

Verice is the star at her engagement ceremony, but she couldn't care less. Until the ceremony is attacked, and she's kidnapped that is. Alaric seems charming enough, but Verice has learned from her involvement in the royal court that charm usually isn't as innocent as it seems.

Azeba · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Rising Rage Inn Part 2

I sat down, folding my legs beneath my chair. Though the wooden chair wasn't particularly comfortable, it felt like a luxury after our days of travel. I had heard stories, but I hadn't imagined traveling could be quite so hard on one's body and mind. Despite that, I know that we had gotten off relatively easy. "Y'know, we just got back from our most recent job! We were helping train adventurers in Nold Forest, just a few days travel from here. They were so weak! They couldn't even dodge! Hahaha!" Addilyn laughed, loud but somehow feminine at the same time. She took a drink of her ale before slamming the mug on the table and picking at her hair. She eyed me with a frown, "Aww, how come your hair is so nice? It's all smooth and shiny… Mine's always flying all over the place! Even if there's no wind! I wanna cut it off, but… Cyprien said I'll look a boy…"

"Especially when paired with the way you act. Honestly, your hair is the only feminine part of you," He smirked a little, but it quickly faded into a gentle smile.

"You say that, but you like the way she is, don'tcha?" Nel smiled coyly, a knowing look in her eyes.

Cyprien scowled, looking away, but otherwise not responding. At the same time, Alaric set a hand on my shoulder, "We should head to our room now." Now it was my turn to frown. "Our room? A man and a woman? You can't possible expect me to share a room with you; I'd never be able to show my face again!" My heart sped up at the thought; not out of excitement, as some… deviants might assume, but out of anxiety. I shifted uneasily in my chair; the wooden legs gave a muted screech as they scraped against the floor.

"It's not a big deal; you've slept outside, and you've been traveling alone with me. Don't tell me you're worried about your virtue now?" His voice was playful, sure, but it was just as firm. He gave a gentle tug on my shoulder, trying to convince me to stand up.

"Of course I am! How… I can't… Who's going to marry me?! A sullied woman? By the Gods, I may not have had a choice but to travel with you, but in this, there is another option." My heart was racing. Sleeping in the same room as him… Is definitely not the same thing as being forced to travel and sleep outside. "I'll never be able to marry…" I… didn't not want to marry the prince, but I didn't want to marry him either. In a way, this whole debacle felt almost like a miracle handed down by the Gods. But… I do want to marry, someday.

"Hon, you're a pretty young lady. There'll be plenty of men who want your hand," Nel said softly. I looked up her, and she smiled. However, as kind and friendly as she was, I hadn't known her for long. It did little to assuage my worries.

Alaric sighed, before stating, "I'll take responsibility, so come with me."

My mind blanked out. The room hushed. "What?" What? Take… responsibility? Heat crept onto my face, and I quickly stood up, "No! No, no, no! Absolutely not! I'm definitely not going with you now! You basically just said that you're going to do something that you would have to take responsibility for!"

"I didn't mean it like that! Just shut up, and come with me!" He quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me along. I looked back at the table before he pulled up the stairs. Nel offered me a smile, and Addilyn waved.

I saw on one of the beds with a huff as he closed the door behind us. "I bet you're not at all popular with ladies, are you? You're not a gentleman in the slightest."

"I'm an excellent gentleman when I want to be, but when you're jumping to pointless conclusions, I find it exceedingly hard to want to be," He scowled as he took a seat across from me.

"Your face is going to freeze like that," I said as I inspected my hands. My skin was rough and chapped, and what I assumed are calluses were starting to form on my hands where blisters had appeared. My nails were no longer neatly filed; instead, they were chipped and uneven lengths and shapes. No longer were my hands that of a lady, but they weren't exactly the hands of someone used to labor and hard work. Would my hands ever return to being soft and delicate, or was this going to be my life going forth?

I looked over at Alaric. His hands were clasped together, and his head hung down as he stared at the ground. I couldn't see his expression, but something about it made me uncomfortable. Tentatively, I reach out towards him, but I stopped part way through. I hope he's not the type of person who hates being touched. Continuing, I gently pat his head. His hair was surprisingly soft to the touch, and I could feel the warmth radiating from him. "Are… you okay?" I asked softly. When he lifted his head to meet my eyes, a ghostly sadness seemed to of settled across it.

"I'm sorry. You… won't be able to return to your country. I can't explain it now; it's not my place, but… You don't have to worry about whether you'll be able to marry or not."