
Veyron the second son of the demon king

I woke up in a realistic game of the seven deadly sins the game starts right when the holy war starts but i was in the game a few hundred years before that but this is not a game to me it is real life. I am the demon kings sword.

SchokoG1_ · Anime & Comics
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The beginning

I woke up one day in the most real seven deadly sins game. I was in my mothers arms. Mother Dear look we finally had another kid.

Demon King: Yes but let me at least see how loyal it is.

Mother OK fine.

demon King: It is so loyal and is so dedicated to me i can't wait to see how this one grows.

Demon king: Get chandler and cuzack to teach him. I want him to be the best of the best.

chandler: You want me to teach another student

Demon king: This one is amazinVeyron the second son of the Demon King g i tell you so you need to teach him

chandler: Fine

cuzack: you normally let one of us teach one but not both so why now

Demon king: This one is amazing i need him on my side teach him both full counters

Ever since I could move I did 100 push ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 pull ups, 100 jumping jacks, 100 sword swings, and 10 laps around the castle

I trained hard every day I had to swing my 11.000 times per day 10.000 times in cuzack's class and 1.000 times in chandlers. I had to do 2.000 push-ups, 2.000 pull ups, 2.000 jumping jacks, 2.000 sit ups, and 200 laps around the castle. The castle is around 10 kilometres for one lap.

Chandler: You are going to learn physical full counter today. according to the demon king you should be able to learn it easily. so swing your sword 10.000 times do 5.000 push-ups, 5.000 sit-up, 5.000 pull-ups, 5.000 jumping jacks, one 10 minute plank, and 100 laps around the castle.

Veyron: Yes sir

chandler: now swing your sword at me. Full counter! That is how full counter works. Now you try. chandler swings his staff at veyron.

veyron: Full counter!

chandler: y-you actually did it. even meliodas did not learn this fast.

cuzack: you are doing 15.000 sword swings, 15.000 push-ups, 15.000 sit-ups, 15.000 pull-ups, 15.000 jumping jacks, one 20 minute plank, and 500 laps around the castle.

cuzack: now do 25.000 more sword swings.

cuzack: now do 5.000 more jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, 400 more laps around the castle, one 30 minute plank, one ten minute plank, one 20 minute plank, and were done

Than I did the training routine i do by my self which is 10 laps around the castle, 1.000 sword swings, 500 push-ups, 500 sit-ups, 500 pull-ups, 500 jumping jacks, one 30 minute plank, and holding my demon mark for 1 hour.

So the exercises i did today are 51.000 sword swings, 25.500 push-ups, 25.500 sit-ups, 25.500 pull-ups, 25.500 jumping jacks, two ten minute plank, two 20 minute plank, two 30 minute plank, holding my demon mark for 1 hour, and 1.010 laps around the castle.

Demon Kings pov

Demon king: chandler how is he doing is he as good as i hoped

Chandler: yes he is amazing he does the whole training section unlike meliodas and he learnt full counter in just one day.

Demon king: that's quite the achievement. What about you cuzack.

Cuzack: he is truly amazing as chandler here says he does the whole training regimen with out complaining.

Demon king: good good keep training him chandler get him the magical full counter as well.

chandler: really I can do that with this one

Demon king: I see him as worthy

Chandler: ok i will get him that as well

Veyron: pov

Chandler you will be getting the magical full counter today. Do 20.000 sword swings 20.000, push-ups 20.000 sit-ups, 20.000 pull-ups, 20.000 jumping jacks, 1.000 laps around the castle, four 10 minute planks, three 20 minute planks, two 30 minute planks, one 40 minute plank, and hold your demon mark for 1 hour.

chandler: now shoot hell blaze at me. full counter now you try.

veyron: full counter!

chandler: vanish counter. good job you got it.

cuzack: do 30.000 sword swings, 30.000 push-ups, 30.000 pull-ups, 30.000 sit-ups, 30.000 jumping jacks, 2.000 laps around the castle, four ten minute planks, three 20 minute planks, two 30 minute planks, one 40 minute plank, and hold your demon mark for one hour.

cuzack: now do 30.000 sword swings.

cuzack: now do 10.000 push-ups, 10.000 jumping jacks, 10.000 pull-ups, 10.000 sit-ups, 20.000 sword swing, 1.000 laps around the castle.

now after i do those i do my training

10 laps around the castle, 1.000 sword swings, 500 push-ups, 500 sit-ups, 500 pull-ups, 500 jumping jacks, one 30 minute plank, and holding my demon mark for 1 hour.

total today 100.000 sword swings, 60.500 push-ups, 60.500 jumping jacks, 60.500 pull-ups, 60.500 sit ups, held my demon mark for one hour twice 4.010 laps around the castle, 8 ten minute planks, six 20 minute planks, five 30 minute planks, two 40 minute planks.

now I am going out of the castle to build my sword i wanted and to train outside the castle.

my current power looks like this

Name: veyron

age 10


0/10 xp



SubRace: Indura Demon


0/10 race xp


blood purity Lv:1



1 purity 10 power

power 1.000

power level 76.000

physical 15.000

magical 20.000

spiritual 10.000


power 15.000

Demon prince

Power 10.000

Demon Kings favored son


magical ability's

Total power 9.900

Full counter magical and physical


Hell blaze


purgatory fire




darkness manipulation


enhanced regeneration



Demon eyes Lv:10

0/28 xp

+5.000 power

Demon mark Stage 1 Lv:10

0/28 xp

+5.000 power

Demon mode Lv:10


+15.000 power


So i should get food right well there is a pack of wolfs over there. I ran at the wolfs. I punched one wolf in its face then I jumped and flipped backwards landing on my hands and pushing with my hands and momentum I flipped again. I than saw that there were four wolfs left. The wolfs started to growl and were scared. the alpha wolf barked and the other wolfs ran at me trying to attack me. one wolf bit my arm off i used darkness to regenerate it then I kicked that wolf into the air. Then i jump into the air and spun kicked the wolf into the ground making a crater. Then i saw there were 2 ordinary wolfs left and one alpha wolf. I enchanted my hand with hell blaze and punched a wolf killing it. Than I picked up a tree branch and swung it creating a shock-wave killing a wolf. The alpha wolf ran at me biting my arm off. I regenerated my arm with darkness and activated my demon mark. I than enchanted the stick with hell blaze and threw it at the wolf. The hell blaze exploded killing the wolf. That's when i realized I had no combat experience so i cant fight well.

after a few years of killing monster and taking there souls I had finally created my sword soul harvester . Soul harvester's stats look like this.

<Demon sword of darkness>

Name soul harvester

Power Level +100%

Souls 10.000

Souls to power


Clones 8

all clones have 80% of my power

Boost power by 100% if user is Demon

<soul bound>

Boost power by 25% if Enchanted with hell Blaze

can absorb all magical attacks used

5.000 power


Soul harvester is the best sword in the world.

I am now working on armor that can rival Soul harvester

I have been building it for 5 weeks now none stop and i'm almost finished .

I will name my helmet Demon God's helmet

I will name my chest-plate Demon God's chest-plate

I will name my leggings Demon God's leggings

I will name my boots demon God's boots

I will name my scarf Demon Gods scarf

I will name my Cape Demon Gods cape

I will name my Legging's scarf Demon God's Leg scarf

Demon God's Infinite Spell book

Demon God's staff

<Demon God's Helmet>

+25% power

1.000 souls

1.000 power

will block all spiritual attacks


<Demon God's Chest-Plate>

+25% power

1.000 souls

1.000 power


<Demon God's Scarf>

+25% power

1.000 souls

1.000 power


<Demon God's cape>

+25% power

1.000 souls

1.000 power


<Demon God's leggings>

+25% power

1.000 souls

1.000 power


<demon God's Leg scarf>

+25% power

1.000 souls

1.000 power

<Demon Gods boots>

+25% power

1.000 souls

1.000 power


<Demon God's Infinite spell book>

+25% power

1.000 souls

1.000 power

Known spells

Fire ball

5.000 power

Greater fire ball

5.000 power

large fire ball

5.000 power

Greater large fire ball

5.000 power


5.000 power

perfect cube

5.000 power

absolute cancel

5.000 power


<Demon God's Staff>

+25% power

1.000 souls

1.000 power


Now that I have Armour that can rival god's bane when worn. I just need to learn absolute counter. Well strong monsters have been appearing lately so a indura or a other very strong monster must be controlling them. The monster should be coming to my house to attack me.

Veyron: So you are the monster in control

Indura: roar

veyron: heh easy

The indura shoots a beam of fire at him

Veyron: absolute counter

Veyron: counters a shoots the beam back at the indura killing it

veyron: easy that's one more soul. will now go back to the castle in style.

Veyron Puts on his armor and cape and scarf and leg scarf