
Venturing in the multiverse

Meet Kai, a 21-year-old grappling with the challenges of raising his sister, Asha, after their parents' passing. Struggling against financial odds, Kai stumbles into a dangerous situation while trying to help someone in need. Despite his injuries, he fights to protect another life. As Kai faces his mortality, a divine figure offers him the chance to become a successor and wield cosmic power. With the allure of exploring his favorite fictional realms, Kai embarks on a journey in a mystical domain to prepare for his destiny as the ruler of the multiverse. A tale of sacrifice, empowerment, and interdimensional adventure awaits in this captivating story. *World are not official, Could be changed later* 1st world: One punch man *Short arc* 2nd: My hero academia 3rd: Fate 4th: highschool Dxd 5th: Tower of God 6th: Against the god more... *Disclaimer* The first arc has inspiration from another Fanfic called ''A cliche multiverse story'', Other than that, everything else is original. *10-25 chap per week*

Enyru · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 42

[With Denki & Jiro]

"What's our strategy?" Jiro inquired, turning her attention to Denki. "You don't plan on confronting them directly, do you?"

Denki shook his head emphatically. "No way, I mean, we don't even know what their Quirks are!"

upper floors.

"Momo's got a Creation Quirk, but there are limits to what she can create," Jiro explained. "As for Kai... well, he's a mystery. No one seems to know anything about his Quirk."

Denki scratched his head thoughtfully. "I have a hunch that his Quirk might involve strength somehow. Remember how he launched that ball? It's gotta be related."

Jiro nodded, though a hint of doubt remained in her expression. If Kai's Quirk was indeed strength-based, then why hadn't he excelled in the grip strength test?

"Alright, I'll use my Quirk to sense their positions," Jiro decided, inserting her earphone into the wall.

Straining her senses, Jiro began to pick up on something peculiar. "This is odd, they don't seem to be moving... but there's a strange buzzing sound, like tiny insects."

Denki furrowed his brow in confusion, his face a portrait of bewilderment. The humming grew louder with each passing moment, and then, like a lightning strike, Jiro realized the truth. But it was too late.

The iron's grip was unyielding, constricting them like a vice. Yet their heads remained free, a small mercy amidst the chaos.

"Keep your Quirk in check!" Jiro's voice quivered with panic. "These particles will conduct electricity... if you use your power, I'll get fried!"

Fear gripped Jiro as she visualized the dire consequences of Denki's electricity reacting with the iron particles. She had to keep him from unleashing his Quirk, even if it meant revealing her own vulnerability.

Amidst the swirling glass storm, Jiro's voice cut through the chaos. "We have to think of a way out of this, Denki. There's gotta be something we can do!"

Denki's mind raced, desperation fueling his thoughts. He had to rely on his intellect, not his Quirk, to extricate them from this predicament. It was a test of their ingenuity, their ability to adapt under pressure.

{Momo and kai}

Momo swiftly created a shield from her Quirk, placing it between us and the advancing opponents. This would provide cover as we formulated our next move.

I utilized my ability to see through the buildings, scanning the area for signs of movement. I detected their footsteps, their faint shifts in posture as they approached.

As the villains closed in, Momo's hands danced with precision, forming various tools and weapons. I marveled at her creativity as she crafted barriers, projectiles, and even a set of handcuffs.

With a nod from Momo, we leaped into action. I darted towards the villains with incredible speed, my movements almost a blur.

The first opponent lunged at me, but I sidestepped his attack with ease, using the momentum to deliver a powerful punch that sent him staggering back.

Momo's shields provided valuable protection, blocking incoming attacks and creating barriers that limited the villains' movements.

As they struggled to breach her defenses, I focused on incapacitating them one by one.

Another opponent rushed at me, but I anticipated his move.

With a swift dodge, I spun behind him and delivered a precise strike to his pressure points, causing his muscles to seize up and rendering him immobile.

Momo's creativity shone as she created a rope from her Quirk, swiftly restraining one of the villains and limiting his mobility.

Her ability to adapt in the heat of the moment impressed me, and it was clear that her strategic thinking was a valuable asset.

Amidst the chaos, my heightened senses allowed me to anticipate attacks before they happened.

I moved with calculated precision, dodging, parrying, and countering with unerring accuracy. It was a dance of combat, a symphony of motion and strategy.

Momo's shields and barriers continued to hold strong, frustrating the villains' attempts to breach our defenses. She conjured a smoke bomb, using it to obscure their vision and create a diversion.

Seizing the opportunity, I dashed through the smoke, my movements fluid and deliberate. With each strike, I incapacitated another opponent, leaving them disarmed and immobilized.

As the dust settled, Momo and I stood triumphant. The villains were incapacitated, their attempts thwarted by our seamless teamwork and strategic coordination.

"Villian Team Wins" All Might's voice was heard.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Momo looked at me with a triumphant grin. "Well, that went better than expected."

I chuckled in response. "You were amazing, Momo. Your creativity and quick thinking were a crucial part of our victory."

All Might and the rest of the students had their eyes glued to the screen. They were watching the live feed of Reo, Momo, Jiro & Denki.

"... It's unfortunate that we can't hear what they are saying" Mezo spoke to everyone. Some other students completely agreed with him so they just nodded their heads in agreement.

. With a small smile, she turned to me and said, "You know, you're quite the mystery, Kai."

I raised an eyebrow, curious about her statement. "Mystery? How so?"

She gestured towards the incapacitated villains. "You managed to handle them with remarkable skill, all without using your Quirk. It's impressive."

I chuckled softly. "Well, Momo, sometimes it's better to rely on other abilities than showcasing everything at once. Plus, I wanted to see how well our teamwork could work without the use of my power."

Momo nodded thoughtfully. "That's a strategic approach. But it's also rare to see someone with your level of physical prowess not fully relying on their Quirk."

I leaned against the wall, my arms crossed. "You could say I like to keep my opponents guessing. Besides, using my Quirk can have unintended consequences. It's best to use it sparingly."

Momo's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "And what is your Quirk, exactly?"

I smirked, deciding to have a little fun. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, come on! We're partners now. Shouldn't we be transparent with each other?"

I chuckled, enjoying our banter. "You're right, Momo. My Quirk is... a secret."

She playfully nudged my arm. "You're such a tease."

I chuckled again. "Well, a little mystery keeps things interesting, don't you think?"

Momo sighed dramatically. "Fine, keep your secrets. But I have a feeling I'll find out eventually."

I winked at her. "We'll see about that."

The last fight was between Yuga Ayoma & Mina Ashido (Hero Team) VS Rikido Sato & Koji Koda (Villian Team). The fight was interesting. This fight was also not shown in the anime. Rikido Sato & Koji Koda finally won because of their divide and conquer strategy.

Looks like this is the end for today