
Vera - The King

Vera, an illegitimate child of a King born with the special traits of the royal family goes into hiding after her parent's murder. Later she encounters her half-sister and joins hands to take revenge on the one who betrayed them and get back the throne. Vera's life as a royal prince, her secret love, tragic life and duties... this story navigates through those...

vasuki_king · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Day 3 - What is the truth?

"What was that, Mother? How come he didn't attack us? Why did he depart in such a manner?" Helga questioned her mother as she stood there watching Mazzi and his gang vanish into the distance.

"He reacted strangely the first time I mistakenly told him where we were going. Therefore, when he became upset, I speculated that he may be from Frook and wanted to test him. He completely transformed his expression from wrath to terror when I informed him who we were going to meet. He was terrified. That's why he left us and went in search of the woodcutter we're looking for before even finishing what he came for," Catherine grinned.

"In that case, Mazzi knows this woodcutter and your brother, my lady," Ceasar commented

"Does that mean he knows brother is the actual heir of Loistava?" Helga asked

"Not necessarily. I don't know, maybe, he knows. Then he must have gone to inform them of our journey, maybe they are intending to keep him hidden. Whatever it is, we must leave right now," Catherine ordered

"Now? Right now?" Shocked Jugo asked; "Yes now, we can't let them flee, we must be there by the time Mazzi reach there, or our quest will go to waste," she replied.

"Yes, that's right. Men, you heard her majesty, pack up and get move on to Frook this instant. Let the wounded rest in the cargo, the medics will patch their wounds there, others get to work, quickly," Ceasar shouted

Mazzi and his men were also advancing, targeting Frook, his father Banami, and his brother Vera.

"Mazzi, why are they hunting for your father and brother?" Sicil asked

"I have no idea, I suppose I have to discover that from my old man. What the fuck did he do this time?" He grunted and then drove on with all his might.

Hours have passed, and both teams are rushing to get to Frook as soon as possible. Darkness is dissipating as the sun prepares to rise. The huge desert landscape sprung to life; birds are awake; people are departing for their labour; and the chilly wind has vanished. Nevertheless, neither of the troops gave up and kept moving as quickly as they could. Banami and Vera were getting ready to head out to the Egur market day.


"Banami, you didn't see Mazzi yesterday right?" Vera asked as they tied their things on the donkey cart.

"That punk, yes! He hardly returns home. Thank God his aunt is there to help care for his sick grandmother. I gave her some money and some food. He is already wanted in Egur and Utshani, so I hope he won't get himself into any trouble," he answered. I've always known that it was because of me that Aaron evolved into Mazzi. He would have been here, in my place, assisting Banami, if Banami had never aided me or brought me to Nek-asrof. I'm to blame for everything.

"Vera, don't cook any silliness in your head; he became a rebel not because of you, but because he decided to. He became a bandit to defend the people of Nek-asrof, and I am proud of him for being upright and courageous like a king while also terrified and worried like a parent. It's in our Volga blood, Haha... Never assume that you are the cause." Although I usually feel at ease when hearing Banami's words, I can't help but feel like a burden in this world. I feel like I shouldn't have been here. La doesn't even need me. On the drive to Egur, my mind was racing off into the depths of misery.

In order to access and sell their goods in Egur and Utshani, merchants like Banami from Nek-asrof need a permit seal. We keep the fact that Mazzi is Banami's son a secret because if they learn about it, we will also be executed for his crimes. We started our stroll early in the morning to get to Egur. To get off the border and the entrance to the kingdom, we must walk for two hours.

"Vera, is the blindfold snug on you? Avoid letting it fall?" Banami repeated it for the third time on our journey. He's afraid. If my uncle learns I'm here, he'll burn down the entire Nek-asrof simply to get rid of me.

I said as usual, "Yes, it's tight and it won't fall down." In spite of the fact that it is hot in this area, I donned a long jute topcoat with a hood so I could cover my head. I don't want anyone to notice my blindfold today, so I'm hoping I don't attract too many eyes.

As he pointed to the end of the woodland we had just been in, Banami added, "We will be at the border shortly." That is the eastern frontier of the Egur kingdom, and it is surrounded by an iron fence. As we moved closer to the border, we came to a large gate where several merchants were waiting for clearance to cross. We accompanied them in the waiting.


"Mazzi, they left. Today is market day in Egur," Sicil stated while standing in front of Banami and Vera's cottage on Frook Mountain.

"Tsk! (kicks on a log) Let's go... we have to find them before they arrive," he mounted his horse.

"But the horses are fatigued, and you should keep in mind that you are the most wanted man in Egur. We can't easily enter,"

"Huh! fuck! That old man is also going to endanger Vera's life. What the hell did you do? The former queen personally came to find you," he began striking and tossing anything he found nearby out of frustration.

"That's what I'm thinking as well. Your father cannot be a notorious criminal like you, so why does the queen need to travel all this way privately? Even if he were a crook like you, Ceasar and his knights should suffice, right?" It was a female voice. From one horse, a stunning woman dismounted wearing skimpy attire.

"You're right, Xena; why is the queen in this place? What is the truth?" Mazzi muttered, perplexed.

"You mentioned that your father brought Vera a few weeks after King Willard's death, correct? What if your brother is the offspring of King Willard? He constantly covers his eyes, and while claiming to be blind, he is incredibly brilliant at everything. What if the queen requested that your father raise the child?" She explained each of her uncertainties. Mazzi's mind began to drift as his voice became trapped.

"Why don't you bring Vera down to the village, old man? Is he going to spend the entire week alone there?" Little Mazzi inquired as to when Banami came to visit.

"Like you, he needs to grow stronger. You two must learn how to survive on your own in a world like this because I cannot live forever. So it's his training," he smiled in response.

"He is a crybaby, you should go home. I'm stronger and older than him."

"I'm delighted my son has grown up. I'm also relieved that he looks after his younger brother. If anything happens to me, Aaron, please take care of Vera. He can alter our destiny," At the time, I wasn't sure what my father was saying—was he talking about Vera's ancestry? Is Vera King Willard's son? Is he a prince? My mind won't pay attention to me, and my heart won't stop racing. What ought I do? Mysteriously his eyes widened with a smirk, he rode his horse down the hill.

"Mazzi, hang on, why are you returning? Mazzi..." Sicil pursued him. Xena smiled as if she understood something and followed his trail. The entire group dispersed toward the Frook settlement. As soon as he reached the Frook village entrance, Mazzi halted and told his comrades to take care of the horses while he waited for Utshani carriages. He could see them approaching him from a distance, undisturbed by the sand breezes.