
Victoria's Ways

What happens when a young modern rebellious Scottish princess is forced to seat on a throne without any knowledge? She escapes her own reality to find love and friends in the outside world but not everyone is as welcoming as she thought. Will Victoria Winters keep up with the ways of the modern world or will she learn how to survive and control the people around her preparing for her rightful seat as Queen in her own Ways?

Trina_Benta · Teen
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16 Chs

Chapter 1

"You're late. Again!" A skinny figured long straight blonde haired girl named Hazel barked at Dawn as she and the rest of her squad had lunch at the school cafeteria.

The nobled consisted of Hazel, Dawn;the strawberry blonde short girl, Paige; a bit thick Auburn haired Caucasian skinned girl, Lyn; a fair dark skinned curly haired girl and Krystal; a bit tall dark coloured haired than the rest of her gang who always sat together at every meal in school.

"Sorry. Was tryna get something good for myself." Dawn apologized as she casually hopped into a seat next to her gang.

"What do you mean something good? We all decided we were gonna get green pasta with onion chillies and grilled turkey burger." Paige scoffed at her lame excuse.

They were a team and a team is supposed to always share and do everything together. After all they were birds of a feather who flocked together.

"I know. I know guys but you see today I forgot to bring a lot of cash with me." Dawn knew she was in trouble. This wasn't the first time she disappointed her friends. She hated the fact that she had to try so hard in trying to be like them.

"Soo...is that why you decided to order a hotdog with french fries and pineapple juice?" Dawn pointed at her plate in a quite rather disgusting look.

"Well... atleast you could've ordered pizza margherita. It's your favorite." Krystal winked at her.

Dawn couldn't help but feel like as if her friends belittle her.

She knew how expensive her allies were and that she could never match up to their standards but she was glad that she was in their group.

Highschool was tough. And for one to make through highschool...one needs a ton of friends for backup anytime.

She was glad that Hazel,Lyn,Paige and Krystal were there for her and the last thing she needed right now was for them to lock her choice of appetite.

"True. Am sure that that would've been affordable." Lyn agreed with Krystal's point of wishing Dawn ordering her favorite pizza instead as she had a forkful of her turkey burger.

Suddenly the school electric bell rang and the students had to rush back to their respective classes.

"Well lunch is over now.I hope you are y'all coming over to my house tonight." Hazel reminded the trio. "I'm having a night barbecue."

"Yes." The trio all responded at once.

"And Dawn...please be early this time." Hazel emphasized as they all carried themselves to class.