
Versatile Mage: A Different Path

A reincarnation spell goes haywire sending a Void elf into the void, how much time have passed was too much of a challenge to determine. Reborn as a void elf with human parents, Cranall began to live his life normally without magic until he met the old man Ying the gatekeeper of the Junior High school who handed him a mysterious pendant at the moment of his death. Knowing that the pendant is much more than the eye could see, Cranall meditated for the night only to reawaken in a parallel world where Magic triumphs over science. Equipped with knowledge from another world of magic and his Void Elf bloodline, he will live his new life in this new magical world to continue what he missed the most in his previous life... To study magic and strive to become the ultimate magician the world had yet to bear witness for. ---------------- Author Note: I have no ownership of Versatile Mage or any of it's related creations, etc. I welcome constructive criticisms, but would like to ask some of those to curb their anger before typing. I look forward to seeing what my creation will behold. Looking forward in our journey together ahead.

Minion_Boss · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

2 - Summer Holiday Part 1

More than twenty days passed by, during this time Cranall was able to catch up with the students in his studies. He also managed to convince Mo Fan to take up his studies further although he was certain that Mo Fan will not be able to get into the highly reputed Tian Lan Magic High school but if he were to work hard enough he should be able to get into a regular Magic High school.

The examinations were finally over, and Cranall was certain that he already performed well enough for him to get admitted into Tian Lan Magic High school. All the students were rushing out, despite some feels sad about their results the fact that it was summer holiday made all the sadness fade away. Parents were all waiting for their children to pick up, even Mo Fan was picked up by his father.

"Cranall!" Yu who came while driving a Mini Cooper came to pick up Cranall which was a pleasant surprise for him, a smile appear on Yu's face when she noticed how surprised her son was which made it extra special since she planned to pick him up from the beginning. "Mom" Cranal hugged his mother gently before the two of them climbed into the car.

"Your father called, he sent his congratulations and also that he is sorry he could not be here" Yu said with a bright smile on her face, ever since Cranall's talent was reported to the Touba Family they had gone through great lengths to restore their relationship with Yu and Cranall but the latter still despised his father for his past actions, whether he apologizes or not. The fact he abandoned him and his mother just because of how he looked was absolutely nonsense.

"I see" Cranall said nonchalantly, this made Yu sigh as she could understand her son's feelings, and she could not blame him for it, even she still felt a bit frustrated at how the feelings of the family could change like a flip of a coin all because of Cranall's talent. "Although I could not help you with your Summoning Element before, I will definitely help you tomorrow" Yu said which sparked an interest for Cranall as he really wanted to use this magic.

"Little Ningxue came to say hello to me yesterday" Yu said this purposely as she knew that the girl had some reserved feelings for Cranall, but due to the fact the latter was still hiding his family origin caused the Mu Family to look down on him. Cranal said nothing as a smile form on his face, although he was at odds with the Mu Family, he still cared about the little princess that would follow after him stubbornly.

"What do you intend to do after graduating? Still, continuing your studies?"

"Yes, I hope mother will allow me to join the Hunter Union" Cranall said something that made Yu almost crash the car looking at her son with a shocked expression

"You do know that joining them means you will face monsters? I can't allow you to" Yu answered sternly

"If I want to remain above my peers, I need to do things they would not think of. I believe joining the Hunter Union for low level quests I can gain Practical Experience ahead of time" Cranall explained, Yu remained silent as his reasons were reasonable, and he explicable mentioned low level quests which meant he would not undertake quests he could not handle with his current ability.

"Sigh, I know you by now. If I were to say no you would do it behind my back" Yu said as she smiled wryly, she knew her son could become stubborn just like her which was both good and bad. "But you will have to first train, I will call a friend of mine in the Bo City who works as an instructor to train you. If you can gain his approval, then I will permit you otherwise no"

Cranall nodded as he knew if he wanted to push forward without anyone blocking him, he will have to do what his mother asked of him, "Thank you mother" He said feeling warmth of happiness that he knew his mother would always support him but also block him when he becomes too reckless which he truly appreciates.


"Wind Path: Swiftness" Cranall chanted the incantation while controlling his stars to form a star path, wind began to swirl around his body and the first step he took felt like he took several steps. Under the buff of the magic, Cranall began his training as he ran straight towards the medium size rock. While keeping his buff active he controlled his lightning stars to form another star path.

"Thunder Seal: Python's Scar" Lightning generate from his palm as he slams it into the rock, the rock itself began to vibrate a bit before a python made out of lightning element drilled itself through the rock before dispersing. Cranall dropped on the ground breathing heavily, it has been a few hours since he came back home from school. Since his mother had business at the Hospital, he decided to continue his magic training.

Although he would have loved to train his meditation, but he tends to do that during the night. Because he was a mage in his first life he already had a method to cultivate his magic while resting his mind and body.

The only downside was that the amount he trained could be said about 80% the average cultivation and this is without the cultivation tool which aids him to cover the remaining 20%. This way he can rest his body and mind while he cultivates without any additional stress on his mind.

"Yu told me that I will be training a genius, but she never mentioned that you were a monstrous genius" a Young man muttered as he looks at the rock with a hole penetrated through, he saw Cranal using both Wind and Lightning element magic. Yu told him to keep it a secret but seeing it himself, he could only agree that such news would be preferred to be kept a secret for a while longer.

"No need to be vigilant, my name is Kang Zexi. I'm a two star Veteran Hunter, you can call me Old Zexi" Zexi introduced himself when he noticed the tired Cranall still managed to stand up in a battle stance looking at him vigilantly.

"Cranall, I appreciate you for coming" Cranal introduced himself as well while still keeping his vigilance up, Zexi did not feel offended in fact he felt that Cranall was a gem.

"So you intend to become a hunter while you study huh? What weapon do you intend to use?" Zexi asked, Cranal stood still for a moment thinking about it deeply before answering.

"Sniper Rifle and Daggers" Zexi's brows raised at Cranall's answer as the two weapons are being used, but never together. He could see that Cranall intends to polish both close quarter and long range attacks, and from the two elements he saw it will suit perfectly to his choices.

"Not a bad choice, but I will have to see if you have the talent for it. We will start the training tomorrow afternoon, apparently your mother said she had arrangement with you in the morning" Zexi said, the two of them chatted for a long while before Cranall escorted Zexi back to his car.

Watching how Zexi left, one of Cranall and Mo Fan's closest friends came running towards Cranal. His nickname was Monkey, and his name is Zhang Hou. Black messy hair and a baby face that tends to get people to look down on him.

"Brother Cranall! It's good to see you're back in the neighbourhood!" Zhang Hou waved as he came closer.

"Little brother Hou! It is indeed good" Cranall said as he and Zhang Hou embraced each other like brothers before the two of them continue to walk back into Cranal's home.

"So you're going to stay in this house from now on?" Zhang Hou spoke with a slight trace of envy when he glanced at the three stories house, despite the design being similar to any other of the houses in the neighbourhood.

"Yeah, it appears my mother got a job nearby, so she moved everything during the last term of school" Cranall answered as the two of them entered into a corridor leading to the lounge room to the right.

"Which high school have you applied for?" Zhang Hou asked with an excited voice filled with anticipation, if he had a tail then it would probably been wagging by now.

"Tian Lan Magic High School" Cranall answered with a smirk.

"Great! I have as well! I hope that we will settle in the same class. But Brother Cranall, what of Brother Mo Fan?" Zhang Hou asked feeling anxious as he knew Mo Fan hated Magic with a passion, so he hoped he might have changed the least.

"He said he will consider it, but his chances of getting into Tian Lan Magic High School will be difficult" Cranal said with a wry smile, Zhang Hou took a seat while Cranall went to fill glasses with some cold carbonated drinks.

"Have you been studying?" Cranall asked

"Yes! Apparently we will be doing our awakening on the first day, so I am quite excited" Zhang Hou said as a big smile on his face appear.

"What you want to get Fire Element?" Cranall asked

"No! I want Wind Element! That way I can toy with my enemies and be faster than anyone" Zhang Hou said

"Pfft!" Cranall began to laugh as this was indeed the kind of answer he would expect from Zhang Hou although Cranall knew that this friend of his actually hated to fight, despite having selflessness to protect those he cares about.

"I'm home!" Yu called out when she entered the house.

"Aunt Yu!" Zhang Hou bowed vigorously, seeing this Cranall shook his head as this friend of his did fall in love with his mother when they were ten years old, although the feelings subsided he is still nervous in front of Yu.

"Oh Little Hou, you came to visit?" Yu asked

"Hehe, I was but it is getting late. I will come visit again tomorrow" Zhang Hou said as it was already showing signs of becoming dark, he turned and left in a hurry while Cranall went with him till the door laughing at his friend.

"He still can't get over it?" Yu asked bluntly when Zhang Hou left, she had nothing against the kid but knowing that a child fell in love with her made her unable to know how she should act with him.

"Just nervous, how was work?" Cranall said as he closed the door, locking it before he went to the kitchen together with his mother.

"It was great, someone came to give me a generous gift for saving them. Thanks to that I managed to secure you a location where you can cultivate. Although it will take a while before you can actually go." Yu said mysteriously although she could not tell it was Cranall's father who arranged it for him, and if she were to mention it then he will never accept it.

"That's great, my mother is great after all" Cranall said with a smile, he was more anticipating the dimensional Summoning tomorrow instead, he would like to have a good companion he can work together with to hunt low level beasts.