
Chapter Fourteen [ Return Of The King ]

Lucifer followed Tyki as she led him through the glass door of a quaint cafe .

" They have what I dub the best , no joke here , the BEST chocolate frappuccino here." Tyki giggled happily , she guided him near a window , where there were two brown leather couches opposing each other, glass table separating them . A waiter appeared swiftly and greeted them , handing over a menu and promising to return with their orders . As they settled in , Lucifer looked through the glass window towards the hill on the far east.

" Thank you for forgiving me Lucifer . " Tyki's soft voice said shyly as she brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear . Lucifer looked at her and smiled, he truly did love this woman , even though he didn't have any intention of doing so in the first place , but like the mortal saying goes ' You can't choose who you fall in love with or when . '

" Of course ." He said sipping his iced tea that the waiter had brought back whilst he was staring off , " I should thank you for still wanting to come out with me when I look like a snowflake . " He gestured to himself.

She wasn't quite sure why but her heart swelled as she spent time alone with the Dark Lord . She knew very well , her brain constantly reminded her that this was a mission , that successfully getting Lucifer to agree to come out with her was a success for her plan and she had no reason to have an increased heart rate . Still something about her seemed off since she spoke to the King of the Sky , she couldn't recall ever being this confused with herself, it was like she knew something , something that was very important , something she shouldn't forget and yet she had but her mind constantly said she was just over reacting . She smiled at Lucifer and sipped her own frappuccino before replying .

"Well you're a very handsome snow flake . " She meant that too, looking at him the sun high up in the sky as it cast a reflection on his snowy appearance . He was right he did look like a snowflake, long white hair in a low ponytail , white eyelashes casting shadows across his olive toned cheeks with the slightest tint of a peachy rose . Covered in all black as always, with some grey counter parts . He wore a grey dress shirt , folded at his sleeves where his tattoo peeked out , a ironed creased , black trousers and dress shoes . Lucifer was truly a beauty and the many staring eyes confirmed as much . As she realised this she again felt that unease inside her , an unjustified feeling of mild distaste, they shouldn't look at him like that . She couldn't exactly understand why she felt the way she did , but its sure did give her a headache . A part of her even tried convincing her this was Lucifer playing with her emotions, still that couldn't be right , so she pushed away her thought and focused on the one clear thing she had in mind . What she had to do was important, Alek was in danger , she needed to hurry , they couldn't stay here any longer . It had taken her a little longer than anticipated to convince Lucifer to leave his home and by the time she did Alek and the others had left already. She silently hoped in her heart that they were all safe .

Lucifer observed the woman sitting across him quietly as she had her internal battle . If nothing else he admired her passion , whatever her reasons for betraying him , they were clearly important to her , else his brother wouldn't be able to control her like a puppet , the way he had been , even now . Though if Lucifer were to guess , he would undoubtedly think it had something to do with her family , Tyki seemed quite fond of her family . He once again gazed through the window beside him , this time looking at the position of the sun , it would soon begin its decent to the evening , it was about time he go fetch his troublesome family . When he offered life to Kayna and Dylan he didn't actually think they would stay with him . Even Alek , he had assumed after some time they would all move on , but another mortal saying reminded him that what could take someone years to find with one person they could find in another within mere seconds . They had stayed by his side and offered themselves as people he could trust, people he found himself wanting to protect, in the short months they stayed together they had truly become a family and he wouldn't lose the people he cared for this time. Just the fact that they would risk going to Mount Olympus knowing it could take their very existence, just for him dispelled any doubts he could have possibly had of them .

Tyki finished her drink and Lucifer called over the waiter paying their bill , it was time they had a move on , the people they cared about, their Family was waiting for them . The young waiter bowed in thanks and only then did the King realise that they were in a Japanese styled cafe .

" I believe we have somewhere to be , my little fox ." Calling her that never felt more right as he prepared to leave .

Tyki panicked slightly at what he had implied , but she tried staying calm after all , he couldn't have known.

" Why do you say so ? " She asked innocently as she too still prepared to leave .

" For one you are also preparing to leave and from your tone this morning I deduced that this cafe wasn't the only place you had in mind . " He replied smoothly with a smile , the small charming smile made her heart rate pick up , it pounded with confliction. She was very obvious in her distress and Lucifer briefly wondered a smile on his face , if she really thought she could fool him .

" Was I mistaken ? " He asked as they left the cafe.

Tyki sighed as she calmed herself and registered his words properly , she smiled at him .

" Hahaha you're quite right actually , let's head there now . " She laughed pulling his hand as she tagged him along , she ignored how good the contact felt as she carried him away .

Zeus told her it had a portal here , a new one Lucifer wouldn't know about .

" Our family liked to travel for vacations , we came here once when I was really young , right up this hill is a large field of tulips. When I was a kid it was like a fairy location for me . I thought as a thank you , I'd share this with you . " She lied smoothly , she had visited here once but she never much , liked the place . Lucifer glanced at her through the corner of his eyes and smiled secretly to himself . If he himself wasn't a divine being and the actual King of Hell , he would have definitely fallen victim to that lie . She sounded genuine and she had a facade as though she was truly reliving and old memory. As the lie spilled from her mouth effortlessly, they approached the large tulip field , it was lilac and red all over , running for miles, it looked almost like a battle field with its red spots . Her mind couldn't convince her anymore as she stared at the field , but she was too far in her head, to register Lucifer letting go of her hand . She knew something was definitely wrong and a strong headache pounded her head . She suddenly felt chills , she needed to stop him .

" It would be best for you to go back to the Underworld little fox . I can guarantee your safety there , the divine light up there might harm you . " Lucifer's smooth Greek accent penetrated her hazy mind . She finally saw that he was in front of her , he held out a talisman for her . Her mind slowly caught on to the meaning of his words , she was just about to abort her mission and cancel everything, but here he was .

" Wh what ? " She asked him .

" Ahh my beautiful little fox , I'm sure you knew you couldn't deceive me of all people." Lucifer smiled and caressed her cheek . For a moment as they stood alone there , her mind reminded her of their first meeting , of how it all felt , how far everything had gotten . Lucifer noticed she was having a hard time and realised that Zeus's spell on her was becoming hard for her to maintain . He reached toward her , but he was already close to the opening of the portal and a white light flashed above them . The light blinded them momentarily and in her haze , Tyki found herself, trying to reach for Lucifer, craving his safety , the one she always felt when he was near . The light soon disappeared thankfully, but they found themselves outside the huge pillared building on Mount Olympus. Lucifer carefully took in his surroundings and sighed, he knew this is where he was headed , but he really wish he didn't have to be here at all . He saw the disoriented Tyki now come to her senses and went to her side .

" I didn't want you here , you would have been safe in the Underworld. " He mumbled .

A loud laugh interrupted the two and two men appeared near Lucifer , they took hold of Tyki and a look of panic took a hold of her as she reached for Lucifer ,but she had already disappeared, Lucifer calmed himself knowing he shouldn't act rash . He made his way inside of the place , each step he took his clothes began to change and his war armour replaced them , he was fully armoured when he reached his seat . All the other Gods bowed to him and he returned the gesture, he sat near Poseidon.

" Welcome home Hades . " Zeus said full of cheer and he ignored him . Hearing their King speak everyone all choruses in ,

" Welcome home Lord Hades ."