
Venturing in the multiverse

Meet Kai, a 21-year-old grappling with the challenges of raising his sister, Asha, after their parents' passing. Struggling against financial odds, Kai stumbles into a dangerous situation while trying to help someone in need. Despite his injuries, he fights to protect another life. As Kai faces his mortality, a divine figure offers him the chance to become a successor and wield cosmic power. With the allure of exploring his favorite fictional realms, Kai embarks on a journey in a mystical domain to prepare for his destiny as the ruler of the multiverse. A tale of sacrifice, empowerment, and interdimensional adventure awaits in this captivating story. *World are not official, Could be changed later* 1st world: One punch man *Short arc* 2nd: My hero academia 3rd: Fate 4th: highschool Dxd 5th: Tower of God 6th: Against the god more... *Disclaimer* The first arc has inspiration from another Fanfic called ''A cliche multiverse story'', Other than that, everything else is original. *10-25 chap per week*

Enyru · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 4

Time has flowed steadily, leaving its marks on my journey, whether measured in five years or mere minutes. My commitment has remained unwavering through it all.

As I approach the five-year mark, I find myself reflecting on the path I've walked. It's like looking at a map and realizing, "Hey, I've been there!"

Standing beneath a powerful waterfall in my domain, I expected to be drenched. Strangely, though, its deluge had no effect on me.

Nature seems to have transformed in response to my presence.

The backyard that was once ordinary has now turned into a vibrant sanctuary. Birds paint the sky with their colors, and squirrels have turned the branches into their own party zone.

Switching gears, I tap into my newfound abilities, experiencing the same wonder a kid feels in a candy store with an unlimited budget.

After teleporting back home, a chuckle escapes my lips. Despite all the challenges, my sense of humor remains intact.

Mastering the Shinigami Eyes, capable of erasing existence itself, is no small feat.

Its implications go far beyond the ordinary, and yet, life's ironies persist.

In the cosmic joke of it all, the most incredible powers coexist with the simplest desires, like the need for connection, each thread contributing to the intricate fabric of existence.

Now, let's shift our gaze to a different vantage point in the cosmic arena.

In a corner of the cosmic arena, celestial figures have gathered.

Leading the assembly is the Goddess of the Multiverse, a presence that could rival even the most influential beings.

The voice of the Goddess of Time echoes through the assembly.

"Your brother," she says to another deity, with a mix of admiration and astonishment, "has harnessed incredible strength."

Amara, the embodiment of unwavering faith, directs her attention towards the Goddess of Destruction, a being synonymous with catastrophic power.

Her words carry weight, reflecting the urgency of a looming threat.

Urgently, she declares, "The danger is approaching. His growth must continue."

Amara's conviction is unshakable, a belief that echoes through dimensions. Her nod conveys determination and concern, embracing a truth that spans existence itself.

As the cosmic council deliberates, converging forces shape a narrative. Kai's world, his mastery, his essence – all become central elements in the cosmic tapestry.

The realm he has meticulously forged isn't just creation; it stands as a resilient defense against cosmic forces that threaten the very foundation of reality.

Back in my corner of the multiverse...

In my expansive realm, creativity knows no bounds. It's as if I'm engaged in an endless game of creation, much like the world of Sims, but with me as the sovereign director.

Cities spring up like wildflowers, each structure a monument to my cosmic ingenuity.

Towers stretch toward the heavens, adorned with banners that flutter like eager performers vying for a cosmic stage.

Seated on my majestic throne, I survey my creation.

The universe before me resembles a vast canvas painted with countless hues of potential, each shade a testament to the breadth of imagination.

But my creative pursuits extend beyond architecture and landscapes. A deep desire for companionship propels me, driving me to embark on a journey of cosmic craftsmanship.

With a single thought, a figure takes form – a being that defies conventional description.

Imagine Picasso's artistic experimentation translated into sculpted form, and you'll begin to grasp her appearance.

Ebony tresses cascade like the cool side of a pillow, while golden irises hold the promise of unraveling universal mysteries. Adorned in divine elegance, she's a fusion of grace and style.

Beneath her ethereal exterior lies the essence of a warrior, a shift in posture and countenance revealing her transformation into a fierce combatant, ready to face cosmic challenges.

Her metamorphosis is reminiscent of a superhero's swift change, minus the need for a phone booth. "Albedo," I name her, infused with reverence that resonates across the expanse.

Her reaction mirrors a child's uncontainable joy when unwrapping a cherished gift.

Yet, our connection goes beyond creator and creation. An enigmatic sensation lingers in our interactions, akin to discovering a hidden treasure in a realm of endless possibilities.

"Kai," she ponders, her voice carrying a thoughtful tone, "our connection runs deeper than appearances suggest. It's like we share a resonance, dancing in harmony with the cosmic rhythm."

I raise an intrigued eyebrow, reflecting the curiosity that stirs within me. Could it be that my cosmic pursuits have aligned our frequencies, harmonizing us within the grand symphony of existence?

"Albedo," I respond, acknowledging the significance of our connection.

Our conversation reveals that our shared resonance holds more meaning than mere chance.

"Kai," she continues, "your journey is exceptional. The path you've taken has led you to realms where others take eons to arrive."

I contemplate her words. "It's not just about speed, but the choices we make along the way."

"Exactly," she agrees. "Your choices have unlocked destinations that many didn't even know existed."

"The thirst for discovery drives me," I admit, fueled by the uncharted territories of existence.

Her smile mirrors the curiosity sparking within her.
