
Chapter 9: Short Story: Wu and His Business


In the world of immortal cultivation, the business world was just as cutthroat as any battlefield. And no one knew this better than Wu, a skilled cultivator who had made his fortune in the world of trade.

Wu was a man who had always been focused on his cultivation, but he had also realized that he needed to make a living if he was going to survive. And so, he had turned his attention to the world of business, using his skills in cultivation to gain an edge in the marketplace.

He had built a successful trading empire, traveling from town to town and city to city, buying and selling all kinds of goods. And as he had grown his business, he had also attracted the attention of some of the more dangerous beasts that roamed the land.

But Wu was a skilled cultivator, and he knew how to protect himself. He had tamed a powerful dragon, a beast that had once been his enemy but now fought alongside him. And with the dragon at his side, he had become even more formidable in both the business world and the cultivation world.

Despite his success, however, Wu remained humble. He knew that he had much to learn, and he was always seeking out new opportunities to grow and expand his business. He was always willing to listen to the advice of others, and he was always looking for ways to improve himself.

One day, Wu received a visitor. It was an old friend from his hometown, a man named Li who had also become a skilled cultivator. Li had come to see Wu because he needed his help in starting a new business.

Li had heard about a rare and valuable herb that grew only in the most dangerous parts of the wilderness. He wanted to collect and sell this herb, but he knew that he couldn't do it alone. He needed Wu's expertise and experience in the world of trade.

Wu agreed to help Li, and together, they set out to find the herb. It was a perilous journey, filled with dangers and obstacles at every turn. But Wu and Li were skilled cultivators, and they managed to overcome every challenge that the wilderness threw their way.

When they finally found the herb, they were amazed by its beauty and potency. Wu knew that they had struck gold, and he immediately set to work on building a market for the herb. He used his connections and his reputation in the business world to find buyers, and before long, they had a steady stream of customers willing to pay top dollar for the herb.

With the success of the herb business, Wu and Li continued to expand their trading empire. They explored new markets and new opportunities, always seeking out the next big thing. And as they grew their business, Wu continued to cultivate and train, always seeking to become a more powerful and skilled cultivator.

And through it all, Wu remained grounded and humble, never forgetting his roots or the people who had helped him along the way. He was a man who had found success in both the business and cultivation worlds, but he never lost sight of what was truly important in life.
