
Versatile Mage

He woke up in a familiar world that had vastly changed. His familiar school had become a mystical school that teaches magic, encouraging everyone to become a mighty magician. Outside the city, many wandering magical beasts and monsters attacked and preyed on humans. His world of advanced science changed into one that praised magic. Despite this, his ambition in life, and his social status remained the same; one of the dregs of the society with a struggling father and a disabled step sister that couldn’t walk. However, Mo Fan found that when most people could only practice a single major element of magic, he was a Versatile Mage!

Chaos (Fish's Sky) · Fantasy
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3166 Chs

Ruler of the Sharkmen

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by Aelryinth

Flames continued to pour down from the sky.

Mo Fan stood in front of the Sea Skeleton King's remains. The flames had become a burning red forest after landing on the sea, let alone upon the land.

The ruby-red Phoenix Flames lasted for a long time. The volcano was still roaring angrily at the sky. The sea kept shaking around the island before its fury.

Mo Fan had turned over a new leaf while he was bathing in the flames. 

In the past, Mo Fan had to rely on Little Flame Belle to control stronger flames, but he now had access to a powerful flame directly from his heart, burning like a furnace and providing him with a continuous supply of scorching flame.

Every inch of his skin was tempered by the flame.

He was brimming with an inviolate and imperious aura, especially while he was standing in front of the huge corpse of the Sea Skeleton King.