
Verge Of Extinction

Oddly enough when the world turned into a battle for survival she still managed to live her life quite happily making new friends along the way and killing old ones.

Aalis · Urban
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2 Chs

Death to all but one

The little rural village was quiet, too quiet. She repositioned the strands of hair framing her face behind her hair as she stared at the situation in front of her. She closed her eyes, exhaling, inhaling, opened her eyes and sniffled forcing back her tears.

[she ok, ok, just calm down, getting worked up won't help anybody]

She sharply exhaled and inhaled once more before taking a foot forward into the little room with grey walls and two bodies lying lifeless on the mattress that was on the floor.

She walked forward in a composed manner before squatting and controlling her breathing again. Her hand reached out to the neck of one of the corpses and she lightly pressed two fingers on It's neck. There was absolute silence as she withdrew her hand before losing all strength in her legs and falling to her bum.

She placed her hands on her mouth as she let out a quiet cry, her heart rate fast and unstable with her hands trembling.


Her parents were good people, always giving to charity, always helping those in need. They were good people, yet on a mission in Africa they had silently passed away.

Her muffled cries quickly stopped, before she ran out of the house not even bothering to change out of her nightdress. This morning had been quiet when she woke up; she didn't hear the playful laughter of the village children, neither did she hear the loud chatter of the women who always woke up early to cook for their families to fetch some water from the well that had been built a few years ago by a separate batch of missionaries.

She couldn't hear anything but the odd sounds of the animals and the free-roaming chickens, she looked out and immediately she burst into tears.

Everyone was dead.

Their lifeless bodies were sprawled across the small village and she was sure many more would be at the farms.

Was this an epidemic? If so how did it get all the way here? In this rural area with no technology?

Did her family bring it by visiting this village? Then why was she still alive?

What if it was man-made? This thought made her shiver and she swiftly grabbed a machete from one of the dead bodies who was an old sturdy farmer.

As various thoughts raced through her head she heard a loud static sound, She turned around to see a small pink Russian doll floating in mid-air. It was large and seemed to be staring right at her.

"Good day participant 106323, welcome to the Armageddon!"

Her face seemed to pale when she heard that word which wasn't logically possible as her skin was a rich chocolate colour without a single blemish despite the fact that Africa was flooded with mosquitoes she had managed to keep her skin bite-free.

"Today officially marks the start of the first game, the aim is to survive this world for six months!" The childish voice came once again from the Russian doll leaving her to wonder what 'survive' meant exactly.

"All the humans under the age of 13 and over the age of 25 have been put to death." She clenched her fists in anger, they were the ones behind all this!

"Good luck to all participants! I hope you survive till the next round!" The Russian doll suddenly shook itself a few times and a card fell out landing perfectly on her hand.

"Each participant had been given an ability card that can be stored in their body, please use your ability carefully!" The Russian doll then remained silent before flying up and away from sight.

She looked down at the card in her hand.

[Ability: Unknown, Class: currently d]

~using this ability the user is able to change the shape of a black sphere provided by the card, the amount of items you can change the shower to depends on your knowledge on such an object, you have to have seen the object and studied its compartments to be able to morph the black sphere into it~

Warning: this ability depends on the user's clear state of mind so people avoid alcohol or any drugs

She stared at the card still unsure of how real this all was, her hand trembled slightly as she felt a weird sensation, she held the card for a little longer before she placed it on her head as it seemed to embed itself into her fading away as it came in contact with her skin.

There was a loud ringing sound that seemed to come from the sky and was quickly followed by the same childish voice.

"Game start!"

She looked around urgently expecting something to happen, but nothing happened.

[ am I dreaming? ] she asked herself as she blinked again and the arm of a body twitched, the moved pushing the body attached to it up to reveal the corpse was moving!

Of all the games this had to be a "can you survive a zombie apocalypse."