
Versatile Mage : Voidwalker

Gurumaster · Anime & Comics
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- Xuan Kong

  -- Age: 13

  -- City: Bo City

  -- Country: China

  -- Magic: Elementary Psychic Mage

  -- Mind Power: Level 2

  -- Talent: Mutated Eyes

  -- Skills:

  --- Black-Hearted Businessman

  --- Hacker

  --- Programmer

  --- Quick Thinker

  -- Current Assets: 30 million

  -- Allocations:

  --- 10 million set aside for subordinate salaries

  --- 20 million set aside for mage resources

  -- Businesses:

  --- Xuan Tech Ltd

  --- Business Description: Installs micro spy chips in duplicate tech

  --- Investment: 67 million

  --- Management: Currently run by Quan Li

  --- Xuan Charity Org

  --- Provides part-time jobs to bright students who can't afford Magic academy fees

  --- Branches:

  ---- Li Mei (Runs a branch)

  ---- Chen Wei (Runs a branch)

  ---- Jin Tao (Runs a branch)

  ---- Wu Xia (Runs a branch)

  ---- Zhang Peng (Runs a branch)

  --- Funds provided to each branch: 10 million

  --- Loan Shark Business

  --- Goal: Lend money to mages who can't get loans from the Bank, Hunter Association, or Mage Association in exchange for their land papers while they retain ownership of those lands in case of accidents.

  --- Currently run by Lin Wei

  --- Investment: 100 million

  -- Servants:

  --- Li Mei (Runs branch of Xuan Charity Org)

  --- Chen Wei (Runs branch of Xuan Charity Org)

  --- Jin Tao (Runs branch of Xuan Charity Org)

  --- Wu Xia (Runs branch of Xuan Charity Org)

  --- Zhang Peng (Runs branch of Xuan Charity Org)

  --- Liang Jie (Security Team)

  --- Mei Ling (Security Team)

  --- Yu Xin (Security Team)

  -- Butler:

  --- Yao Ming

  --- Position: Butler to Xuan Kong

  --- Funds Provided by Xuan Kong: 20 million

  --- Responsibilities: Provides VIP services to Space, Earth, Water, and Fire Mages using the funds provided by Xuan Kong

  -- Secretaries:

  --- Lin Wei (Handles Overall Finance for Xuan Kong and runs the Loan Shark Business)

  --- Quan Li (Manages Xuan Tech Ltd and assists with Xuan Kong's business ventures)

  -- Xuan Kong's Dad:

  --- Xuan Shiwei

  --- Magic: Mid-tier Level 3 Mage

  --- Mind: (To be determined)

  --- Talent: (To be determined)

  --- Wife: Sonj Ji (deceased)

  --- Position: Military Squad Leader

  --- Skills:

  ---- Justice Lover

  --- Friends:

  ---- Mu Song - High-tier Mage Level 1

  ---- Boss (Military Commander): Zhan Kong - High-tier Level 3 Mage