
Venturing in the multiverse

Meet Kai, a 21-year-old grappling with the challenges of raising his sister, Asha, after their parents' passing. Struggling against financial odds, Kai stumbles into a dangerous situation while trying to help someone in need. Despite his injuries, he fights to protect another life. As Kai faces his mortality, a divine figure offers him the chance to become a successor and wield cosmic power. With the allure of exploring his favorite fictional realms, Kai embarks on a journey in a mystical domain to prepare for his destiny as the ruler of the multiverse. A tale of sacrifice, empowerment, and interdimensional adventure awaits in this captivating story. *World are not official, Could be changed later* 1st world: One punch man *Short arc* 2nd: My hero academia 3rd: Fate 4th: highschool Dxd 5th: Tower of God 6th: Against the god more... *Disclaimer* The first arc has inspiration from another Fanfic called ''A cliche multiverse story'', Other than that, everything else is original. *10-25 chap per week*

Enyru · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

Chapter 38

The morning sun gently illuminated the luxurious suite as a new day began. Kai rose from his slumber, his thoughts immediately gravitating toward the impending start of his journey at UA Academy.

As he moved to the window, his gaze settled on the sprawling cityscape beyond.

"The first day of a new adventure," he mused aloud, a sense of anticipation coursing through him.

With a quick stretch, he made his way to the bathroom, freshening up for the day ahead.

"Now, let's see what the results of my little intervention were,"

he thought, a playful grin forming on his lips. As he picked up his tablet device, the letter from UA Academy caught his eye.

His fingers danced across the screen as he accessed the results of his entrance examination.

A smile crept onto his face as he read the letter. "

45 villain points and no rescue points – not bad at all," he murmured, his eyes scanning the details.

He was ranked among the top 15 participants, a position that promised a remarkable journey ahead.

"Looks like I've made quite the entrance into this world," he chuckled to himself, a flicker of satisfaction in his eyes.

The thought of donning the UA uniform brought a sense of excitement.

With a mere thought, his outfit underwent a transformation, the comfortable attire of the luxurious suite replaced by the iconic UA uniform.

He studied himself in the mirror, appreciating the new look. "Fresh indeed," he remarked, adjusting the uniform with a touch of pride.

Kai's realization that time was slipping away hit him like a jolt.

"Late? Seriously? Not the best way to start the day,"

he grumbled to himself, a hint of frustration tainting his voice.

With a quick glance at the time, he felt a surge of panic.

"I can't believe I overslept! This is so unlike me,"

he muttered, his steps quickening as he hastily made his way to the door.

As he flung the door open, he found himself standing in the hallway outside his suite.

"Okay, focus. Time to salvage this situation,"

he muttered, his mind already racing with solutions.

With a determined stride, he began to make his way toward the academy – until a mischievous thought crossed his mind.

He paused mid-step, a sly smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Well, well, well, isn't teleportation a wonderful thing?"

he quipped to himself, a chuckle escaping his lips.

With a mere thought, he triggered his teleportation ability, feeling the familiar sensation of displacement.

In an instant, he found himself standing right at the entrance of the academy.

He blinked, almost surprised at how smoothly it worked.

"Well, that was easy," he commented to himself, a playful glint in his eyes. "Teleportation: 1, Lateness: 0."

He couldn't help but shake his head, amused by the turn of events.

"I should've known better than to underestimate the power of a good shortcut,"

he mused, a small laugh escaping him. As he smoothed down his UA uniform, he couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph.

"Late or not, I'm here, and I'm ready for whatever this day brings."

Kai stood before the door of Class 1-A, his gaze fixed on the room that held a mixture of excitement and nostalgia.

A wistful smile tugged at his lips as memories from his own school days resurfaced.

"Ah, Class 1-A," he murmured to himself, his tone tinged with a hint of amusement. "The classic starting point for heroes-in-training."

he leaned against the wall, taking a moment to soak in the atmosphere.

The chatter of students inside the classroom, the hustle and bustle of the hallway – it was all so familiar, yet different.

"Looks like some things never change," he observed, his gaze softening as he watched his fellow students interact.

"Alright, time to make an entrance,"

he whispered to himself, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

With a quick adjustment of his uniform and a confident nod, he pushed the door open.

The creak of the door drew the attention of the entire classroom, and a hushed murmur spread like wildfire.

Kai walked with deliberate steps, a calm demeanor masking the curiosity that swirled within him.

As he approached the front of the classroom, he couldn't help but catch snippets of the whispers that filled the air. "Who's he?"

A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he reached the teacher's desk, where Shota Aizawa stood with his characteristic disinterested expression.

Their brief exchange held a mix of nonchalance and formality.

"Late on your first day," Aizawa remarked in his usual monotone.

Kai's response was equally subdued as he nodded, a hint of apology in his voice. "Sorry."

With a subtle gesture, Aizawa indicated that Kai should find an empty seat.

As Kai scanned the room, he couldn't help but overhear the ongoing chatter.

He caught snippets of comments about his appearance and demeanor. "Hot" and "look at his hair" were phrases that stood out, causing him to suppress a chuckle.

"Guess my look is making an impression," he mused inwardly.

His eyes landed on an available seat at the back of the room. With a sense of purpose, he walked down the aisle, aware that all eyes were on him.

The sensation was both familiar and new – he had been a student before, after all, but in a different world and under different circumstances.

As he settled into the vacant seat, he felt the weight of the curious gazes still lingering on him. It was a mix of excitement and scrutiny, and he couldn't help but find it amusing.

'New kid in town," he thought, a small grin tugging at his lips. "Definitely going to be a topic of conversation for a while.'

As I settled into my seat, I couldn't help but glance to my right and catch a glimpse of a girl who was sitting there.

She was undoubtedly a beauty, and from my memories, I recognized her as Momo Yaoyorozu. Her long black hair was tied up neatly, with a unique spiky ponytail and a strand hanging down by her face.

Her eyes held a certain sharpness and determination, a combination that intrigued me.

Directly to my left was another student, a guy with a distinctive mix of red and white hair. Shoto Todoroki – the name floated through my thoughts.

He had an air of intensity about him, and even without delving into my memories, his presence commanded attention.

As I took in the classroom, my gaze wandered around, landing on familiar faces. There was the spikey blonde student who had caught my attention before, he was bakugo, a dickhead bascially from what i remembered.

The lack of sight of Midoriya, however, didn't go unnoticed. A small smirk tugged at my lips. "Seems like my little meddling changed the timelines more than I expected,"

I muttered under my breath.