
Versatile Mage - Mysterious Man

This is a Versatile Mage. Same character but I had included new character Mysterious Man and changed the story, or it's event into more savage, more entertaining and funny. My Story start from Training of World College Championship. What are you waiting for. Let's check it out!!

Lucky_Old_Cat001 · Action
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10 Chs

Defeating Opponent within Three Seconds!

Mysterious Man slowly walked up to the students representing Japan. There were ten gatekeepers for the national embassy, including Okamoto and Mochizuki Chihaya.

Nine of them were kneeling in a row with a white band tied on their forehead. In Japan, it symbolized their unyielding spirit, but in China, such things were worn by people mourning for their parents or relatives.

Mochizuki Chihaya was sitting in the row behind the nine students. It looked like she was the captain of the team.

Behind her were Mochizuki Ken, the Japanese commander, Fujikata Tegami, and the others. They were basically the advisors or leaders of the West Guardian Tower.

The crowd sitting with them were people wearing similar outfits. They were students, soldiers, captains, and guests of the West Guardian Tower. There were around thirty of them.

The duels of the West Guardian Tower were not open to the public. As such, they only needed a few people to testify to the outcome. No cameras or recorders were allowed, either.

Mysterious Man went up on the stage. He did remember to keep to the basic etiquette.

"What are you waiting for? Come up here and prepare yourself to be beaten up," Mysterious Man pointed at Okamoto with a disdainful smirk.

"Don't you feel too good about yourself?" Okamoto rose to his feet. He bowed at the leaders, advisors, and his fellow students before walking up to the stage.


Mysterious Man grinning towards Okamoto full mood to humiliate him.

"Begin" announced Advisor Tegami.

As soon as she announced, Okamota starts casting his fiery fist. While he was constructing the star pattern, he saw Mysterious Man didn't start constructing the star pattern to cast a spell. He grins by seeing it. He was almost completing his spell to smash his opponent, but a sudden strong force kicked to his stomach, that force was too strong, He fly out and fell outside of the stage. When he rose to his feet and saw towards the direction of Mysterious Man, he was shocked. Mysterious Man was still standing there, not cast a single spell, but still, he lost the duel within two to three seconds.

He fell outside the duelling ground, so he lost the match.

All Chinese and Japanese team members were stunned by what they saw. They were staring at Mysterious Man with wide eyes and with dropping their jaws to the ground, including all advisors. Just in 2-3 seconds, he defeat his opponent without casting any magic.

"I think, it is the smallest match of duelling between mage in our history" mocked Mysterious Man.

"How could he do that, without casting a single spell he eliminated Okamoto" said Tegami.

"Yes, he didn't cast a single spell we also saw that," Japanese students said with a blank face.

"I think you first announced the result" said Mysterious Man with a grin. He was very please that no one see through his trick.

Tegami collect his thought and said bluntly, "You must use some type of forbidden method, there is no way you can defeat Okamoto without casting a single spell."

"Well, It's my trick, not forbidden magic. If you think it is, then prove it." said Mysterious Man with a evil grin.

"You...."Tegami clenched his fist and said," Winner is Chinese Team" It is true that they can't prove it. Because they don't feel any presence of releasing magic.

Mysterious Man smiled and left.


"Holy crap, Mo Fan, what do you think how he did it" said Zhao Manyan.

"I myself don't know. It happens to quick." said Mo Fan honestly.

"Did he really use any forbidden method?"asked Mu Ningxue. She also can't believe that Mysterious Man defeat his opponent without casting magic.

Li Kang shook his head and said," I was seeing Mysterious Man closely. He was not moving at all. I think he used shadow clone and do something."

Ai Jiangtu and Nanyu nodded. They also realize that trick. When Mysterious Man reach towards, Li Kang asked,"Did you use shadow clone?"

Mysterious Man nodded with smile and take his seat and said "Who is next?"

"I will go next." said Mo Fan.

"Fine, I'll go last... but you better not lose. Otherwise, my turn is going to be meaningless,"said Jiang Shaoxu.

"Don't worry, I'll beat that Japanese woman until she moans in pleasure," said Mo Fan, patting his chest.

"Pervert!" cursed Jiang Shaoxu.


I am skipping chapter now. Other event will not change our Mysterious Man will bystander other events.




Starting with 805.


The journey was rather tiring. After all, it took them some time to travel from Osaka to Tokyo by bus, even though they were taking the highway...

"I'll bring everyone to somewhere fun when we arrive in Tokyo," promised Jiang Shaoxu when she saw that everyone was low in spirits.

Ai Jiangtu immediately poured a bucket of cold water on her. "Jiang Shaoxu, we'll be heading straight to the maritime battlefield after we arrive in Tokyo."

"Why the rush? It wouldn't matter if we are a day late," Jiang Shaoxu wheedled in a seductive tone.

Ai Jiangtu would not fall for her tricks. He proceeded to explain to the team, "The maritime battlefield is our main destination in Japan. It's also the place for our first training. Just to remind you, each country will hand in resources to the Magic Association, and these resources will be distributed to the national teams during their training. The resources are allocated based on our contributions during the training."

"Even so, there's no need to be so enthusiastic," whined Jiang Shaoxu in a sloppy tone.

"I believe many among us are still not Advanced Magicians yet. The training here in Japan serves as a great opportunity for you to level up to the Advanced Level. If you don't want to, feel free to enjoy yourself in Tokyo," replied Ai Jiangtu without giving face.

"An opportunity to level up to the Advanced Level... that's some incredible resource! What exactly would it be?" said Zhao Manyan with glittering eyes.

"Mr. Zhao, you shouldn't be looking forward to it. Resources will never be allocated to you since you're a substitute. Of course, that also includes Mu Ningxue and Mo Fan," Mu Tingying said with a smile.

Zhao Manyan immediately asked Ai Jiangtu for confirmation in an unpleasant tone.

Ai Jiangtu nodded and replied, "It's true that the resources aren't allocated to the substitutes."

"F**k me, that's unfair!"

"You should be grateful that someone like you was given a chance to train with the team. You have no talent, no outstanding cultivation, no high-level Soul Seed..." mocked Guan Yu at the perfect time.

"You are also scum like me an Intermediate magician." cursed Zhao Manyan.

"There are still quite a lot of Intermediate Magicians in this team," said Jiang Yu, coughing deliberately.

"Oh, I'm sorry," said Zhao Manyan in an awkward tone.

There was no reason for Ai Jiangtu to lie to his teammates. Resources were not supposed to be distributed to the substitutes. The decision was already made when the national team. was formed.

"Well captain, if someone not wants resources to breakthrough advanced level may exchange it to other." Mysterious Man asked.

"Don't tell me you already break through advanced level in all element." exclaimed Zhao Manyan.

"I am only asking" said Mysterious Man.

"Yes, you can but if your other elements are not galaxy why you will take resources which will not help you for breakthrough" said Ai Jiangtu .

" Well, check my cultivation of shadow element" said Mysterious Man with smile.

Everyone in team could not believe that mysterious Man revealing his one of his secret. They all start to glare at Mysterious Man. Ai Jiangtu step ahead to see his cultivation level.After a couple of second Ai Jiangtu to completely shock by seeing Mysterious Man's shadow element cultivation.

"Third.... third tier galaxy" Ai Jiangtu barely utter the words.

All team members jaw drop to ground. They are mostly intermediate mage, Mo Fan and Ai Jiangtu are advanced but they also of first tier, but this guy already peak of advanced level shadow element. How it is possible?

"Fu*k me, how can you do it? You surely use forbidden method."cursed Zhao Manyan.

"Clam down.. calm down old Zhao" said Mysterious Man. He immediate see all glaring at him in unfriendly manner , he continue," I am at third tier of advanced level because I only focus on my shadow element not other. That's why I am at on third tier"

"Then what is your progress of other element" asked Zhao Manyan with unpleasant tone.

"Well, they will soon Break out to" he was about tell, but Zhao Manyan interrupted him," They also close to break out galaxy." Mysterious Man gave Zhao Manyan deadly glare and said," I mean to say break out to nebula!

Everyone stared Mysterious Man differently. This is their first time to meet person who is cultivation only one element, that's why he is so adaptive to cast spell and also in third tier.

"But, you will be disadvantage position whenever you are against light mage." Said Nanyue.

"Well, he should first know, I am using shadow element until when he realise, he already knocked out from stage" Mysterious Man said differently.

Everyone recalled the duel of Mysterious Man and Okamoto. He was right, he didn't give a single chance to cast a spell.

"Okay, but when I was examining your cultivation, I saw your some star glowing extraordinary around the galaxy. Why is that?" Asked Ai jiangtu. He saw star glow was 5 to 6 times brighter than his stars.

"Because I had upgraded that 42 stars to sixth tier!" said Mysterious Man.

"Your mother, sixth tier. For doing that you need commander level soul essence. If you already upgraded 42 stars which cost you more than 40 billion!, Because one commander level soul essence price is almost 500 million." exclaimed Zhao Manyan. He came from richest clan from china but still he didn't even upgrade his star to fourth- tier and Mysterious Man already done to sixth- tier.

"Which renowned clan support you?" asked Mo Fan subconsciously. He was surprise someone his like him, who upgrade his stars.

"Well, I only do good deed. And sell credit between renowned clan. Because they want fame, so they gave me what I want, and I gave all credit to them. Apart from this, whenever battle between mage and demon creatures happen, I go there. Because of my shadow element, I move freely and secretly collect rare bones and soul essence." said Mysterious Man proudly.

"So you are basically a thief." snapped Mo Fan.

Mysterious Man face immediately darken he said,"uhmm.. It sounds not good.. You can say how determined I am to became stronger, even also go battlefield where commander level creature are there with thousands of warrior level." When he saw all members still all glaring at him in a suspicious manner, he couldn't help but smile and left conversation and start cultivating.

Everyone in the team feels jealous of him. To upgrade intermediate spell to six-tier is that thing, they can't even dream.


skipping chapter 806-https://www.webnovel.com/book/versatile-mage_7851773505001805/the-flying-pillar!_41024892593829444


834- https://www.webnovel.com/book/versatile-mage_7851773505001805/adding-misfortunes-to-an-unfortunate-person_41303385235834809

if you don't read so, first read them. I have given you the link also. Check it.

I am starting from 835.


"Are...are you alright?" asked Jiang Shaoxu worriedly.

"I'm fine... I won't die, do you have any water?" asked Mo Fan.

Jiang Shaoxu handed him a water pouch. Mo Fan quickly gulped it down.

His lips felt extremely dry. He finally looked better after drinking the water.

"Is there more?" asked Mo Fan.

"Mm, you're heavily dehydrated. What happened?" asked Jiang Shaoxu.

"Nothing serious, just being too careless and I let the Blue Valley Ferocious Beast hit me. Commander-level creatures are indeed tough to deal with," said Mo Fan, after he was feeling better.

"Lie down and take some rest. Blood serums aren't really effective for wounds inflicted by the sea monsters," said Jiang Shaoxu.

"Give me more water."

"How are you so dehydrated?"

Jiang Shaoxu let out a relieved sigh after seeing Mo Fan's condition improving.

She took the first-aid kit and helped Mo Fan treat his wounds to prevent them from worsening. She then gave Mo Fan an injection, some kind of rapid energy boost for Magicians, just so he could recover faster.


Suddenly the door opened, A man appeared at the door who was heavily panting. Man see magicians who are sitting in the room and cursed, "Fu*k, I finally find you"

"Mysterious Man, you coward ass, where are you when we were surrounded by sea monsters." cursed back Zhao Manyan.

"Screw you, I told Jiang Yu that I am going to attend nature call. After I attend it. I didn't find you there. Then I started to find you to regroup but then I stumbled to two commander level creatures!" said Mysterious Man while exhaling a long breath.

"Even if you stumbled with them, aren't you master of shadow element you can easily fool them and try to regroup with us," said Zhao Manyan. He did not believe Mysterious man get pinch even if he stumbled five of them! He can easily fool anyone with shadow element. Other team members nodded and give deadly glared at Mysterious Man. They all know how cunning Mysterious man is in fooling his opponent.

When Mysterious Man see all are glaring at him, he said awkwardly, "Well, I saw one of that commander level sea monster was is too strong. So I think he may give me high-quality soul essence or regiment, then I lure them to militarily. Militarily kill them and I secretly collect loot it."

"How greedy you are... we may die because of you," said Mu Tingying.

"But see, you all are almost alright, isn't it? If I had come to regroup, the outcome will not make any difference. But see, Now I collected high-quality commander level soul essence and regiment. I earn fortune today." said Mysterious Man with a smile.

All members give him a deadly glare and some rise from their seats. They all seem to take down Mysterious Man with them. Mysterious Man realises the upcoming danger, he cast shadow clone run outside the room right away!

On the other hand, Nan Rongni's condition was finally improving too. The antidote was working like a charm. The poison in her body gradually disappeared.

Nan Rongni regained consciousness, but she looked extremely weak.

Please those missing chapters to gain a better experience.

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