
Vertical Overturn

Promise, Truth, Heritage, Sacrifice, Friendship. Mitsuyoshi Tada found new parts of himself, he tried to keep it away from the imminent disintegration. He began his struggle while picking up new memories with his own two eyes rather than his preferred lenses of digital camera.

taudwin · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


"Mr. Tada just landed in Laursernbourg today." A man muttered on a regular pitch, he looks in his late thirties, short hair, trimmed moustache and beard toned in bright chocolate shade, with his height of more than a hundred and ninety, walking into a dim lighted room, which was occupied by a single person, presumably his colleague. He was wearing long shirt bright in color, visibly white but not so accurate, more like an old lace color of clothing under a dark pair of braces attached to his black belt, he didn't have his necktie and top button of his shirt on, brown trousers long covering the whole lower half except his pair of loafer. Holding two cups of coffee on the table where the other person was sitting.

"Mr. Tada? Who was that again?" The partner who was taking the handle of the coffee cup wasn't much shorter than his co-worker, he looked older but not by much could be well in his first half of fourties, by his appearance was less net than the other person, beard and moustache lengthen longer at some point, not to mention his dark hair had made no friend with the comb in recent time. His shirt was long and darker in color but still not to the point where the light show that it was light brown, but still brown, two sleeves folded close to his two elbows, seemed to be absorbing more air to his skin, his trousers were common of shade to see anywhere. Hearing the other person, he was puzzled on his chair.

"The first child of Junichirou Tada, a Japanese photographer." The neat man was talking about someone who wasn't well known in their circle, or even a total stranger.

"Hmm...Junichirou...someone well known, Junichirou..." Trying to remember if he had known such person, the man sitting was repeating the new information going through his brain.

"You don't remember? His name was wide spread for sometime a few years ago." The taller man didn't seem to be surprised to see his superior, although he seemed to be treating him as his own friend. And the name was beginning to fade away which was the same for the most of people.

"Few years you say...How long since then?" The senior suddenly stopped thinking deeply and directly asked him.

"Ten years I think..." Recalling about someone who didn't show up for such a long time didn't really help someone who had so many things on his mind, especially when it didn't concern him for a many reasons, but someone had to.

"You want me to recall someone who was famous ten years ago?" Startled the dark haired man had his two grey eyes widely opened but went back to its regular shape right away as he thought it didn't mean much anymore.

"Well not really...but his wife..." Another point was brought up this time a relative to the man the were discussing. As group of people who had a wide connection and requirements to had such knowledge for their own purposes, a few details could be sensitive to some.

"His wife? She's famous too?" As someone who's been in a certain business as long as he remember he knew that few things are just a scratch on the surface.

"Well not exactly..." Hardly could hold back, the taller man was wearing a bit complicated face to show his skepticism of mentioning a few things.

"Then, why did you bring her up?" Some people couldn't bother to get a few more pointless banters.

"Her name is Tomoko, a traffic accident victim along with her husband." A name came up along with a few history, a memorable one, even if it's not the most positive that anyone could put in their mind.

"Tomoko? For you to came for a specific name this time around... Wait, that name..." Starting with a few question look and doubt the other person began to let his brain work harder to get another information that was buried for sometime if not for so long. A history.

"Yeah, the same name that we know for some time, her maiden name was Kuryuu..." Kuryuu, nobody knew who could have this name referred to if you asked a commoner that you could ask on the road, but there were a few exceptions. Few organizations weren't exempting any kind of slip up in their paper work on the desk.

"Kuryuu, to remind me of the name in this timing." Realizing that the previous few dialogue was leading to such detail he didn't really knew what to make for another resistance of not catching up to some new input.

"Well, honestly if this person that I mentioned at first didn't come to this country, we wouldn't even discussing this right now." Imagining another persona in their heart when particular of name mentioned wasn't exactly rare, in fact there thousands if not millions that such scenario could be connected to a single name or phrase or even a fewer of them initials.

"Tada...I don't know anyone with that name in the recent list...But Kuryuu...how should we handle this? What do we know about him?"

Tada surname wasn't anything outstanding as they mentioned in the first place, it sounded rare. Name of Tada might be another common surname in the public of Japanese society but it could also be the opposite of that notion, that almost nobody had the same name in the governmental registration for the family. The case could be two-way direction depending on who actually trying to find out or the reason which could be more expendable in any kind of scale. Whether it's Tada or Kuryuu, who knows which one they were talking about, even if one of them actually being emphasized.

"He came in contact with the staff of the palace today. Rachel Dekwicz, Japanese by birth, gained Laursernbourg citizenship twenty years ago, she's in frequent contact with the royal family." An old lady, it was an open secret that she came for study abroad where she met and lived with her husband in the same local land of the two people were discussing. A small country with beautiful valleys and wide spread exquisite floral some would say the country was, in one perspective it was right on the simplest description you could find on the summary of an introductory to a foreign country.

"Was he or any of his relative know her?" A visit was an indication of many things which was should be addressed at an early point as the next few development could lead to different situation possible.

"Shouzo Tada, father of Junichirou Tada was an old colleague of her..." Another mention of a deceased 'famous' photographer, nobody could say exactly how wide his name was in the public, one could only assumed if no further suggestion didn't come up.

"So he went to greet her or something?" Taking a sip on his coffee the secondary official said while trying to continued his paused sentenced which was still containing a doubt to possibly a fact of the matter.

"That's one of them but there is something else, he was here for another reason..."

"What is it?" One point which directed the topic to the royal residence or personage and could be on both which raised the dark eyebrows of the superior, further details won't be a disadvantage.

"He was a classmate of Lady Teresa." An important personality, in certain case, was brought up again. It's another person who was still related to the the lady who was born on the land of the samurai.

"Hmmm, the child of Thomas, who came back after finishing her exchange program..." The man he mentioned, Thomas was a man which didn't have an appearance fitting his age. A younger bottle of an old refined wine, this fact was boosted even further by his wife which wasn't that much older than the king himself. The king, his highness, the head of the country the fact which made young Teresa the princess and her mother Edna the queen.

And the latter part of his sentence was a news few months old that had been over for sometime, the lady mentioned in the program was the same Teresa that everyone knew. 'Came back' pointing her intention of no longer away from her born country, she was a popular youngster in any level of community.

"'Finish' might not be right for her reason to return home..." Trailing on his words, tall man was once again showing his doubt of a few facts on the latest event the princess had gone through.

"Oh, right...She accelerated the engagement date didn't she?" Retaining another news which was celebrated in the upper class of society, and further expanding the reach and advantage of most obvious group to be involved.

"Precisely, she did so as soon as she came home." Most people were elated by the news back then, knowing how good the portrait of two future prospect couple was, no body thought it was a bad possibility.

"But there was still nothing to do with Tada in any point, even if he's related to her in anyway possible." Bringing back the root of their analysis of the present spectacle away from their somewhat wide room of daily routine they're experiencing in.

"...Tada family has a local business running since a few decades ago, It seemed to be a cafe. She worked there for sometime..." Talking about the young man they precisely had to talk about a certain store which employed the princess caretaker in her younger days.

"Hmmm...Royal family often didn't speak their circumstances out loud, I kind of doubting that he knew that she was the actual royalty..." The line of thinking wasn't unexpected as some important people will be well protected through obscurity, not to mention people other important things could be hidden and out of general's viewing through the same measure.

"Putting that into account, the engagement party tomorrow was not the reason." Relevant occasions are hardly out of media's scrutiny and more than that the next few day or even countable by hours would be a focus of those companies.

"Should be, then there must something else which concerned him..."

"Maybe something like finding her reason to return home?"

"Logically speaking that could be the one...A pure curiosity of a friend could push someone this far, well if it's accurate, that is."

"Japanese current education calendar should end in a few weeks if not months, exchange program should be at least a full year. He should be trying to ask her abrupt change of plans directly then..." Little knowledge he obtain even through the years he had been in the trade could only support him this far to share.

"Putting our thoughts into perspective, isn't this kind of inconvenient?" Somehow something was bothering him.

"That's still one thing to see at the right time, we probably should keep an eye out on the party..." Rather than only one person, it was something that connected to the both of them, or even to a more extensive scale.

"Yeah..." Finally some could only make the same verdict.

A few hours since the last affirmative word of the observer, it wasn't full twenty four since the two men had their plan set up and executed towards the events gone through by a young foreigner with a single focus in his mind. Sequence of occasions was a rather less descriptive because people that really matters didn't say much about the rift occurrence in the previous few hours, most of people didn't take a while to find out the most accurate summary. Summary was the one that was all matter, because details would escape the grasp of those who didn't dive deep enough. Who wouldn't do so? Because such conclusion was enough to give people the news to share and sell. The details could be made up in some cases, accuracy and its impending effect was something to be sees in the future. In some cases people would work their brain to an extent giving themselves materials to write, show and speak.

"He boarded the plane right away..." The young man in question had went back in the air reaching the decision to part ways with a new soil he had stepped on for the first time. In some ways he had done his all, this could be an indication that he did come for one reason and one reason only, which wasn't exactly open to anyone.

"...How swift..." Comment came out as the dark haired observer found out that two people boarded the Japan flight, it was barely evening, it wasn't midnight, no, not even ten o'clock.

"He really is a close friend to the young lady...or rather a very close one?" Assumption no longer they were convinced that the youngster and unexpectedly his friend also on the same land as their now separated classmates and acquaintance, including the blond man and red head young woman.

"Definitely...He didn't raise much or rather any attention after that single moment."

"It was like he disappeared from everyone's sight by the slightest distraction..."

"Because he really did so..."

"But the royal evening didn't end even after his exit..."

"It was like the beginning of everything..." Warm breath departed each of their mouths and noses, showing that a few things were just helpless and only could go the way it was scripted. At least at first.

"Charles de Floire, breaking the engagement. In his own way he's impressive." Recalling the clear message of the young and talented executive who handle one of the most important division in the major French family's conglomerate. He wasn't just a blue blood by birth, his efforts and his patience were result of overcoming many obstacles. He wasn't only overcoming them all but also made a jump beyond any expectations of many people who were looking forward with a full hope to his next contribution.

"He's well known in the royal circle as he often in contact with either Lady Teresa or Ms. Alexandra and even both." Three of them were childhood friends, with a few drawbacks and happy moments which then pushed them to the way they were in present time. There were many things which hardly forgettable between the first meeting and the latest assemble, they were practically inseparable, that was to the point when Charles making a step forward earlier than the other two youngster, where it all began.

"Pretty much everyone aware of what he has for the young royal, that's why this is surprising, especially when Lady Teresa herself accepted and pushed forward the engagement party's schedule." Expectations didn't always met, there were few that actually could be achieved, and this particular event wasn't any closer to the result being foresaw by most people who had a bright eyes in the last few days.

"Is this the third party's effect?"

"Who knows, we know how he's acting after coming out of the closed space... His poker face was essentially flawless..." Admiring one of a few less aligned expression of a departed young man, the subordinate wasn't unimpressed of that casual shift of emotions by an unexpected person. But he was a bit wrong on his observation of the young man himself.

"We should very well take this as a reality."

"It's clear to those who are close to the two sides, the local and the French, that this announcement was out of their expectations." Everyone was scrambled around in response of Charles de Floire's sudden change of mind. The local royalty was more organized and had anticipated a few unexpected ending of the night, on the other hand the French subordinates weren't as ready, because only a few of them actually had the real authority of handling the media. Young prodigy de Floire himself had a few negative evaluation, as he did make himself as a man who didn't have enough freedom. Everyone seemed to be putting the word on the wrong end of the judgement, because of no further comment from himself or his representative, anyone could only take it on the face value. But it didn't end there, the favorable opinions was too much of a contradictory to the action of the man himself, so in the end that voices of approval didn't get much encouragement which boosted the opposite opinions.

"Such decision should be informed beforehand if it was settled before the invitation were extended, we should conclude that Charles de Floire was the only person who took it personally." Authority was a double-edged sword, on the right application of the right timing and the right person, the benefit would be overwhelming, but on the other hand if it was all flipped, nothing good came out of it at all, at least on the visible and clear aspects.

"For him to do this after the ten years he had with those people, is he some kind of a masochist or something...?" Psychology might be the good evaluation method but without further evidence they could only say it thus far.

"That's a rude way to say that, we should say he's considerate..." Knowing someone who thought and acted like a noble, which this case was young prodigy Charles de Floire himself, he deserved a better evaluation.

"True... Lady Teresa has always thought of him as an ideal elder brother, but as future partner for life, she didn't show it at all." Lady Teresa was a widely known as an outgoing and approachable young noble, but at the same time she treat anyone at the same level of respect, and by anyone, that included her supposedly engagement partner himself. It's true that the young lady was communicating more with the two childhood friends, but some people could see that she was much more open towards the red head lady.

"She already has someone in mind? And de Floire approved of it?" The question itself already had an answer the proof was spreading wide as they speak, but the most evident was the French young man himself, especially after he made such statement about himself. Unconsciously or not, he was going away from noble circle's good book.

"I wonder if the royal family is losing a great person for a son-in-law." This kind of person was regarded highly in a lot of aspects. Personal capability, professional judgement, generosity, and great diplomacy fluidity. He got the noble quality in a single embodiment.

"Definitely, but there are a few things are sensitive, so the two, one is a young man and the more mature man were prioritizing her feelings." The action of the younger man in the trio, the declaration of the mature man who had everything in his grasp and the lady who didn't complain at all.

"Young Tada didn't want to pressure her as someone who attracted her feelings, as she had prioritized her family more than anything. And Charles de Floire who turned it upside down and encouraged her to gain control of her own future."

"That's one troublesome triangle, and nobody is trying to get an advantage at all." Modern time was the era of competition, and almost everything was going through this foundation of proving personal value to get a desired goal, if not by direct means everyone will had their sight in such goal and try to achieve them sooner or later.

"We don't know further details so we can only find this much?" The minor personnel in the room was confirming that he didn't miss anything about the circumstances. He did so by looking and asking the other man who was having a coffee in front of him.

"Two royal families...We should just ignore them." Didn't say no to such question was pretty much concluded their discussion on the other side of the area. Ignoring could mean a lot things, and at the moment only two people knew what that meant for the immediate arrangement in the abstract and mental draft which was still to come.

"Then..." Trailing his words trying to silently asking for something the younger looking man did.

"We're going after the young man...what is his name again?" Having a specific target in mind.

"Mitsuyoshi Tada..." That person was the twenty four hours resident of the small country.

"Right, Mitsuyoshi...I hope that taking pictures isn't the only thing that interests him..." The superior already had a few procedures to carry out and a few people to contact. But he didn't seem to worry about anything at all related to the people of the palace who's exact in the greatest mood at the moment.

The two man did what they supposed to do and didn't stay for much longer in the architecture which wasn't exactly accesable through average methodology.

The country which was widely known as friendly to its environment even if it's only by appearance made a few news in the last few days. The greenery which was one aspect to be proud of seemed to be leaving their confused impression to the young men who came to the country for a single purpose, what they saw was a white overall appearance of the country. Winter wasn't well represented in the country but its location which was going further from the equator didn't help anyone to get a better look of the expected friendly color of floral scene. Even so they didn't seemed to mind about it at all as they had their own thought, especially the young Tada as the transportation itself was the primary concern for his physical and mental condition. As much as he didn't need to worry, having his childhood and expressive friend. This noisy friend wasn't a total blockhead as he would know what to do with someone who was acrophobia, but this could be only one hope at the corner in his brain, because...body just couldn't resist a few things.

Another place, another time and another moment, at the central of metropolitan city of one of if not the most advanced country Japan, in the biggest continent on the planet, Asia. The time was still winter, there were a few white ice particles which could be seen in a lot of places everyone could pass by. It was considered to be cold but didn't as cold as the previous few weeks as the sun was getting friendlier to the local domain, giving its blessing of putting its attention to those who weren't put the white scene as the greatest to behold. The city was busy, by the time it was moving there was hardly anytime that the lights of the central neighborhood had any inconsistency in handling their schedule of conducting business. Time was and would always be precious, which was being the priority than most of things considered crucial in making a success. But there were a few moments for such busy aspect, making an unexpected changes.

Commercial district, night time approaching midnight, in a tall building of the busiest location at the sun friendly timing there were only a few lights was turned on, if it did, the distance to the nearest most outer wall was crucial to find out such situation. Especially this time around, someone wasn't exactly had any intention of leaving his office, even after his job was all done and archived.

He wasn't in anyway having a hard time of running his personal computer, having his full attention on the display, if anyone was close by and took a glance of his monitor they could say that this was his personal preference of internet contents that could be found to fill his free time, it was unique to say the modestly. A playback was going on, didn't seemed to be stopping anytime soon, and the audience was in anyway not getting himself coming back to reality as the video was so absorbing. But that didn't stay for long as another thing got his attention to reality. It was a mail notification sound, and the interactive interface came up to get his eyes somewhere else but his browser.

"Huh? Someone is making a contact?" A man in his fourties, the first half of it, had his eyes on the notification and moved his cursor on to it and gave it a responsive click as he commented on its content's preview. His movement was brief, he didn't seem to be unfamiliar of the device he had in front of him, meaning that he had operating them for at least a few months before, but evidently it was open to anyone he had use it far longer than expected. He had his left palm supporting his chin and left cheek on the table by his elbow. Wearing a friendly colored shirt he did, with its long sleeves either elbows was find even if his desk wasn't the cleanest of all. But he's not a lefty so, his right hand moving his mouse to guide the pointing digital tool to open the email he had just received in the least time he had expected. His expression, clear brown eyes, black locks, beard and moustache was in an immovable motion. As someone who spent his time on the monitor he didn't have any spectacles close to his desk, indicating he didn't have one.

"...This person is distant branch's...The content is..." A few comment which was voicing a few doubts regarding a news on his personal digital messaging tool.

"......" Blinking a few times he had a few sentences even paragraphs brought up on the display, seemed to be some sort of instructions for his own future duties.

"It's been quite an approach...employing this kind of means, it's been a long time. The target is..." He's making a few further comments on the instructions. Judging from his own words, this was an exceptional duty entrusted to him. Looking at it more seriously he didn't have any of his entire being moving except for his eyes and finger on the scroll of his mouse on the right side of the desk. After finishing a few paragraphs on top of the entire email he moved on to another part of it.

"......" He was looking at a personal profiling of a young male student. He had his eyes fully focus on the face, making sure this face didn't going anywhere out of his inner hard drive. Fully committing the features on display he finally made a few words out.

"A kid?" Even though he had completely accepting of the subject he's reviewing he's still doubting his own eyes.

"His name is...Tada Mitsuyoshi, 17 years old..." Mentioning the name of the profiled individual he was convinced that his name will be around him in the immediate future.

"What are they thinking this time around...?" Had his memory was wrong he wouldn't even asked such question, but to to something about someone so young was going into a new job description's invisible history. He was making a few guesses inwardly because he wasn't exactly a pure one profession focused type of staff member, he knew a few things more than just being a desk worker.

"Doing this kind of favor isn't really hard. Tada Mitsuyoshi... I need a few data."

He went back to his computer's browser and search a few local news that could be used as a mechanism... And he's paying attention a few photography related data, which was printed on Tada Mitsuyoshi's bits of information.

"Oh...? He won Summer contest's "Star" theme Excellent Award...This is useful." His experience as a senior photographer was giving the young man a positive evaluation, as the young man's effort didn't go undetected and had a few outstanding praise coming his way. But at the time he had scrolled down the page and saw something out of ordinary content.

"Princess Teresa..." He recognized the person captured in the shot being published by the local concour's management. He knew very well who was that person, as he was reminded that the email he received in less than an hour ago was coming from the country that watching the young lady's growth since her very first breath.

"So this person is the source of the procedures, but..." As he made his own remark he reminded himself of a few narrative in the email.

"According to those people, he's still en route back to Japan. His work's announced as the excellent winner was yesterday then it would be at least a few days to make a sense of a professional invitation at this point." He was trying to make up a few course of action planned, as he didn't really have that much intent to reject a few additional bonuses.

"Oh right, we had a few programs related to excellent awards and he's son of that person, it shouldn't be too much to have a talk with him." He came up with a few alternative ideas other than direct confrontation with the latest talent of photography world.

"But anyone with city-wide recognition would attract a few attentions, I should probably make prompt advances." He didn't think so naively that someone who capable of doing exactly what he said would be concealed for a long time, even if he's still a second year student, no third year soon.

"Aaa, I should take sometime to sleep first." He made an inner commitment, then put his mind to something he need to do right away.

"Ugh, it's still ten, no half past that. I can do something else before visiting the dream world."

"......" He wasn't in the mood anymore to keep himself under the great air conditioning which was already acclimating with his attention to the unexpected request abroad.

"I'll see if bars still open..." He gave up on further resistance to keep his bottom on the chair he had been comfortable with in the last few hours. Shutting his computer down, got on his feet then putting his fingers on the switches on the wall then turned the lamps off with it. Moving himself to the standing coat hanger then reached to his coat and gloves, putting them on and let himself a bit warmer than before.

The winter wasn't going any better as the night still watching the city, it was the opposite, especially when someone wasn't in an optimal condition, even if he didn't move very much.

"Snow, hmmm...there are still a few snow..." He was talking to himself as he could see a few hardened air around the complex. As he saw the focused on the snow he kept on walking but without much deeper mind on the matter in the previous minutes which was concerning a future prospect he should be contacting. He then came across an open shop close by, he went ahead and entered it right away without much thought and decided that other matters will be on his list next time he go to the opposite direction of his present track.

The light was slowly dimmed all through the city, of course with a few exceptions for the case but nobody was practically had an eye on the open wide streets and roads, bringing the moon to its final role for those who aware of it, watching the mortals leaving the conscious world.

Air was friendly on the atmosphere but not completely as a transport was going through the clouds, passing the white, untouchable object forcing them to accommodate the shape of long and enormous likeness to a bird. The flight which was leaving the continent which had witnessed the first sign of steam revolution. And had Japan on its sight for landing, bringing a number of people which for most numbers weren't acquaintances to each other, that was an obvious fact, counting out a few people who actually knew each others' names.

Tada Mitsuyoshi and Ijuuin Kaoru who were sitting calmly on the passengers' seats, one had his eyes closed with the appropriate media reserved for everyone who actually made use of them. His brown locks was steady even though he wasn't exactly perfect in his sleeping posture, he didn't seem to neglect any possibility of bad hair anywhere outside his own bedroom back in hometown, but pretty much everything else was a bit less nice to see, but nothing was too much as it was natural sight for anyone having a deep rest or not. The other was having an unnatural posture, he was stiff in every way possible because of mental conditions. His eyes were unfocused, his hands were gripping tightly, on the arms. His acrophobia was in full effect. Seemingly disturbed by his condition his mind was seemed to be going somewhere else. His expression by the flow of time was getting calmer soon enough.

"......" He wasn't trying to make a word at all, his mental condition barring the phobia was on another invisible matter for those who were had their eyes on him for quite sometime, but such person was scarce if there was one at all. He was getting his breath steady as the flight went on bringing their entire being to the home some of the passengers was missing.

Soon enough he let out soft breath blanking his entire being an had his eyes up front, pretending that there was no one, nothing, not even a single existence around him at all. His floating mind wasn't going to bring him back to himself soon enough but only an expectations of himself and none else beside that.

He had done what he had set out to do. The future was still wide, nothing could change what had always been his duty. That was a night for a memory of someone far far away from him which then delivered him to a total nothingness.

A few hours later, without knowing anything through the traveling, suddenly young Tada came back to himself.

"...!" He was stunned by himself, finding out that the light was greeting him through the glass. He had his seat close enough to the natural light trajectory.

"Morning, Mitsuyoshi..." His friend who was stretching his body to relieve the tension of long time sitting form trying to had his muscles active again.

"......" He didn't say anything in response.

"A-a-a...it's here again, don't worry my friend we'll be out soon enough. With nothing in our hands we could go right away, so you don't need to be concern about anything. Your handsome friend will be the most helpful guy on the planet for you now." Ijuuin was lamenting, sympathize and consoling the friend who weren't exactly fond of being off the natural ground of the planet.

Without much more delay he did his best as someone who knew the black haired young man the most at the moment. But then he saw something unnatural.

"Hmm? Mitsuyoshi?" The expression which was stiff before didn't change much but now it was more relaxed, something rare to see.

"Oooi, Mitsuyoshi..." The friend tried to trigger a reaction but to no avail, the sitting young man didn't disappoint anyone who knew his most redundant feature.

Ijuuin gave up and do everything else then to the point of getting him on the bench of the airport, it was done in a few good long minutes what worked.

"Thanks, Ijuuin."

"Don't worry about it. Time to go home, buddy."

"Right..." He wasn't particularly down in his heart but it can't be helped as he came home with a relieved condition, everything was going as usual from then forward. And one step to start it was getting on the car called by his friend and then get to the place he was most familiar with.

The road was packed, that wasn't out of expectation because some of traffic were unpredictable and airport was one of the busiest place you imagine, all of that contributed the present situation where they were moving, but not up to speed. He and his friend were watching the scene beyond the door with the glass was kind enough giving them a view.

A good couple of minutes was there for them reaching the destination right in front of them, Tada Cafe.

"Come on, Mitsuyoshi, get some food..." His friend who was kind enough not to be much of a chatter during the trip was cheering him up again, as they didn't have much more energy as the flight took quite spirit of freedom in movement.

"Yeah, of course." He said as he put his hands on the knob and started to pull it back and open the door which then rang the bell at the top of the door it self, alerting anyone who was in the building

"Welcome home, Onii-chan..." They were greeted by the waitress who was in a great condition in all aspect giving the guests hospitality they deserved. Her short hair didn't change, it was as it was before the flight. The elderly man who was behind the counter was also the same with the white shirt and black apron on each of them.

"Myaa..." Like it was doing the same as the young waitress, the plump mammal was letting its presence known with its voice.

There was no change at all, so he could go and move on.

"Yeah, I'm home..." He was finally went and responded and didn't delay much as he took luggage to his room and went straight down to the first floor with proper outfit which was provided for the staff of the cafe.

Nobody was asking anything as he took his place behind the counter, and did his job preparing a cup of coffee and a meal according the order that had been made by his close friend.

It was just another day of the unchanging routine of Tada Cafe, but this time with one less regret to shoulder, even if there's still a few lingering thought on it, there's nothing else he could do. The little smile was a his own encouragement this time around as he brought himself together and didn't tarry no more.

Future was still wide open for him and everyone that he knows. The upcoming graduation was still a few days away.