
Venturing in the multiverse

Meet Kai, a 21-year-old grappling with the challenges of raising his sister, Asha, after their parents' passing. Struggling against financial odds, Kai stumbles into a dangerous situation while trying to help someone in need. Despite his injuries, he fights to protect another life. As Kai faces his mortality, a divine figure offers him the chance to become a successor and wield cosmic power. With the allure of exploring his favorite fictional realms, Kai embarks on a journey in a mystical domain to prepare for his destiny as the ruler of the multiverse. A tale of sacrifice, empowerment, and interdimensional adventure awaits in this captivating story. *World are not official, Could be changed later* 1st world: One punch man *Short arc* 2nd: My hero academia 3rd: Fate 4th: highschool Dxd 5th: Tower of God 6th: Against the god more... *Disclaimer* The first arc has inspiration from another Fanfic called ''A cliche multiverse story'', Other than that, everything else is original. *10-25 chap per week*

Enyru · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 46

Tomura's eyes followed the retreating students, his expression a mix of frustration and calculation.

He knew that Kurogiri's abilities couldn't be used to thwart their escape without jeopardizing his own safety.

The pain from his severed hand still gnawed at him, but determination shone through as he pushed himself upright, a semblance of control returning.

"Nomu," his voice was strained but commanding, the word invoking a monstrous figure to materialize by his side.

It was a creature of sheer terror, an amalgamation of unnatural strength and altered biology. Nomu was his last resort, a weapon designed to obliterate All Might.

Yet, now, it stood before Kai, poised to tear him apart at Tomura's behest.

Despite the dire circumstances, Kai's response was laced with an almost casual disregard, his expression devoid of fear or anxiety. "Yeah... sure," he responded, the simplicity of his tone belying the storm of thoughts racing through his mind.

The air crackled with tension as Nemu's form blurred with astounding speed, each punch carrying the weight of a freight train.

His blows were delivered with precision, an unrelenting onslaught that could knock even the mighty All Might to his knees.

The ground trembled with the force of his strikes, leaving craters in his wake. The students who had paused in their escape stared in disbelief at the cataclysmic clash before them.

Kai, his movements fluid and calculated, danced through the barrage of punches, his dodges executed with the grace of a seasoned fighter.

His eyes tracked Nemu's movements, anticipation guiding his steps.

With each near-miss, Kai's resolve only grew stronger, his breaths measured as he stayed a step ahead of Nemu's relentless assault.

Sweat glistened on Kai's brow as he sidestepped yet another devastating punch. His lips curled into a sigh, the sound barely audible amidst the cacophony of destruction.

"Let me show you a punch I picked up from someone legendary,"

he muttered, his voice a quiet declaration of intent. He shifted his stance, drawing strength from the core of his being, channeling an energy that resonated with the memory of a certain caped hero.

Time seemed to slow as Kai's fist crackled with power. The air around him hummed with anticipation as he unleashed his version of the

"Serious Punch," a move inspired by a certain bald hero who defied all norms.

The impact was deafening, a shockwave of force that rippled through the battlefield.

Nemu's figure was caught in the heart of the explosion, his body propelled upward in a spiraling ascent.

The sky became his canvas, his trajectory an artful arc against the backdrop of chaos.

The students, temporarily rooted to the ground by shock, watched in awe as Nemu soared higher and higher, to the unexpected turn of events.

"What was that?" one of the students gasped, breaking the spell of disbelief that had held them captive.

Their feet hesitated, their retreat momentarily forgotten as they stared at the skyward ascent of the figure that had once been their nemesis. T

the question hung in the air, of bewilderment shared by all who witnessed the spectacle.

Man, that was a piece of cake! I mean, I could have just whipped out my Shinigami eyes and erased him from existence, but where's the fun in that, right?

Seriously, sometimes you just gotta let loose and enjoy the chaos, even if it involves dodging punches that could probably bench press a mountain.

The impact was something straight out of a comic book—shockwaves, explosions, the whole shebang. And there went Nemu, off to join the avian elite in the stratosphere.

I watched him go, my hands on my hips, and couldn't help but think,

"Did I just beat a villain into orbit? Check that off the bucket list!"

The students standing there looked like they'd just witnessed a magic trick that left them questioning the fabric of reality.

"What was that?" they muttered, as if trying to decipher a riddle that made their heads hurt.

I mean, can you blame them? One moment, they're facing down a wrecking ball of a villain, and the next, he's sky-bound like a misfired rocket.

[POV Aizawa]

I scanned the aftermath of the battlefield, my gaze dissecting the scene before me. It was a perplexing tableau—a lone figure standing amidst the wreckage, unscathed and victorious.

The low-level villains lay scattered like discarded toys, each one bearing the marks of swift, calculated defeat. It was clear they hadn't stood a chance against him, and he hadn't even utilized his quirk.

The creature he had faced, the one he called "Nomu," stood as a testament to his restraint, held at bay by his strength alone.

I couldn't deny the sense of intrigue that gripped me. Here was a student who had managed to quell the chaos single-handedly, his demeanor and approach suggesting a tactical mind that far exceeded his years.

But what fascinated me even more was his methodology—punches, simple and effective, leaving his opponents broken and battered.

As my gaze lingered on the defeated villains, I couldn't ignore the calculated brutality of his actions.

Their broken parts, missing limbs—it was evident that Kai hadn't held back in the slightest.

Yet, despite the ferocity of his assault, there was a curious nuance to his approach, a control that hinted at a deeper understanding of his own power.

My attention shifted as Kai turned, heading towards his classmates.

The sound of approaching footsteps drew my attention. The teachers were gathering, their expressions ranging from curiosity to concern.

Nezu's inquisitive voice cut through the air. "Aizawa! Who is that kid?"

I glanced at the diminutive mouse beside me. "Kai" I replied tersely, my words carrying the weight of my assessment.

Nezu's contemplative hum was soon accompanied by a remark that seemed more fitting for a red carpet event than a battlefield.

"Hmm... he's quite the looker, isn't he? And that costume? It's like it was designed to set hearts aflutter."

I shot a glare in Nemuri's direction. This wasn't a time for her salacious commentary.

"Nemuri, focus. We need to engage in a conversation with the student who just fought here," I said, my tone stern.

Nemuri, for once, seemed to comply, though her eyes retained a glint of mischief.

My eyes shifted back to Kai, his figure now among his fellow students. As I approached, my mind was a whirlwind of questions.

What was his motivation? How had he learned to control his power with such precision? And perhaps most crucially, what were the limits of his restraint?