
Versatile Mage

He woke up in a familiar world that had vastly changed. His familiar school had become a mystical school that teaches magic, encouraging everyone to become a mighty magician. Outside the city, many wandering magical beasts and monsters attacked and preyed on humans. His world of advanced science changed into one that praised magic. Despite this, his ambition in life, and his social status remained the same; one of the dregs of the society with a struggling father and a disabled step sister that couldn’t walk. However, Mo Fan found that when most people could only practice a single major element of magic, he was a Versatile Mage!

Chaos (Fish's Sky) · Fantasy
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3166 Chs

Moon Moth Phoenix vs Stingray King

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The glow of Moon Moth Phoenix slowly spread to the surroundings. Soon, it lit up the top of Silver-Blue Valley City and changed. A pair of wings, a slender body, and an antenna appeared.

Stingrays had occupied the city and caused it to have a foul atmosphere. With the increasing number of flying, shapeshifting spirits, the stingray army that occupied the sky above the city began to retreat.

Those spirits were the Little Spirit Moths that always accompanied the Moon Moth Phoenix. These Spirit Moths were significantly more massive than the Guardian Spirit Moths in Fanxue Mountain. Their wings were thin and soft, but at the critical moment, they would turn into blades that could cut through the enemy. The glow on their bodies was like an armor made by moonlight that fully protected them. They were Combat Spirit Moths.