

.....THE NEXT DAY.....

It was a beautiful morning . Veronica was awake before her usual time and she got ready before time .

Veronica '' All set for today ... presentation done , speech done ... nail it baby''. [ she yelled to herself looking in the mirror]

She drove to the office.. and made all the stuff ready before the meeting started.

Boss arrived in the conference room where all the employees were doing meeting arrangement....

Boss '' Is everything sorted veronica ?? ''[ she asked her]

Veronica '' yes ma'am everything is done we are good to go.''

Boss '' good .....ALL THE BEST EVERYONE''[ she said showing a thumbs up]

After a while Mr. William Jones and his colleague's arrived to the conference room . They were welcomed by honoring them with bouquet of white roses which had a attractive fragrance ...

Boss [ secretly in veronica's ears] '' you need to cut the mustard''

Veronica '' common darling you need to ace it .'' [ in her mind]

Veronica did a very impressive presentation and gave a stupendous speech ....

There was great round of applause everywhere after veronica's speech and presentation. Her boss was too delightful and happy after veronica's speech and presentation besides that there was another person who wasn't intrested in veronica's presentation ... he is the son of Mr. William Jones and the manager of his dad's company , Mr. Derek Jones.

Derek '' how is she so perfect??'' [ he question's himself because his dad kept praising her and were quiet impressed by her presentation]

William jones always used to pinch out mistakes from the presentation in whichever meeting they had visited ... but here he was completely filled with compliments for Veronica , which was quiet shocking for his son.


Ella name of Veronica's boss

William '' Your employees are quiet confident about their work and especially Miss Veronica ''.

Veronica '' Thank you sir .''

Derek giving veronica a hatred stare

William '' Miss Ella congratulations your company has a hold of fifty percent hold of our security agency .. I think the decision of integrating our companies would be the best ideology to take security of our world to the next level.... what say Miss Ella.

Ella '' Ya sure this would be a great idea and a pleasure working with your company.''

Ella and William sit on the chair and discuss about other formalites .

Derek '' Congratulations Miss Veronica '' [ speaking in a groan voice and showing anger on the face]

Veronica doesn't gives a fuck to him and heads out swaying her hair , because she knew that Derek wasn't happy for their deal .

Veronica '' we aced it guys , congratulations''. [ she told it to the other employees in the office area ]

All the employees were happy and congratulating each other.

Ella '' I have decided to throw a party tonight for celebrating our victory , the party is in the Ambience hall on 3rd floor .... plss reach at 8 pm sharp .''

All the employees headed home to change their clothes and get well dressed for the party . Mr. William along with his son and employees were also invited for the party.



All the employees were well dressed according to party . Mr. William , Derek and their team had also arrived. Everyone was waiting for Veronica to come so they could begin the party.

.....''And here she is'' said Ella

There she is wearing a short white skirt and an off shoulder top and her brown hair covering her collar bone and giving her an elegant look ....which made Derek awstruck..

Veronica '' Good evening everyone ''

Party Begins

All were dancing and drinking.... Derek couldn't stop looking towards veronica's beauty.

Derek '' how can someone be so beautiful ?'' [ in his mind ]

'' stop thinking about her Derek , she's just your competitor ... you can't fall for her control yourself dude be a gentleman.''[ in his mind]

Derek take his steps towards Veronica in a very confident way , holding a glass of wine in one hand and his one hand in his pocket .

Derek '' Hello Beautiful '' [ he was playing a game of distraction with her so that he could outshine himself]

Veronica '' Hello handsome ''

Derek '' Can we dance together''??

Veronica '' [ why he wants to dance with me] Yes sure ''.

Derek keeps the wine glass on the table and holds her hand and takes her to the dancing area ..... they holded each other's hand and veronica kept her hand on Derek's shoulder and Derek's hand was on her waist.


Both of them were just looking into each other's eyes and were completely mesmerized .

Veronica '' why is my heart beating so fast?? what's wrong with me ??''[ inside her mind ]

Derek '' her eyes are so beautiful .... no Derek you can't fall for her ''

Veronica '' darling you can't fall for him '' [ inner mind]

As soon as she thinks this she leaves his hand and just moves away from him.

Derek '' Why is she behaving like this ? that's so rude '' [ yells to himself]

Veronica adds wine to her glass and relaxes herself .....

Veronica '' Why was my heart beating so fast ? why were my hands shivering ? Why was skin burning ? is it because I had never faced such situation or is it something else ??[ she talks to herself while drinking wine]

Party gets over


After heading home she takes a shower and wear's pajama's and sits on the bed

Message pops on her phone ....

Veronica '' why is this guy sending me messages ? From where did he get my number?

She got a text from Derek it said '' Hi Veronica , Derek on this side

just wanted to ask is everything alright on your side ?''

Veronica didn't reply to his message as again she started felling burning sensation on her skin and a chill crossed her spine on her back .

she just closed her phone and slept .....

She just thought of her new opportunites and challenges she was going to face in coming days and told herself to just focus on her work and the rest of the things are just bullshit.....

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Khushi_Rangwanicreators' thoughts