

Goodluck_Deborah · Urban
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12 Chs

She lost lots of blood

I don't know ..was all he could say walking away ...

what do you mean you don't know Diego questioned loudly..

Oliver wasn't ready to say anything so he kept walking ..

She might be dangerous he said carefully ..he was skeptical about saying it because he didn't know what she meant to his boss ..

It still didn't get Oliver to stop on his tracks ..

...Just that minute Raven landed in front of Oliver ..

My Lord ...he greeted bowing slightly ..

any news came his husky voice..

Mateo is distroing things ...

Always reckless Oliver said irritatedly and continued walking..

And am scared that if no one stops him, he might attract the Capital's army ..and you know it wouldn't pan out well ...

Go and stop him Diego make sure he doesn't distroing things ..

we must keep him at Bay for the time being ..

Yes my Lord ..saying that he lept away from there ..

Raven ..he called stoping in his tracks..

My Lord ..

assemble all the army in our secret hide out by tomorrow morning .. intensive training starts then ..

But what about Mateo ..

What about him ...

How do we stall him ...

leave that to me ...He looked up caculatively...You can leave now ..and make sure to keep a close eye on Declan ..

Sure ..he said bowing ..and in no time he lept away ...

The night mare

she laid beside Laura , with her eyes closed ..

alot of thoughts crossed her mind ..

Who is he ..and why dose he have semi personality as Mason ..

his hair ...very long , tick and silky , shiny too ..

his nails are very beautiful like that of Mason too ..

just that there is something about his eyes...

it tells a different story ..he seems here but distant ..

I see betrayal , revenge , anger and hatred in his eyes ....

those are the exact things I feel around Mason .... could it be possible that he survived...or ..no no no she said slightly shaking her head..it can't be he died 400years ago ...

...if he died 400hundred years ago , why are you still looking for him ...why don't you just let his sprit rest by getting married to one of those suitors...came a voice softly..

What was that ...saying that I sat up ..

just then I heard a cracking sound out side ...

turning around I looked at the sleeping Laura..

I will protect you ..

... quietly I walked towards the door ...gently I opened the door and peeked outside ..

...But something strange happened ..

my eyes glowed this time not the regular blue but tick red ...I saw to a distance that I have never seen before ..my sight kept opening and going wider into the forest ...

on the other hand I started feeling a sharp pain in my both ears ...

she hit her ears several times but the pain wasn't stoping anytime soon ..

blood started dripping from her nose ... dropping to the ground... in a sitting posture she held her both ears ....

...wats happening to me , am I going to die ..is my time up ...

I can't die now she said audibly still struggling with heavy sounds that was pouring into her ears ..

not until I find you Mason ..at least to know the reason for your death ...


Veronica ..a voice called from behind ...

... Mateo ..that reckless fool ...soon you will drink from your own cup of wickedness ...for now I will use you for as long as I can ..

standing up he lept away and landed at the back of the house ...

wats that sound .. leaning closely he heard a faint voice..that's Veronica he thought to himself ....

what could she be doing out by this time of the night ...

My God ... Veronica..he called loudly...

stay still ..

he walked closer and placed his both hands on her head and pressed lightly while saying some magical words ...


They sat close to the river by the side of the house staring blankly into space without saying anything to each other..

You are not saying anything Oliver said still staring into space ..

what do you want me to say Veronica replied without looking at him....

What happened to you earlier ..are you suffering from an illment or something ..

I have no illment ..am as surprised as you are .

Who are you ...??

All my life ave tried to make my self believe that am a ware wolf..but everything just seem off ..strange things keep happening to me ..

I don't age like the other wolfs ..

strange things happen when am angry ..

just who am I .....

few minutes ago I walked away from Oliver ..I wasn't angry at him for the answers he seek ..but angry at my self for not having answers to the questions in my head ...


please don't leave , stay with me ...

I will be back in no time , you have nothing to worry about ..

but am worried ..

you don't have to be worried , remember am a skillful fighter ..saying that he bent down and placed a soft kiss on her head ..

sleep now ...

Mason Mason don't leave ..pls don't go ..

am sorry I have to go ...I will be back ..saying that he left through the magic door..

Mason ...I yelled as I woke up sweating profusely..and my breath hagard...

it was all a dream I said sitting up ....Mason I called gently ..were are you ...I miss you so much that it's so hard for me to leave without you ..

you promised to come back alive ...you said you will come back to me .. she said amidst her sobs..

she cried her self to sleep ...

Bloody morning

Laura was still asleep when I woke up...

gently I climbed off the bed and walked towards the door...

unfortunately Oliver was outside when I came out ...I wanted to live quietly , now he ruined my plan ...

...I barely had a wink of sleep last night..after hearing all she said ..it was hard for me to sleep ...

some how the thought of knowing that she has someone who she is willing to wait for makes me uncomfortable...


Good morning she greeted , obviously startling him ...

you can live now ...was his reply..after a while of staring at her emotionlessly

Okay ...she thought to herself...

I was left rooted at the spot wondering what was wrong with him ...

I mean I wasn't expecting a cold shoulder after a wonderful yesterday , even thou it was left hanging with the awful questions he kept asking..

but anyways he is not Mason who promised to love me from here to the end of the world ..

....Do you still have anything you want from me ..came his voice that brought me out of my thought..

Thank you I said giving him a short smile...I will get going ..

He wasn't ready to say anything , so I walked away through the backyard into the forest..


I hope I wasn't too forward with her ..... anyways I...

His thoughts were interupted by Raven who landed with a soft thud in front of him ...

my Lord he greeted bowing slightly before standing...

everyone is waiting ...

You always do a good job and am happy..

thank you my Lord he said smiling..am always at your service...

Good ....have you seen that trouble maker Diego...

He was about answering when he landed gently in front of them ...

Right here he said smiling ...

we're have you being came Oliver's voice ..

it's my wife ..this time the smiley face was long gone..

wats wrong with her , is she okay Oliver asked concerned...

She is bleeding badly ....

You are to stay by her side , what are you doing out here...he asked worried..

she is in so much pain ...and seeing her like that kills me so badly ...I wish I could do something to ease the pain ...

Where is she now ..

with the mid-wife ...

how is the baby..

am afraid she might die with the baby ....am so scared my Lord ..

calm down and put your self together .. nothing will happen to your wife , we will find a solution besides she has a wolf blood in her .

saying that he pated him at the back ..

Sorry man Raven said and pated his shoulder before leaping away ..

everyone is at the hideout waiting...

anything happening ..

intensive training starts today..you don't have to join ..stay and keep a close eye on your wife ...repot to me if her situation gets out of hand ...

Diego went back to the midwifes quarters ..the screams of Lucy was all over the house as she tried to endured the pain of the hot iron that was Peirced through her anus ..

Hang in there my love ..you will be alright ..saying that he wiped the tears that rushed down his eyes


He lept from one branch to another smiling crazily to him self ... obviously he was enjoying the fling ...

just as he was about to jump from another three he sighted someone...

.....alot of things seems tiring to me lately ..

I will just go home and say yes to who my parents have chosen for me ...

am sorry Mason she yelled at the top of her voice....am sorry if am giving up on you easily

am just tired of fighting and pretending to be strong....

but I promise to love him with my mouth and not my heart cause it already belongs to you she said yelling louder this time ...

What am I doing ..those it matter ...just then she hit her leg against something and tripped ..

ouch ouch she said trying to get on her feet ..

...up untill now, everything she was doing was fascinating ..ouch she fell he said making a face ...sorry princess he said looking from a distance...


Oh no am bleeding ..ouch it hurts so badly ...

staggering she managed to stand up ..I have to leave here this minute ..but then she started hearing noises , .....

She turned to leave , this time she decided to leap home ....as she was about leaping something caught her attention ..

Two men were looking at her from afar ..she was about asking them for help , when on a second thought she felt something was off with them ...

they didn't walk but was advancing towards her ...

what the fuck are they she thought obviously getting scared ...just then something passed by her swiftly ...

now am scared ....

After a moment of watching her in silence he decided to go away ..

am sure you can find your home princess...

What the ... he opened his mouth in awe ...