
Versatile Mage (Personal)

Just for me again. I am sorry it will start from chapter 1048 where I left off last time. Thank you.

Tushar_Vashishta · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Ch 1056 - Ch 1060

Chapter 1056: 1056

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by Aelryinth

The group arrived at the camp and walked past the sick people that were placed in quarantine .

The patients seemed fairly normal after a rough glance, but their noses would not stop running . It was similar to common influenza across the world, and before knowing that it was some deadly disease, no one treated it seriously . The people did not even feel it was strange when many were showing the same symptoms .

The local authority and the experts in the medical field did not realize there was a plague in because its symptom was just too similar to common flu . As a result, many Croatians had fallen victim to it .

No one knew how the disease spread, so the medical team had to wear hazmat suits when in direct contact with the patients . As many patients were diagnosed and quarantined, all of Kakka City, which had the highest number of victims, was immersed in terror .

Unfortunately, the authorities of Kakka City did not treat the plague seriously enough and seal the city decisively . As a result, the nearby cities were struck by the disease, too . The people were even more terrified knowing that more cities had fallen victim to the plague .

The local authorities were utterly clueless about what to do with the plague . Even the Magic Association was helpless, so they could only ask the Parthenon Temple for help . However, a Servant that had been sent here had contracted the disease, too . The seriousness of the plague immediately escalated .

The whole city was troubled by the plague, and the local government was tied up with the media . Other countries were keen to help, too, but before they knew how the disease spread, no one would come here just to die!

Therefore, it was quite scary considering how Xinxia was assigned to resolve the plague . If she contracted the disease when there was no viable treatment to it, she would end up waiting for her death, just like the others that were quarantined .

Fortunately, even when someone contracted the disease, it did not kill them within a short period, except those that were already suffering from other diseases . Most people that contracted the disease were still alive .

"Even though we have yet to see a whole lot of people dying to the plague, it's only a matter of time judging from how weak these people seem . If a huge bunch of them die, the situation is only going to worsen, and even the quarantine zone is going to be affected!" Lingling observed .

Once people started to die to the plague before the government found a cure for it, the people would start to lose hope and would choose to flee for their lives . They would even oppose the government that tried to quarantine them . Once that happened, sick people could do anything . They would flee in large numbers to random places and spread the disease to more people . Croatia was not a big country, and a few cities had already fallen to the plague . Soon, everybody in the country would contract the disease!

"I don't understand, the situation is already this bad, yet the Parthenon Temple didn't seem to care too much about it . Are they seriously just going to stand and watch these people die?" Mo Fan snapped furiously .

"That's not it, but they want to investigate the source of the plague before sending more people here . Otherwise, they would only join the sick," Xinxia explained .

"In the past, graverobbers would bring a duck with them and put the duck into the tombs to check if there was oxygen or poison inside them . You are like the duck that was used to test for poison!" Mo Fan tapped Xinxia on her nose . He was utterly speechless by how naive she was .

However, since they were already here, they had no choice but to resolve the matter!

Mo Fan glanced at Lingling, trying to see if the girl had found any useful traces .

"I've done some homework before coming here, and I've asked someone in the Hunter Union to collect any related information for me . I've briefly organized the findings on the flight here . Since the symptoms are too similar to common flu, it's going to be tricky to find the first victim of the disease . That being said, I assume everyone that has the flu will buy some medicine if their noses kept running, so I've asked the Magic Association to list the names that have bought flu medicine recently . It's quite fortunate that the people in this country are required to present their medical card when buying medicine!" Lingling remarked .

"How are you going to find the first batch of people that contracted the disease within such a huge pile of data?" Mo Fan said .

"We know that Kakka City is the source of the plague for sure, and there aren't many chemists in the city . If we shrink the area further according to the symptoms…there aren't really that many people that bought the medicine," Lingling said .

"What's the point of gathering data like this!? We can't afford to waste any time further on it," Fiona said crossly .

"Fiona, be patient . Our healing only works if we could learn more about the disease . The Pistil Drops we brought to Croatia are working; at least they can slow down the pace of worsening of the patients," Xinxia explained to Fiona .

Lingling simply ignored the blunt young woman . She glanced at a figure that was approaching them rapidly .

"Zhang Xiaohou is back," Mo Fan followed her gaze and realized Zhang Xiaohou had disappeared for a while after they came out from the camp .

Zhang Xiaohou's cultivation had significantly improved . He was a few thousand meters away a few seconds ago, but he was already right in front of them . He said with a hint of joy, "Lingling, I've checked the places that you told me to!"

"What did you find?" Lingling asked .

"It's really as you said, one of the places has a prison!" Zhang Xiaohou said .

"Why are you so happy when you've only found a prison? Couldn't you easily find it on a map?" Fiona said .

"The problem is, we aren't just trying to find a prison . Lingling only told me to check a few places, and there really was a prison among them," Zhang Xiaohou replied .

"If we want to find a cure to the plague, we need to find those that contracted the disease first . Only then we'll be able to find its source . However, even the local government has failed to find the people after so long, do you really think we can find it with just the few of us? I suggest that we report the situation to the Parthenon Temple now, so they can send more people here!" Fiona exclaimed .

"We've found it," Lingling said .

"Found it?" Xinxia was utterly surprised . She felt like Lingling had not done anything, so why did she say she had already found the source?

Mo Fan was looking at Lingling too . He had never doubted Lingling; if the girl said she had found it, she meant it . The problem was, didn't she simply crack the case a bit too quickly? Did the name of the Clearsky Hunter Agency really grant its Hunters the capabilities of Justice Bao?

{TL Note: The first two words of the Clearsky Hunter Agency in raw is 'Qingtian', which is the name of Justice Bao, a Chinese politician famous for his ability to help peasants overcome injustice and corruption . }

"The reason I asked Brother Xiaohou to look for a prison among the places is because I've discovered a prison guard among the people that first went to buy the medicine . I believe the local government failed to find the first batch of patients and the source of the disease because the people that bought the medicine aren't really the first patients . They are the prisoners in the prison . Since the prisoners are locked in the prison, they are basically quarantined, thus were simply left out by the people investigating the source . They would at most investigate the prison guard, but with so many things going on, who would bother placing much attention on him?" Lingling said .

"So you asked Zhang Xiaohou to see if there was a prison? Why don't we tell the government our findings so they can send someone over to investigate, since it might be too much for us to handle?" Mo Fan asked .

"It's not necessary, the government tried to find the source by tracking down the first batch of patients, so they were pretty loose with the criteria, meaning they had to send out more people to investigate every suspicious person . They would eventually track the source to the prison, but since we've already found the prison, it will be a lot easier for us to find the source . The activity range of the prisoners in a prison is fairly limited . Besides, it's only my speculation so far, so it's meaningless to ask the government to send someone over without any solid proof," Lingling said .

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go to the prison," Mo Fan said .

"If we can find the source, I am confident enough to come up with the cure! Brother Mo Fan, both you and Lingling are so impressive!" Xinxia's face was filled with joy .

"Of course, the two of us even managed to solve the mystery of the Drowning Curse!" Mo Fan agreed promptly .


The prison was located by a cliff, tall and steep . Since the prisoners were mainly normal people, it did not have a magic formation protecting it . Besides, the prisoners would simply be hopeless if they tried to escape over the cliff . Below it was only reefs, and the seawater had no chance of receiving them if they jumped off the cliff!

A prison was definitely not the most pleasant place to visit . Considering that the group might contract the disease, Xinxia purposely cast a Blessing Spell on everyone before they entered the prison . It was imprinted on their skin like a seal, and would immediately form a defensive barrier when the Poison Element, Shadow Element, or any evil magic tried to harm them .

The prison was completely sealed off . Even the prison guards were trapped inside . The prison clearly had a sufficient supply of food and water, but the government was so busy that it did not have time to care about the prison .

"Strange, why did it light up?" Mo Fan suddenly mumbled to himself .

Mo Fan was surprised to see the Essence Orb lighting up when he took it out . Its brilliance was pulsating slightly, as if it was being summoned!

Mo Fan recalled that he had found the Evil Essence Orb in a prison of Mages filled with the presence of evil .

The Orb had lit up, but Mo Fan could not tell if the orb was trying to alert him that there was something it could absorb nearby .

Mo Fan had traveled halfway across the world and visited many places, but the only place he found an energy to fill up the Essence Orb was the ancient Time Liquid . As such, when he realized the Essence Orb had lit up, he was immediately excited!

Once the Essence Orb was filled up, he could finally use the power of the Demon Element without losing his cultivation . How could Mo Fan not be excited about it?

He never thought he would find something he needed when he was only keeping Xinxia company as she came to do a kind deed .

He had to search the prison closely, to see if there was anything in it that could fill up his Essence Orb!

Chapter 1057: 1057

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by Aelryinth

"Have you made a mistake? The prisoners here look completely normal . They don't seem to have contracted any kind of disease . You made it sound so reasonable, yet it turns out that you were actually wrong!" Fiona could not help but say .

They had checked the prison under the guidance of the prison guards, yet not only did none of the prisoners show any symptoms of the disease, they seemed to be more energetic than the people outside . When the prisoners saw the elegant beauty, Xinxia, and the adorable, little loli, Lingling, they had the urge to force their way out of the cells .

"Something isn't right about them," Xinxia said .

"What do you mean?" Mo Fan asked .

"Something is weird about their minds . I should be able to easily read their minds and understand their emotions, since their mental strength isn't as strong as Mages, but when I try to peek into their minds, it feels like they are shrouded by a mist," Xinxia explained carefully .

Xinxia was a Psychic Element Mage . Not only was the Parthenon Temple known for its outstanding Healing Magic, it was reputable because of its excellence in other Elements too, especially White Magic . Instead of calling it a Temple of Healing, it was more fitting to call it the Sacred Hall of White Magic!

With Xinxia's current strength, it was too easy for her to read the minds of the prisoners, even when she knew their minds must be filled with lewd thoughts . However, when Xinxia trying to feel their emotions and understand their thoughts, it felt like something was blocking her off .

"That does sound strange . I think we should really ask the government to send someone here, I'll go make a call," Zhang Xiaohou said .

"There…there's no signal here," the middle-aged prison guard said with a weird expression .

"Then I'll make the call outside," Zhang Xiaohou headed for the exit .

The way out of a prison consisted of many doors . Zhang Xiaohou asked another prison guard to lead the way . There was a foul odor in the prison, so he wanted to get some fresh air too .

"Let's head deeper," Lingling said .

The group followed the guard and passed the place where the normal prisoners were kept . They arrived at the cells where the serious criminals were kept .

After crossing a bridge, they arrived in front of a thick door made of metal . Mo Fan glanced at it and said to the middle-aged prison guard, Morgano, "That's a pretty solid door, I bet even Mages have a hard time breaking through it . "

"Yeah, we are worried that some Mages would come stir trouble in the prison, so we have to make sure that even Mages will have a hard time breaking through it . "

Morgano continued to lead the way as he explained the situation of the prison to them .

As soon as they walked past the door, it immediately shut behind them . The place was pitch-black, and the light only came on after a brief delay . The whole prison was made of icy iron, thus the place was cold as a fridge…

-Brother Mo Fan …-

Mo Fan was figuring what kind of prisoners would be kept here when he heard Xinxia's voice inside his mind .

Mo Fan turned around slightly and looked at Xinxia with her lips close together . He was puzzled, as he did not understand why Xinxia was using the Psychic Voice to talk to him . Did she have something that she could not say to the others?

-I tried reading the guard's mind too, but it's the same situation as the prisoners . I think… – Xinxia said to Mo Fan in a cautious tone .

Mo Fan immediately straightened his face . "Hey, guard, can you please open the door, I would like to speak to my friend," Mo Fan said to Morgano .

Morgano slowly turned around . His pitch-black eyes flickered slightly as he looked back and forth between Mo Fan and Xinxia .

Morgano suddenly smiled . It looked oddly strange under the dim glow of the prison light .

"You're my prisoners as soon as you came in here!" Morgano burst into laughter . His voice was stacked with another ghastly, piercing voice!

"What do you mean by that? Are you trying to trap us in here? You're just a little prison guard… do you have any idea who we are!?" Fiona immediately snapped, pointing at Morgano .

A crimson-red aura started to rise from Morgano's body, as if dozens of dark red spirits were circling him . His pupils had turned eerily red, as he stared at Fiona with a hint of greed . His grin grew wider, and his drool was coming out too!

He was not trying to abuse Fiona sexually, but it was obvious that he was thinking of killing the tender young woman!

"I should have known that if something was wrong about this place, these prison guards would surely be involved too! Tell us, what exactly are you? Why did you bring the plague to the people?" Lingling was utterly fearless . She even started to interrogate the thing righteously .

"Little girl, you will learn it all once I've eaten you!" The evil presence of Morgano grew stronger .

His skin began to crack open, as if something was trying to come out underneath it . Long, wriggling tentacles burst out of his head like a centipede, eerie hair densely covering his body .

His legs had turned into black roots of an old tree, and were spreading rapidly across the ground .

The dim light threw the prison guard's shadow on the smooth wall, yet it was no longer the silhouette of a man . It was clearly a monster, with tentacles covering its back!

"What…what the hell is this thing?" Fiona completely lost her nerve and hid behind the group .

Xinxia's face turned pale when she saw the enormous changes occur to the prison guard who had looked completely normal just a moment ago . Could this monster be the source of the plague?

Mo Fan noticed the Essence Orb emitting a brilliant glow when the monster revealed its true appearance, implying that the creature was the source of energy he desperately needed .

Mo Fan was curious . Why would the Essence Orb react to a monster?…

Mmm, now was not the time to be worried about that, he should be focusing on why the prison guard had suddenly transformed into the monster, as if he was possessed by some devil!

Speaking of which, Mo Fan felt like he had seen something similar before .

"I know what you are," Mo Fan suddenly said calmly .

The prison guard was twice his size, and his face had changed beyond recognition . The eyes fully covering his forehead had all locked onto Mo Fan as he burst into weird laughter .

"You seem to have something nice . Hand it to me, and I'll give you a quick death!" The monster spoke in human tongue, yet its tone sounded very odd!

"I bet you have a master . I wonder if he's here?" Mo Fan asked .

"Oh, it seems like you do know something, but how could our master come to a little prison like this…" the monster said .

"Why are you acting so smug when he's not even here, die!" As soon as Mo Fan raised his head, a bolt of Tyrant Lightning struck the monster fiercely .

The monster was sent flying . It rolled down the stairs and fell heavily into the spacious area below .

The monster did not die yet . It slowly rose to its feet, with eyes emitting an enraged, blood-colored glow . It raised its head and let out a blasting roar!


Meanwhile, the cells down the stairs slammed open, as prisoners rushed out and tore the clothes and chains on them with incredible might…

Even though they did not transform into monsters like the prison guard, they also had tentacles on their backs and a ghastly appearance!

"Mo Fan, do you know what they are?" Lingling was shocked when she saw many prisoners turning into monsters .

"Mmm, I stumbled into something similar in Japan . These prisoners have lost control of their minds . Don't kill them, but half of the prison guard's body is already corrupted . He's the source, he must be eliminated!" Mo Fan said .

Mo Fan had experienced something similar before . Not long after he and Mochizuki Chihaya stole the Evil Essence Orb from the East Guardian Tower, Mochizuki Chihaya had almost turned into a demon on the street!

Mo Fan finally understood why the Essence Orb was glowing, and why the prison guard appeared to be interested in the Essence Orb . They both originated from the same source, the evil power that was accumulated from the endless hatred, anger, and pain over time, a power that could immediately control the mind of a person after making contact with them!

The Red Demon!

The East Guardian Tower had given birth to the first Red Demon!

The embryo of the second Red Demon was in Mo Fan's hand, the Essence Orb . Old Bao had managed to erase its evil presence, turning it into an orb that could store energy!

The master that Mo Fan addressed when talking to the prison guard was the first Red Demon!

The prisoners were brimming with evil, their minds were being controlled . The city was troubled by the plague, bringing suffering and pain to the people . However, Mo Fan had never thought it was all the Red Demon's doing!

Luckily, the Red Demon, the old friend that Mochizuki Ken had mentioned, did not decide to stay around in this little prison . It had only raised a little Red Demon . Otherwise, they would be in great trouble just barging in and investigating the matter so mindlessly . According to Mochizuki Ken, the first Red Demon was as strong as a Great Ruler-level demon creature!

If the little Red Demon was the culprit behind the plague, it was not as difficult to resolve as Mo Fan initially thought . Once he dealt with the little Red Demon, and cleared away the evil presence scattered across the city, the plague would soon be gone!

Chapter 1058: 1058

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by Aelryinth

"Are you kidding me? Now that the people in the quarantine zone are rioting, and we're already short on numbers . Where the hell are we going to find more people and ask them to investigate a little, run-down prison?" the officer snapped impatiently at the other end of the call .

"Riot? Weren't they fine not long ago? Why are they rioting all of a sudden? Did many people suddenly die to the plague?" Zhang Xiaohou asked curiously .

"We have no idea either, the patients all have bloodshot eyes as if they had gone mad, and they kept attacking other people nearby! We are done for, the entire Kakka City is in great trouble!" the officer said .

"We did find…"

"That's enough, we won't be able to send people there, and I don't have time to talk to you, either!"


Zhang Xiaohou was about to say something when the officer directly hung up the call . Zhang Xiaohou did hear a loud noise coming from the other end, and he could faintly recognize the sound of an alarm . It was obvious that the officer was not lying to him, but why would the patients suddenly behave so weirdly when they had only fallen sick to the disease?

Zhang Xiaohou believed it was necessary to tell Mo Fan and the others . The situation had suddenly escalated, as the people were rioting against the local government . If they escaped from the quarantine zone and more people were infected, it would be extremely difficult to resolve the plague!

"Why is the door closed? Mo Fan, Xinxia, are you in there?" Zhang Xiaohou slammed the thick door, yet there was no response from the other side .

He turned around and heard loud noises coming from the cells where the normal prisoners were kept in . The prisoners rammed their way out of the cells and glared at him!

"What is going on here? A riot in the prison too?" Zhang Xiaohou looked at the prisoners with bloodshot eyes, but he did not panic at all .

After all, he was a captain who had led his troop against an army of demon creatures, and had experienced something as epic as the Calamity of the Ancient Capital . In comparison, these prisoners with mere muscle were not so tricky to deal with .

Inside the door, the little Red Demon stood among the serious criminals that were now covered in tentacles . It had no intention to fight them, but it kept giving commands to the criminals, ordering them to charge at the enemy .

"Their evil presence is stronger, most likely because of the evil residing in their hearts," Xinxia said .

The ordinary prisoners in the cells looked fairly normal before . The most they did was stare wickedly at the three women . However, the serious criminals were much worse . They were not only driven by greed, but the urge to eat humans alive!

"They are still people, so try not to kill them," Lingling reminded them .

These serious offenders were only being controlled . The evil presence had granted them strength, but they were still humans .

"Brother Mo Fan, Fiona and I will handle these criminals, you can focus on taking out the main culprit," Xinxia said to Mo Fan .

Xinxia slowly closed her eyes . When they sprang open again, her eyes, normally as serene as a lake, suddenly emitted a ray as sharp as a sword .

Mind Puncture!

Xinxia clearly knew they could not afford to harm the serious criminals, as none of them were sentenced to death . They were also victims of the plague, thus the best approach she could take was attacking their minds!

Spiritual Force was formless, but it was driven into the minds of the criminals at Xinxia's will . The criminals immediately cried out in pain after receiving the attack, as if their heads were about to burst .

They crumpled to the ground simultaneously . The area of Xinxia's Mind Puncture was fairly huge . She had managed to take more than a hundred men down within an instant!

"Brother Mo Fan, hurry up, I won't be able to last for long," Xinxia said .

"Got it!" Mo Fan did not dare to waste any time . He immediately cast Fleeing Shadow and approached the little Red Demon .

"Come and play with me at the back!" Mo Fan gathered the power of the Space Element between his hands . He forcibly lifted the little Red Demon and tossed it into the cage at the back .

Mo Fan had done so to prevent himself from injuring the serious criminals . Fiona, who was still standing beside Xinxia, was immediately aware of his intention . She immediately set up a water barrier around the criminals, to protect them from his spells, and also buy some extra time if Xinxia could no longer hold them down .

Little Red Demon was infuriated . It thought Mo Fan and his crew were only normal Mages, considering how young they were . It only attacked them to prevent itself from being exposed . To its surprise, the Mages were incredibly strong, well beyond its expectation!

Mo Fan slammed the prison guard monster hard onto the metal wall with a shove .

The little Red Demon had remarkable strength too . It was trying to oppose Mo Fan's Telekinesis with brute force . It slowly stepped forward and raised its claw .

Mo Fan realized his Space Element was not as formidable as Ai Jiangtu's . He immediately gave up and utilized his strongest Element instead!

"Lightning Tyrant!" Mo Fan flipped his palm . Lightning arcs immediately gathered like soldiers, and as Mo Fan flung his arm, they whipped fiercely out at the little Red Demon .

The little Red Demon's defense was rather outstanding, and the lightning whips did not leave any marks on it . Mo Fan did not dare to cast stronger spells before the defensive barrier was fully set up . He could only try and keep the monster at bay with his weaker abilities!

"Brother Mo Fan, we're done here, finish it!" Xinxia yelled to Mo Fan .

Mo Fan nodded . The lightning in his hand grew stronger . The cracking Lightning Tyrant seemed to be impatient too, as if it had a strong urge to test out its strength .

"Sky Lightning Claw!"

Mo Fan clenched his hands into claws and swung them forward . The dark lightning covering his body turned into dragon claws tearing open the chest of the little Red Demon with destructive force .

The little Red Demon was about as strong as a Commander-level creature . Mo Fan might struggle to handle a Commander-level creature in the past, but the damage of his Lightning Spells had now tripled, and with both the Lightning Tyrant Domain and the Dark Lightning Claw that was basically an Advanced Spell, he would not have any trouble killing this thing .

The lightning pierced through the little Red Demon's defense and tore its chest apart, and its neck and head were separated too .

Strangely, the little Red Demon did not seem to be dying . Its face continued to wear the eerie grin!

"Your magic might be strong, but you will never kill me!" An evil presence burst out of the little Red Demon's incomplete body, and it soon fixed its missing body parts, as if it was an undying spirit!

Even the evil spirits of the undead were unable to recover from such serious injuries within an instant, as lightning was fairly effective against them, too!

Mo Fan did not cast the Tyrant Call . He immediately cast a powerful Fire Spell instead by utilizing Little Flame Belle's strength!

The giant fireball surged forward and left a huge hole in the thick wall of the indestructible prison, allowing the sunlight to pour in…

Mo Fan initially thought the little Red Demon was dead for sure, yet it slowly reclaimed its appearance under the effects of its evil power .

Even the creature with the fastest rejuvenating ability would be unable to recover so quickly after it was burned into ashes . Mo Fan strongly believed it had nothing to do with the creature's ability to self-heal, but the fact that his magic was unable to deal the critical blow to it!

"I'm not your opponent, but you can't destroy me either . The city will soon turn into my kingdom!" the little Red Demon screamed in a piercing voice .

Mo Fan's heart sank .

If the plague spread further, the little Red Demon would grow stronger, too . A few cities had already been infected, and the negative emotions that the victims provided were like nutrients to it . If more people died to the plague, the hatred would reach its peak, and by then, Mo Fan would no longer be able to take the little Red Demon on!

"Mo Fan, this thing is most likely an energy body with its own consciousness . You can't think of it as an ordinary demon creature, as magic alone isn't enough to kill it!" Lingling said .

The little Red Demon was indeed one of the most terrifying creatures in the world . Due to the way it was formed, it was invulnerable to most Elements, and Mo Fan had basically tried all his Elements .

Fiona was a Light Mage, and she had tried using her Light Spells, yet the Light Element that was able to drive away any kind of evil presence was useless against the little Red Demon!

It was Mo Fan's first time going up against such a tricky existence .

Mo Fan was agitated when he saw the little Red Demon that had been smashed into pieces recovering again . He never thought he would encounter something he could not kill with his magic… as he lowered his head and was about to cast some Fire again, he caught a glimpse of the brilliant Essence Orb!

That's right, the orb is able to absorb energy . Strictly speaking, the orb was able to contain the little Red Demon's ancestor; the orb might be able to absorb it, too!, Mo Fan thought .

So the little Red Demon could not control the Essence Orb, Mo Fan broke the little Red Demon into tinier pieces and took out the Essence Orb . He then touched one of the pieces with the Essence Orb…

The light of the Essence Orb grew stronger as it absorbed a piece of the little Red Demon . The little Red Demon's true appearance was revealed once the piece was absorbed into the Essence Orb . It was a puff of cloudy energy, similar to the Soul Remnants that the Little Loach Pendant normally absorbed .

"It worked!" Mo Fan was overjoyed . He was only giving it a try, yet to his surprise, the Essence Orb was able to absorb the evil energy . No wonder the Essence Orb kept emitting a brilliant glow .

"I'll smash you into pieces and absorb them one by one . I would like to see how smug you are now!" Mo Fan attacked even more violently after discovering the solution to the problem!

Chapter 1059: 1059

Translated by XephiZ

Edited from Aelryinth

The little Red Demon's body did not stop regenerating, but whenever Mo Fan's Essence Orb took a piece away, its aura would weaken slightly . Meanwhile, the little Red Demon started to panic when it realized the Essence Orb was what not it supposed to be . It started fleeing through the hole that Mo Fan had blasted .

Clearly, Mo Fan would not let it escape . He set up the Nyx Regime and trapped the pieces of energy with Giant Shadow Spikes .

Even though he could only absorb the pieces slowly, he was relieved that he had found the solution to the problem .


After breaking the little Red Demon into pieces and absorbing them with the Essence Orb continuously, Mo Fan finally absorbed the final piece of the little Red Demon .

Mo Fan checked the energy inside the Essence Orb and learned it had indeed risen by a significant amount . It was definitely a piece of good news for Mo Fan!

"Brother Fan, what happened?" Zhang Xiaohou finally returned after running a whole circle to regroup with Mo Fan and the others . He was utterly clueless about the situation .

"We've dealt with the source of the plague . It turned out to be some evil energy body with its own consciousness . It's a long story; how did it go at your end?" Mo Fan asked .

"The people at the camp are rioting . It turns out that the patients are losing control of themselves," Zhang Xiaohou said .

"That's not good to hear, were they able to keep the situation under control?"

"I doubt so, there were too many infected . "

Mo Fan's heart sank . They had found the source of the plague, and eliminated it, yet the disease had already spread rapidly . The harmful substances were still inside the bodies of the patients, and the reason they were losing their minds was because the disease was not just destroying the cells in their body, but enhancing their negative emotions too . It was why the Red Demon was such a terrifying existence!

"Lingling, have you found anything that can cure the disease?" Mo Fan asked .

In the past, they had resolved the Drowning Curse by obtaining the antibody from the Drowning Curse Maggot and created vaccines to be distributed to the cities along the shoreline, so the people would not fall victim to the Drowning Curse again .

Therefore, they should be able to find the antibody from the source of the plague, too . Mo Fan was hoping that Lingling was able to discover something .

"The maggot is a living organism, so it's reasonable to find an antibody to it . You realize that magic wasn't able to inflict any damage to the monster . It was an energy body, there was no way it would have an antibody for the disease," Lingling said .

"If the source of the disease isn't a living organism, but an energy body, how could it turn into a plague?" Fiona was a probationary servant of the Hall of the Goddess . She would know some basics about a plague .

"I was curious before too . Why aren't the normal methods of stopping a disease useful against this one? Not only that, the disease actually spreads a lot faster than it did at the start . I believe the disease doesn't come from their bodies, but from their hearts . Strictly speaking, it's like an infection conducted by the Psychic Element . Every person will have negative emotions just like the prisoners here, and these negative emotions will surface and be enhanced by the monster's power . It explains why the symptoms that the patients first showed resembled common flu, but it has now turned into a huge riot… it was a kind of mental disorder, one that spread through emotions shared between people instead of the air, or food!" Lingling said .

"Is there really a disease like that in this world?" Zhang Xiaohou dropped his jaw in disbelief .

"An existence like that shouldn't be invulnerable to magic . It could be grouped into the Psychic Element, but once the evil presence grows to a certain degree, even the power of the Psychic Element would be useless, since the Psychic Element doesn't really have any strong offensive spells naturally," Lingling said .

"Enough talk, there's a riot happening in the quarantine zone, we've basically failed our mission . The Great Muse is surely going to scold the crap out of us," Fiona said .

"Humph, if the situation escalates further, even they would have to take responsibility for it, since they didn't send someone that was higher-ranked in the first place, and purposely sent you two here to set you up!" Mo Fan harrumphed coldly . The Parthenon Temple was far from being as sacred and holy as everyone thought!

"If it's related to the Psychic Element, I can try pacifying the people," Xinxia said .

Lingling shook her head and said, "The negative energy has been spread to too many people . Even if you're a Super Psychic Mage, with such strong negative energy surging in, your mind will simply crumble, too . The best option isn't pacifying them, but transferring the energy to somewhere else . We'll need a reasonable place to store the energy, or else, the little Red Demon will be resurrected soon, and it will surely turn into something even more terrifying!"

Saying this, Lingling glanced at the Essence Orb on Mo Fan's hand . She seemed to have noticed something from it, but since they were currently in an emergency, she simply put her doubts aside and said to Mo Fan, "It seems like your orb can store the energy . "

"Mm, I think it can, but I can feel the evil growing inside the orb," Mo Fan said .

The Essence Orb had turned into an energy container after Old Bao's modification . It was no longer able to seduce or attack the mind of its carrier . However, after it absorbed the little Red Demon, the Essence Orb started to emit an icy aura . The Essence Orb had purified the little Red Demon and transformed it into usable energy, but in the meantime, it also slightly corrupted its own energy .

"Sister Xinxia, you might not be able to confront the enormous negative energy, but you can guide them into Mo Fan's orb and trap the energy inside . That way, the plague will be resolved, too," Lingling suggested .

Once Xinxia transferred the energy into the orb, she would not be picked on by the evil energy . It was the best option they had .

"Sure, time is of the essence . Let's head to the quarantine zone right away," Xinxia said .

Along the journey, Mo Fan secretly called Old Bao . There was a chance that the Essence Orb would give birth to another Red Demon after absorbing so much negative energy . It was necessary to let Old Bao cleanse the evil energy inside the Essence Orb again . Otherwise, there was a chance that a scarier Red Demon would be born, since half the city had contracted the disease!

The quarantine zone was in complete chaos . The medical equipment used to treat the patients was smashed to pieces . The temporary quarantine wards were torn down, too . If it weren't for a few powerful Mages stationed in Kakka City that had set up a formation to trap the rioters, it was hard to imagine the situation that the city would have ended up in .

Battlemages stood in lines, awaiting their orders . In the meantime, they felt rather hopeless, since the enemy they were facing was just patients, instead of demon creatures . It was fairly tricky deciding what spells they could use to keep the people at bay!

"What the hell were you two up to? Look at the mess here, and you still dared to leave your post? I will report this back to the Hall Mother, just so she could deliver the punishment!" the old Servant Gulan snapped as soon as she saw Xinxia and Fiona .

Gulan had only come to investigate the plague so the Parthenon Temple would not be accused of not trying their best to help . However, she did not expect the situation would suddenly escalate into a chaotic riot . The whole city was immersed in terror, and some officials were forced to use inhumane approaches just to stop the plague from spreading to other places .

"So the Parthenon Temple has only sent a bunch of young, inexperienced girls here to resolve the plague? Very well, stop pretending you're trying to help if you didn't mean to . Us Croatians don't need your pity, despite how much trust we actually had in Saintess Andi!" the commander snapped furiously .

"This…this has nothing to do with Saintess Andi, we've already sent… her, she's a Candidate, it was all her fault!" Gulan's expression sank . She quickly placed the blame on Xinxia!

"Candidate? Her?" The commander glanced at Xinxia, who seemed extremely young .

Even though there were no age restrictions on the Candidates of the Hall of the Goddess, the woman was simply too young, she looked like the student of a Magic Institution .

"The Hall Mother has recently promoted her as a Candidate . The Great Muse didn't neglect how serious the plague is, she did send a Candidate here to handle it!" Gulan continued to pour oil onto the flames .

If the situation escalated any further, Great Muse Mellaura would surely be held responsible, and even the candidate Saintess Andi would be involved in the mess! Since the situation was getting out of control, she had no choice but to put the blame on someone else as much as she could . The world must realize that it was not the Great Muse's fault, but because of how useless the new Candidate was!

"Brother Fan, Xinxia, do you see the general with an icy face and a long nose standing beside the commander?" Zhang Xiaohou said, his face hard as he spoke in a soft voice .

"What about it?" asked Mo Fan with a confused look .

"He was not wearing any badges, but he is wearing the outfit of a general . If I'm not mistaken, a soldier like him is usually entrusted with inhumane operations," Zhang Xiaohou told them .

Mo Fan glanced in the direction of Commander Darrel, who was in charge of the camp and immediately saw the general that Zhang Xiaohou had pointed out .

"You mean if the situation continues to go out of control, they might even…" Mo Fan could not speak further .

A plague, a contagious disease, was a lot scarier than demon creatures . The local government of Kakka City would not allow the plague to spread any further . Currently, the patients had totally lost their minds, and would soon force their way out of the quarantine zone . When the time came, the general that was not wearing any badge would be the one controlling the situation!

Xinxia was incredibly smart . She immediately realized what Zhang Xiaohou was implying .

Chapter 1060: 1060

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by Aelryinth

"Brother Mo Fan, take me somewhere higher," Xinxia said .

"Aye!" Mo Fan lifted Xinxia, together with her wheelchair and headed to the top of a signal tower constructed recently .

"What I said before was pure speculation; if it doesn't work, we'll have to leave right away," Lingling reminded Mo Fan and Xinxia .

Mo Fan nodded without saying a word .

Up on the signal tower, they could easily see how the quarantine zone had turned into a landfill where people were gathering at the boundary of the magic barrier and slamming into it violently .

It was unclear where the people had gotten their strength from . Usually, the magic formation could easily hold out against normal people, regardless of their numbers . However, these patients seemed to possess some kind of evil power that granted them greater strength!

Xinxia bit her lips upon seeing this .

"Let's begin, I'll be holding the orb," Mo Fan said .

Xinxia nodded . She crossed her hands in front of her chest, as if she were trying to unleash the power deep within her soul .

The Spirit Ripple was untraceable . Mo Fan only felt a pleasant tone ringing inside his mind like a flute, yet he could not detect anything when he focused .

Mo Fan knew Xinxia's Spirit Ripple was spreading across the city, and was patting the minds of the patients like a pair of gentle hands .

Xinxia frowned . As she was pacifying the patients, she too was influenced by their negative emotions . Xinxia could clearly sense the anger and hatred deep within their hearts .

They were being tortured by the disease, and yet the government was helpless, and the world organization was reluctant to lend them a hand . It was as if they had been abandoned by the world, waiting for their deaths in the quarantine zone!

As she listened to the thoughts of the patients, she began to recall some faint memories in her mind .


Her mother had abandoned her, just like the people who abandoned her in Bo City amid the calamity…

A strange sadness and anger rose inside Xinxia's heart . How could people be so merciless? She had always treated them sincerely and with utter kindness, and yet, why did Gulan try to place the blame on her? It was her that was bold enough to come to save the people!

Xinxia wanted to open her eyes, but she realized that she was unable to wake up, surrounded by darkness, and an icy aura… it felt like… a fridge, the fridge in the supermarket that she hid inside in order to stay alive…


She heard a voice all of a sudden . It sounded so familiar .

"Xinxia, Xinxia!"

Mo Fan shook Xinxia softly . For some reason, Mo Fan could feel Xinxia being infected by the evil presence, it was trying to remind her of her painful, infuriating past!

"Quick, transfer the energy to me, stop letting the evil energy influence you, do you understand!?" Mo Fan held her trembling hands tightly as he spoke in a serious voice .

Xinxia could not wake up, yet she saw someone shoving the door of the fridge open and carrying her out of it . She could feel Mo Fan warm hands on her hands and shoulders…

"Did I let the thing influence me, too?" Xinxia slowly calmed down . She recalled how Mo Fan had always protected her, not allowing her to suffer even the slightest . Her heart that was initially like a rolling black tide immediately calmed down, and the black water started to clear up too .

Xinxia finally opened her eyes . They were pure and clean, and were so pretty that Mo Fan could not move his eyes away from them .

She looked at Mo Fan with a hint of relief .

Once she gathered her thoughts, the evil power could no longer influence her!

Her faltering expression was replaced by a firm look . Her thoughts transformed into a greater tide, driving the evil presence into the Essence Orb on Mo Fan's hand!

The chime of the Spiritual Bonsho echoed throughout the quarantine zone . The people could not hear it, but their hearts reacted to it . Holy chants in Sanskrit echoed in their minds, pacifying them .

{TL Note: A bonsho is a large bell found in Buddhist temples . }

The patients fell to the ground, starting with those that had gathered at the boundary of the magic barrier . As the spiritual disease was cleansed, they all fell into a deep sleep . The evil driving them was actually overdrawing their energy, so they were immediately overwhelmed by fatigue as soon as it vanished!

"What's going on? Is she hypnotizing the people?" The commander raised his head and glanced at the Candidate on the signal tower .

"That's not hypnotizing, it's extremely difficult to hypnotize someone with strong emotions, she's healing them, with her heart…" the general without a badge deduced .

An official hurriedly came up and said to Commander Darrel, "Commander, the patients that fainted no longer have the marks on them . It seems like they have been cured!" .

"Are you sure!?" Commander Darrel's composure cracked . He stared at the woman sitting on a wheelchair up on the signal tower in disbelief .

"How…how did she do it?" Gulan was dumbfounded too . Even a Muse would struggle to resolve the plague, how did a mere Servant who had just been promoted do it?

"It seems like there's a reason why she's selected as a Candidate," the general without a badge observed .

More patients fell to the ground . Some Healers had entered the magic barrier boldly . After a brief inspection, they determined that the patients' lives were no longer endangered . They were just weak and feeble physically .

The marks on them had vanished . It was easily the best finding for everyone, as it implied that the woman from the Parthenon Temple standing on the signal tower had actually found a cure to resolve the disastrous plague!


The patients were lying still across the spacious camp, filling up the space .

The plague was eventually cleansed . The patients were wearing calm, relaxed expressions . They had all fallen asleep under the cleansing melody Xinxia had performed for them!Read the next chapter on our vipnovel . com

"Are you sure they are all fine?"

"Yeah, they only fell asleep, meaning that they will wake up eventually . Commander, the plague is gone; this is unbelievable!"

"We've conducted experiments on the disease for many days, yet we could not find any cure to it . As expected of the Parthenon Temple, it's indeed the Sacred Hall of the Healing Magic!" the old Healers exclaimed .

Zhang Xiaohou looked at Lingling excitedly and said, "Awesome, you're so impressive, you really found a cure to the plague!"

"Sister Xinxia has been communicating with me using Psychic Voice . I simply organized the information and come up with the idea . I believe if any other Healer took her place, we wouldn't be able to resolve the plague," Lingling replied .

It was quite fortunate that Xinxia was also a Psychic Mage, and her mental strength had greatly surpassed Lingling's imagination!

Not every Psychic Mage could transfer someone's hatred to somewhere else, as the hatred would easily penetrate the caster . Only those with a firm, pure heart were able to use the method!

"HAHA, as I thought, there's nothing the few of us can't resolve!" Zhang Xiaohou burst out laughing .

However, Zhang Xiaohou soon realized that something did not feel right . A while later, he finally recalled that he was supposed to come here on vacation!


Up on the signal tower, Mo Fan could easily tell how worn out Xinxia was . She was so weak that she could not speak properly . She could only look at him with her beautiful eyes .

Mo Fan felt extremely sorry for her . Due to the number of patients, it was a huge operation just to transfer the evil energy in them to somewhere else . Xinxia had basically expended all her energy .

"Brother Mo Fan, the…the orb…" Xinxia said in a weak voice .

"Don't worry, it's not my first time dealing with the orb . The evil presence is even stronger when I first discovered it, but it still can't do any harm to me," Mo Fan wrapped the Evil Essence Orb with a piece of silver paper . Mo Fan had asked Zhang Xiaohou to prepare some, as it was able to prevent the energy inside the orb from leaking out .

"That…that's a relief," Xinxia leaned back against the wheelchair . She could no longer hold herself upright .

Mo Fan carried her away, and let the local commander handle the rest . Xinxia desperately needed some rest .

Any Healing Spell was useless for people that had overdrawn their energy . The patients would surely be asleep for quite some time, and Xinxia, who had saved their lives, would be asleep even longer .

After finding Xinxia a place to rest, Mo Fan was deeply moved as he studied her pale face .

Mo Fan had only now realized that Xinxia was just like him, Zhang Xiaohou, and the others . She had dug out something deep within her heart during the Calamity of Bo City, something that she would try her best to fulfill!


"Mm? The evil presence is weakening?" Mo Fan inspected the Essence Orb as he was taking care of Xinxia . He was surprised to see the evil aura growing weaker .

Mo Fan was utterly confused . He observed it carefully and discovered that the energy inside the Essence Orb had suddenly expanded . It had almost filled up the entire orb!

Mo Fan was overjoyed . Once the Essence Orb was filled up, it meant he could use the power of the Demon Element!

"Could it be that Old Bao has also inserted a filter in the orb when he modified it, so it's able to filter any harmful energy, and transform it into energy to fill up the orb?" Mo Fan exclaimed excitedly .

The evil presence was still weakening . Mo Fan believed he could no longer call it the Essence Orb, but the strongest trump card he was currently holding, the Demon Orb!

He did not expect he would obtain such incredible benefits when he first offered to come with Xinxia to help the people!