
Versatile Mage

He woke up in a familiar world that had vastly changed. His familiar school had become a mystical school that teaches magic, encouraging everyone to become a mighty magician. Outside the city, many wandering magical beasts and monsters attacked and preyed on humans. His world of advanced science changed into one that praised magic. Despite this, his ambition in life, and his social status remained the same; one of the dregs of the society with a struggling father and a disabled step sister that couldn’t walk. However, Mo Fan found that when most people could only practice a single major element of magic, he was a Versatile Mage!

Chaos (Fish's Sky) · Fantasy
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3166 Chs

Norman, Someone who doesn't Submit to Authority 

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by Aelryinth

Norman had decided to stay as soon as the Blue Star Knights took off their sacred coats!

If he did not set an example for the young knights, the Hall of Knights would be done for! 

The news spread rapidly in the Parthenon Temple. Golden Sun Combat Officer Norman, who had not been around for years, had dismissed forty-one Blue Star Knights!

The incident raised a great commotion. Almost every authority figure that was present in the Parthenon Temple soon showed up. Even some of those who were on duty outside the Parthenon Temple returned as soon as they received the news.

The three Candidates - Izisha, Asha'ruiya, and Xinxia - had arrived at the scene, too.