
Vera - The King

Vera, an illegitimate child of a King born with the special traits of the royal family goes into hiding after her parent's murder. Later she encounters her half-sister and joins hands to take revenge on the one who betrayed them and get back the throne. Vera's life as a royal prince, her secret love, tragic life and duties... this story navigates through those...

vasuki_king · Fantasy
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41 Chs

The Evil Plans

Meanwhile inside a sand palace in the middle of the Jaf desert.

"Mephasos? Are you leaving for Loistava?"

"Yes, Prince, I must assist your sister and fulfil our queen's wishes," a man in his middle age with, a sturdy body scared face, brown complexion and intense prana answered with a sweet smile at a boy.

"When will you return? Is my sister alright? Can I come with you? I heard the mother talking about a boy from Loistava, she fears he may become a barrier in her way. Are you going to kill him?" the little curious boy asked rapidly which made Mephasos a bit cornered.

"Young Prince, you don't need to worry, as long as I am alive and well, nothing will happen. I will take you out when I return," he replied, stroking the little Prince's head.

"But Mephasos?" When the boy was stubbornly about to say something, someone else approached them. It was a person in the shadows, hiding his face from the world; "Ruby, stop. Mephasos needs to leave now," the figure in the shadow said.

"But brother?" the little prince pouted.

"No, no excuses, you know Mother, go and learn your magic." He scolded him in a harsh tone.

"Yes, brother," fretting the little prince left.

"Mephasos, protect my sister and return safe, also get me all attributes about the prophecy child," he commanded.

"Yes, Elder Prince," Mephasos disappeared like smoke in the air.

"A child of prophecy... eternal fire, exciting! I wish I could accompany Mephasos and see him for real. My mother's sole enemy. Pity, I must wait for you, Vera," he murmured as his lips scornfully sneered and his blue eyes shimmered under his dark-clad.


<In Leighann Palace>

There were eight chairs arranged around a rectangular table in the Leighann Palace's hidden conference room, with Logan's throne in the centre. Marcus and Nayogi both had two seats. Queen Kaira took the one across from Logan. Others were Shadow Commander Dolgi Tez, Earl Jonathan Woddler, Count Requis Tel Arbano, High Priest Xellavo Polis and Commander of the royal army Francis Deuz.

"What is the meaning of this? An emergency meeting?" inquired Jonathan

"Your Majesty, is something happened?" asked Francis.

Logan was silent no matter what they asked, Kaira slammed her hands on the table. Everything went back to mute. The air inside was a bit suffocating.

"Are you going to tell them? Or do you want me to do it?" she asked, Logan was irritated and enraged.

"I shall do it," Nayagi stepped in; "We apologise for calling you all urgently like this. However, a disastrous thing has occurred. Catherine Maxwell, the former queen is planning something against us. She has somehow acquired a powerful weapon," he stated while others astoundingly gazed at each other.

"What do you mean? what weapon?" Count Requis inquired

"What is she up to now?" others murmured

"The golden-eyed boy, she found him," Nayogi remarked as the chamber frowned into a deep silence filled with dismay. "Their eyes shone as if it is praying on your soul. These people are the ones responsible for what happened in this land over ten years," pondered Marcus, who was observing all, still.

"Your Majesty, kindly elaborate," they glared at Logan, yet their gazes were nothing in front of something more than evil as him. His bloody dark eyes silenced them again.

"It's true, the only mistake I did. He is my brother's bastard son, Catherine has found him. She is planning something," answered Logan nonchalantly.

"It is not only the thing, the boy has the ability to wield eternal fire," Marcus commented, their eyes suddenly shifted to him, and he felt suffocated. I must say something to gain their trust, endure it, Marcus, he told himself.

"Who allowed you to talk, fool," High Priest Xellavo Polis looked down on Marcus.

"I apologise, High Priest Xellavo Polis, but I saw him with my own eyes. His hands produced bright fire and melted an axe head into a shadow and his eyes glowed like twin suns," he explained, politely.

"What? Is it true?"

"I can't believe this,"

"The prophecy is true?"

"It is true, the shadow Marcus mentioned died before reaching here. It was not only his heart but that boy completely melted down his magic core. If we allow him to live more, it's going to be in great danger for us," Shadow Commander Dolgi Tez stated.

"So it's true, what will we do?"

"Should we speak with Inci,"

"Yes, I think,"

Logan sprang up enraged by the words of others. "I will take care of this myself since this is my mistake. There is no need for any other to leap in." He yelled.

"Your Majesty, let me help you," said Kaira

"No, my queen, I need to do it with my own hands. I want to murder him. It is my duty and I don't want any help. He is just a boy. However, this is not the only topic we need to discuss today, I heard a strange rumour that Catherine is trying to gather the Nui-Penta again. She contacted Egur and Utshani that obviously agreed. She might be going after Vagmur next. According to the rules, only three nations need to approve the request of the host in order to conduct a Nui-Penta. If Vagmur accepts it, they may join forces against us," Logan clarified.

"So what are we going to do?"

"This is even more dangerous,"

"A war all of a sudden is something we cannot afford now. Our mages and soldiers are still under training," responded the Commander of the royal army Francis Deuz.

"Yes, that is true. Your Majesty what should we do?" asked Earl Jonathan Woddler.

"I can feel he is planning something heinous. This is not going to a be good thing," thought Marcus.

"You have something in your mind, right, My King?" asked Queen Kaira.

"Yes. We will conquer Vagmur before that," he stated with a smirk, everyone was startled and agreed to that opinion while Marcus was anxious. "I need to inform this Vera immediately," he brooded to himself. Kaira was watching Marcus closely, she was very suspicious of him. She glanced at Nayogi, he nodded his head slightly as if he understood what her eyes spoke.

"Your Highness, your excellencies, I humbly request you to hear my words. I concur with the idea of conquering Vagmur now when it is vulnerable, however, we should assassinate the golden eye along with it. If we move at once we will be able to eradicate two at once," Nayogi stood up ate suggested.

Marcus knew he would say that thus he remained calm to hear the thoughts of Logan. Queen Kaira, Shadow squad head Dolgi Tez, Commander Francis Deuz and Earl Jonathan Woddler voted positively to this suggestion while High Priest Xellavo Polis didn't approve it. Count Requis Tel Arbano and Marcus took a neutral stand leaving the final decision to his majesty Logan.

Logan remained silent for some while and; "I understand, it is indeed a great suggestion however I want to kill that bastard with my own hands so I will wait until the day he comes to me. Therefore, we will conquer Vagmur first," Logan's sneer and scornful eyes frustrated Kaira. Marcus smirked as if he was expecting this answer from him. His memory ran back to last night.

Marcus was summoned by Logan to his chamber at night. "Your Majesty, Marcus Trova is here."

"Come in and everyone else, leave us," he commanded.

All the maids and servants went out as Marcus came in. Logan gestured for him to take a seat while he poured two glasses of grape wine.

"Marcus, I want to send an assassination squad of shadows to Egur and end that bastard," he said. Marcus was startled at first but it was just as Catherine said. Before leaving Egur, Marcus had met Catherine.

"Marcus, I know Logan very well. He is a savage man. His thoughts and actions are brutal and greedy. However, he is not as intelligent as we think. His head can be manipulated easily since he craves power and does anything for it. Nayogi is still alive beside him is proof of that. Vera chose you for that very reason, your skilled tongue and decisive authority over words. Use it wisely. Logan will surely think first about eliminating Vera, he will take the decision to send a shadow squad. If you are successful in your mission you will know it before it happens. So what will you do, if you know it before it happens?" Marcus remembered Catherine's words.

"Your Majesty, I think it is not a bad idea. If you eliminate the golden eye before it could bloom, your advantage over this land will increase ten times than today," said Marcus as Logan beamed in pride. "However, your Highness, the people of Loistava respect you out of fear. They call you a cowardly sly fox king. They don't admire your bravery. They call it serendipity since you sneak attacked the former king. Therefore, I suggest you kill Vera in front of the people of Loistava. We can provoke him and lead him here and end him with our own hands. That can earn you respect and fear not only in Loistava but all the five nations and even in Inci. The one who killed the prophecy boy, your fame will increase." shivering inside, Marcus suggested, bravely.

"Do you think I won't understand your under-eye intentions, Marcus? As expected you want to protect him," Logan stated.

"If that's what your majesty still thinks of me, I can't do anything. Kindly behead me. You are not only the king I serve but also my brother-in-law. I am simply doing this so my sister and her children can have a good life. As your concubine and children, they will live a life bothered by no one. But how long? Even after your death, your children will be feared by many if you kill Vera with your own hands before the whole Penta," said Marcus.

Logan began to ponder Marcus's words. Marcus felt like sitting in front of his final judgments before determining his afterlife. "You majesty, even if how born genius is Vera, he needs at least one year to train his Prana since he lived his life a commoner. So let's wait a little more your highness, your triumph over that boy must have to victorious." resumed Marcus

"Marcus... You do have a point, I will not wait long, but I will endure it for now. I have another plan in my mind now. I heard from the spies that, Catherine is planning to call a Nui-Penta. I must never let that happen,"

"What are your plans your majesty?" worried Marcus asked

"You are also invited to the secret meeting tomorrow," he smiled as he opened the door to his chamber. There were two young girls, who appeared as nobles, waiting with some guards.

I can't understand what is he planning, I guess it's going to be something vital. Glad I somehow diverted his plan to kill Vera for now. Such a pity, these are the young daughters of the Baron family, are they today's prey? Perverted bastard, thought Marcus as he walked out. Logan's guards forcefully dragged the girls into Logan's room and locked the room from behind. Marcus could hear the whimper and whine of those girls, yet he turned his heart stone and walked away.

"So, presently Logan has decided to conquer Vagmur first. They closed their doors to Loistava and cut every communication with other nations for ensuring their safety. I heard they were doing trade with foreign countries across the ocean. Will they accept Catherine's request for a Nui-Penta or will they surrender to Logan?" Marcus thought as he went back to his chamber.

"Nayogi, Mephasos will reach here in two days and even if the king doesn't kill him, I will. Get the shadows who saw him assist Mephasos. I will inform Dolgi Tez," stated Kaira enraged at Logan's decision.

Sneering with his ugly barbaric face that lit up in joy after hearing those words Nayogi said; "It's been a century my lady, The time has arrived to destroy these stupid five nations of La and avenge our ancestors."


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