

Meeting and falling in love with countless girls made me feel like a Pro as guy but I guess I just didn't quite find that right girl dreamt of having in this world but after sitting down I decided to let go of all the girls I was dating because I knew they where all faking their love for cause regardless of which ever girl I dated not a single day past without any of them wanting some money out of my wallet , after going through the process I had decided on I as well decided to move out of my apartment shifted into a new one and in few weeks time I adapted in the community ,little did I know me moving out of my apartment would be a life changing decision for my love life that's when I on certain day I went out for an interview at a Bank I entered the bank and there She was sitted at the administration desk as far as I remember I walked up there submitted my application of appointment .....I managed to get the job after being the last in the line but I wouldn't have gotten the job if it wasn't for my certificates ... back to how I met up with the girl , upon getting the job I started working in not less than 3days "working (×3)" 2 days down the road and I began talking to her and at times we would be the last people to leave the bank that's when on certain late night of being left in the bank together alone were everyone left for home ,for we were still entering A/C's I went down stairs to get some coffee & snacks in the very small kitchen on my way there I bumped into her not realising that my zip down there was open with me thinking she was going to act up and take a sip only to find that she looked away & said kindly pull up your ...,, me "my what" her "acting shy in front whilst smiling" , l looked down and acted as though I didn't notice instead of me gently pulling up the zip I accidentally hurt myself as I screamed on top of my voice she responded imediately to help me out , from their we went to the very small kitchen where I was told to sit down (on the floor *it was a very small kitchen*) ,she got the first aid kit and trust me I was a bit embarrassed shy because she kindly commanded me to take off my pants so I said to her "are you sure" 👖down 🔋📲