
Venturing in the multiverse

Meet Kai, a 21-year-old grappling with the challenges of raising his sister, Asha, after their parents' passing. Struggling against financial odds, Kai stumbles into a dangerous situation while trying to help someone in need. Despite his injuries, he fights to protect another life. As Kai faces his mortality, a divine figure offers him the chance to become a successor and wield cosmic power. With the allure of exploring his favorite fictional realms, Kai embarks on a journey in a mystical domain to prepare for his destiny as the ruler of the multiverse. A tale of sacrifice, empowerment, and interdimensional adventure awaits in this captivating story. *World are not official, Could be changed later* 1st world: One punch man *Short arc* 2nd: My hero academia 3rd: Fate 4th: highschool Dxd 5th: Tower of God 6th: Against the god more... *Disclaimer* The first arc has inspiration from another Fanfic called ''A cliche multiverse story'', Other than that, everything else is original. *10-25 chap per week*

Enyru · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 10

Meanwhile, in the business district of City-Z, a striking young woman emerged from a building, flanked by men in impeccably tailored black suits.

Her attire exuded an air of confidence and authority—she wore a form-fitting dress that accentuated her curves, and a long white fur coat draped gracefully over her shoulders.

Her choice of color was evident in the dark green accents that adorned her ensemble, a signature that spoke of her identity without the need for introductions.

The onlookers couldn't help but stop and stare as the woman passed by. Men blushed in her presence, while even the girls gazed in awe. Her cold, composed expression instilled both fear and reverence, a combination that had earned her the moniker

"Blizzard of Hell."

The murmurs of recognition spread through the crowd like wildfire.

"It's the Blizzard of Hell!" a young girl exclaimed in excitement. "She looks cool!"

Whispers traveled further, as bystanders exchanged tidbits of information.

"Her syndicate consists of B-Class heroes! That guy with a goatee is Eyelashes, Rank 2 B-Class. And the massive one is Mountain Ape, Rank 3 B-Class."

Undeterred by the attention, Fubuki continued her stride with an air of indifference. Her gaze remained forward, her steps purposeful and unswayed by the curious gazes fixed upon her.

"Eyelashes," she called, addressing one of her subordinates without breaking her stride. The man with the goatee straightened, ready to answer his boss.

"Miss Blizzard, who is the new B-Class hero we have to visit?"

"Eyelashes," quickly complied with her inquiry. "Miss Blizzard, it's Iron Tank Man."

Fubuki's response was dismissive but laced with her characteristic authority. "We'll decide his fate after a meal."

Guided by her intentions, the group headed toward a car they had rented. A sense of practicality and pragmatism emanated from Fubuki as she navigated her path.

Despite her formidable reputation and her role as the leader of the Blizzard Group, she was well aware of the financial constraints that shaped their decisions.

Her organization took on tasks and bounties from the Hero Association to maintain their ranks, yet the demands of their preferred lifestyle often left them financially strained.

As they reached the car, Eyelashes extended a hand to open the rear door for Fubuki, a gesture of respect and familiarity.

Once inside the vehicle, Fubuki's thoughts briefly lingered on their financial situation.

"Eyelashes, take on some bounties," she instructed with a note of determination.

"We'll aim to buy a car for the Blizzard Group."

Her subordinate's response was absent, his attention drawn skyward. Fubuki followed his gaze, her curiosity piqued by the spectacle unfolding above.

The crowd, once fixated on her presence, was now captivated by a new phenomenon in the heavens.

She craned her neck to see a sight that sent a chill down her spine—a figure with flying and descended from the sky.

The man's form was shrouded in a brilliance that made it difficult to glimpse his face from her vantage point on the ground.

The murmur of alarm and curiosity swept through the crowd, and even Fubuki's composed exterior couldn't mask her intrigue.

"Monster?" someone whispered in trepidation.

But the truth became clear as the figure landed gracefully before them, t It was not a monster but an attractive man, an enigmatic presence that left the onlookers in awe.

Fubuki felt an unexpected tingle run down her spine under the weight of his gaze. She had grown accustomed to a certain level of reverence and fear from those around her.

Her reputation as the Blizzard of Hell and the aura of power she commanded had ensured that men kept their distance and wild intentions at bay.

Yet, this man was different. Kai's confidence was palpable, his attention focused solely on her. He exuded a sense of self-assuredness that transcended her subordinates and her reputation.

It was an intensity that held her gaze captive, making her the center of his world in that moment.

Naturally, questions arose, and Fubuki's guard remained steadfast.

"Who are you?" she demanded, her tone sharp and wary.

My chuckle escaped my lips, a quiet acknowledgment of the suspicion that naturally surrounded me in this situation.

My tone was calm, a deliberate contrast to the palpable tension that hung in the air like a charged current.

"Fubuki, why don't we sit down and talk somewhere?"

The onlookers had begun to gather, drawn by the spectacle of our meeting, but it was abundantly clear that the conversation demanded a more private setting.

Fubuki's response to my suggestion seemed to reflect a resonance with my words, a realization that a decision was forming within her mind.

I observed her closely, recognizing that she was no stranger to power dynamics and the intricacies of ambition. The very fact of my presence had introduced a new element into her world, something that stirred curiosity within her.

Was I a hero with hidden origins, a formidable monster harboring extraordinary abilities, or perhaps something entirely different? Regardless, I had captured her attention, and the intrigue surrounding me was palpable.

A thought crossed my mind—that there was more to me than met the eye, more to be unraveled through conversation and dialogue.

The potential for alliance or rivalry loomed large, a tantalizing prospect that had the potential to reshape the Hero Association's balance of power. The opportunity presented by my presence wasn't lost on me; I sensed the currents of change swirling around us.

My hesitations were momentarily suppressed as I realized that engaging in dialogue was the most direct route to discerning Fubuki's true intentions.

Her response to my proposal was cautious but not entirely dismissive. A flicker of acquiescence shone through her wariness. "Give us your background and explain your purpose. Are you a hero?" she asked, her voice tinged with suspicion.

I met her gaze, noting how she had to tilt her head slightly to maintain eye contact—an observation that didn't go unnoticed on my part.

With undeniable charisma, I offered my response, my words chosen with a touch of anticipation. "It's simple. I want to own your little Blizzard group."

Fubuki's response was a subtle tilt of her head, a hint of her characteristic cold smile playing on her lips. I could sense the implicit challenge in her demeanor.

"You're an ambitious one. What makes you think you can own the Blizzard Group, the strongest faction in the Hero Association?"

My audacious statement lingered in the air, challenging the established order. Despite the fact that her group consisted of B-Class heroes, they held a reputation as one of the strongest factions within the Hero Association.

But I was not one to shy away from challenges or provocation. My response was straightforward, a call to action—an open challenge to test our mettle.

"Why don't we have a fight to decide that?" I proposed, a gentle smile gracing my lips.

"The strong oppress the weak—this is the motto of the Blizzard Group. Surely, you wouldn't mind if someone strong does the same to you."

Fubuki was no stranger to confrontations that determined worth and position within the hierarchy. She had seen battles that determined who rose and who fell, and her reputation as the

"Newbie Crusher" spoke of her tenacity and ruthlessness in dealing with those who challenged her.