
Versatile Mage : Voidwalker

Gurumaster · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: A Hidden Awakening

*Bo City, 9 years before the catastrophe of Bo City* 

*(A/n: Mo Fan was 19 years old when the catastrophe happened.)*

"Boss, we have successfully secured a one-time high-grade awakening stone. The overall cost for this is 5.3 million coins," Lin Wei reported to Xuan Kong, his eyes fixed on the delicate gemstone in his hand.

Xuan Kong reclined in his opulent chair, gazing out of the panoramic window at the rising sun. The first rays painted the room with hues of orange and gold, but his eyes remained cool and calculating.

"Hmm, make sure to keep that mage mouth shut. If there's any doubt, book a coffin in advance," he quipped, a sly smile playing on his lips.

"Of course, Boss. I will prepare your awakening room immediately," Lin Wei replied, understanding the gravity of secrecy.

Xuan Kong leaned back, his thoughts drifting back in time. "It's already been 13 years since I was reborn here," he mused aloud. "Finally, after two failures, I've got my hands on an awakening stone, and a remarkable one at that."

He paused, his expression turning serious. "I just have to make sure Dad doesn't know about this, or my entire plan could crumble under his unwavering sense of justice."

The Xuan family was renowned in the magic community, and Xuan Senwei, Xuan Kong's father, held a prestigious position as a Mid-tier level 3 Mage of Water and Wind Element, working directly under Bo City Military Officer Zhan Kong, a High-tier Mage with the combat power of a Super-mage level 1.

Xuan Kong shifted his focus from the past to the present. "Okay, let me wrap up my pending work. I can't wait to experience my Novice Elemental Awakening."

In his study, he delved into the information provided by his subordinates, seeking out potential business opportunities.

"The Loan Shark business thrives in the magical society. I lend money to those in need who can't obtain loans from the Magic/Hunter Association. In return, I offer them the option to lease their lands, safeguarding their future in an uncertain world, and earning 100x profit incase they die from Monster attack."

"But for now, let's concentrate on acquiring ownership of Bo City wastelands, sponsoring orphan mages to enhance the family reputation, searching for evidence of corruption among officials and blackmail them, and investigating potential betrayals within our ranks."

*(Time Skip - 3 hours)*

"Magic world black tech is truly remarkable," Xuan Kong thought aloud. "It's a shame that nuclear weapons were banned by the Magic Association due to the fear of upsetting the balance of power among magicians."

Xuan Kong leaned back in his chair, contemplating his unique situation. "Being reborn certainly has its advantages. My infant brain was exceptionally developed, and my eyes… well, they have their own story."

Meanwhile, in the specially prepared awakening room, Lin Wei entered and announced, "Boss, everything is ready for the awakening."

"Excellent, let's proceed," Xuan Kong said, rising from his chair. He made his way to the mysterious altar, his heart racing with anticipation.

Placing his hands on the ancient stone, he closed his eyes, allowing the warmth of the awakening stone to envelop him. He felt a sharp, unfamiliar pain surge through his body. Startled, he opened his eyes, only to discover his pupils had transformed into swirling vortexes of silver.

"What the..." Xuan Kong gasped, but Lin Wei remained focused on the awakening stone.

As the stone began to glow intensely, Xuan Kong gritted his teeth and endured the pain, recognizing this as his chance to become a mage.

Inside his spiritual realm, he searched for his second Element but found only seven brightly lit pink stars. "Guess I don't have innate dual awakening talent, unlike those transmigrators," he muttered.

The light from the awakening stone slowly dimmed, and Xuan Kong's pupils returned to their normal state. He felt a surge of new power within him. He was now a mage.

"Congratulations, Boss. You are now a Psychic Elementalist," Lin Wei announced with a smile.

Xuan Kong returned the smile. "A small step, but a significant one. I am now an apprentice mage."

He knew that to become a Novice Mage, he needed to complete three crucial steps: Deep Meditation, Controlling Stars, and Casting Spells.

As the day wore on, Xuan Kong focused on his plans. "Lin Wei, how much do we have in the bank?"

"Boss, we currently have 267 million," Lin Wei replied, double-checking on her tablet. "Is there anything specific you'd like to do?"

"Hmm," Xuan Kong contemplated for a moment. "Transfer 67 million to Quan Li and instruct her to establish Xuan Tech. Ltd. I want nano spy chips installed in any duplicate products we sell, and prepare all the necessary legal documents for any potential issues."

Lin Wei nodded. "It can be quite a hassle hacking Bo City's surveillance system."

"Indeed," Xuan Kong agreed. "Also, transfer 20 million to our butler, Yao Ming, and have him provide VIP services to Earth, Space, Water, and Fire Mages. They'll prove invaluable when I decide to assert my dominance in Bo City."

"Additionally, notify Lin Wi, Chen Wei, Jin Tao, Wu Xia, and Zhang Peng to establish branch offices and recruit students looking for part-time jobs. Instruct them to prioritize candidates with colored pupils, as they are more likely to awaken at the age of 16. Transfer 10 million to each of them."

"Tell Liang Jie, Mei Ling, and Yu Xin to discontinue their military training. Starting next Monday, they will serve as my personal bodyguards."

"Allocate an additional 100 million to the loan shark business. It's time to expand aggressively."

"Lastly, reserve 10 million for salary expenditures and set aside 20 million for my Novice Mage journey."

With his orders set in motion, Xuan Kong leaned back in his chair, a sense of anticipation building within him. His journey as a mage had just begun, and the future held limitless possibilities.