
Ventra amado

Dangerous union~ Two mafia lords balancing love and guns

Tesora · Action
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Ch04 Finding that Hano

The next day...

"Check my schedule if I'll be free by six p.m." Rey said to his personal bodyguard while fixing his cufflinks looking down from the glass window in his top office.

"You have to meet the Korean snakehead. Should I call to cancel?" The hefty man said scrolling through the list on his tab.

"No. Just move the location to the mansion" He replied now fixing his shirt

"Uhmm sir?" A feminine voice called from outside

"What?" The bodyguard answered

"He's here." The secretary said in a scared tone. A middle-aged looking man strode into the office with two bodyguards who looked scary. He sat on Rey's chair and placed his legs on the table crossing them.

"Mr. Arnold, what brings you to my office especially this early?" Rey asked unshaken by the man's rude behavior.

"I'm really curious how Miss. Hano disappeared like that after killing fifty three of my men and robbing my warehouse" He replied now dropping his legs and placing his hands on the table. Rey chuckled and shook his head

"Hanora isn't someone who someone of your rank can handle. Why are you so cranky after loosing those few men." He said walking towards the sword displayed in his office

"I believe you also have a score to settle with her. Why are you protecting her all of a sudden Mr. Mafia justice upholder? She's the fucking Lionhead in all of Asia and Italian snakehead at London, don't you think she doesn't deserve that? That whole power and imagine what we can do. We'll rule the whole of Asia and expand our merchandise." Arnold said now getting up and patting Rey's shoulder with a dirty grin on his face.

Just immediately a message entered into Hano's phone that Rey had taken

Tiger; The Rugals are moving

Rey looked and stared into empty space, Arnold glanced at the message and laughed again then he whispered into his ear "Don't lose this chance Rey" Then he left with his bodyguards following. Rey went to his chair and sat falling back on the chair

......Hano's POV...

"I can't believe he put me on house arrest" Hano said to herself eating ice-cream with ten bodyguards surrounding her.

She walked to them one by one and waved over their face. They didn't flinch and stood like sculptures.

"You should all obey me right? Then let me out!" Hano shouted trying to force her way outside the house. They blocked the door trying not to touch her but since she was persistent one of them had to grab her wrist and her bracelet injured her wrist accidentally. Rey who had been watching walking towards them was furious, he walked quickly to her and pulled her close. The guards' eyes popped open in shock as Rey held Hano's ear on his chest. Another guard passed a gun to Rey after fixing a silencer on it and Rey shot the guard's arm twice.

Hano unaware of what was happening behind her was flustered by Rey's sudden hug, she even forgot her wrist injury

"Let's get the wound checked" Rey said pushing her so she wouldn't look back at the shot guard.

"It's fine I'll just clean it myself." She replied smiling to him.

"I'm starving let's eat" She added looking straight into his eyes

"I would really love to eat." He replied staring back at her.

… The Restaurant.....

"The beef tastes awesome" Hano said happily shoving meat pieces into her already full mouth. Her outfit was casual and other ladies looked so different.

"Why would such a handsome man go out with a minor like her?" One of the woman said to her other female friends

"She must be asking for financial assistance. She looks like an ragged doll" The lady opposite her replied.

Hano could hear them but she tried her possible best to hold herself back.

"We can change restaurants if you want" Rey said holing her hand but Hano was already drunk from the champagne she had gulped down while trying to hold her anger.

She stood up and walked to their table with her plate of food.

"Maybe that food won't satisfy you why not add this?" Hano said using her hand to throw the food on them. Rey couldn't help but smile at how cute the angry Hano was.

"You cheapskate beggar! Can you avoid this fur jacket you ruined!? You should have respect!" The first lady who wore an expensive looking fur jacket shouted trying to get the sauce Hano had spilled off. Hano went straight to the bodyguard that stood behind Rey and removed one credit card for his suit jacket chest pocket.

"Then buy the fur jacket and a bit of my respect from that" Hano replied throwing the card on her face and storming out of the restaurant.

"Hanora go Lionhead" Rey said chuckling and following her.

Hano couldn't walk straight and kept pouting out of her anger

"Take it easy Hano you're drunk" Rey said catching her arm so she wouldn't fall

"I'm not! You are! Those filthy animals are too!" She screamed at the top of her gentle voice

"Okay okay Ms. Hano, I'm drunk but get in the car I'll drive. You-" Rey called the bodyguard

"Call Arthur to pick you up" He added and carried Hano to the front seat. He went into the car and crossed Hano's body to fix her seatbelt. Her heart skipped a beat and she felt intoxicated in a different way after inhaling Rey's cologne

"You smell nice" She said gently biting his ear

"You're drunk" Rey said sitting properly and fixing his seatbelt. He ignited the car and as he was about to shift the gear Hano placed her hand on his and traced a tattoo

"You are a really bad daddy" Hano said pouting her lips "You didn't stand up for me" She added now pinching him

"You could handle them without me" He replied smiling. He drove off and Hano kept shouting that she wasn't drunk.

He carried her to the room and dropped her on the bed as he turned to leave she stood up and ran to block the door

"You're the worst husband ever" She said fighting hard to stand on her feet and keep her eyes open

"Hano just go to bed it's late and I have a lot of work" Rey replied trying to pull her

"Nooooo!" She screamed pushing him back and he didn't even move

"Stop being dramatic. It could be tragic" He said holding her wrists together with one hand pocketing the other.

"I'll scream if you leave" She threatened trying to free her wrists

"I have a handcuff and chains do you want to try them out?" He asked pulling her close forcefully. She could only look straight into his eyes and gulp silently.