

In the realm of the popular MOBA game, a mighty swordsman named Aroan finds himself consumed by frustration and rage. Desperate for victory, he succumbs to the allure of copious amounts of caffeine, hoping it will fuel his performance. Yet, despite his valiant efforts, he remains trapped in a cycle of defeat, burdened by the incompetence of his four novice teammates who constantly hinder his progress. Overwhelmed by this predicament, Aroan seeks solace in the virtual world, neglecting his real-life responsibilities and disregarding the beauty of nature that surrounds him. However, just as Aroan teeters on the edge of despair, a wise and enigmatic figure named Venti enters his life. Venti, an experienced mentor, casts a transformative spell on Aroan's existence. Suddenly, everything changes. Venti becomes a guiding light, helping Aroan to rediscover his purpose and embrace his true potential. With Venti's guidance, Aroan realizes that his obsession with the game has blinded him to the wonders of the natural world and the responsibilities he has neglected. As he ventures outside, Aroan becomes attuned to the harmony of the earth, the gentle sway of the trees, and the soothing melody of birdsong. Nature becomes his sanctuary, a place where he can find balance and peace. Through Venti's mentorship, Aroan's priorities shift. He no longer seeks validation solely through virtual victories but instead focuses on personal growth and self-improvement. With newfound wisdom and a refreshed perspective, Aroan becomes a beacon of inspiration, both in the game and in his everyday life. He learns to uplift and support his teammates, fostering a sense of camaraderie rather than succumbing to frustration. In this transformative journey, Aroan evolves from a restless and irate warrior to a harmonious and enlightened hero. He rediscovers his connection to nature, embraces his responsibilities, and emerges as a symbol of resilience and unity. With Venti as his guide, he not only conquers the virtual realm but also triumphs over the challenges of his own existence, becoming a force for positive change in both worlds.

MeowChan0 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


As Venti sprinted forward, his heart pounding in his chest, the symbols guiding his path seemed to blur together, creating a mesmerizing trail through time. The world around him shimmered, and he could feel the weight of the impending midnight hour hanging in the air, a palpable tension building with each passing moment.

Dawn broke on the horizon, casting a soft golden glow that danced through the trees, illuminating the forest in a warm embrace. The air was crisp and cool, carrying with it the scent of dew-kissed leaves and the earthy aroma of the woods. Venti's breath came in ragged gasps, mingling with the delicate whispers of the wind as he pushed his limits to escape the encroaching darkness.

But in his haste, Venti failed to notice Araon's guard slipping. The weight of his responsibilities and unresolved problems bore down on him, distracting him from the imminent danger. And in a moment of chaos, Venti was struck with a force that sent him sprawling, a resounding groan escaping his lips as pain coursed through his body. With a heavy thud, he dropped Araon between the towering trees, their branches swaying ominously overhead.

Through the haze of pain, Venti's eyes strained to focus, and what he saw made his heart skip a beat. Before him stood a colossal, towering beast, an imposing figure that loomed over the others like an ancient titan. Its massive form cast a shadow that stretched far and wide, enveloping the surrounding area in an aura of foreboding.

Araon winced and struggled to regain his bearings, the impact of the fall leaving him disoriented. But even in his dazed state, he could sense the danger that lurked. The air crackled with the presence of the surrounding creatures, their presence felt despite their smaller stature. Araon knew he had to act swiftly, slipping out of Venti's grasp with a determined urgency.

As Venti lay on the forest floor, his breath labored and his body battered, Len approached with a dark smirk playing upon her lips. With a surge of her psychic powers, she lifted Venti a few feet off the ground, her grip tightening around his throat, constricting his airway. The pain was excruciating, and Venti struggled to break free, his vision swimming as darkness threatened to consume him.

"You're testing my patience, Venti," Len hissed, her voice dripping with venomous disdain. "Araon belongs to me. He is mine. I'm merely holding you in place until Unstank finishes you off."

Len's words hung in the air like a sinister omen, and Venti's legs buckled beneath him as she slammed him down with an unforgiving force. He writhed in agony, his groans echoing through the forest as he fought to escape the clutches of his tormentor. But Len laughed, a mocking sound that seemed to reverberate with every painful breath he took.

And then, Unstank approached, his massive frame dwarfing Venti's already battered form. Muscles bulged unnaturally, a testament to his otherworldly strength, as he prepared to deliver a devastating blow. Venti's eyes widened in terror, realizing there was no escape. But in that moment of desperation, Araon's anger broke through the haze that clouded his mind. He couldn't bear to witness Venti's demise.

With a surge of determination, Araon sprinted forward, diving in a desperate attempt to tackle Venti out of harm's way. The two of them tumbled through the undergrowth, colliding with trees and scattering acorns in their wake. The impact was deafening, a crescendo of crashing branches and breaking twigs, as their collision sent shockwaves rippling through the surrounding terrain.

In the aftermath of the chaos, a powerful explosion erupted, sending waves of energy pulsating through the woods. The air was filled with the acrid scent of burnt wood and the lingering taste of smoke, as if the very essence of power had been unleashed. Araon huddled close to the ground, shielding himself from the debris, his ears ringing from the shattering boom.

Len, amidst the rumble and wreckage, began sifting through the debris, her eyes scanning for any signs of life. And there, beneath the remnants, she discovered Venti, battered but still breathing, earlier before to not just here.

More or less,  Araon was nowhere to be found. Panic gripped her, and she darted her eyes left and right, searching for any trace of their escape. The monsters, too, seemed confused, their gazes shifting aimlessly as if lost without their prey.

"Where are they!?" Len screamed in a fit of rage, her voice echoing through the vast expanse of the forest. But the woods remained silent, offering no answers. Araon, however, had seized the opportunity, zigzagging through the trees, finding solace in the darkness of several hidden passageways.He knew he couldn't confront them head-on, not without his team. He understood he had little chance of success in this personal battle, but he vowed to protect Venti at all costs. With aching limbs and a heart heavy with determination, Araon pressed on, following the faint glimmers of light that guided his path.

The forest whispered around him, its ancient trees standing tall and proud, their leaves rustling in a gentle symphony. The ground beneath his feet was a mosaic of fallen leaves, rough bark, and scattered acorns, providing a muted soundtrack to his desperate escape. Araon could feel the roughness of the tree trunks against his fingertips as he maneuvered through the dense foliage, a reminder of the resilience of nature.

His breath came in ragged gasps, the taste of exertion mingling with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves. Sweat trickled down his forehead, mingling with the dirt on his skin, as he pushed himself to the limits of his endurance. The forest seemed to close in around him, its dense canopy blocking out the sunlight, casting shadows that danced with malicious intent.

With each step, Araon's legs threatened to give way beneath him, his muscles protesting against the strain. But he refused to succumb to the pain, the adrenaline coursing through his veins lending him a temporary reprieve. He knew he had to reach safety, to find a sanctuary where he and Venti could regroup and plan their next move.

And so, Araon ran, his feet pounding against the forest floor, a rhythmic symphony of determination. The world around him blurred, shapes and colors merging into a whirlwind of motion. Time seemed to bend and twist, the boundaries between reality and fantasy becoming indistinguishable.

But just as his strength waned and darkness threatened to claim him, Araon stumbled upon a small clearing bathed in dappled sunlight. He collapsed to the ground, his breath ragged and labored, his body trembling with exhaustion. He had escaped for now, but the battle was far from over.