
Vergil In Another World (Reboot)

A Man with Vergil's Legacy in Another World. P.S. Photo not mine P.p.s. Only the OCs are mine

ChocoCrinkols · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

God and Wishes

I was having a moment of remembering my life experiences but something glowing grabbed my attention, what spooked me was that the glowing light turned into a glowing man and spoke.

"Fear not, pitiful soul for I'm what you mortals call God." Now I'm really spooked who the hell wouldn't? You're in the middle of a vast fcking darkness and someone spoke to you saying he is God.

"What can I do for you, God? I don't know how I got here, am I in hell? heaven? or purgatory?" I regained my calm self as I need information on what I'm doing here in this huge vast space of darkness.

"Oh, young man, I brought you here as it was a promise requested not too long ago. But before that would you like to be reincarnated and receive the promised things or ascend in higher places and just live your life there in bliss?"

'Young man? I'm way old now aren't I? Why is he calling me a young man? He also said that a certain someone requested him of something and he promised.' I was cut off from my thoughts as God interrupted me from my thoughts. (God's way of saying not too long ago was because of his perception of time for having lived even before the existence of time)

"Yes, you're a young man in my eye. Considering that I've been here ever since the universe was born alongside my brothers and sisters. I just wanted to live my life watching my sister's creation as their instinct and will to survive caused them to evolve into higher beings be it human, dwarves, elves, dragons, lizardman, and many more." If I had a face I would be plastered in shock because of the information I've received.

"Back to the topic, there are three things that are given to you randomly and would you reincarnate and receive them now or go to higher plane of souls?" I shook my head and tried to think back, from whom did it came from? I thought hard and it all clicked together.

'Wait three?? Hmmm... I see... they're from father, mother, and aunt?' 'tears' were streaming down but I don't know where they came out. I 'wiped' my non-existent tears then turned back to God and answered

"Yes, I would like to reincarnate receive them now. And may I know if they had said anything to me?"

"They all said the same thing to you and they chose to ascend peacefully rather than reincarnate. Their final message was 'Live life with happiness and no regrets'. They also wanted you to be reincarnated as they know you haven't enjoyed the blessings of life yet and lived in your quest for revenge and redemption." I nodded to him and he waved his hands.

A game-like interface appeared in front of me.

"What is this?" I asked a little confused.

"An RPG character interface, you haven't played those games? Those games are famous in your worlds, you know?" God said while I nodded. I did play them in my spare time when I was a child.

"What does this interface do?" I asked as I am still confused about it.

"Oh, it will show you your stats, but keep in mind, stats are different from combat capabilities, lets say for example, you have like A rank strength but you only have C rank agility, in your opponent's eyes, you could be kited to death, you understand gaming terms right?" He paused as he looked at me and I nodded. Although its been ages since I played one, I could still understand basic gaming terms.

"So where was I? Right, you'll be kited to death because you're slow right? What if you could predict where your opponent would land and move ahead of time?" He stopped and looked at me as if waiting for my answer.

"He'll be caught off-guard and would pay a huge price." I said and God looked excited specially when talking about games.

"Right, by the time he landed to the spot where you predicted he'll be, it would be too late for the opponent to dodge, counter, or parry, unless they have a trump card." God said and I pretty much understand the stats that God was talking about.

"Anything else that needs to be addressed?" I asked to check if I'm missing something.

"The interface also have something I call storage or inventory. You could store anything in there, even living things, BUT with restrictions. No, you cannot use it to kidnap living people but there are things like living flame, artifacts with soul, living armor, etc, AND you can only store them if you have their permission. Once you stored such items, they will be put in a sleeping state until you pull them out of the storage or inventory." I nodded at his words and understood the inventory.

"Before I tell you the last function, let me ask you a question, do you want something like missions or quests?" God asked me while I contemplated for a while before replying.

"Are they mandatory? Things like failure to accept and I'll receive punishment?" I asked since I don't want to be forced to do things out of my own volition.

"They're not mandatory and you'll only receive punishments IF you accepted them but isn't bothering to finish the quest. If you don't like the quest, then just decline them." God said seriously. I could sense the seriousness of God from his tone. Looks like its a taboo for him when someone breaks a promise, since basically, you promised to finish the quest when you accepted it but you're not keeping your promise because you're not doing anything to complete it.

"I want to have some missions then. As long as they're not forced, its fine." I said while the God nodded.

"Then the last function is a roulette shop or lucky shop. You can only get items and consumables in this shop. The items or consumables that you'll get depends on your luck and the rank of the ticket you'll buy. You could get something like drops of water from the Spring of Life that'll revert your physique to your peak. If an old man drinks it, they'll revert back to their peak and live a longer time, something like that." God said and I thought for a bit before confirming.

"You said I'll have to buy those tickets is it going to use money or something like points that I'll get from doing quests?" I asked him and I could hear him chuckle.

"Yes, you'll get points for completing quests." He said and I went into deep thoughts.

"Then next on the list are... hmmm. A random inheritance and a random skill package. What do you think you should receive first?" God asked me while I shrugged my shoulders in reply.

"Okay, then let's save the inheritance for the last. Let's get you the skill package first. Check your inventory, there should be two skill-box in there. You can just think of the interface to make it pop-up and you can make it disappear with a thought of yours as well." God said and I thought of the interface. Since he said I could control this interface with my mind, I thought of inventory and another panel appeared showing me two boxes on the corner of the inventory. I then thought of the box being opened and the lid came off.

The box then disappeared in a puff leaving two books behind. I thought of the books and the books opened up really fast putting me into a daze. A bunch of information started flooding my mind for a few minutes. After I returned to reality, my mind short-circuited. I turned dumb because of the information of what I got from those books. It turns out they were like skill books where you press learn and you get to learn the skill.

What I got was Ultimate Eye and Thought Acceleration.

Ultimate Eye is from a show I used to watch when I was young. He's a badass villain in my eyes. Some say that he's not the embodiment of sin he carries but I digress. His wrath is not the wrath that shows external emotions, but a calm exterior with an interior who just screams hate, hate, and hate.

As for Thought Acceleration...

"What exactly is Thought Acceleration? Does it only speed up my thought process?" I asked since I'm a little confused.

"Its use depends on your interpretation really, but if you're asking me about the basics then, it speeds up the thinking process of your brain similar to parallel thoughts, you can create separate rooms of informations and speeds up the interpretation of an information you gained. It also grants you photographic memory as you can just recall something in your memory and your brain searches the rooms of information and presents the information to you, you get me, right?" He said to me as I nodded once more.

"Lastly, the inheritance." The man said and waved his glowing hand. A roulette appeared in front of us. What were written inside surprised me.

'Most of these are from ages ago. Goku, All Might, Tsuna, etc. There are villains' name too like Madara, Doflamingo, Aizen, and Meruem.' I thought as I scanned a few names on the list.

"Have fun." God said and placed a marble ball in my hand. The roulette suddenly spun really fast and I threw the ball into the roulette, there's no use in using cheats in the roulette as its spin was really fast and the ball kept bouncing around the roulette, when it flew and was about to fly outside the roulette, the ball flew back as if it hit a barrier preventing it from leaving.

Suddenly, a pedestal appeared in front of me with a red stop button.

"Press the button to stop the roulette." God said and I immediately pressed it. The roulette started slowing down for a few more moments. I felt like time stopped because I thought that the ball was about to drop in Saitama's row but the ball advanced once more and fell down next to Saitama's row.