
Chapter 1

Opening his eyes, Darth Imperius, also known as Kallig, realized that he was currently in an alien environment.

Not just in the normal sense, his clothes, his own body, the people around him, and their words, nothing made sense.

Focusing on his memories, he soon remembered an explosion in the Hyperspace driver of his ship and then everything turned dark...

Could he have died? Is this what lied beyond?

No... It couldn't be.

Digging deeper, it didn't take long for him to find an anomaly, a soul entrapped within both the darkness and lightness he cultivated in his time working in favor of the empire.

It was too feeble, a mere fragment, but it contained all he needed to recover the memories of this body.

Drawing upon his connection with the Force, he felt overwhelmed with power as the memories flooded his mind, however, the sudden overcharge of power from the force was more than enough to allow him to contain the memories and make them his own.

Soon he understood, this body's name was Mo Fan, he was a lazy boy that only caused problems and this was a world that relied on something called magic, but not magic like the one practiced by Sith Alchemists or Dathomirians, what his memories told him, was that they were somehow different, but he couldn't really say why or how exactly.

Looking through the window, he wondered just where in the galaxy he was... This planet inhabited by humans looked nothing like the ones he knew, neither did the star system, those planets, and that star shining high on the sky was unknown to him.

There was a small possibility, but he didn't want to believe that. It would be best to think about other things rather than him having got transported to an entirely different galaxy.

Fortunately, he still had the Force with him, he could feel it soothing and calming his heart in a warm embrace, like the hug of a mother worried for her child. But the Force felt somewhat different, it felt freer than ever before, untouched, perhaps even... in balance.

Yes... true balance in the force, a feeling that he had never thought he would be able to feel, it was exciting and yet terrifying, as it could mean too many things, but most of them were like nightmares for him. But did it had to be?

Looking at his teacher, who was speaking of magic theory, he considered his options.

There was no way to find a way back to the empire, at first he thought of this as a curse, an issue, but now? If not even he knew how he got here, others wouldn't be able to follow his track, he was free for the first time in his life, not a servant of the empire, nor a slave to the Sith.

Nothing stood in his way, he could freely study the force, freely search for the means to become powerful, and even attain immortality.

He could... no, he would, make this planet his home, his kingdom, his empire, he will rebuild the Sith through a new set of codes, customs, and eyes. He, Darth Imperius, would create a new era for all and everyone on Earth!

But first, he had to understand this magic that they talked about, what was it exactly? How did it compare with the Force? Could it be something separated from the Force itself? If so, just what was it capable of doing?

At that moment, the teacher for Magical Theory, Su Qingzhi, spoke.

"Students, open your textbooks. Today, we will continue to learn about Magic Release's preliminary requirements. Do you still remember what I told you before? To complete Primary rank magic, you have to first make the stars in your Magic Stardust link to each other. By doing this, you will be able to form a Star Path and then utilize the power of Magic. I have already explained this theory to you many times before, while at the same time, this is also the most important part of the exam."

Hearing this, he finally raised his head and opened his book, it was filled with diagrams and formulas, not the mathematical kind at least, there was a slight resemblance to geometry and other similar things, but the focus of the subject was far away from that, it spoke of star paths, and other similar terms that he couldn't comprehend, the memories he had never mentioned anything about it, what was that brat doing all this while? He did deserve death for wasting his life like that, someone so lazy would have become a slave back in the Empire.

Su Qingzhi saw Mo Fan reading the book and gasped, attracting the curious gaze of the students. "Ahem, Mo Fan, it seems you finally noticed the importance of paying attention, keep studying like that, and maybe then you'll be able to enter a magic high school."

Kallig or rather, Mo Fan, nodded slightly to his teacher and soon after ignored the mindless comments of the other students.

"Heh, does Mo Fan really thinks that he can enter a magic high school? Hahaha!"

"Yeah, after so many years slacking off, it would be a miracle if he was second in the rank counting from the last."

"True! Remember his grade in the last score? He was the only one who managed to score 6 in the test, haha!"

Based on his memories, Mo Fan knew of something similar called Magic Formations, but... oh...

What is this?

Kallig was struck by a revelation, it was no wonder he knew nothing about this world! He wasn't from this place, to begin with, he was from a world that actually relied on science, rather than magic, which was why the concept felt so foreign to him.

Raising his hand towards his neck, he grabbed an obsidian ring he had been wearing like a necklace and studied it. There was a cold feeling to it just from touching it. Besides, the Force had some sort of reaction with the ring, it reminded him of ancient Sith alchemy.

The principles behind it were different, but the end result wasn't so far off from what he knew, unfortunately now was not really the time to focus on it.

Even so, he wouldn't just ignore the ring as Mo Fan was planning, since it was a quite hot day and this body of his was so weak, he decided to wear the ring for its cooling effect.

The moment he wore it in his finger, he instantly felt like a cold and gentle breeze was sweeping him.

Satisfied, he smiled and started reading the book from the very first page while the teacher explained something.

With the Force, it was easy to enhance his brain, allowing him to remember and assimilate knowledge easier than most, that coupled with small tricks using Force Speed to enhance his time perception of the world, even made the time pass slowly for him, increasing his learning speed once more.

Not many used the force like that, they never realized the academic potential of Force Enhancement towards learning, Jedi and Sith alike were so lost in the war that they forgot creativity, and only used it to become stronger, faster, or tougher, but he... he wanted to get rid of his status as a mere slave so, in his early years, he learned how to use the force to increase his memory retention and assimilation, in other words, increasing his intellect.

That's why he rose from the ranks of Acolyte on Korriban's academy faster than any other, those few months he stayed there, he learned faster than everyone else, and that alone was enough to make his former master, Darth Zash, willing to elevate him as a Sith Inquisitor.

It didn't take long, by the time the classes had ended, he had finished learning everything there was to learn in all of the books he carried, the knowledge, however, was merely memorized at that point, in order to truly understand what he had read, he needed foundational knowledge of a lower level.

Standing on the corridor, he was deep in thought when someone patted his shoulder, it was Guan Gu, a friend of his body's former owner, Mo Fan.

"Hey, wanna come with me and buy some science novels? I heard there are some new gems today." The short boy, about 5 centimeters smaller than him with a tanned face was Guan Gu, like Mo Fan, he was also a slacker.

"Guan Gu, don't you wish to become a mage?"

"Are you kidding me, big brother? What use is there for something like magic? Besides, we have slacked for so many years, even if we wanted to, it would be impossible. Don't tell me the reason you're so focused today was that you want to be a mage now?!"

"... Unlike you, I slack at school but I study when I'm alone in my room."

Guan Gu sincerely laughed when he heard that. "C'mon big brother, if that was the case, you wouldn't have scored six in the last test."

Mo Fan smiled hearing this, which ended up making Guan Gu confused and somewhat apprehensive.

Walking away from the classroom, Guan Gu kept thinking about Mo Fan's words, countless theories revolving in his mind, it was only after they stopped near the school entrance that he was enlightened by a certain possibility!

"Big brother, don't tell me you're playing the weak to catch the strong by surprise! Have you been scoring badly all this while just to give a good slap on Mu Bai's face when he least expects?"

Mu Bai... Thinking of this name, Kallig was reminded of something quite troublesome, it seems that at some point, Mo Fan had involved himself with the young lady of the Mu family, his low IQ or rather lack of interest didn't allow him to notice, but... clearly, they have been sabotaging his family all this while because of that small situation.

If possible, it would be for the best if he could either remove the Mu family from the game, or force them under his feet, either by overcoming them or joining them, both ways are fine so long as his growth isn't impeded.

As for the girl herself, he couldn't care less about her, so it would be interesting if cutting ties with her was enough to take them out of his way.

"Maybe... Maybe not." Kallig patted Guan Gu on the shoulder. "I'll see you tomorrow, I have some things I need to take care of."

"Fine... Be careful big brother, I heard the Mu family can be a real pain in the ass when they want."

Seeing his back disappearing in the concrete forest of buildings, cars, and stalls, he couldn't help but consider Guan Gu's words. It's true that the Mu family is said to be involved in certain shady events. If he was going to make his path forward easier, he had to consider a series of situations that they could try against him.

He might be Sith, but he knew the value of relationships, family, and friendship, such things could power oneself even more than even rage, anger, hatred... it all depended on how you channeled your emotions, the ancient force-sensitive had most certainly known that.

Seeing how he was alone with no one around, he decided to really tap on the Force, he had to know if things were still working as intended on this planet.

After a few tries with lightning, telekinesis, and a few other abilities, he felt the weight on his shoulder being eased, they were all there, to what extent he could use them was unknown, but he wasn't without hope of defending himself at least.

Crossing the corridor, he opened the door of the library and stepped inside, after looking for a moment, he found the shelf he had been searching for.

In order to graduate, he had to become familiarized with certain subjects.

Magic Foundation Theory - based on the setup of the subject, it seems to be Literature

Magic Star Path - should be geometry

Magical Beast Knowledge - should be biology

Magical Tools and Devices Knowledge - should be physics

Materials Knowledge - should be chemistry

Magic History and Magic Geography should be self-explanatory.

However, the knowledge of such subjects was divided into 9 years of compulsory education, he only had books for the last year, the other ones... he would have to find inside this library, and time is short.

Sighing he couldn't help but feel annoyed. From protecting his father and sister to making the Mu family consider him as a useful asset or finding someone else to sponsor him, nothing seemed really optimistic.

He had to make sure to consider every possibility, as a Sith Inquisitor, he was a man of intellect, a man that even in the moments of pure hatred must be able to keep his head cool and think logically.

Right now, he had to understand his weaknesses.

First - His body.

Mo Fan was a lazy brat, no doubts about that, if for some reason he has to rely on his body, his current condition wouldn't allow for perfect use of it, he had to train very hard to compensate for this, perhaps two months would be enough if he mixed into the soup Force Healing.

Second - His father.

Mo Fan's father was a servant for the Mu Family, he used to ride for them, but now his job is focused on more manual work that pays less, if they feel threatened, they might try to kill him... Hm... 'If I could acquire some metal, perhaps a little bit of alchemy to make a strong connection with an object gave out as a gift would allow me to directly intervene if he's in danger.'

The third might be salvageable if he uses the same method, he needs to make sure that neither his aunt nor sister are hunted down to be used as a tool against him.

And last, his knowledge, but this very school is the solution.

Or so he would like to say, but there's another matter...

As someone who publicly presented himself as a useless slacker, it wouldn't make sense for him to score well in the exams, he had to find a way to make this believable, or... find people of trust that can attest for him.

Perhaps, only his teachers could do so, and not only them, it would be for the best if he also got the director on his side, well, nothing that a little bit of a mind trick can't solve...

With a course of action decided he put all else on the back of his mind and walked towards one of the shelves inside the library and started picking up books. Once he had finished taking all that was related to the common subjects, he went on to take books that were complementary, that was probably the only way to make sure he could get a perfect score.

Next chapter