

Goodluck_Deborah · Urban
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12 Chs

Don't go

Take care of your self said the dean ....

....Hey wats up you need help , she said as she came sitting beside him ..

what do you want he said with gritted teeth obviously irritated by her presence ..

I just want to help she said innocently..

I don't need your help he said in a high tone getting up to his feet ..

you do , it's going to get infected she replied audibly..

I don't care if it gets infected ...why do you care thou he asked stoping in his tracks ..

she had no answers to that ..I mean every normal human will just stay away because that is the right thing to do .. but no she couldn't...

good that's what I thought ...

stop coming close to me , stop wanting to help me all the time , cause I know it's not genuine ...

stop pretending to be nice when you are just like everyone of them out there he said harshly ..

if I get a cut I will clean it up my self , and if I can't I will visit the herbalist or the hospital ..

you don't have to yell ..she said in a shaky tone ..one looking at her that moment will think she is about to cry ...

it's fine if you don't want me around you ..

it's going to be hard for me to stay away from you but I will try not to cross paths with you again ....

better then he said wanting to walk away when her voice brought him to a halt...

but I can only do all of this on one condition ..

spill ..

Take care of your self if not I will be forced to do the needful..

if I see you cry I will step in and ask you wats the matter ..

if I see you bleed I will clean it up ..

if you look or act broken I will mend you ..

What???..wait what are you my mom..

is it a deal or no deal ..

he coughed slightly before standing properly .

it's a deal ..

good she said with a sad smile ..she patted his shoulder before leaving ..

What the heck was that ??..why do I perceive responsibleness from her ..

scratch that , I should get my self washed and this treated ..saying that he walked away ..

....She stood at the balcony staring into space.

this particular place keeps her sane and collective ..

Mason she called gently ..the night was still young and the stars were all out ..

she stared at one of the stars deeply and said ..it seems you are hiding behind this star nanny ..

how can you both. leave me almost at the same time ...she said now sobbing..

something in me tells me you are both doing well ,but then, reality makes it hard for me to believe that voice in me ..

but am making a promise tonight , that I. going to look for you both ...I will search untill I can't anymore ..she said amidst her sobs..

I love you both alot

My princess my princess a voice could be heard audibly coming from the inner chamber ...

she didn't here as she was engrossed in her thought ..

My princess the voice came again ..my goodness she flinched , ..

are you alright my princess

yea ..yea am fine you startled me..

Am sorry my princess she said bowing slightly..

it's okay ..it's ..it's fine ..do you need anything she asked straight..

dinner is ready my princess

And the king and queen ..

they are back and will join you in the dining..

mmmm okay I will be out shortly ..thank you ..

you are welcome my princess 🦋 saying that she bowed and left ...

.. finally I will get to talk to them to give me some time .. saying that she made to go in when something suddenly passed her swiftly like breeze ..

she rubbed her arms as she could feel goosebumps all over her body..

my goodness you scared me , you witch..

Really , I have a name ..

oh well you didn't say ..what do you want ..

you aren't planning on asking those brats for time are you ..

wait are you referring to my parents in such manner ,you could get killed she said irritatedly..

breathing out loudly ..see am not here to argue with you , I have limited time..I need you to listen to me ...

And why should I listen to you she said crossing both her hands over her chest ..

look you need to come to "NILE" before it's too late ..she said worriedly looking at her wrist watch..

Why should I come to NILE ,who the heck are you ,and what the hell do you want from me ..

Why should I listen to you , first you appear here , saying you are a witch , and now I should come to NILE what for ..

I need you to calm down she said with her both hands beside her ...

why should I calm down she said this time with her voice raised ..

Now she was angry and yelled at the top of her voice ...I want to help you , ...

help me she asked frightened..

yes help you , you want answers to everything that has being happening to you then you have to listen to me ...

And what is happening to me she asked inquisitively folding her arms looking intently at her...

she chuckled softly...and then looked at her deadly , you want to find Mason , and Lydia , and your powers I guess they get out of control ...

She stood in awe looking at her ..

what?? you are surprised , common am a witch I know stuffs and that's why you have to come to NILE and am afraid you are running out of time she said looking at her convincingly...

she hoped to get a positive reaction from her ..

Are you trying to manipulate me Veronica asked looking at her..

gosh my time is up she said as she looked at her watch with a troubled expression ..

you need to come to NILE and you only have two days to do just that els things will get out of control ...

arrrrrgh she yelped out in pain..

are you okay Veronica asked concerned , wanting to touch her as she went close to her ..

don't she yelled , just promise me that you will make it to NILE in two days time ..

Promise me she yelled as she vanished into colourful flames ..

I..I..I promise she said in a whisper still staring at were she was just standing.....

At the dinining

You are not eating Elsa the queen asked looking at her..

wats wrong with you , you don't look bright ..

Ever since the conversation with the witch , she have being wanting to consider going to NILE..

but wait what if it's a trap , or probably a set up to cage me , .. she cannot be trusted she said making a face while continuously stabbing the steak in front of her..

But in a second thought , what if Lydia and Mason are there and waiting for me to come get them ...this is so confusing honestly I wish I know what to do she thought loudly , but then her mother spoke ..

she raised her head and stared at her mom intently contemplating if she should still ask them for time or rather come clean about wanting to go to NILE ..

No no what if they don't agree , this is so hard she thought still staring at her ..

is everything alright with you her dad the king asked ..

Am.. am fine ..am okay ...but you are not eating don't you like the meal , they could change it to your preferred choice, he said lovingly...

Dad she called instead ,...What is bothering you dear ..

Mom she called carefully ... babie talk to us ..

Ave decided to get married ..


why the sudden change of mind ..

because I don't like the way you both treat me, locking me like a slave in my own home ..

My dear you are not a slave her dad said calmly ...it's just the weight of the tradition that is resting on your shoulders..

we are sorry if we are pushing you too hard ..

Ave got a condition she said emotionlessly ..

At the base

it's late what are you still doing here ...

Boss she said startled ..

it's Oliver... just Oliver he said and sat down ...sit he said ..

How is school and how well are you keeping up with your powers ..

she stared at him for a while before talking ..

school is grate and ave being doing well in tameing my powers ..

he didn't say anything so she kept talking..and umm the dean .. saying that she turned to look at him..

what about the dean , is he alright ..

he want to see you ...any problem ..

not really sure buh he wants to discuss a few things about my powers ...

when are you going back ...in a month time I guess ..

mmmm okay not a big deal ..scratch that I want you to meet someone