

Goodluck_Deborah · Urban
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12 Chs

Deal with my parents/ The birth of a worior princess

... .. She woke up to the buzzing sound of dinner alarm ..

turning around she stretched her hand and turned it off ...

I can't believe I slept this long eight hours in a roll ..

in as much as I want to lie here all day ..I know I couldn't ,..

first I needed to sort things out with my parents ..

My school too ...and I can only see and talk to them both at dinner ..

Arrrrrgh she groaned hitting her both leg on the soft matress...

Just then someone knocked ...

Ave always told her not to knock ...

come in Audrey ...

Good evening my princess she greeted bowing slightly..

How are you Audrey ..

Am fine my princess..

Do you need anything ..

not really my princess..I came to let you know that dinner is ready ..

Okay I will be with you shortly..

And you will be eating alone .

What do you mean ..what about my parents ..

They left for an important meeting and will only be back by night fall ...

What?? since when ..

since this morning my princess..

What the heck is this..what am I suppose to do now she thought loudly ...

they always find a way to get on my nerves she said with gritted teeth...

My princess is everything okay Audrey inquired ..

Yes yes everything is fine ...just here charge my phone she said and handed the phone over to her ...

okay my princess ...

And bring my food here ..

okay my princess ..

she left and shut the door behind her ...

calm down Veronica calm down ...the last thing she wanted was to get angry ...

so she managed to take a deep breath and exhaled deeply...

...the only thing that keeps her sane since the death of Mason and the disappearance of Lydia was reading ..

ever since she was a child she had loved stories ..and so nanny Lydia promised that if she eventually learns how to read , she would make sure to gift her Novels every time..

ever since then she had cherished reading especially when it makes nanny Lydia happy ..

she has a mini library in her inner chamber ...


I will just get my self a book to read ...

my God I feel kinda refreshed she said putting in her fur slippers ...

What happened to this place ...it can accommodate a queen ....it's so clean and arranged ...

it must be Audrey's handi work..

She walked from one shelf to another...

she smiled and picked up a book ..it wouldn't be bad if I read you over and over again right ..

just then the door to the library cracked open..

someone came in actually ...

Audrey she called still checking out the book ..what do you want...

but she got no reply ...can't you talk ...a cat cut your tongue or something..

still no reply ...

gently she turned ...what the hell...she made to scream but she gestured for her not to ...

who the hell are you ...what do you want ..how did you get in here ..

which do you want an answer to ...

she asked calmly ..

how did you get in here ..she asked fidgeting..

you don't ask a witch how to get into a place do you ...

you .. you are what ...a witch ..

she didn't reply instead she kept staring at her neckline ..


she said touching her necklace and moving backwards.. until her back hit the wall..

fear was written all over her face ....

Where did you get that from ...

And I ask who are you and what do you want from me ...

hahahahahhahh she laughed hysterically...

the sound of her laughter complimented her good looks ..

she looks my age ...but skinnier than my self..

with long brown hair...her eyes are blue like that of the sea ..

she is too cuite to be a witch ...I thought..

What?? she stoped laughing after hearing her thoughts ... you think witches are ugly ...

I..I.I .you can hear my thought Veronica asked confused and equally scared ...

Yea ..one of the things I can do she said rolling her eyes ..

one of the things you can do , Veronica repeated slowly still trying to get the memo ..

what more can you do ..this time she asked with excitement in her eyes ... like a little kid who won a prize..

Well what more can I do she said rolling her eyes and walking in circles...

this she said as beautiful and colourful light swirl on her index finger and in one swift the book she was holding disappeared and appeared in her hand ...

Waw amazing she said clapping ...how did you do that ..it's so cool and amazing...

Yea it is she said giving the book back to her ..

No no no no...have it ..she said returning the book back to her hand ..

why should I have it ...am not a fan of books she said making a face while flipping the book ...

Nah am not giving a witch my book ...make it come back to me she said and waited in anticipation...

whatever ..she said rolling her eyes..I see you are no longer afraid of me ..boom the book appeared in Veronica's hand ...

Magic is so cool she said smiling at the book in her hand ..

So as being a witch she said rolling her eyes...

I got to go she said turning around to leave...

Why are you going and to where ...

my time here is up and I have a home too ..

good bye Veronica..

how did you know my name she asked surprised...

Am a witch forgotten she said and winked at her ..

I will be back tomorrow night ... saying that she started vanishing into smoke ...

Waaaait Veronica yelled but she was late cause the smoke disappeared completely ..


Training at the base was very intense ...

sounds of clashing swords filled the environment...

They piered in two fighting like their life depended on it ...

.....I could have just said the truth ...what was the need to lie ... arrrrrgh he flinched as mentilated sprit touched the face of the wound...

In no time Mira was done cleaning it up ...she tied it with bandage ...

Why lie to him she asked as she rapped it up ..

It's none of your business he said as he made to stand up ..

let me help ...she said offering him her hand ..

I don't need your help he said finally standing .

they both turned to find Oliver approaching them ..

He had two swords in his hand ...

Goodluck Mira said and patted his back before leaving ..

she bowed slightly as she passed by Oliver who stood there with no emotions in his eyes

Here he said trowing a sword at Declan who caught it swiftly...

He never gives his opponent any signal before attacking ...be it friend or enemy...

Declan is good at defending ..while Oliver fights furiously especially when angry ...

Declan managed to block all the attacks coming from Oliver ...

he was too slow to block ..the sword already cut through his flesh staining his sword with his blood...

he fell to the ground and stood up immediately ...

this time he fought with all his might .. dropping his defensive win ..he attacked fully

Oliver on the other hand wasn't making it easy for him ....he needed to prepare him for the grate fight ahead ..

having to worry about him all the time makes him scared ...

he wanted him to be strong for himself and for Laura too ...

his sword got knocked down with a heavy strike from Oliver ...

he fell to the ground with Oliver's sword pointed to his troat .....

he laid on the ground breathing heavily ..

make sure to come home early tonight , Laura wants to see you , she misses you... saying that he left him there and walked away...

sighing he laid there on the ground for a while before standing up..

today is such a bad day he sighed as he walked to a fallen tree and sat down ..


go help him stop the blood before it gets infected ....

minutes ago Mira stood behind an Oak tree watching the fight between Declan and Oliver

Funny how he attacks without brain she commented as she watched as the fight took

a turn ....

it's hard to stay away from him ..I feel responsible for him ...

but he keeps pushing me away ...

I only wanted to help him nothing more ...

I miss you mom she thought ...

Mira is just 17 ... she was barely ten when she lost her mom in a fight between the wolf and east village ..

Oliver saved her and brought her here ...ever since then Oliver has always being responsible for her ...

Mira is not a wolf neither is she a vampire ..

she is a half blood witch and a half blood demon...

after Oliver brought her home ...strange things started happening to her ...

she began having nightmares which she will always wake up screaming and sweating profusely.....

there was a time she disappeared and appeared in agwi forest...

funny enough she came back after three days unharmed..

which raised a big confusion in Oliver's heart .

as a wolf you can't journey to agwi forest and come back alive ..

he need to find out what happened and what she was ..

so he sent her to "NILE" ..he knew it was going to be hard for her , but he had no choice..

...NILE is a school which helps you manage and control your powers ..it's a School for full blooded Demons and witches...

but unfortunately Mia is a half breed Demon and half breed witch ..

when she got there it was difficult for her ..she was discriminated by her peers and her powers didn't make it easy for her .....some times it gets out of control ...

it's already seven years yet it seems like she just got there ..

....How many more years do I have to spend here...she asked standing behind the Dean ..

Why , you tired already he asked still writing only God knows what ...

Not really she said looking away as she tried to push the tears that were already pushing their way from her eyes ...

I just ...I just she said her voice cracking a bit ..

Are you alright ..he asked dropping his pen and focusing on her face ...

Am fine Mr Edward she said wiping her eyes and looking down...

Are you alright he inquired this time with a concerned expression ..

Am fine....I will just go pack a few stuff and get going...

take care of your self and enjoy the rest of the holiday he said smiling at her..

thank you sir she said and was about walking away when his voice brought her to a halt ...