

Goodluck_Deborah · Urban
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12 Chs

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.... Laura Laura Oliver called softly ...

Is she sleeping or ignoring you Veronica asked staring at the already bowed Laura ..

Nah Laura would never ignore you ...saying that he stood up and went to her side ...she fell asleep already ..

so early , is there a problem with her or it's a norm ...

smiles nothing is wrong with her , it's a norm for her ..

oh I thought as much, obviously tired out from the days play ..

Yea ..I will be right back , I need to tuck her in bed .. saying that he left with Laura in his arms ...

While he left to put her to sleep , I couldn't help but wonder what they were doing in a place like this ...

Do they leave here ..or probably they are travellers ...

I srugged of the thought because the more I think about it the more I couldn't rap my head around anything ...

why is he taking so long to return I said taking the last piece of meat into my mouth..

for some moment my thought wondered to my parents , the mansion , the maids ..

I wonder if they are worried about me ....

my thoughts were interupted by Oliver who came in that minute ..

With the way you cleared your plate I guess you enjoyed the meal ..

mmmm I muttered making my lips into a thin line ..yea I did ..

Am glad was his reply..before he started clearing the table ..

I stood up to pick up my plate when I felt a cold something on my wrist , which sent shivers down my spine ..

I looked up to meet his eyes staring intently at me..that moment I felt a pit in my stomach..

His eyes on mine were like the eyes of a god piercing through his suspect ..

it was like he could see through my soul..like he could read my mind and could tell all that he had read ..

I managed to tear my gaze away from his ..

I wasted no time in retracting my hands ..who the hell was she I thought loudly ....why couldn't I here anything or see anything ..this has never happened before...

it only happens in the case of a poisined blood ...

is her blood poisined ..that's not possible I thought ..she looks fragile....


She possess the aura of something grate ..

I couldn't say if she is a half breed Demon or full breed ...neither could I tell if she was a demon or a witch or rather a ware wolf as I have thought earlier ...

I could only sense danger and trouble coming from her ....

...Hey is everything alright she asked sharply ..

ummmm ...I ..I nothing ..am fine ..I will just go clean up the kitchen saying that he gardered the plate , and made to take mine along ...

I want to help ,...

you don't need to worry I will do it my self ..

And I insist to help okay .. consider it a thank you for the meal ...and for saving my life ..saying that she flashed her most sweetest smile at him and made for the kitchen...

just waw ...I need to know everything about her ...

but how I thought ...she wouldn't tell me ...and I can't read her thought either ...he ruffled his hair frustratedly...

Are you not coming ...her voice came from the backyard..

startled he picked up the plates and made for the backyard ..


You can go in now and have some rest , in other to wake early tomorrow..

Where are you going to sleep I asked instead..

umm I will take care of it , you don't have to worry ..

What are you I asked instead again ...

What do you mean he asked with his eyes wide open ...

you know things and it's likely for me to be inquisitive of your identity...

Things like what he said raising a brow..

she looked at him for a while wanting to say something but changed her mind ..

you should get some rest too ...see you in the morning .. saying that she went into the hut ...and layd gently beside Laura..

.....Oliver POV

I watched her walk into the hut , and couldn't stop wondering what she was ...

after a while of standing in the same spot without answers to the questions he seek , he ruffled his hair frustratedly and made for the woods .....

The Clan....

Mateo the head of the clan was already getting infuriated....

were is Oliver and why is he not here yet ...saying that he walked around angrily in circles ..

My Lord ...Declan called out caculatively ...

He didn't answer neither did he stop walking in circles..

Sorry my Lord Declan said fidgeting and made to step back when Mateo's voice brought him to a halt ..

Spill he said with his head bowed...

Ummm I saw him with a la....he couldn't finish his words when Diego announced his arrival ..

Diego is Mateo's right hand man ..he brings first class information .. without him no operation will be carried out...

Mateo trusts him alot and listens to him ...

...My lord Oliver greeted bowing slightly before standing erect with his hands in his pants , he had a black hoodie over his face one could barely recognize him ...

...You are late came Mateo's voice...He had an aura of a dead god who escaped from hell .

I know and am sorry Oliver said trying to sound pleasing...

Sorry wount cut it out this time he said in a sacastic tone ...

Wats my punishment Oliver asked emotionlessly...

Mateo laughed hysterically like a manic ... turning around slowly he stared into space before turning abruptly to him ..

You are leading the clan tonight saying that he looked intently at him ..

He was angry when he didn't earn a refusal from him ...so he added the very one he knew he was going to disagree with..

....They are innocent people , why kill them all .


They went against the rules and must be killed ..

You and I know they did nothing wrong , it was only self defense and no one died in the process..

besides is not in your power to take their lives Oliver said irritatedly .. obviously he was angry ..

Mateo was already deriving joy from seeing him angry .. so he decided to add more fire to it ..

And their children don't spare them , their live stock too ...

Diego knew he had to do something at that point ..if not Oliver would go beserk ...

My Lord ummm there is an order from capital.

Spill ..came Mateo's voice..

Nothing must be done to the east villagers....

they were only trying to defend themselves from the attack of the wolfs .,

Now Mateo was angry ..And since when do I take instructions from capital ....

Well it's an order ,. disobeying will earn a big trouble ....remember we don't stand a chance with their army ...

You all Retire ., saying that he lept away deep into the forest ....

Sighing Diego rubbed his temples..

that was close Declan said ...

you were about to spew some minutes ago..

wats wrong with you ...can't you get a hold of your self ...

Am sorry ...

keep it to your self Diego said angrily...

Where are the others Oliver asked as he lept away ..while Diego followed suit ..

They went for wild chase ..

okay was all Oliver could say ..

Who is that lady Diego asked as they landed on the ground with a soft thud ...



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