
Vicious Young Miss Is Lesbian, And Wants Me?

[ Volume 2 Is Officially Starting! ] Song Liya, the female lead of the novel. She was a vicious young miss who never backed down, she often got whatever she wanted. No one dared to argue with her or even look her in the eyes, she was that scary to them. "Why are you looking at me? Get to work!” "Y-yes!” “There is one less rice in this bowl! Remake this!" “Right away!” Then there is Yu Yingyi, she is the cannon fodder of this novel. She was often bullied by the male lead and mistreated by everyone else. Even the female lead would yell at her time to time, but she never cared about her due to her being a cannon fodder. Then there's Yu Xuan, she was girl who was reading the novel. She skipped through all of the contents and read the ending without reading the earlier chapters. Suddenly, she was transmigrated into the novel, not as the female lead or anyone important. She became Yu Yingyi, the cannon fodder in this novel. “JUST WHY?” ... Keep in mind, not everything will go the way you think will go, vurses' novels' will always contain unexpected events. [Writing Goals] 200 votes = 1 Bonus Chapters 400 votes = 2 Bonus Chapters 600 votes = 3 Bonus Chapter top 50 = 4 Bonus Chapters Top 30 = 5 Bonus Chapter top 20 = 6 bonus Chapter top 15 = 7 Bonus Chapter top 10 = 3 Bonus Chapter [Bonus Chapters Will Be Released On Sunday]

vurse · LGBT+
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115 Chs

Chapter 9

When Yingyi finally reached the end of the hallway, she didn't come across a guard but a furious Song Liya.

"Are you crazy?! Why would you run off like that when this is your first time coming here?" Song Liya asked.

'That's what she's worried about?!'

"It's your fault for kissing me out of nowhere! How am I supposed to react?! Should I have stood there and acted as if that was normal?" Yu Yingyi shot back.

Song Liya couldn't say anything back since she did have a good point there. But she couldn't tell Yingyi that there was a point and it was to make the first prince of the Zhi empire give up on her.

"Tsk, you have a point. While I was still looking for you, where were you the entire time?" asked Song Liya.

Yu Yingyi knew this question was coming, that's why she prepared an excuse for it so Song Liya wouldn't find anything suspicious. Plus, Song Feng Mian told her to not mention her to Song Liya.

"I was walking around trying to find my way, that was when I found one of the guards who were present when the announcement took place and he led me to a maid where she gave me a makeover," said Yu Yingyi.

"I can tell, that maid must've done a great job since you look much more beautiful, not like you weren't beautiful before though," said Song Liya.

This time Yu Yingyi was able to keep her composure together and the blush that was going to creep up to her cheeks never appeared. She was glad that Song Liya bought her excuse, but Song Liya was probably still suspicious.

"Thank you for the compliment, not that it means anything to me! Can you show me around the palace and show me my room since I want to shower," said Yu Yingyi.

"Is my dear wife being a tsundere? Haha! I'll show you around, since you might get lost again, let's hold hands." said Song Liya.


Throughout the entire tour, Song Liya never let go of Yu Yingyi's hand, not even when Yu Yingyi had to use the restroom which forced her to hold it back in.

It wasn't that the hand-holding wasn't comfortable, it gave her a warm feeling. However, her hand was starting to feel sore from Song Liya's firm grip.

Moreover, Yu Yingyi's legs felt like they could fall off at any moment. She knew the palace would be big, but not this big! It was as if she walked through an entire city without stopping once and yet, Song Liya didn't even break a sweat yet.

'As expected of the female lead.' thought Yu Yingyi.

"And we're here!" said Song Liya excitedly.

They finally came to a stop as Yu Yingyi let out a deep sigh in relief.

"What're you so excited about?" asked Yu Yingyi.

"What's there not to be excited about? We're going to be entering the room that we're going to be sharing," said Song Liya.

"Ha?! We're going to be sharing?" asked Yu Yingyi.

"Of course, we're basically already married after all. It's normal for married couples to share their room together, plus, it's not just any room," said Song Liya.

Yu Yingyi was confused about what she meant until Song Liya opened the door and led her into the room, you couldn't even call this a room.

There was a built-in mini kitchen as well as a small living room as well as an entire dinner table. The walls were decorated with paintings which gave it a modern feeling. If there was a house that changed into a room, this would be it.

"Well? Do you like it? I specially designed it so that the two of us can live comfortably without moving around a lot since this palace was quite big and my residence is full of...work stuff." said Song Liya.

Yu Yingyi was too amazed to listen to what Song Liya said, her architect side was tingling and was examining every part of the room.

If she were to design a mini house for a couple to live in, this was definitely what the mini house would be like. The pieces of furniture were perfectly apart from each other making it easy to move around in.

Yu Yingyi felt like a whole new world opened up for her. Even though Song Liya was fierce, cunning, and sometimes manipulating. There was no doubt that she was a genius.

"Have you accepted me yet?" teased Song Liya.

"O-of course not! Just because you gave me a room that's perfect for me doesn't mean I'll accept you just like that," said Yu Yingyi.

"Playing hard to get, hmm? Anyways, I think you should probably go clean up and get some rest. I might've forced you to walk too much, plus, you have a long day tomorrow." said Song Liya.

"Huh? A long day tomorrow? What do I have to do?" asked Yu Yingyi.

"The pre-ceremony for our marriage, it's like a ritual to confirm that the soon-to-be-married couples are actually in love so one wouldn't betray another," said Song Liya.

But she wasn't in love with her?!

"I'll listen to what you say then, you better not peek or doing anything when I sleep," said Yu Yingyi.

"I can't assure you that I won't, though I do wonder how your naked body dripping with water would look like," said Song Liya.

"GAH! Stop being a pervert!" Yu Yingyi exclaimed,

"I can't help it when it comes to you, but remember, you only belong to me, you and your body. Make sure no one else ever sees it or else we'll have to go through some problems," said Song Liya.

Yu Yingyi quickly nodded and went straight to the bathroom after she picked the clothes out. She didn't want to know what type of troubles she would have to go through since she knew the sides of Song Liya's personality.


"As I thought, your body dripping with water does look amazing." Song Liya muttered as she peeked through the door.