
Venturing in the multiverse

Meet Kai, a 21-year-old grappling with the challenges of raising his sister, Asha, after their parents' passing. Struggling against financial odds, Kai stumbles into a dangerous situation while trying to help someone in need. Despite his injuries, he fights to protect another life. As Kai faces his mortality, a divine figure offers him the chance to become a successor and wield cosmic power. With the allure of exploring his favorite fictional realms, Kai embarks on a journey in a mystical domain to prepare for his destiny as the ruler of the multiverse. A tale of sacrifice, empowerment, and interdimensional adventure awaits in this captivating story. *World are not official, Could be changed later* 1st world: One punch man *Short arc* 2nd: My hero academia 3rd: Fate 4th: highschool Dxd 5th: Tower of God 6th: Against the god more... *Disclaimer* The first arc has inspiration from another Fanfic called ''A cliche multiverse story'', Other than that, everything else is original. *10-25 chap per week*

Enyru · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 27

Saitama's eyelids slowly lifted, revealing the sterile, white expanse of the hospital room around him. Pain rippled through his body like a relentless tide, each throb a stark reminder of the intense battle he had endured. Gritting his teeth, he attempted to shift his position, only to be met with a surge of discomfort that radiated from every bruise and sore spot.

Beside his bed, the soft hum of machinery was accompanied by the concerned gaze of Genos. The cyborg's fiery eyes held a mix of relief and worry as they met Saitama's. "mister, you really shouldn't be moving. Your injuries are quite serious."

with a stubborn determination, Saitama managed a faint, wry smile. He braced himself on his elbows, the effort causing beads of sweat to form on his forehead. "Nah, I'm good. Just a little sore, that's all."

Genos let out an exasperated sigh, his metallic fingers twitching with a suppressed urge to intervene. "You sustained significant damage from your encounter with that mysterious individual, Kai. Please, mister, you need to rest and allow your body to heal."

Piecing together the fragments of his memory, Saitama's brows furrowed as the details of the battle began to resurface. Kai, the enigmatic and overwhelmingly powerful adversary who had matched his strength blow for blow, leaving him battered and broken. He nodded slowly, a mixture of acceptance and reflection crossing his features. "So, I got my butt kicked, huh? He was stronger than anyone I've faced so far."

Saitama's determination remained undeterred, a fierce spark igniting in his eyes despite the circumstances. 'Well, it seems there is a opponent that rivals my strength, just means I have to train even harder. I can't let anyone out there be stronger than me."

A genuine smile curved Genos's lips, a mix of admiration and unwavering support evident in his expression. "That's the spirit, Saitama. But for now, you need to rest and recover. When you're ready, we'll face whatever challenges come our way, stronger than ever."


The Blizzard Group headquarters resonated with silence, an unspoken tension hanging in the air. Fubuki, the cool-headed leader of the group, sat pensively, her eyes fixed on the world beyond the windowpane. The rest of her subordinates watched her with concern, sensing that something weighty was burdening her thoughts.

Eyelashes exchanged a worried look with Mountain Ape, voicing the collective unease. "She's been like this since morning. Something's definitely bothering her."

Mountain Ape scratched his head, perplexed. "You think it's that guy again? The one who always messes with her?"

Eyelashes clenched his fist, his expression hardening with determination. "If he's been causing her trouble, he should know better than to provoke Fubuki-sama, especially regarding her sister."

In hushed murmurs, the group of operatives clad in black suits formed a circle, discussing the unusual circumstances. Their deliberations halted as the door creaked open, and Lily entered the room with an inquisitive expression.

Her voice carried a note of irritation as she addressed the group. "What's going on here? Are you all conspiring in secret?"

Quickly, Eyelashes covered Lily's mouth with a cloth and motioned for her to listen. He proceeded to explain Fubuki's downcast state and the mystery that seemed to have taken hold of her.

Lily's eyes widened with understanding, a flush of color staining her cheeks. "Could it be… No, it can't be. Fubuki-sama's heart is as icy as ever. No man could sway her."

Confusion now reigned among the Blizzard Group subordinates, their faces marked by bewilderment. Their puzzlement was disrupted as an invisible force tore through the window, shattering it effortlessly. The walls, like paper, were torn apart by an unseen power.

Fubuki rose from her seat, her gaze locking onto the figure suspended outside the shattered window. "What are you doing here?"

Tatsumaki floated just beyond, her presence commanding attention. Fubuki's emotions rippled through their psychic bond, a silent acknowledgement that something had transpired in her absence.

Tatsumaki's words were a mixture of admonishment and concern, her voice echoing with a rare wisdom. "You're sulking over trivial matters, Fubuki. Those factions are meaningless distractions that hinder your true potential."

With a nod, Tatsumaki seemed to convey that she had said her piece. Her departure was as swift as her arrival, leaving behind a trail of unresolved emotions.

Fubuki's fists clenched at her sides, her determination unwavering. "I won't abandon my faction. I'll make my own way and prove my strength."

With those words, a fire ignited within Fubuki. She had made her decision, and she was resolved to achieve her goals, even if it meant enduring Kai's peculiar brand of guidance.

Lily's voice was a mixture of admiration and astonishment. "Fubuki-sama's sister is amazing."

Eyelashes chimed in with a chuckle. "No doubt about it. Tatsumaki-sama is the strongest Esper alive."

Fubuki's lips quirked in a half-smile, her subordinates reminding her of the unwavering support she had at her side.

The camaraderie within the Blizzard Group remained unshaken as they faced the uncertain future ahead. Fubuki's words resonated with a newfound determination, rallying her team to rise above their current status and strive for greater heights.

And so, in a show of unity, they embraced their shared goal: to ascend the ranks, overcome challenges, and stand strong alongside their leader, Fubuki.


his mischievous grin both infuriating and intriguing. The atmosphere shifted in the room, her subordinates tensing at the unexpected presence of the enigmatic hero.

Eyelashes was the first to regain his composure, bowing slightly. "Kai-sama , welcome. We've been expecting you."

Kai waved his hand casually. "No need for formalities. I'm just here to catch up with Fubuki-chan."

Fubuki's eyes narrowed at his nonchalant demeanor. She had been lost in her own thoughts, and his appearance only fueled her irritation. "Don't call me that. What are you doing here?"

He shrugged, his eyes dancing with amusement. "Thought I'd drop by. We didn't really have a formal farewell, did we?"

Lily's eyes glimmered with curiosity as she looked between Fubuki and Kai. "Fubuki-sama, is he your friend?"

Fubuki's response was sharp and curt. "No."

Kai laughed, seemingly unfazed by her coldness. "Ouch, Fubuki-chan. That hurts."

Her jaw clenched, her patience wearing thin. "Don't call me that."

Ignoring her exasperation, Kai glanced around the room. "Nice place you got here. Cozy."

Fubuki's eyes flashed with annoyance. "Why are you really here?"