
Chapter 3: Short Story: Kael with Remnant Soul!


In the realm of Aranthia, there were two types of people: cultivators and mortals. Cultivators were individuals who had the ability to cultivate their inner energy to perform incredible feats, while mortals were those who were unable to access this power.

For years, a young man named Kael had longed to become a cultivator. His family had been mortals for generations, but Kael had always felt as though he was meant for something more. He would often spend hours practicing martial arts, hoping that one day he would be able to tap into his inner power.

One day, while exploring a nearby cave, Kael stumbled upon a remnant soul. Remnant souls were the remnants of powerful cultivators who had died, and they held immense power that could be absorbed by other cultivators. Kael knew that it was a cheat to use a remnant soul, but he couldn't resist the temptation to absorb its power.

As he absorbed the remnant soul's power, Kael felt a surge of energy course through his body. He suddenly felt stronger than he ever had before, and he knew that he was now a cultivator. But the remnant soul's power was different from his own; it was a dark and sinister force that seemed to have a mind of its own.

Kael soon discovered that the remnant soul had a will of its own, and it was slowly taking over his mind. It spoke to him in his dreams, tempting him with promises of power and greatness. Kael knew that he needed to find a way to control the remnant soul before it consumed him completely.

With the help of a wise old cultivator, Kael learned to harness the power of the remnant soul without being controlled by it. He discovered that he could use the remnant soul's power to enhance his own abilities, but only if he remained in control of his own mind.

Over time, Kael became one of the most powerful cultivators in all of Aranthia. He had learned to balance the power of the remnant soul with his own inner energy, and he had become a master of his craft.

But Kael knew that the power of the remnant soul was not his own, and he could never fully trust it. He continued to hone his skills, always mindful of the dark force that lingered within him. In the end, Kael's journey to become a cultivator had been a long and perilous one, but he had emerged stronger and wiser for it.
