
Venturing in the multiverse

Meet Kai, a 21-year-old grappling with the challenges of raising his sister, Asha, after their parents' passing. Struggling against financial odds, Kai stumbles into a dangerous situation while trying to help someone in need. Despite his injuries, he fights to protect another life. As Kai faces his mortality, a divine figure offers him the chance to become a successor and wield cosmic power. With the allure of exploring his favorite fictional realms, Kai embarks on a journey in a mystical domain to prepare for his destiny as the ruler of the multiverse. A tale of sacrifice, empowerment, and interdimensional adventure awaits in this captivating story. *World are not official, Could be changed later* 1st world: One punch man *Short arc* 2nd: My hero academia 3rd: Fate 4th: highschool Dxd 5th: Tower of God 6th: Against the god more... *Disclaimer* The first arc has inspiration from another Fanfic called ''A cliche multiverse story'', Other than that, everything else is original. *10-25 chap per week*

Enyru · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 22

As Fubuki reached out for the Dagger of Time, her determination and inner conflict were palpable.

I couldn't help but watch, curious to see which path she would choose. She demanded the dagger with a mixture of frustration and urgency, torn between her personal goals and the responsibility she felt as a hero.

I handed her the Dagger of Time, maintaining my playful demeanor despite the gravity of the situation. I watched as she accepted it, her hands trembling slightly.

My instructions were simple: channel her energy into the dagger and imagine reversing time. It was a difficult task, even for someone with psychic abilities like hers.

As she closed her eyes and focused, I could sense the unease in the air. A powerful presence was approaching—Tatsumaki, her sister.

I couldn't help but smirk inwardly, knowing that Fubuki's decision would soon be witnessed by the one person she sought to surpass.

The tension in the air was thick as Fubuki concentrated, her determination evident in every line of her body.

The dagger responded to her psychic energy, and for a moment, it seemed like she was truly going to succeed in reversing time. But doubt crept in, and I knew she was grappling with the consequences of her choice.

I observed her closely, curious to see if she would ultimately choose to sacrifice her own years for the lives of others.

The weight of her decision hung heavy in the air, a pivotal moment that could shape the trajectory of her future as a hero.


Tatsumaki's arrival was swift and powerful, drawing a green streak across the sky. Her presence was overwhelming, radiating a sense of authority and power that was hard to ignore. She descended with a grace that belied her small stature, her focus solely on Fubuki amidst the chaos of the destroyed city

. I couldn't help but observe the complex dynamic between the two sisters as they faced each other.

Tatsumaki's appearance was striking, her youthful appearance contrasting with the immense power she wielded.

Her words were direct and commanding, leaving no room for argument. Fubuki's hesitation and fear in her sister's presence were clear, a reflection of the dominance Tatsumaki held over her life.

But I wasn't one to back down, especially when I knew the stakes at hand. I placed a finger on Fubuki's lips, effectively silencing her protests.

I understood that Tatsumaki's interference would complicate matters further, so I had to buy Fubuki the time she needed to work with the Dagger of Time.

Fubuki's reaction to my interference was a mix of frustration and resignation. She recognized the gravity of the situation and understood that my methods were necessary, even if she despised them.

Tatsumaki's stern words and the weight of their history only reinforced her need to act independently.

s Tatsumaki's attention turned back to Fubuki, I maintained a calm exterior. I had dealt with powerful beings before, and I knew how to handle the situation.

Fubuki's concern for my safety was touching, but I couldn't afford to show any sign of weakness.

Tatsumaki's control over Fubuki's life was evident, and I could sense the frustration it caused within her. Fubuki's desire for independence and strength was clear, and I was determined to help her achieve it.

I offered her a reassuring gesture, rubbing her head in a comforting manner. Amidst the chaos and the looming threat of Tatsumaki's power, I was a source of stability for Fubuki.

She needed to focus on the task at hand, and I was here to ensure that she could do just that.

"Don't worry about me," I whispered to her, my voice calm but resolute. "Focus on using the dagger. I'll handle Tatsumaki."

The soothing sensation disappeared as soon as he removed his hand. She clenched her jaw and nodded her head.

I wrapped her in a bubble-like barrier and pushed her away. She floated over the city, protected by a barrier strong enough to stall Tatsumaki for a few minutes.

Fubuki touched the barrier. 'It's not psychic energy.'

She shook off her curious thoughts. "I need to do it, fast." She held the dagger in a reverse grip and tried to channel her psychic energy into the dagger.

Her hands shook as she felt Tatsumaki's rising fury through their bond. "Focus, focus."

"Flirting with my little sister before me," Tatsumaki's chilling voice boomed. She misinterpreted their interactions, and her anger reached a boiling point. "You have guts."

The clash of psychic energies between Tatsumaki and me was palpable, a battle of wills and power. She unleashed a storm of energy, attempting to overpower me with her S-Rank psychokinesis.

I defended myself, my own telekinesis acting as a shield against her assault. It was a testament to her strength that even with my barriers, the force of her attack caused the ground beneath me to crack.

Her words carried a hint of surprise as she realized I was capable of resisting her psychic onslaught.

I maintained my focus, my expression unwavering as I stared back at her with a mixture of disdain and amusement. I was no stranger to dealing with powerful opponents, and Tatsumaki was no exception.

Tatsumaki's arrogance was evident in the way she belittled my powers, dismissing them as trash. Her self-assuredness was her greatest weakness, and I intended to exploit it.

I met her contemptuous gaze with a smirk of my own. "Trash, you say? Let's see if that's the case."

I wouldn't allow her to undermine my abilities. As she attempted to disrupt my energy flow with her Psychic Binding, I resisted her influence with sheer willpower.

My telekinesis operated on a different principle, and I wasn't about to let her psychic prowess overcome my determination.

The whirlwind of energy around me intensified, a testament to Tatsumaki's frustration. She was determined to break me, to assert her dominance. But I was equally determined to stand my ground.

Kai's confidence in the face of Tatsumaki's onslaught only seemed to infuriate her further. I knew that her Psychic Binding wouldn't work against me, and that knowledge gave me an edge. I channeled my telekinetic energy, reinforcing my barrier and pushing back against her psychic assault.

I could sense the surprise and disbelief in Tatsumaki's demeanor. The realization that her usual tactics weren't having the desired effect was a blow to her ego. And that was exactly what I was counting on.

"Is that all you've got?" I taunted, my voice carrying a playful edge. "I expected more from the great Tornado of Terror."

his fight with Tatsumaki meant nothing since Fubuki would reverse time soon. Tatsumaki will forget something like this ever happened. So, he didn't put any effort into the fight.

He already set a plan to preserve his memories.

Tatsumaki's frown deepened. Her Psychic Binding skill didn't work against him, which meant he wasn't an Esper. Her mind refused to go in the other direction. The mere doubt that her opponent was a superior Esper.

"I was avoiding lethal force to protect the Hero Association," Tatsumaki said. "I won't do it anymore."

She thrust her hand at him and slightly bent her fingers. The layer of green energy around her thickened. "Get crushed."