

What am I, a stand in God? A man who's killed 7 billion humans in his previous life or just a normal dude who goes to college? or all of the above. I'll share 5 chapters a week. I'm sorry if any of this sounds offensive, the setting of the story is made so you can feel various emotions plus I don't really have any experience writing web novels or novels for that matter so I'm not really good at it but I'll try my best. Thank you.

Blackberry_20 · Fantasy
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I'm sorry

So I thought but seriously I had no idea what I did wrong in my previous life.

Except for the fact that I didn't propose to the girl I liked and also that I couldn't protect my family.

All because the damn society fakely charged me with a rape case and I became the prime suspect of the case.

In the process my family was outcasted by the society and forced them to commit suicide.

I was furious and wanted to destroy the society for that.

Anyway now, not only did I protected the women in question but also made a footage of the rapist trying to rape her and sent him to jail with the evidence I had on hand.

So I wouldn't get framed like I did in the past.

So one of the things were avoided quite perfectly and so did I avoided the entire human existence being wiped out.


The person who was involved in the entire human existence being wiped out was also involved in this case.

He lost his family because society outcasted his family and they committed suicide.

So he took his revenge and destroyed the society by joining different terrorist groups and organisations that wanted to kill humans.

Not only did he use them to kill humanity but also wiped out all the terrorist organisations from the inside after he made complete use of them.

To him, Terrorists and Humans made no difference, he just wanted to destroy everything and everyone.

The main cause of all this was, was the fact that I confessed to the women who was almost raped by a man the day before she was raped and also the fact that the rapist was the son of a major politician.

They fabricated the CCTV fotages and made me the criminal and hid the fact that the actual criminal was someone else.

Nobody let me talk or prove my innocence, the reason being the women I protected didn't defend me but accused me saying I was probably the one who did it.

The reason was, she couldn't see the rapist's face and it seems that I was the only one who confessed to her on that day and I was somehow involved so she thought I was the culprit.

She also mentioned that I confessed to her he day before this happened.

So all the women came to a conclusion that I raped her because she rejected me.

But, they didn't realise the underlying fact that this was all being covered up by a politician in power, And the actual criminal was the son of a politician.

I was being framed just because I was there when it all happened. The only reason I was there at that time was because of 2 reasons, one of them was I was sad that a girl rejected me yet again.

The other reason was that, that place was close to my college and that college was close to my house so I always made strolls around my area to get fresh air whenever I felt depressed.

That's when I heard a scream, I ran towards the location and saw a women who has fallen unconscious and there stood a man on top of her trying to rip her clothes off.

I didn't understand what to do but instantly remembered a scene where someone used police cyran to make the person cower in fear and run away and so I opened my mobile and used the cyren.

"What the, who the fuck called the cops damn it I'll have to run away, fuck I'll take care of you later bitch." he said and ran away.

I got closer to her and saw her tattered clothes than I put my coat on her and than picked her up and placed her near the wall.

I didn't want to get involved so I waited until she woke up and than I left.

Who would have thought that the women didn't see the rapist's face and the coat I gave her would end up being evidence that I committed the crime.

The video evidence and her testifying that I confessed to her the day before didn't help my case in any way.

At first I thought it would be looked at as a funny joke but slowly things got very serious and I couldn't cope up.

Than I was proven guilty and charged with a 25 year jail time. I realised my life was over at this point.

After 3 years I was proven innocent because someone shared another footage of the crime for a different locating.

It was an illegal hidden camera and that camera was used as evidence, I was proven innocent. But when I got to my house, the house was in tatters.

At first I thought maybe my parents didn't want to see me and left.

I was relieved and made myself believe they were alright but than,

I was told that they killed themselves right after I was proven guilty of being a rapist.

I was told by my relatives that they trusted me until the last moment but they couldn't take the pressure of being treated the way society treated them and they died in despair.

They told me that my parents believed in me but I'm sure they they blamed me for their death. I blame myself for their death too.

All I did was save a girl from getting raped but the thing I got in return was the death of my parents.


I slowly stopped blaming myself for my parents death, as if to not feel sad anymore. I soon realised the real reason why my parents died.

Because this was a famous case, and it was struck to a lot of people. It spread all over the world, surprisingly that was the point humanity burst out with their sense of justice.

Because of the popularity of the case, they held a press confrence after I was released and soon enough I saw the real ugliness of humanity.

News was spread around that I was released from jail but nobody said the reason why I was released from jail in just 3 years. So they still blamed me and called me a rapist.

There were people who burnt my pictures, they sent death threats towards me they threw rocks at my house.

They even threw garbage onto my parents graves. Blaming my parents for my so called lack of education.

Someone shared the video of what truly happened and I thought they would atleast try to stop doing all this.

But, I was wrong. They burst out even more after seeing the video, they claimed it of being a cheap edit and the like.

Like they were trying to ignore the fact that they killed 2 innocent people because of their lack of judgement.

At this point, people even said that my parents deserved to die and I should just kill myself aswell.

I didn't know what to do, I decided something and I thought of doing this in the press confrence.

And, so I was asked various questions from various journalists and most of them were women. Some said I shouldn't be let out of jail, some wanted an explanation of why I raped the girl, some said that I was a criminal and belonged in the jail.

Some said that I should just kill myself like my parents did, because they can't stand the mere sight of me.

"I... I just don't know how I am supposed to prove my innocence, I've been saying since I was proven guilty that I didn't do any of this. How am I supposed to prove my innocence if you are just going to stand there with your eyes and ears closed. Think with your brains for once damn it."

I shouted in agony and anger, I just didn't know what to do anymore

"You!! Just how low are you going to go? Can't you just accept that you raped a women? Why are you even trying to make cheaply edited videos to prove your innocence. Just how detestable were your parents for you to turn out like this. My parents are angels compared to yours. For my sense of justice I'd even blast the whole area down just to kill you that's how much hatred I have for you."

"Yaa, we all all together here. If there were no laws we would have killed you ourselves you detestable human trash."

I replied

"So, everything was my parents fault? Your entire fkin existence is a fkin joke, did you people really become journalists based on your own merit? Don't tell me you used your fkin women card and got this far?

How is this video edited? Can you not see the difference between an edited video and a non edited video.

The person who shared the video clearly stated proofs that this was a camera video and yet you stand and blame me for the thing I didn't do.

You are the ones trying to run away from reality because you killed 2 innocent people because you didn't question anything." I shouted in anger

"Look at the mouth this shit has, how can we know if something is actually edited or if it's a true video?"

"Why didn't you ask that fkin question when I was blamed of being a rapist? That could have been edited just as much as this is."

"So you accept the fact that this is edited don't you, you fkin shit. Accept your criminal mindset and kill yourself right here right now if you have any shame, And die like your parents did."

That's when I snapped

I couldn't argue with them anymore, it was obvious they were trying to control public openion by questioning me like this and making me out to be the villain when clearly these mfrs are the actual villains.

I lost my sanity,

I slammed the tv behind me which caused the tv to shash into pieces, there were pieces of glasses that fall on the ground,

I took a piece of glass and than *stab* *stab* *stab* *stab* I kept stabbing I relentlessly stabbed and stabbed and stabbed.

At some point I fell to the ground, I thought I was stabbing myself but I felt no pain but there was blood everywhere.


With blood there were bodies of all the people present in the press confrence.

Yes, I had killed every human in that room and nobody were able to get out.

That's when I regained my sanity, I screamed "ahhhhhhhhhh"

I didnt know what the fuck I was doing, than almost reflexively I started running towards the door and that's when I heard the noices of police cars.

I thought I was a goner, it was the end of my life all I managed to say was

"I'm sorry" it was a gentle I'm sorry not meant to the journalists who accused me of rape nor was it a way to sustain the police into not killing me.

In that press confrence there were almost 50 people and I somehow managed to kill them all. I used everything I could, I was at the 4th floor so I pushed people out of the building, I used the cameras and tripod stands to hit them.

I used everything I possibly could to kill those people and somehow managed to do it.

I didn't regret any of it, no I did not.

The "I'm sorry" was meant for my parents.

The police officers pointed their guns at me and right before they were about to shoot me, I heard gun sounds.

It was friendly fire, meaning they were shooting each other.

I didn't understand why, but than all the cars burst one after another and every last officer that pointed their guns at me died in the cross fire.

That's when someone pulled me into their car

"Hey, you got guts, I like you"

Said someone and I saw that person's faces.

He looked like he was in his 30's he was a wanted criminals or rather terrorist that had posters of him in every jail cell I had to go through, He was like an idol for these criminals.

That's where my life of crime started, or rather a life of hell started for me, because of this damn terrorist.

That's probably when I started going insane and wiped out the entire human existence.

I regret it now. The problem wasn't the human race but the bad apples of the human race that persuaded people into making me the criminal.

While saving their own skin.

The journalists were just adding fuel to the fire. Killing them and than killing the politician would have probably been more than enough.

But, I had to go and kill off the entire human population. Can you blame me tho? I mean my parents died blaming themselves.

They died thinking they raised a rapist and a criminal. All that thinking just added fuel to the fire.

While thinking that, the college bell rang and everyone has left home. While I was sitting there and lamenting on my past life.

But, now I could meet my parents again and I was very happy about the fact that I could see them again after God knows how long.

I didn't leave college yet because I was trying my best to hold my emotions down. Because idk what embarrassing thing I'd do if I saw my parents after 50 long years.

It's been a month since I came back in time and right about now my parents should be coming back from their business trip.

So I walked back home, and when I got there I saw my mom cooking food and my dad helping her with the cooking.

"Ooh son you are back what took you so long? You should have been back before 5:00 but it's already 7:00 don't tell me you got a girlfriend or something?"

"Noo, it's not like that mom. I was just taking my time getting here because the breeze was so good and the metro was delayed and got there by 6:30 when it should have got there before 6:00."

"That soo, and here I was happy that you finally managed to have a friend lm I'm disappointed now."

"Ooh well, what can I do if people don't want to talk to me because they are too immature and can't approach me because they feel so self conscious about themselves when hehy are around me."

"Haa, maybe that attitude of yours is a reason why you don't have any friends. So try fixing it first. Anyway me and your dad are cooking right now so don't disturb us."

"Well you are the ones that started talking in the first place"

"Son, I've wanted to ask for a while but have you been crying?"

"Haa? Why would I cry for no reason. Anyway I'm going."

"Is he alright?"

"I'm not sure."

Damn I thought I held it in quite well but what can you expect I saw them after 50 long years and I got too emotional damn it...

I'm really sorry I a made you go through something like that, never will i ever let that happen again.

And so I cried all night thinking about the past and couldn't sleep yet again