
Versatile Mage - Mysterious Man

This is a Versatile Mage. Same character but I had included new character Mysterious Man and changed the story, or it's event into more savage, more entertaining and funny. My Story start from Training of World College Championship. What are you waiting for. Let's check it out!!

Lucky_Old_Cat001 · Action
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10 Chs

Mysterious Man in Treasure Hunt

"Why you abandoned them, don't you remember I had already said stop your infighting until tournament end. Because of you three, all reputations of the Chinese team go in vain," said Feng Li angrily.

"But advisor we want to secure more loot if we join the battle, still the outcome will not change," said Nanrong Ni softly.

"Ohh... first see the screen where the battle has started. Mo Fan is fighting with six members himself while Mu Ningxue three and Alyeen three. They didn't give up.... Okay, very well you said you want to secure ranking, so why did you come too early or did you get enough loot? asked Advisor.

"Advisor, spacial stroll has a problem. We did not trigger it. It activates on his own." said Zu Jiming.

Advisors are shocked by knowing this, But how can a spacial troll have an issue. It is a world tournament, it is unlikely that a spacial stroll has an issue.

"We should complain to higher up." Other advisors suggested.

"We will wait and see if more participants have the same problem then we will complain." said advisor Feng Li. He continues," By the way, how much you loot?

"About 200 million," said Zu Jiming while removing his shoulder back to show advisor loot.

When he opened his back, he cursed instantly, "Holy crap, Where loot goes? Here is nothing."

Mu Tingying see Nanrong Ni's hand asked grimly," Where.. where is your spacial bracelet?"

Nanrong Ni glance at her hand and stunned not knowing what to answer, she clearly remembers, she wears her spacial bracelet on her hand and didn't wear out from it.

"I think someone robbed you three." said advisor Feng Li. He came to the realization early, because observer eagle behaved strangely sometime before. He concludes that it must be someone's setup.

"Robbed?.... impossible. Why we did not remember anything then?" asked Mu Tingying. She didn't remember anything about when the robbery takes place.

"Crap, my equipment also robbed." cursed Zu Jiming.

All Advisor stunned, that robber even stole all magical equipment. But how, Magical equipments were connected by soul if they forcefully take it, the magician's soul gets damaged, but these three are clearly feet and fine.

"It means someone robbed you, including your loot, your equipment and also triggered a spacial stroll to send you back, but you three didn't even see the robber." said Advisor Feng L angrily.

"Robber is clearly not following rule," said other advisors.

"Rules says, students can go in a treasure hunt and hunt loot, but not stated any rule about magical equipment, the robber is too cunning he knew, no one even thought to take someone's magical equipment, so it's unlikely to there will be a rule for it." said Advisor Feng Li.

"So, what should we do now?" asked one of the advisor.

"We should wait until the treasure will end. I think the other teams will also get robbed by this robber, so then we will unite with the other advisor, and complain about it" said advisor Feng Li.

Feng Li thought, "Why that guy is too hot-temper, he looted his own teammates." After a few seconds, Feng Li shook his head and left. Trio's face was deadly paled. Treasure hunt is for earn fortune, but they go in loss, terrible loss. Specially Nanrong Ni, Because in spacial bracelet there were resources, high-quality medicines!

If we sum up, the trio's loss, it will be about 700-800 million.


After counting loot, he went towards the Fan-Xue group to see the opportunity. But when he saw battle, he was stunned. Mo Fan started taking out opponents. He was fighting with 1 vs 6 but still achieve the upper hand.

"Good, I don't need to dirty my hand now," said Mysterious Man to himself with a grin.

The battle has over a few more minutes later and the Fan-Xue group left to find a place for rest.

After the Fan-Xue group left, Shreev of the Egypt team asked softly,"Are we sure we will achieve the first rank in the tournament?.....this Mo Fan is too strong."

"Don't worry with undead strategy, we can easily win by worn-out them. said Meos.

Suddenly, to all, shadow spikes stuck on them in an instant. They are already worn out in battle all are in almost their limit, no chance to used mental strength to gain freedom from spikes.

Mysterious Man came out and start his operation. First, he robbed treasure hunt's loot and then with the help of a special liquid he robbed magical equipment. Then he trigger their spacial stroll to send back them.

After sending back to six- national alliance, He mumbled," I should rob the English team, they must have high-quality equipment, I can earn a fortune from them.... But that Zorro, he should not with them, his cultivation is high, he will get freedom early."

By using observer eagle, he started to find English team. After few minute, he cursed,"How lucky are they. They already find their 6 members of team and including Zorro."

After some time he said,"I think, I should search for other, I can't take if somehow Zorro remember my face it will defame whole reputation of Chinese team."

He was about to go search for next prey but suddenly a thought come to his mind," Mo Fan also have shadow element, he also has dark noble mantle. I should regroup with them and rob English team....ugh Alyeen, that girl also belong to English team... I will take care of her later." With this thought, he goes towards the Fan-Xue group.


Fan-Xue group is moving towards the lake to wash their body from bloody bruises. Sun was shining on magician's back side, means their shadow appeared on the front side.

"Near the lake, there is a cave, you can rest there while Mu Ningxue and I will take a bath," said Alyeen while glancing at Mo Fan. Mo Fan nodded instantly.

Mu Ningxue glared at Mo Fan, it seems she reads Mo Fan's mind and said,"You better not stare at us while we are bathing otherwise you better know what will happen to you."

Mo Fan blushed, he was about to defend himself, a voice interrupted," Don't worry, he is still a gentle man if not I will not allow him to do this thing."

While talking, Mysterious Man slowly came out from the shadow of Mo Fan, in front of them.

Everyone was stunned, to see mysterious man there.

"So, you are not looting but hiding in the shadow of anyone to stare back at girls." teased Mo Fan.

Mysterious Man blushed, he only do this one time with Mu Tingying but this Mo Fan want to tease him in front of other girls with that. He said irritably," What the heck? Why always you think my inhalt talent is for staring girls. There are also too many ways to use."

"Yes, there are, but you only used it for staring back of beautiful girls." teased Mo Fan again.

Mysterious Man's face darkens. He was about to lose his temper but he clenched his fist and said," Enough with bullshit,... how much you earn until now?

"About Two-Billion, are you looking for joining our Fan-Xue bandit group? asked Mo Fan.

"Yeah, tell me how much I will get?" said Mysterious Man.

"See, I and Mu Ningxue get 30-30 percent, Alyeen gets 20 percent. You are last one, so you will get 10 percent." said Mo Fan while looking at Mu Ningxue and Alyeen for their approval. Both nodded simultaneously.

Mysterious Man's face became dark. He himself looted more than three billion by sending trio and six-alliance back and this Mo Fan is giving about two hundred million to him.

"What if, I will hire your Fan-Xue group for five hundred million to work for me, only for one or half-hour," said Mysterious Man with a cunning smile.

If he joined to Fan-Xue group and rob the English team then he will only get 10 percent of it, but if he hires it then he will get 100 percent! This is a business.

Mo Fan, Mu Ningxue and Alyeen were stunned for a moment. Mo Fan almost started drooling by the hearing amount.

"Okay fine we will.." Mu Ningxue is about to say but Mo Fan quickly interrupted her, "We need more at least six hundred to eight hundred million." Mo Fan thought, if Mysterious man is hiring them with five hundred million, it means he will surely earn an insane amount.

"Fine, I will hire another group. Bye," said Mysterious Man and turn back to leave.

Mu Ningxue give a deadly glare at Mo Fan, By seeing Mu Ningxue's icy gaze, he awkwardly said,"Wait...hehe, I was only joking. We are willing to work for you for the sake of 500 million," He only wants more if possible.

"Okay, then first you take rest, apply medicines on your wounds then we will go."said Mysterious Man. Others nodded.


After going inside the cave, Mo Fan and Mysterious Man sat down, Mo Fan starts to treat his wounds.

The medicine he had brought was fairly expensive. Mo Fan even used the special ointment that Xinxia had given him. It was quite effective when he applied it to the wounds, but there were simply too many of them. The ointment was nowhere enough, and the medicine he bought from the marketplace was too ineffective...

"The wounds are worsening too. Damn it, I'm going to lose my arm at this rate," Mo Fan cursed.

Jack's scorpion had dealt the most damage to Mo Fan. He had only touched the creature's poison a little, yet it had already spread across Mo Fan's arm. If he could not find anyone to treat his arm soon, it would no longer be curable.

Mu Ningxue and Ayleen went ahead to take a bath. Both girls were obsessed with cleanliness and surely had the urge to clean themselves after the intense battle....

Some time later, the two girls regrouped with Mo Fan and Mysterious Man. Mu Ningxue was surprised to see Mo Fan, who was usually strong like an ox, had a pale face, with cold sweat on his forehead. She asked, "Your injuries are too serious, why don't we call it a day?"

Ayleen discovered that Mo Fan's palm had turned black. She quickly rolled up his sleeve.

The two girls and Mysterious Man were shocked to see Mo Fan's entire arm was black. The poison was worse than they thought!

"I can still hold on for a little longer, did you find a Healer?" Mo Fan asked.

"I did, but the Healer is quite special," Ayleen said.

Ayleen had been controlling the Observer Eagles to fly in all directions. She had been expending the energy of her Psychic Element to acquire information from different corners in the space.

"How special?" Mo Fan asked.

"The guy has not fought since the start of the treasure hunt. He simply found an obvious spot and set up a booth to sell his services," Ayleen said helplessly.

"A booth?"


"You can really find all kinds of birds in a huge forest. I have to say, that guy is pretty smart, too. He knew that since every team is split up when the people are teleported here, many participants would eventually be injured, and would have a hard time finding their Healer..." Mo Fan shook his head with a wry smile.

If a Mage was unable to treat their injuries in time, their strength would decline rapidly. Meanwhile, time was of the essence in a treasure hunt like this. No one was willing to let the injuries be a burden to them. They would be more than willing to pay just to get their injuries treated... it was true that wherever there were fights, there would be a business opportunity too! Mo Fan wondered which country was the Healer from, since the person was bold enough to open up a private clinic to make some great profit in the middle of the aure hunt!

Sorry for late. Here it is new chapter.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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