
Venturing in the multiverse

Meet Kai, a 21-year-old grappling with the challenges of raising his sister, Asha, after their parents' passing. Struggling against financial odds, Kai stumbles into a dangerous situation while trying to help someone in need. Despite his injuries, he fights to protect another life. As Kai faces his mortality, a divine figure offers him the chance to become a successor and wield cosmic power. With the allure of exploring his favorite fictional realms, Kai embarks on a journey in a mystical domain to prepare for his destiny as the ruler of the multiverse. A tale of sacrifice, empowerment, and interdimensional adventure awaits in this captivating story. *World are not official, Could be changed later* 1st world: One punch man *Short arc* 2nd: My hero academia 3rd: Fate 4th: highschool Dxd 5th: Tower of God 6th: Against the god more... *Disclaimer* The first arc has inspiration from another Fanfic called ''A cliche multiverse story'', Other than that, everything else is original. *10-25 chap per week*

Enyru · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 8

Within the towering black skyscraper that served as the Hero Association's headquarters, the top echelons of the organization had gathered in a meeting room.

The air was thick with a sense of urgency and anticipation,

the weight of their responsibilities pressing upon them. The room was a blend of executives, investors, and seasoned operators,

their collective presence a testament to the gravity of the situation at hand.

Sekingar, a figure of authority with his tall frame and brown hair, stood at the head of the table. His metal prosthetic eye, seamlessly integrated with his sleek black business suit, gave him an air of both sophistication and resilience.

He maintained a connection with a technical operator through his earpiece, seeking updates on the situation.

"Did we manage to salvage any footage?''

''Is there any information regarding the individual who dealt with Vaccine Man?"

Sekingar's voice held a note of impatience, mirroring the restlessness that permeated the room.

The response from the technical operator came through, their voice tinged with a hint of trepidation.

"We've retrieved a functional drive containing CCTV footage of the incident. However, the process of upscaling and analyzing it will take some time."

Sekingar's sigh was shared by those present. Time was of the essence, and the need for immediate answers was palpable.

"Proceed with the analysis as swiftly as possible," he directed, his tone conveying a mixture of determination and frustration.

As the operators worked diligently to extract and process the information from the retrieved footage, the tension in the room remained unabated.

The map displayed on the table's surface, adorned with numerous dots, symbolized the scattered reports of incidents and threats across the city and beyond.

Each dot represented a potential crisis that demanded the attention of the Hero Association.

The room buzzed with murmurs and hushed conversations, a symphony of voices expressing concern and urgency.

The heroes and leaders within the organization were driven by a shared commitment to protect the world from the forces that sought to disrupt its peace.

In the midst of this orchestrated chaos, Sekingar's gaze remained fixed on the map, his thoughts consumed by the unknown figure who had intervened in the Vaccine Man crisis.

The Hero Association was built upon a foundation of order and structure, but encounters like these defied prediction and classification.

They were a reminder that the world of heroes and villains was as complex and unpredictable as the forces they contended with.

As the minutes ticked by, the technical operator's voice finally broke through the tension.

"We've managed to extract a portion of the footage. Sending it to your screens now."

The room fell into a hushed silence as the screens around the table flickered to life, revealing a snippet of the events that had unfolded during the battle with Vaccine Man.

The mysterious figure's presence was undeniable, their actions defying conventional understanding.

Sekingar's gaze remained fixed on the screen, his mind racing with questions and possibilities.

The Hero Association had faced many challenges, but this encounter hinted at a new paradigm, a shift in the balance of power that demanded their attention and vigilance.

As the footage played out, the room became a crucible of anticipation, a testament to the unyielding determination of those who safeguarded the world from the shadows.

And in the midst of it all, the enigmatic figure who had challenged the boundaries of heroism and strength remained a source of intrigue, their actions echoing through the corridors of history.

The blurry footage played on the screens, capturing the pivotal moments that had saved City A from the brink of disaster.

It was a feat that had left even the seasoned heroes awestruck, considering the calamitous nature of the threat they had faced.

The Disaster Level of Dragon was a category reserved for the most severe and catastrophic events, requiring the combined efforts of several S-Class heroes to mitigate.

However, this time around, the S-Class heroes were preoccupied, leaving the Hero Association grappling with the sudden and unexpected crisis.

As the footage was scrutinized frame by frame, Exma, the deputy chief of the Hero Disciplinary Supervision Division, was the first to point out a crucial detail.

Her short black hair framed a no-nonsense expression in her black eyes, and the blue tattoo beneath her left eye only added to her enigmatic aura.

She leaned forward, pressing her pen against her lips in thought.

"There's someone else in the frame.

''Look at the figure ."

Her voice carried a sense of authority, commanding the attention of those present. "And notice the distance between that figure and Vaccine Man when he met his demise."

Sekingar, with his single eye focused intently, replayed the footage in slow motion, the gruesome scene unfolding before them once more.

The shockwave that had eradicated Vaccine Man's existence had emanated from a figure with a striking red gauntlet.

Sekingar's observation was met with unanimous agreement from the board members. The realization was clear: the mysterious individual had played a pivotal role in saving the city, yet had chosen not to claim credit for their heroic deed.

Exma's expression displayed a mix of intrigue and curiosity. "A savior who shunned recognition and fame."

In the midst of their deliberations, a playful voice disrupted their discussions, drawing all eyes toward a man in his early twenties who stood confidently before them.

His features exuded an undeniable charm that captivated even Exma, who rarely found herself drawn to anything outside her professional duties.

It was as if the man's charisma surpassed even that of Amai Mask, the enigmatic celebrity hero known for his unmatched allure.

This newcomer's mere presence seemed to redefine what it meant to be charismatic.

Sekingar's anxiety was palpable as he addressed the unexpected visitor.

"How did you manage to bypass our security measures?"

The Hero Association's headquarters were fortified with layers of security, guarded by personnel capable of rivaling the strength of the strongest A-Class heroes.

Surveillance devices were meticulously placed to monitor every corner of the building.

A breach of this magnitude was inconceivable.

The Hero Association's security was renowned as the most impregnable in Japan, even discouraging the Monster Association from direct assaults.

A simple S-Class hero would find it impossible to infiltrate their defenses, let alone penetrate deep into their inner sanctum unnoticed.

The intruder, seemingly unperturbed by the gravity of the situation, raised his hand in a casual wave. A disarming smile played on his lips as he introduced himself.

"No need to be alarmed. I'm Kai, and I'm the one who dealt with that monster."

Exma's frustration ignited as she slammed her hand onto the table and rose from her seat. Her gaze bore into Kai, her words infused with a mixture of skepticism and demand.

"Proof. Do you have any proof to substantiate your claim?"

The atmosphere in the conference room shifted as Kai's response left the Hero Association's top brass both stunned and intrigued.

His casual wave of the arm revealed scales that covered his entire limb, an undeniable proof of his involvement in the recent battle against Vaccine Man.

Kai's arm was a testament to his power, a testament that rendered words unnecessary. The room was abuzz with whispers, the excitement palpable among the high-ranking officials.

Exma, who had been the most vocal skeptic, was now silenced by the irrefutable evidence before her eyes.

"Why aren't you on the National Hero Registry?"

Exma's voice carried a mix of incredulity and curiosity. Her gaze bore into Damian, probing for an answer to the puzzling absence of a hero with such power from the official records.

A hero's prowess, coupled with their charisma, would inevitably lead to mass recognition and a devoted following. And yet, Kai had managed to escape public attention entirely.

With a nonchalant wave, Kai dematerialized the gauntlet that had provided him with his formidable strength.

"Register me," he stated matter-of-factly. "Surely my accomplishment merits a place within the S-Class, doesn't it?"

Exma's mind raced, contemplating the implications of this new development. The Hero Association, an entity that had garnered unwavering support from the entire nation within its three years of existence, now faced an enigmatic hero who had single-handedly averted disaster.

Kai's recognition was essential not only for his own fame but also for the organization's standing.

A murmur of consultation flowed through the room as Exma shared her insights with Sekingar, their words exchanged in hushed tones.

The implications of Kai's presence and his desire to be recognized as a hero had sparked a flurry of discussions.

Sekingar rose from his seat, his posture indicative of a diplomatic approach.

"We appreciate your contribution. Before discussing your placement, how about you undergo the hero test?"

His words carried a veneer of politeness, concealing the underlying awareness of the potential danger that a hero capable of vanquishing monsters in a single punch posed.

Provoking someone of Kai's might was not only unwise but also perilous.

Kai accepted the proposition with a casual nod.

"Schedule my test for tomorrow. In the meantime, I'll be exploring the city for a university." With a flourish, he conjured his contact number in the air, the letters crafted from water defying the laws of gravity.

The room fell into stunned silence, the tangible display of magic defying belief. Kai's smile graced his lips as he observed the incredulous expressions around him.

He had effectively silenced any doubts about his abilities.

There was no logical choice but to grant him the coveted S-Class status, an acknowledgment of his unrivaled power and potential to safeguard the world.