
Through the darks of journey

The day when baby is born we assume everyone to be happy bt nobody thinks somewhere in the dark someone is wishing bad for the one...

U never know where your life will take you but the only realisation that I can stand upto everything will make you strong even if the situation is not in your hands.

Can you ever imagine getting drenched into someones love without any expectation from the person...Can you love somesone even if the person dont love you back. Here is the real dark side of love which is beautiful if one is ready to live with it.

Mom's love is selfless .There is a time when you don't realise her value but when you get it its too late. When you want her to keep healthy, when you start caring for her but she doesnt listen....thats the dark side...

When you just want to be yourself but cant find the way to live it in that way.

You know you should pamper yourself but you are unable to do it because world is negative towards you.

Thats the dark side ....!

There are many such let me know if u know the one....thanku lovelies

This is just the preface the story is coming ahead.