbie stopped and looked around at his friends. "Do you guys think that my blog on The Slap is boring?"

Everyone's eyes, barring Jade's and Jason's, widened in surprise at the question. Not wanting to hurt his feelings, Beck quickly came up with a solution to get them out of answering the question.

"Hey look, it's that guy over there." He said, everyone quickly catching onto what he was trying to do.

"It is that guy..." Cat said.

"Wait up, guy!" André exclaimed.

Everyone, except for Tori and Jason, quickly grabbed their bags and got up from the table, following after Beck.

"There's no guy." Jade said as she and Kevin passed by the three still sitting at the table.

"Jason?" Robbie asked, wanting to know his opinion since he didn't walk away with everyone else... surprisingly.

"Don't make me hurt your feelings." He said, grabbing his bag from the floor and giving Tori a peck on her cheek before following after everyone else.

Robbie pounded his fist lightly against the table, looking defeated as he realized no one found his blog at all interesting.

"I'm sorry that they want to cancel your blog." Tori said to him.

"I just don't understand why." Robbie said.

"Well, what kinds of things do you report on?" She asked.

"You know, school news." He answered. "Like last week, I did a report about the library being painted."

"Boring!" Rex chimed in.

Tori sighed at the puppet's response before asking, "What else?"

"Um..." Robbie muttered, trying to think of something interesting. "I did a piece about Principal Eichner's new office makeover."

Rex let out a yawn, almost feeling as if he was being put to sleep from boredom.

"Oh! I did a three-part series on carpooling." Robbie said excitedly, as if that was something that would interest anyone.

"Which was three parts too many." Rex retorted.

Robbie looked towards Rex with an offended expression, but ultimately couldn't refute his own puppet.

"Look, if you wanna save your blog, why don't you just make it about the students here? You know, like all the stuff that goes on in their lives" Tori suggested.

"You think?" Robbie asked, a little unsure of the idea.

"Sure." She said with a reassuring smile.

"Okay, I could try that." He said.

"Good." She said, picking up her bag and getting up from the table. "Oh, and uh, don't eat the snow unless you wanna bleed internally."

Tori smiled, patting Robbie on the shoulder and walking towards the direction where her friends and boyfriend went off to.

"Okay!" Robbie exclaimed, looking at the girl wistfully as she walked away. "She's so cute..."

"Careful, that's a brother's girl you're talkin' about." Rex told him.

"I would never!" Robbie exclaimed defensively.

"It's not like you could anyway. That is one mighty fine man she has." Rex said, causing Robbie to stare at him with a confused expression. "Stare all you want. You know I'm right."

Robbie continued to stare for a moment before nodding his head in agreement at the puppet's statement.

Meanwhile, back with the man in question, Tori had finally found him sitting on the trunk of his car while texting someone on his phone.

"Hey, who are you texting?" Tori asked as she walked up to him.

"No one, just friend of mine." Jason said as he put his phone in his pocket and gave Tori his full attention.

"Well, who are they?" She asked.

"Not anyone you know. Guy lives up in Northridge." He said.

"Northridge?" She asked, her face grimacing at what he told her.

"Yeah..." He muttered.

Tori pushed herself on top of the trunk and sat next to him, laying her head on his shoulder.

"You're friends with someone from Northridge?" She asked.

"Mhm. Known him and his brother for about three years now. Two of the coolest dudes I know." Jason answered.

"Maybe you could introduce me to them." She suggested

Tori immediately felt Jason's body go stiff as a rock. She took her head off his shoulder and saw that he had a complicated expression on his face.

"Uh... I-- It's-- I just--" He stammered, biting on his lower lip. "Nah..."

"What? Why not?" She asked, chuckling at Jason's reaction.

"I don't know. I just... You know, you look really beautiful with snow in your hair." He said, tucking away a stray strand of her hair.

"Jace..." She called out, making him let out a deep sigh.

"Don't take this personally, they've done this to all the girls I've dated..." He started, causing Tori to raise an eyebrow at him. "They're gonna roast the hell out of you."

"Oh, come on, that's what you're worried about?" She asked, letting out a little laugh.

"Babe, they're from Northridge. They will roast you within an inch of your life." He told her.

"It can't be that bad." She said.

"All right, tell you what." He said, taking his phone out of his pocket. "I'll upload a pic of us on my feed and change my relationship status. By tonight, I guarantee you'll see why I didn't want you to meet them."

"Fine." She nodded before coming to a realization. "Wait, you still haven't changed your relationship status?"

"Nah, I don't really use social media all that much." He told her as he posted the photo and changed his status. "There. Jason Riley is in a relationship with Tori Vega."

Tori gets a notification on her phone and opens it up to see that Jason uploaded a photo of the both of them holding each other while their foreheads were pressed against one another. She smiled at the photo, remembering when it was took, but it was short lived when a flood of comments started rolling in.

"Wow, a lot of people are commenting already..." She muttered.

"I guess." Jason responded with a shrug, not really caring all that much.

"How many followers did you say you had?" She asked.

"I don't know." He answered. "Haven't posted anything on The Slap since last year, so I probably lost a few."

Tori backed out of the photo and scrolled to the top of Jason's profile to check how many followers he had.

"Oh, my God! You have over seven thousand!" She exclaimed.

Jason looked over at Tori's phone and saw that his follower count was sitting at 7,693.

"Okay." He said simply before looking back towards his phone.

Tori looked at him in shock, unable to grasp why he didn't seem to care at all, but that was just how Jason was. He never cared about social media as he thought it was a complete waste of time and effort.


The next day, Robbie walked into The Slap headquarters with Rex in tow, walking to one of the desktops that were used by the students to post various photos, blogs, and articles on said website.

"I thought you were taking me to Inside-Out Burger." Rex said, not happy with where Robbie brought him.

"We'll eat later." Robbie said as he placed his bag on the ground and sat down at a desk. "I wanna show you the footage I shot for my blog."

"And why would I care about that?" Rex asked.

"'Cause if this interview's any good, it might convince the seniors to let me keep doing my blog on The Slap." Robbie told him.

"Man, why don't you just rub my back?" Rex said, completely uninterested in whatever Robbie was going to play for him.

"Just watch, this is quality stuff." Robbie said, hitting play on the video.

The video showed Sinjin standing in front of the camera, waving his hand awkwardly towards it as Robbie recorded him.

[Sinjin: Hello.]

[Robbie: Hi. Now your name is...]

[Sinjin: Sinjin Van Cleef.]

As they were watching, Robbie turned towards Rex with an excited smile, feeling very proud of himself. Meanwhile, Rex just stared at the screen blankly.

[Robbie: Now Sinjin, I understand that you collect something.]

[Sinjin: Yes.]

There was a long silence after his answer. Evidently, despite having assisted in multiple plays, Sinjin didn't understand that that was his cue to go into more detail.

[Robbie: Um, what do you collect?]

[Sinjin: Oh.]

Sinjin went into his bag and pulled out a clear container yellow sponge resting on the inside with multiple small items that you couldn't quite make out.

[Sinjin: I collect these.]

[Robbie: And those are...]

[Sinjin: Teeth, from the relatives of past presidents.]

Rex instantly shuddered at what he said.

"That's creepy, man." He told Robbie.

"Shush." Robbie told him, turning his attention back towards the video.

[Robbie: So tell us about some of your teeth.]

Sinjin opened the container and pulled out one of the teeth to show to the camera.

[Sinjin: This tooth came from the mouth of a cousin of Ronald Reagan.]

"Eeeewwwwwww..." Rex groaned, absolutely disgusted with what he was hearing and seeing.

Sinjin pulled another tooth from the container, this one being a molar. As this was happening, Tori appeared in the background and opened her locker, checking her face on the mirror she had on the door.

[Sinjin: This tooth is a molar that came from the mouth of Jimmy Carter's brother Billy.]

[Robbie: Wow, it's so yellow.]

[Sinjin: I know.]

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Rex exclaimed upon seeing Tori.

"What?" Robbie asked.

"Look, you see Tori in the background?" He asked.

"You're supposed to be focusing on my interview with Sinjin." Robbie told him,

"Shut up, ding-bat!" Rex retorted, making Robbie flinch back in offense. "Rewind the video, kill the volume, zoom in on Tori and play it again."

Robbie let out a sigh and did as the puppet demanded.

"Yeah, now watch her, watch her." Rex chuckled.

The puppet and puppeteer watched as Tori looked at herself in the mirror and proceeded to squeeze a pimple that was on her chin.

"Ha! She's squeezin' on a pimple. Ha, ha, ha, zit!" Rex exclaimed.

"So?" Robbie asked.

"Dude! That's the kinda funk America wants to see." Rex replied.

"Huh?" Robbie asked, still not quite getting the point.

"People caught on video." Rex told him. "Put that on your stupid blog if you want it to be poplar."

"Tori squeezing a pimple? That's just mean." Said Robbie.

"It's news, man. Come on, Rob, you wanna be a loser the rest of your life?" Rex asked him.

"I'm not a loser now!" Robbie exclaimed defensively.

"Yeah, what was I thinking?" Rex asked sarcastically.


At the Riley household, Tori and Jason were supposed to be studying together in his room, but Tori was currently reading off all the comments that were on Jason's post from lunch.

"So cute. O-M-G. You guys look so happy." She read, a smile on her face as she saw not one negative comment.

"You just gonna keep reading those off?" Jason asked, his face directed towards the homework he was assigned for math.

Which he hated....

"Come on! Come over here and read them with me." She said, patting her hand on a spot beside her.

"Babe, if I get on that bed, we ain't gonna be reading shit." He told her.

"Oh really?" She said, propping her head on one arm. "And just what are you talking about?"

Jason paused and looked over at his girlfriend, seeing a teasing smirk on her face.

"Oh, you think I'm playin'." He said.

Jason got up from his desk and walked over to her, causing her to sit up and crawl away towards the headboard, the smile not fading in the slightest. Getting on the bed, Jason crawled towards Tori and pinned her below him.

Tori wrapped her arms around Jason's neck and pulled him into hers. Jason started to kiss her neck softly at first, wanting to know just how far she was willing to go, but quickly started to kiss her more intently once she gripped tight onto his hair. As he was doing this, his hand slowly moved underneath her shirt and gently cupped one of her breasts.

Tori stiffened for a brief moment, not expecting him to be so brazen, but she quickly relaxed and let out a brief moan at his touch.


Jason's phone suddenly went off, but the couple ignored it due to having much more important things on their minds.

[Ding!] [Ding!]

Tori turned towards the phone for a split second before a Jason's hand shifted her attention back into towards him.

"Ignore it." He uttered before placing his lips on hers.

Feeling his tongue, Tori quickly gave him access into her mouth and the two began to make out intensely. Feeling bold, Tori surprised Jason when she pushed him onto his back and straddled him. Jason's surprise had quickly faded away, realizing he had now had access to something he wanted to do this entire time, but couldn't as Tori was on her back.

Bringing his hands to her side, Tori felt his hands head lower and squeeze her ass with a tight grip.

[Ding!] [Ding!] [Ding!] [Ding! [Ding!]

Unable to handle it anymore, Tori rolled off Jason, causing him to groan in annoyance. Tori grabbed his phone from the nightstand and handed it to the disgruntled teen, who took it from her and proceeded to see why someone was texting him so much.

Upon seeing who it was, Jason let out a loud sigh and opened up the messages.

"Oh, my God..." Jason groaned softly.

Hearing this, Tori looked over and wondered what happened.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Hmm?" Jason hummed, his head snapping over to Tori. "Nothin'."

Tori raised an eyebrow at his reaction. There was definitely something up.

"It's nothing, really." Jason said, seeing that Tori didn't quite believe him.

He went back over to her and tried to kiss her, but she moved back and looked at him with an inquisitive gaze. Seeing this, he let out a sigh and explained.

"You remember when I said that my friends will roast you?" He asked.

"Yeah, but there wasn't anything in the comments." She said.

"That's because they didn't say it in the comments." He told her, bringing up his phone and giving it a little shake. "We have a group chat."

"Well, what did they say?" She asked, going to grab his phone.

Jason immediately moved the phone away from her and stood up from the bed.

"You know, I don't think that's such a good idea..." He said.

"Come on! It can't be that bad." She said. "They don't even know that much about me!"

"Oh no, apparently they went through your page." He told her before grimacing at his own stupidity for saying that.

"What did they find on my page?" She asked.

"Remember... when you posted about your dead grandmother a couple weeks ago?" He asked.

"Yeah, it was her birthday, so I blew out a cupcake for her." She said, remembering it well.

"Mhm." He hummed, biting the inside of his cheek.

"Jace... What did they say...?" She asked him.

Without a word, Jason handed her his phone. She took it and looked at the most recent message in the chat.

[How tf yo girl look flatter than her grandma heartbeat]

Tori looked up at her boyfriend in shock, to which he to just responded by closing his eyes and nodding his head.

"You still wanna meet 'em?" Jason asked.

Tori, unable to form a coherent thought at the moment, could only shake her head in disagreement.


"I'm just saying that Kendrick is better." Beck said to Jason as they were walking through the hall together.

"And I'm just saying that you can go suck a caterpillar dick." Jason responded.

"You can't be serious." Beck said.

"I'm dead serious. If your greatest of all time list don't have Em at the top, we ain't friends." Jason told him.

"Come on, he's in my top five." Beck told him.

"Oh, hold on now." Jason stopped walking right then and there. "Who the hell do you have above Em?"

"Well, I got Drake--"

"Nope, fuck you."

Jason walked away from him immediately and rounded the corner. Catching up, Beck tried to give his reasonings, but Jason would hear absolutely none of it. As they were walking, Cat, who was sitting on the floor, noticed the two boys and instantly grasped onto their legs in an attempt to stop them from walking away.

"Guys! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Wait up!" She yelled out.

"The hell?!" Jason exclaimed, looking at the floor and seeing Cat gripping on his leg.

"Oh-Kay, all right, you caught us. What?" Beck asked.

"I wanna show you guys what I got!" She told them.

Jason and Beck looked towards each other. Jason immediately shook his head, not wanting a part of whatever this was.

Beck on the other hand...


Jason looked at Beck with widened eyes as Cat got up from the floor and adjusted her hair, revealing a LED necklace with a bright yellow star in the middle.

"Okay, now, walk towards me." She told them.

The two boy glanced at each other before turning their suspicious eyes towards Cat. Nevertheless, they did what the girl wanted.

"Closer." She said.

The boys paused, looking around at their surroundings before walking closer.

"Closer!" She exclaimed again.

The two got uncomfortably close to the red-head, but before any of them could complain, the necklace on her neck started to flash red and ringing a very loud siren.


Beck immediately put his hands up and backed away from Cat, but Jason had a different idea altogether as he instantly booked it down the hallway.


Everyone in the hallway looked towards the alarm and started to wonder what was going on. Beck, upon seeing the crowd of people, was regretting not running away with Jason as soon as that alarm went off.


"I didn't do anything!" Beck shouted at the crowd before turning towards Cat and asking, "Uh, would you turn that off?"


Cat giggle and pressed the face of her necklace, turning off the alarm.

"It's the world's best alarm necklace!" She said, looking very happy with herself.

Beck smiled at her enthusiasm before heading towards his locker.

"Oh, and look!" Cat exclaimed, running towards Beck as he bent down to open his locker. "The world's brightest key chain."

Beck stood up and turned towards Cat, getting the light from the key chain shown in his eyes.

"Yea-- Ow, okay..." He said, blocking the light with his hand. "All right, that's bright, you can turn that off now."

"Too bright?" Cat asked as she put the key chain away.

"No, I loved that." Beck chuckled as he rubbed his eyes. "Um, you think maybe you're buying, you know, too many things from Sky Store?"

Cat let out an amused chuckled, saying, "No" before going to walk away.

She suddenly turned back towards Beck and asked, "Oh, hey, uh, can I borrow some money for lunch?"

"Uh, yeah, how much?" He asked, pulling out his wallet.

"$49.95 plus shipping?" She said.

Beck looked up from his wallet and turned towards Cat with a blank stare. As this was happening, Robbie walked into school, talking to Rex like he usually does.

"No I don't think it's going to rain." He said.

He continued to walk down the hall, only to be stopped by a couple students calling out to him.

"Hey, Robbie!"


Turning around, Robbie wondered what the two wanted.

"Oh, hi." He said, walking up to the two.

"TheSlap.com." The guy said, pointing at Robbie.

"That thing you did on Tori was hilarious." Said the girl.

"You liked my pimple piece?" Robbie asked excitedly.



"Thanks!" Robbie thanked the two.

The two students left and Robbie looked towards Rex in surprise, but before he could say anything, another student had called out to him.

"Oh, hey, funny stuff on The Slap." He said.

"You liked it?" Robbie asked.

"Loved." He replied before walking off.

Rex looked towards Robbie, humming out a, "Uh-huh."

"Hey, Shapiro."

Robbie turned around and saw that the person who had called out to him was one of the seniors, Clayton, who was with two of his friends, Jana and Alex.

"Over here." Clayton called him over.

Robbie looked at Rex and said, "Please don't embarrass me."

"You're the embarrassment in our relationship." Rex told him.

Robbie sighed and walked up to the group of seniors.

"Hi, you guys. Listen, I put a new piece on The Slap last night--"

"Robbie." Clayton cut him off.

"We're not kicking you off The Slap." Jana told him.

"You're not?" Robbie asked, surprised.

"Dude, that piece you posted about Tori's pimple--"

"My pimple post?!" Robbie interrupted.

"Tons of views so far." Said Jana.

"Tons?" Robbie asked.

"It's trending." Alex told him.

"For real?" Robbie asked him.

"Yeah. You keep posting stuff like that, you can be on The Slap as much as you want." He told him.

"Wow." Said Robbie.

"And if you need any help, we'll let you boss around the ninth graders." Jana told him.

"The Slap apprentices?!" Robbie exclaimed.

"Whatever you need." Clayton said.

"Great work, Rob." Alex said.

"Keep it hot." Added Jana.

The three seniors then walked away, leaving an ecstatic Robbie.

"I'm a hit!" Robbie exclaimed towards Rex.

"Heh-heh, yeah." Chuckled Rex.

Robbie went to walk down the hallway, but was then taken by surprise when an angry Tori rounded the corner and glared through his soul.

"Robbie!" She growled.

"You're about to get hit." Rex told him.

Hearing this, Robbie let out a yell of fright before trying to run away from the angry girl. He didn't make it very far, as Tori immediately caught up to him and yanked him back towards her by his backpack.

"Hey ya, Tori. How are things?" Robbie asked fearfully.

Tori didn't respond to his question, only shaking her head and narrowing her eyes at the boy.

"I see you're still rockin' that chin zit." Rex said.

Tori brought up her fist, causing both Robbie and Rex to flinch back in fear of getting hit.

"You hit me, I'll sue." He told her.

Seeing no point, Tori brought down her fist and shifted her gaze towards Robbie.

"How could you post that video of me squeezing my pimple?" She asked.

"You told me to make my blog about the students, the stuff that goes on in their lives." Robbie told her.

"Yeah, not the stuff that grows on my face!" She retorts.

"But it's really popular!" Robbie said.

"I told you to do stories about what's going on in students' lives, not to embarrass and degrade people!" Tori told him. "I mean, seriously, is being popular that important to you?"

Robbie went silent and reflected on what what she had asked. It was clear that she was genuinely upset. Seeing this, Robbie made up his mind right then and there. He looked towards Rex, and he stared back at him. They knew what they had to do.


[Robbie: Welcome to "Robarazzi," starring Robbie Shapiro.]

Tori, Jason, Jade, Kevin, Beck, and André were all sat in the Blackbox Theatre, watching Robbie introduce his new show on The Slap dubbed, "Robarazzi." Cat was with them as well, but she was too busy browsing the Sky Store catalog to care.

[Robbie: Robarazzi, you're home for up-to-the-minute, tasty gossip about the students at Hollywood Arts. "Robarazzi" starring Robbie Shapiro.]

"Oh, my God." Tori muttered.

[Robbie: Coming up on "Robarazzi," Tori Vega's pimple-- shrinking or growing?]

The screen showed a photo of Tori with a question mark flashing over it. It then zoomed on her face, getting a closer look at the pimple on her chin.

Tori brought her hand up to her face, feeling the pimple to see if it really had gotten bigger. Seeing this, Beck wanted to try and feel it as well, only to get his hand slapped away by Tori.

"Don't touch it!" She exclaimed.

Beck brought up his hands in surrender before looking back towards the screen.

[Robbie: Also, does André Harris have a ketchup problem? Hmm?]

The screen showed André holding a very large bottle of ketchup that had obviously been photoshopped to look that big. Everyone looked towards André with confused gazes, to which he responded with a confused look of his own.

[Does Sinjin Van Cleef steal famous teeth? Probably.]

The group all nodded their heads at the claim, not very surprised if that one turned out to be true. Sinjin has done weirder things.

[Is it Splitsville for Kevin and Jade?]

Jade eyes almost popped out of her skull at the claim. Seeing this happen happen right in front of him, Jason couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. Jade heard his laughter, but she ignored it for the moment and continued to look at the screen with a face that was mixture of righteous fury and pure shock.

[All this, and tons more on "Robarazzi" starring Robbie Shapiro.]

Having enough, Tori stood up and paused the video, not wanting to hear another word out of Robbie.

"He's a dead man." She stated.

"Kevin and I aren't splitting up." Jade said, thinking the claim was utterly ridiculous.

"Well..." Jason trailed off.

"What?!" Jade yelled out.

"Dude." Kevin warned, turning to look at his friend with a serious expression.

Jason wasn't fazed at all by his friend's stare, only choosing to chuckle at him.

"I use an appropriate amount of ketchup!" André exclaimed.

"Let's go fix this right now." Tori said, grabbing her bag off the floor.

Everyone followed suit, going to walk out of the theatre with her when they realized that Cat wasn't following along with them.

"Cat, are you coming?" Tori asked.

"Oh, my God! Underwear that floats!" Cat exclaimed, not hearing the question at all.

The group gazed at her with weird looks as she pulled out her phone and proceeded to dial the number on the catalog.

Jason looked towards Beck saying, "You know you should probably--"

"Yup." Beck said, already knowing what he was going to say.

Beck put down his bag and went towards Cat to try and stop her from while the others headed off to find Robbie.


"Okay, what do we got, what do we got?" Robbie asked the room full of his helpers from behind a podium in the front of the room.

Ever since his talk with the seniors the other day, Robbie has used his newfound perks to get help from various other students around the school.

"Um, I got Cat receiving another order from that Sky Store catalog thing." Said Christian, one of Robbie's best reporters.

"Whoa, isn't that like her fifth delivery this week?" Robbie asked him.

"Yeah, chick's outta control." He told him.

"No doubt." One of the other students chimed in.

Robbie turned around, facing a monitor that was set up behind him to see what Christian was talking about for himself.

[Cat: No! There was supposed to be two packages!]

[Delivery Man: I only got one.]

The screen showed Cat talking with a SendEx delivery man, who looks as though he wasn't paid enough to deal with Cat's nonsense.

[It was supposed to get here on-- Hey, why are you shooting this? Who are you with?!]

[Camera Man: Robarazzi.]

[Cat: Ugh!]

Cat ran out of frame, leaving a very confused delivery man behind to wonder what the hell was going on.

"Ooh. Girl's got a problem." Robbie said as he wrote down "Cat: Sky Store" on a clear dry-erase board that was also behind him.

"No doubt." Said Christian.

"And, uh, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that's probably not her natural hair color." Robbie said as he walked back to his podium.

Everyone in the room all laughed, for some reason, thinking that what he said was funny.

"Funny stuff, Rob." Said JJ, another one of Robbie's helpers.

Robbie pointed his marker at JJ before asking, "Okay, what else we got?"

At that moment, Tori, Jason, André, Kevin, and Jade all barged into the room, slamming the door open and causing everyone to look towards them.

"Hey!" Tori yelled as she walked in.

"I don't use anymore ketchup than the next guy!" André shouted.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, come on you guys, we're in the middle of taping my show!" Robbie told them as they all walked up to him.

"Kevin and I are not "Splitsville"!" Jade yelled at him.

"Well..." Jason trailed off again.

"What does he know?!" Jade asked, looking towards her boyfriend.

"Bro, enough!" Kevin yelled at him.

Jason let out a chuckle. It was even funnier the second time.

"Uh, are you guys getting this? 'Cause this is really great stuff." Robbie asked his camera crew.

"Robbie!" Tori yelled out. "You're not gonna have any friends left if you keep exploiting us for your dumb blog."

"Okay." Robbie said before walking over to the board. "We have Tori... FREAKING... out!"

"Oh, that tears it."

Jason walked towards Robbie and grabbed him by the back of the collar, yanking him around and pushing him up against the board he was just writing on.

"Oh, shit!" Kevin exclaimed.

Kevin and André immediately ran over and tried pry Jason off their Judas of a friend, getting help from some of Robbie's followers. This caused a chain reaction of arguing to ensue, with people trying to talk over each other so loudly that they couldn't even hear themselves think.

"STOP!" Tori yelled out.

Everyone went silent and stopped what they were doing. Jason, seeing that they weren't trying to restrain him anymore, snatched himself out of the grasp of his friends and fixed up his untidy jacket.

"This is your last chance." Tori to Robbie. "Are you gonna stop this Robarazzi thing or not?"

Hearing the question, Robbie went silent as he looked towards his friends.


[Robbie: Coming up on "Robarazzi," Tori, Jason, André, Kevin, Jade, all caught on a psychotic rampage.]

The video shifted to a shot of Jason getting pried off of Robbie before shifting to another scene of everyone arguing with each other in slow motion.

Tori watched all of this on her laptop whilst sitting on her couch, shaking her head at the audacity Robbie had to do this.

[Robbie: Is anyone safe.]

Seeing Robbie's face on screen, Tori let out and audible growl at the sight of him.


Tori Vega:

Dear fellow students: PLEASE STOP LOOKING AT MY PIMPLE!!!

Mood = Embarrassed 😳


At lunch the next day, everyone besides Robbie were all sitting together at the table. Every few seconds, Tori would look all around her, feeling as though she was being stared at.

"Ugh, I am so mad at Robbie." She said. "I feel like everyone's staring at my pimple."

"Everyone is." Jade told her bluntly, causing Tori looked at her with offense.

"How do you think I feel? Five people today have asked me about my "ketchup addiction." André said, his hands putting air quotes. "One kid called me "Mr. Ketchup".

"It's all Tori's fault." Jade said.

"Really?" Tori asked, wondering how she came to that conclusion.

"They were about to kick Robbie off The Slap. You were the one who told him to start reporting on our personal lives. Then you gave him ideas by letting him shoot video of you playing with your pimple." She said before looking towards André and saying, "Gimme the salt."

André passed Jade the salt before turning around when his name was called out by a group of three dudes walking up to the table.

"Hey, André, we thought you might need this." One of the guys said, putting a big bottle of ketchup down on the table. "Save some for dinner."

All three of the boys started to laugh before walking away.

André stood up, holding up the big bottle of ketchup while shouting, "I do not have a ketchup problem!"

All of a sudden, a bunch of young students came out of nowhere with cameras, taking pictures of André holding the bottle of ketchup. That, however, was a very bad decision on their part as Jason, without saying a word, grabbed the bottles of mustard and ketchup from the table and proceeded to squirt them with the condiments. They tried shielding themselves from it, but quickly ran away when they realized that was basically useless.

Seeing that they were gone, Jason placed the bottles back on the table and continued to sit silently at the table. Everyone, except Kevin, looked towards the seething teen with curious gazes, but besides Tori, who hugged herself around his right arm to try and calm him down, no one did anything about it.

"Who were they?" André asked.

"Robarazzis." Beck answered him.

"Robbie's little ninth-grade photographers." Jade explained further.

"Oh, man, now Robbie's got pics of me with this industrial-size ketchup." André groaned before placing the ketchup on the table and sitting back down. "We gotta do something."

"Clearly." Jade said.

"I think we just have to show Robbie that we're not gonna be his friends until he stops embarrassing everybody." Tori says, getting nods of agreement from the others.

Cat suddenly let out a giggle, getting everyone's attention put on her and the machine in front of her that they were so desperately trying to ignore.

"That from the Sky Store?" Beck asked.

"Uh-huh." Cat nodded.

"I thought you were supposed to stop her from buying anymore stuff?" Kevin looked towards Beck.

"She bit me when I tried to take her card." Beck replied.

Kevin looked at Cat with a weirded out expression, but she just continued to fiddle around with her machine.

"What is it?" André asked.

"It's the world's most powerful juicer, for juicing on the go." Cat said, the last part being said as if she was the salesman who sold it to her.

"You're so screwed up." Jade said.

"No, it's really cool. Look it..."

Cat suddenly grabbed Beck's pizza out of his hands, confusing the boy, before putting it inside the juicer and turning it on. A weird, pink liquid poured out into a glass cup, causing a very mixed reaction from members of the group.

"See?" Cat said as she handed Beck the glass of liquid pizza.

"You juiced my pizza." Beck said, not very happy with the development.

"Why chew what you can drink?" Cat asked.

It was then that Robbie suddenly came out to the Asphalt Café, humming a song as he walked towards the table.

"What's up, my peeps?" He asked, placing his food on the table and looking towards his, already disgruntled, friends. "How's everyone doin' this fine day?"

Robbie placed his bag on his lap and sat down at the table. He glanced at André, seeing the giant bottle of ketchup that was next to him.

"You really need that much ketchup?" He asked, chuckling to himself as he looked towards the others.

That was the last straw for André, who immediately grabbed Robbie's bag and flung it across the Café.

"Hey!" Robbie exclaimed.

Jade suddenly grabbed Robbie's lunch and cracked open the top.

"Wait, Jade, what are you do-- Jade--"

Jade flung Robbie's lunch out of its container, making it splat very satisfyingly onto the floor.

"What's wrong with you guys?" Robbie asked.

"Stop embarrassing us on your dumb Robarazzi blog!" Tori yelled at him.

"Seriously, Robbie, it's not funny anymore!" Jade added.

"I can't take it anymore!" Added André.

The table just devolved into shouting their frustrations at Robbie, trying to get him to stop intruding on their personal lives.

"YOU GUYS EMBARRASS YOURSELVES!" Robbie yelled out over everyone, making them stop to listen to what he was saying. "I just get it on tape and show the world."

"Well, we don't want to be your friends till you stop." André told him.

"Fine." Robbie said. "Lots of other people want to be my friends, smart and attractive people!"

Robbie got up to leave, but not without trying to get one last word in.

"See ya on--"

Jason quickly snatched the glass of juiced pizza from the table and splashed it in Robbie's face.

"Guess that juicer was good for something." Jason stated, handing the glass back to Cat, who smiled at the comment.

Shocked by the sudden splash, Robbie stuttered a few words before deciding that it was best to just leave.

Tori looked towards her boyfriend and asked, "Okay, what's going on with you? You're angrier than usual today."

"It's nothing." Jason said.

Kevin let out a sigh and said, "Lane saw the video of Jason pushing Robbie against the wall and gave him a week of one on one counseling."

"Oh, that's rough..." Tori said.

You don't need to be close with Jason to figure out that he doesn't like sharing things about his personal life. And it's especially apparent with people he doesn't trust like that.

"Do you want me to juice your wrap?" Cat suddenly asked Jason.

"Touch my food, you die." He told her.

He also still hasn't forgiven Cat for ruining his food the last time.


In the Blackbox Theatre, Cat flipped a switched on a newly delivered machine that she'd ordered from Sky Store called the Ball Freshener. When she turned it on, the machine lit up with a blue and started to make a faint whirring noise. Cat squealed at the machine, waiting a few seconds for it to beep before taking out the now clean tennis ball.

"Yay!" She exclaimed.

Searching for Cat, Lane walked into the theatre and found her happily staring at the tennis ball.

"Cat." He called out.

"Oh, hey, Lane." She greeted.

"You know you're supposed to be in your improv class right now?" He asked.

"Oh, sorry, I just got this new thing from Sky Store, and--"

"Yeah, you know, some teachers and students here think you're buying too many things from Sky Store." Lane interrupted. "I hear you've been borrowing money from people?"

"Now anymore!" Cat waved off. "I started using my parents' credit card."

"Okay, but still--"

"You know what this is?" Cat asked him.

"No, and I really don't have time--"

"It's the Ball Freshener!" She yelled out.

Lane stared at her for a moment, not really sure how to go about this sort of dilemma.

"Cat, I think we need to talk about this, 'cause--"

"See this filthy, icky tennis ball?" Cat asked, holding up a dirty tennis ball in her hand.

"Yeah..." Lane sighed.

"Look it." Cat said, inserting the tennis ball in the hole at the bottom of the Ball Freshener.

Cat turned it on and Lane stared at the device with a blank expression on his face. When it was done, Cat turned it off and retrieved the newly freshened ball from the top,

"Fresh as a daisy." She said, giving it a little sniff.

"Do you even play tennis?" Lane asked.

"No, but I'm gonna learn..." She said, pulling out a thin, yellow tennis racket from behind the box the machine was standing on. "...with the world's thinnest tennis racket."

"Cat..." Lane started off, walking towards her and taking the tennis racket from her hand. "does a person really need to have a tennis racket that-- Wow, it's so light!"

Cat nodded her head excitedly, and Lane just looked towards her with an amazed expression.


"Hey." Tori called out.

At his locker, Jason turned his head towards her and gave her a little grin before closing it.

"Sup?" He greeted, giving her a peck on the cheek.

"We're still on for today?" She asked.

"Why wouldn't we?" He asked back.

"It's just that you looked like you were in a really bad mood earlier, so I thought you would rather just go home." She said.

"Tor, if I'm in a bad mood, then what's a better way to cheer me up than spending my time with you?" He asked.

Tori cooed and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Flatterer." She said.

"I try." He replied.

Tori chuckled and asked, "So, you ready to go?"

"Yup, all..."

Jason paused when he saw Robbie standing in front of his locker, putting in some of his books.

"What's up?" Tori asked.

"Nothin', just give me one second." He told her.

Jason walked off towards Robbie, leaving Tori to stand there staring at him with a curious gaze.

"Hey, Shapiro." Jason called out.

Robbie turned towards Jason, but before he could say anything, Jason yanked his bag out of his hands, walked towards the trash can by the front door and dropped it in.

"Really?." Robbie asked.

Hearing this, Jason took it a step further and knocked the trash can over with his foot.

"Nice, real mature." Robbie said.

Jason then propped his leg up on the trash can, giving Robbie a blank stare as he pushed it, sending it rolling down the hallway.

"Now I'm ready." Jason called out to his girlfriend.


Tori laughed, shoving Jason away with her shoulder as they happily walked down the Venice boardwalk hand in hand.

"You are the luckiest guy, I swear to God!" She said.

"Mhm." Jason hummed. "If it's one thing I have in abundance, it's luck."

"Seems to have gotten you pretty far." Tori replied.

"In some cases more than others." He said, staring directly at her.

Seeing this, Tori laughed and shoved him away again, "Shut up. Gosh, doesn't your flattery have an off button?"

"It does." He replied, snaking his arms around her waist. "Want me to show you where it is?"

Tori laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck. The two came together for a short kiss, but they stayed wrapped around each other.

"You know that this is the opposite of turning it off, right?" Tori smiled.

"Nah, pretty sure this is the right way." He said.

She laughed once again and went to give him another kiss when her phone started to ring, making the both of them groan.

"Sorry..." Tori muttered when she took her phone out of her pocket.

"Don't worry about it." He told her, not angry at all with her.

The person on the other end of that phone though...

"Who are you and why is your number blocked?" Tori asked as soon as she picked up the phone. "Jade?"

Jason rolled his eyes immediately upon hearing that name. No longer interested in listening, Jason looked around the boardwalk, looking at all the people who were still there. The sun was almost down, so there wasn't as many people as there was during the day, but there was still a decent bit.

As he people watched, Jason couldn't help but notice there was a group of people holding cameras who seemed to be looking for something. Usually it wouldn't be a cause for concern as tourists would usually have cameras on them, but these people definitely didn't look like tourists.

"Hey, Tori, how important is that call?" He asked.

"Why?" She asked, bringing her phone to her chest.

He motioned his head towards the group of very young teens holding cameras down the street. Once pointed out to her, Tori hung up the phone and looked towards her boyfriend.

"What do we do?" She asked, not sure what to do in this situation.

"Uh, run?" Jason said as grabbed Tori's hand and ran in the opposite direction of the Robarazzis.

Just as they began to run, one of the Robarazzis spotted the couple and pointed it out to the others, causing the whole group to run towards them like an angry mob. Jason turned right onto a street that led to the main road and quickly ducked inside a small alley behind a pile of boxes that were meant to be taken inside one of the stores on the boardwalk.

"What are you--"


Given how small the pile of boxes was, Jason had to pull Tori on top of him to make sure that they wouldn't be seen. The two stayed as quiet as they could so that they would be able to hear anything that might come into the alley. After a few moments, they hear the rushed footsteps of the group of Robarazzis run passed the alleyway and let out a sigh of relief.

"Jesus Christ." Jason sighed.

"I know... We got to do something about this. It's getting ridiculous!" Tori told him.

"It was already ridiculous, now it's gotten insane." Said Jason.

"Yeah. You wanna try and make a break for the car?" She asked.

"Yeah, sure. Mind getting--"

Jason was about to ask Tori to move when he realized the position she was in.

"Actually, I think we should stay here for bit. Make sure that the coast is clear." He said.

Tori looked at him with a confused expression until she felt something grab her rear end.

"Is this seriously the time for you to try and cop a feel?" She asked.

"First of all, I didn't try, I did." He told her, getting an eye roll as a response. "Second, all the time is a good time, you're just lucky that I can behave myself."

"Yeah, well, you could at least wait until we get back to the car to fondle me." Tori said to him as she pushed herself off of him and stood up.

"Does that mean I can fondle you in the car?" He asked with a smirk.

"Well you'll just have to find out." She replied suggestively.

Not having to be told twice, Jason immediately stood up and walked out of the alley with Tori.

"Coast looks clear." Jason comments, not seeing any of the Robarazzis that were causing them.


"Me and my big fucking mouth..." He muttered before grabbing Tori by the hand and sprinting towards the direction of his car.


Tori Vega:

GONNA GET YA Robbie Shapiro.


Mood = Mischievous 😡


Tori, Jade, and Kevin were all waiting by the lockers with cameras, waiting for Beck, André, and Kevin to lead Robbie into hallway so that they could end this "Robarazzi" charade once and for all. Tori was pacing back and forth, wondering what was taking the guys so long to get there.

"Where are they?" She asked Kevin and Jade.

"Patience." Jade told her.

"But they finished gym ten minutes ago." Tori said.

"It takes a bit to get here from the locker room. Just give it a minute." Kevin said.

"Hey, did you and Jason really bang in an alley?" Jade asked.

"Jade!" Kevin admonished.

"I want to know!" She replied.

"No! We just used it to try and get away from Robbie's psycho ninth-graders!" Tori told her. "Besides, even if we did, it's none of your business!"

Jade's eyebrows raised in surprise at Tori's response, clearly not expecting her to talk to her that way. But she had to admit, she respected it just a little.

A loud thud came from the hallway and the trio all turned towards the noise.

"Showtime." Kevin said, raising his camera.

The girls followed suit, waiting for the boys to come out. Beck, Jason and André all ran out into the hallway, laughing whilst they held pieces of Robbie's clothing in their hands.

"We got him." Beck said.

"He's right behind us." Said André, pointing behind them.

Jason didn't say anything, but he did let out a chuckle towards the camera before getting out of the shot.


Robbie came barreling into the hallway wearing nothing but a towel.

"You guys better give me back my clothes, or I swear I'll--"

Robbie rounded the corner and came face first with his friends holding three cameras, recording and taking picture of him.

"Ah! Turn off the camera!" He yelled.

"Ooh, sorry, but the lighting is just so good." Kevin said.

"Dance for us Robbie." Jade told him.

"Give me back my clothes!" Robbie yelled out angrily.

"Should we?" Tori asked, turning to all her friends behind her.

Everyone looked towards each other for a moment, making thoughtful faces at one another before they all gave a collective, "nah."

"Yeah, I think we need to put this video online." Tori told Robbie.

"What? No!" Robbie exclaimed.

"Sorry." Jade told him.

"The people wanna see what the people wanna see." Said Tori.

"You cannot put this video online." Robbie said, pointing towards Tori.

"Okay." Tori said.

"It's all you had to say." Said Jason.

"We'll kill the video." André told him.

"As long as you kill Robarazzi." Tori added.

"Wha-- NO!" Robbie shouted.

"YES!" Tori retorts.

"But my blog is a hit!" Robbie told them.

"All right, then I'm just gonna zoom in right here and--"

"No, no, no, no, don't!" Robbie said, trying to block the camera.

"Are you gonna stop?" Tori asked.

"Well, if I don't do Robarazzi, what am I gonna do for my blog on The Slap?" He asked back.


"Low... Fat... Recipes..." Robbie said as he wrote down the words on the board. "Okay, what do we got, what do we got?"

He turned around, looking towards all his helpers that used to help him with Robarazzi, who were now helping him with his new cooking blog and wearing chefs clothing.

"Uh, I got a lasagna with only ninety calories and four grams of fat." Said Dara, a blonde ninth-grader.

"Ooh, lasagna." Robbie said before pointing towards JJ. "What else?"

"I got baked onions rings. Two points." He responded.

"Must have a lot of fiber." Robbie commented before pointing towards Christian. "Go."

"I found a non-fat blueberry muffin recipe." He told him.

"Bb muffins, not that is outrageous." Robbie said.

"Wait'll you taste them." Christian said.

"Uh, you taste 'em." Robbie told him.

Everyone broke out in laughter, and stood proud as he took a sip from his water bottle.


Kevin McCallister:

Y'know, Sky Store has a LOT of interesting things...

Mood = Helpful 🙃


Surrounded by her friends, mainly Tori, Beck, and André, Cat sat on the stairs as she flipped through the Sky Store catalog with a sad expression, knowing that this would be her last time.

"Come on, lemme have it." Beck said, holding out his hand for the catalog.

"But maybe I can talk my parents into hovering my credit card back." She said, glancing at each one of her friends.

"Cat..." Beck called out.

"It's time to say goodbye to Sky Store." Tori told her.

"Don't you think that's the best thing to do?" André asked.

Cat looked back towards Beck, who motioned for her to give him the catalog. Cat gave the catalog a light stroke and quickly handed it to Beck with a whimper. Beck grabbed the catalog from Cat and turned it to its side, ripping it in half and causing Cat to let out an even louder, and even sadder, whimper.

"Look, I know it hurts now, but you'll feel better soon." Tori said as she slid closer to Cat and gave her a comforting pat on the shoulder.

"I know." Cat said.

"Wanna come hang for a while?" André asked.

"Nah, thanks." Cat shook her head. "I just wanna sit here."

"'Kay." Tori said, giving Cat a little pat of the head before getting up from the stairs and leaving. "Bye."

"See ya, sport" Beck said before leaving himself.

André put a hand on Cat's knee, giving her a reassuring look before getting up from the stairs with his eyes widened and letting out a breath of relief.

With her friends gone, Cat saw Sinjin walking down the hallway humming to himself and came up with an idea.

"Hey, Sinjin." She called out.

"Yes?" He turned and asked.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Cat asked.

"No." He answered simply.

"You have a credit card?" She asked as she stepped towards him.

"Yeah..." He said, a little suspicious as to why she was asking that.

"Why don't you call me sometime?" Cat asked as she placed her hand on Sinjin's arm.

Sinjin glanced at her hand and then quickly back towards her, "Really?!"

"Mm-hmm." Cat hummed.

"Okay, I'll go buy a phone!"

Sinjin immediately ran off, presumably to go buy a phone, and Cat immediately grabbed her bag and took out another Sky Store catalog. But before she could open it, a hand reached out and plucked it from her grasp.

Cat turned around, wondering who it was that stole her catalog when she found Kevin staring at her with a disappointed look.

"Seriously?" He asked before ripping the catalog into four pieces and dropping the pieces on the ground.

He then left, leaving a dejected Cat, but as soon as he turned the corner, Cat took out yet another catalog and quickly opened it up.

"Oh my God, a litter box that plays classical music!" She exclaimed before running off with the catalog.

As she was running whilst reading, Cat suddenly bumped into someone and looked up to apologize, only to find Jason looking at her with a blank face.

He reaches out his hand and Cat sheepishly gave him the catalog.

Letting out a whistle, Jason threw the flung the catalog towards the other end of the hallway, where Kevin raised up a small handheld flamethrower and burned it to ash.

Kevin walked toward the two and said, "Empty the bag."

"But I don't--"

"Empty. The. Bag." Kevin repeated.

Cat took off her bag and proceeded to dump out its contents, but there was not another Sly Store catalog inside.

"You can go." Jason told her.

Cat looked at the boys with a saddened expression and ran out of the hallway. Seeing as she was now not a danger to anyone's finances, Jason turned towards Kevin and asked,

"Where'd you get a flamethrower?"

"Sky Store."

Next chapter